Tiger Evolution

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Tiger Evolution

By Adam and Ryan

Oligocene Proailurus
~lived 25 million years ago (Late Oligocene and Miocene)

~habitat: treed valleys and flatlands of Eurasia

~carnivore, feasted on birds and small land animals

~ very small, around size of modern house cat

~shared characteristics with the modern tiger: binocular

vision, special teeth for shearing meet, retractable claws

~Lived between 20 - 8 million years ago (Miocene).

~Most likely a warm climate. Roamed Eurasia, Africa, and North


~Grew from modern house cat size to around 5 ft in length as a

result of increasing size of animals they ate

~It is an ancestor of today's felines and pantherinae. Fossils

indicate they shared common bone structure with modern day


~first appeared 4-5 million years ago.

Extinct in Africa 1.5 million years ago,
Eurasia 30,000 years ago (Pliocene and

~Most likely fed off of larger animals due to

fossil records of serrated larger canines

~Lived in the northern snowy regions

~ continued to grow in size compared to

earlier felines

Panthera zdanskyi
~Lived about 2.55-2.16 million years ago

~Warm climate (8-15 C warmer than today)

~Known from the Gansu province of northwestern


~Skull shape appeared to be comparable with todays

tigers. It is the oldest complete skull ever of a
pantherine and is used to help understand evolution.

~5 ft in length, 2 ft tall, around 175 lbs

Javan Tiger
~Lived in the Indonesian island of Java around
1.2 million years ago.

~Habitat: remote mountainous and forested


~Small-body length of 248 cm and weighed

between 220 and 311 lbs.

~The javan tiger shares a very similar body

composition and appearance to modern day

~Fed on deer, boar and less often on water

organisms and reptiles.

The End

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