Chapter 7 Section 9 Answers

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1. What is the relationship between demand management, order management, and

customer service?

There is a key link between order management and demand forecasting, in that a
firm does not simply wait for orders to arrive in order to learn what is happening.
Forecasts are made of sales and of the inventories that must be stocked so that the
firm can fill orders in a satisfactory manner. There is also a key link between
order management and customer service because many organizations analyze
customer service standards in terms of the four stages of the order cycle.

2. Discuss the three basic demand forecasting models.

Judgmental forecasting involves using judgment or intuition and is preferred in

situations where there is limited or no historical data, such as with a new product
introduction. Judgmental forecasting techniques include surveys and the analog
technique. An underlying assumption of time-series forecasting is that future
demand is solely dependent on past demand. Time-series forecasting techniques
include simple moving averages and weighted moving averages. Cause and
effect forecasting assumes that one or more factors are related to demand and that
the relationship between cause and effect can be used to estimate future demand.
Simple regression and multiple regression are examples of cause and effect

4. Define and describe the order cycle. Why is it considered an important aspect of
customer service?

The order cycle is the elapsed time from when a customer places an order until
the customer receives the order. It is an important aspect of customer service in
part because the order cycle is frequently used to determine the parameters of
customer service goals and objectives. The order cycle is also being used by some
firms as a competitive weapon (generally the shorter the better), and technological
advances now make it extremely easy (and fast) for customers to determine the
exact status of their order(s).

5. What are some causes of order cycle variability? What are the consequences of
order cycle variability?

Order cycle variability can occur in each stage of the order cycle. For example,
order transmittal by mail sometimes results in the mailed item never reaching its
intended destination; variability, in the form of unreliable transit times, can occur
during order delivery. One consequence of order cycle variability might be an
increase in inventory levels to guard against stockouts. If inventory levels are not
increased, then stockouts could occur because of order cycle variability, or a
company might be forced to use expedited transportation to make sure orders
arrive on time.

6. List and discuss the three elements of the dependability dimension of customer

The three elements are consistent order cycles, safe delivery, and complete
delivery. As pointed out earlier, inconsistent order cycles necessitate higher
inventory requirements. Safe delivery brings loss and damage considerations into
play; lost or damaged product can cause a variety of negative ramifications for a
customer, such as an out of stock situation. One way of measuring the
completeness of delivery involves the order fill rate or the percentage of orders
that can be completely and immediately filled from existing stock; incomplete
deliveries generally translate into unhappy customers.

7. Describe some of the key issues associated with measuring customer service.

Ideally, an organization might want to collect measurement data from internal

(e.g., credit memos) and external sources (e.g., actual customers). A second key
issue associated with customer service measurement is determining what factors
to measure. In addition, the metrics that are chosen to measure customer service
should be relevant and important from the customersand not the service

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated flow of demand
is the definition of:

a. order cycle
b. order management
c. demand management
d. supply chain management
(c; p. 113)

2. Which of the following is not a basic type of demand forecasting model?

a. exponential smoothing
b. cause and effect
c. judgmental
d. time series
e. all are basis types of forecasting models
(a; p. 113)

3. Surveys and analog techniques are examples of ____ forecasting.

a. cause and effect

b. time series
c. exponential smoothing
d. judgmental
(d; p. 113)

4. Which forecasting technique tends to be appropriate when there is little or no

historical data?

a. exponential smoothing
b. judgmental
c. time series
d. cause and effect
(b; p. 114)

5. ____ refers to the management of various activities associated with the order cycle.

a. Logistics
b. Order processing
c. Demand management
d. Order management
(d; p. 115)

6. The order cycle is:

a. the time that it takes for a check to clear

b. the time that it takes from when a customer places an order until the selling
firm receives the order
c. also called the replenishment cycle
d. also called the vendor cycle
(c; p. 115)

7. The order cycle is composed of each of the following except:

a. order picking and assembly

b. order delivery
c. order retrieval
d. order transmittal
(c; p. 116)

8. Order transmittal is:

a. the same thing as an order cycle

b. the series of events that occur between the time a customer places an order
and the time the seller receives the order
c. the series of events that occur between the time the customer perceives the
need for something and the time the seller receives the order
d. the series of events between the time a customer places an order and the time
the order cycle begins
(b; p. 116)

9. In general, there are ____ possible ways to transmit orders.

a. six
b. five
c. four
d. three
(b; p. 116)

10. Which of the following is not a possible method of order transmittal?

a. in-person
b. mail
c. fax
d. electronic
e. all are methods of order transmittal
(e; p. 116)

11. Ordering by ____ can be fast and convenient, but order errors are generally not
detected until the order is delivered.

a. telephone
b. mail
c. fax
d. electronic
(a; p. 116)

12. ____ refers to the time from when the seller receives an order until an appropriate
location is authorized to fill the order.

a. Order processing
b. Order cycle
c. Order management
d. Order transmittal
(a; p. 116)

13. Order processing typically involves each of the following activities except:

a. Checking the buyers ability to purchase

b. entering the order into the system
c. determining inventory location
d. crediting the salesperson with the sale
e. all are activities
(e; p. 118)

14. Classifying orders according to pre-established guidelines so that a company can

prioritize how orders are to be filled refers to ____.

a. order management
b. order processing
c. order triage
d. ABC analysis
(c; p. 118)

15. Order picking and assembly is:

a. the most important component of the order cycle

b. the way a customer decides what he needs to purchase
c. the component that follows order processing
d. the most computerized part of the order cycle
(c; p. 118)

16. The final phase of the order cycle is called order ____________.

a. picking and assembly

b. delivery
c. receiving
d. replenishment
(b; p. 119)

17. Which of the following is not a dimension of customer service?

a. time
b. convenience
c. dependability
d. communication
e. all of the above are dimensions
(e; p. 121)

18. The percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled from existing
stock is the ____ rate.

a. order cycle
b. perfect order
c. order fill
d. optimal inventory
(c; p. 121)

19. What component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing business with a

a. convenience
b. dependability
c. time
d. communication
(a; p. 122)

True-False Questions

1. Demand management is important because effective and efficient supply chains have
learned to match both supply and demand. (True; p. 112)

2. In make-to-order situations, finished goods are produced after receiving a customer

order. (True; p. 113)

3. Judgmental forecasting is appropriate when there is little or no historical data. (True;

p. 113)

4. There are four possible ways to transmit orders. (False; p. 116)

5. Each possible method of order transmittal has advantages and disadvantages, and
each performs differently with respect to the cost of ordering and the time to order.
(True; p. 116)

6. Order information is checked for completeness and accuracy in the order processing
component of the order cycle. (True; pp. 116-118)

7. Order picking and assembly follows the order processing component of the order
cycle. (True; p. 118)

8. Order processing often represents the best opportunity to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of the order cycle. (False; pp. 118-119)

9. Dependability consists of consistent order cycles, safe delivery, and consistent

delivery. (True; p. 121)

10. Companies today will not accept slower order cycles in exchange for higher order
cycle consistency. (False; p. 121)

11. Order fill rate is the percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately
filled from existing stock. (True; p. 121)

12. Text messaging and the Internet have lessened the need for telephone interaction and
face-to-face contact between seller and customer. (False; p. 122)

13. The convenience component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing
business with a seller. (True; p. 122)

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