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Clinical Radiology (2003) 58: 681686

doi:10.1016/S0009-9260(03)00209-5, available online at

Pictorial Review

Computed Tomography Imaging of the Temporal

BoneNormal Anatomy

Departments of *Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging, Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince
of Wales Hospital, Shatin, New Territories; and Otorhinolaryngology, United Christian Hospital, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, HKSAR, China

Received: 22 January 2003 Revised: 11 April 2003 Accepted: 14 April 2003

This review describes the fundamental anatomical structures of the temporal bone as depicted on
high-resolution computed tomography, and the clinical significance of these structures. It is not an
encyclopaedic atlas, but provides the junior radiology/otorhinolaryngology resident with sufficient
knowledge for interpretation of most of the imaging studies encountered in daily clinical practice.
Ahuja, A. T. et al. (2003). Clinical Radiology 58: 681686.
q 2003 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: temporal bone, anatomy.


Most radiology trainees find the anatomy of the temporal The structures of the external ear a trainee or a radiologist
bone daunting and the large amount of literature on the subject must be able to recognize include the pinna, the external
adds to their anxieties when interpreting temporal bone auditory canal (EAC), the scutum, tympanic membrane and
examinations. This paper aims to demystify the jargon and tympanic annulus at its medial end (which separates the
present the key facts. external ear from the middle ear cavity). The pinna is an
external organ which is easily accessible for clinical examin-
ation but it should still be evaluated on images in cases of
possible involvement by disease processes such as infection in
NORMAL ANATOMY OF THE otitis externa or developmental anomaly. The lateral third of the
TEMPORAL BONE external auditory canal is cartilaginous while the medial two
thirds are bony. Most of the bony portion is formed by the
This section is an overview of the basic radiological tympanic temporal bone. The external auditory canal is lined by
anatomy of the temporal bone as demonstrated by 1 mm closely adherent skin which contains hair follicles, ceruminous
high-resolution computed tomography (CT). It does not intend and sebaceous glands at the cartilaginous portion. There is no
to be exhaustive but provides the minimum anatomical periosteum in the bony EAC. It is an S-shaped canal in the axial
knowledge for making sensible interpretation of the images plane measuring about 2.5 cm in length [1]. Medially the canal
in most clinical situations. ends at the tympanic membrane which separates the external
The auditory apparatus consists of the external ear, the ear from the middle ear cavity. The entire external auditory
middle ear and the inner ear. canal can be seen on axial images at and just below the level of
the temporo mandibular joint where it is S-shaped and the
Guarantor and correspondent: Dr Hok-yuen Yuen, Department of
Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging, Prince of Wales Hospital, 30-32,
junction of the cartilaginous and bony portions is best
Ngan Shing Street, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China. Tel: demonstrated (Fig. 1). The tympanic membrane forms the
852-2632-2286; Fax: 852-2648-4122; E-mail: lateral wall of the middle ear cavity. The membrane slants
0009-9260/03/$30.00/0 q 2003 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Middle Ear

The middle ear cavity is divided into three compartments in

the coronal plane. A line drawn from the lower edge of the
scutum to the tympanic portion of the facial nerve divides
the superior compartment, the epitympanum (attic), from the
middle compartment, the mesotympanum (tympanic cavity
proper). A line drawn parallel to the floor of the external
auditory canal further divides the mesotympanum from the
inferior compartment, the hypotympanum (Fig. 2). On the axial
images lines drawn parallel to the anterior and posterior walls
of the external auditory canal are also used to divide the middle
ear cavity into three compartments, from anterior to posterior,
the protympanum, the mesotympanum and the posterior
tympanum (Fig. 3a) [2].

Fig. 1 Axial CT image at the level of the left temporomandibular joint

demonstrating the S-shape and the junction of the cartilaginous and bony
portions of the external auditory canal. 1External auditory canal (EAC), The epitympanum contains the head of the malleus, the
2cartilaginous portion of EAC, 3bony portion of EAC, 4pinna, 5
tympanic membrane. malleo incudal articulation and the body and short process of
the incus, which are best demonstrated on axial images at about
the level of the vestibule (Fig. 3c,d). The roof of the
epitympanum forms an important bony landmark, the tegmen
inferomedially at an angle with the floor of the external tympani. The tegmen serves as a barrier between the middle ear
auditory canal, stretching superiorly from the scutum down to cavity and the middle cranial fossa [3]. Once eroded, disease in
the tympanic annulus. The scutum is normally thin and sharply the middle ear cavity may find its way into the intracranial
edged; and is an important bony landmark as it is one of the cavity at the middle cranial fossa. Similarly intracranial
bony structures eroded/blunted early by a cholesteatoma. The contents including the temporal lobe may herniate through a
tympanic membrane consists of an upper pars flaccida and a defect in the tegmen tympani into the middle ear cavity. The
larger lower pars tensa. The pars tensa consists of an outer thin integrity of the tegmen tympani is best evaluated on coronal
layer of squamous cells, an intermediate layer of fibrous tissue images (Fig. 4b). The space situated between the scutum and
and an inner layer of mucosal cells continuous with the middle pars flacci da laterally and the neck of the malleus medially is
ear cavity. The pars flaccida lacks the intermediate fibrous layer known as the Prussaks space or the lateral epitympanic recess
[2]. The scutum, the tympanic membrane and the tympanic (Fig. 4a) [4]. This is the site where the pars flaccida
annulus are best demonstrated on coronal images at the mid cholesteatoma arises and is best seen on the coronal plane.
bony portion of the external auditory canal (Fig. 2). Posteriorly the epitympanum opens into the mastoid antrum via
the aditus ad antrum; this opening is well demonstrated on both
the axial and coronal images (Figs 3e and 4e). The medial wall
of the epitympanum is the cortex overlying the lateral
semicircular canal, which is therefore prone to fistularization
and saucerization by cholesteatoma in the epitympanum. The
tympanic portion of the facial nerve runs posterolaterally
inferior to the lateral semicircular canal. In this area the bony
floor of the facial nerve canal is very thin and may not be
visualized on coronal CT images (Fig. 4d). The tympanic
segment of the facial nerve can also be identified on the
axial images running from the anterior genu posterolaterally
just below the lateral semicircular canal to the posterior genu
(Fig. 3c e).

The mesotympanum contains the rest of the ossicular chain.
On coronal images the long process of incus is vertically
Fig. 2 Coronal CT image at the mid bony portion of the left external auditory oriented parallel to the malleus manubrium, continuing as the
canal showing the tympanic membrane stretching from the scutum to inferior rounded lenticular process with the hockey stick appearance
portion of the tympanic annulus, and the three compartments of the middle ear and with the facet to articulate with the head of the stapes
cavityepitympanum, mesotympanum and hypotympanum. 1Pars flac-
cida, 2pars tensa, 3tympanic membrane, 4scutum, 5tympanic (Fig. 4c,d) [4]. The stapes consists of the head and the neck
annulus, 6epitympanum, 7mesotympanum, 8hypotympanum, (hub), the anterior and posterior crura and a footplate. The
9tympanic segment of facial nerve. stapes hub and crura are best demonstrated on axial images at

Fig. 3 Consecutive axial CT images of the right middle and inner ear from caudal to cephalic. They can be promptly recognized by the complete ring formed
by the lateral semicircular canal and the vestibule (Fig. 3d), the conical profile of the cochlea (Fig. 3b,c) and the icecream cone appearance of the malleo
incudal articulation (Fig. 3c,d). 1Manubrium of malleus, 2basal turn of cochlea, 3cochlear aqueduct, 4tensor tympani muscle, 5tensor tympani
tendon, 6neck of malleus, 7lenticular process of incus, 8incudostapedial articulation, 9hub and posterior crus of stapes, 10facial nerve, 11
pyramidal eminence, 12sinus tympani, 13bony margin inferior to the oval window, 14vertical portion of the basilar turn of cochlea, 15apical turn of
cochlea, 16tympanic portion of the facial nerve canal, 17head of malleus, 18body of incus, 19short process of incus, 20lateral semicircular canal,
21vestibule, 22internal auditory canal, 23posterior semicircular canal, 24vestibular aqueduct, 25malleoincudal articulation, 26aditus ad antrum,
27anterior genu of the facial nerve, 28labyrinthine portion of the facial nerve canal, 29superior semicircular canal. PTprotympanum, MT
mesotympanum, PosTposterior tympanum.

Fig. 4 Consecutive coronal images of the right middle and inner ear from anterior to posterior. They can be promptly recognized by identification of the
scutum and spiral appearance of the cochlea (Fig. 4a), the hockey stick appearance of the lenticular process of the incus (Fig. 4c) and the lateral and superior
semicircular canals protruding perpendicularly from the vestibule (Fig. 4e). 1Scutum, 2Prussaks space, 3head of malleus, 4tensor tympani muscle,
5tympanic portion of facial nerve canal, 6labyrinthine portion of the facial nerve canal, (note the cobra-eye appearance formed by the tympanic and
labyrinthine portions of the facial nerve canal), 7tympanic membrane, 8tegmen tympani, 9mesotympanum, 10hypotympanum, 11epitympanum,
12crista falciformis, 13promontory, 14long process of incus, 15lenticular process, 16short process of incus, 17incudostapedial articulation,
18oval window, 19internal auditory canal, 20aditus ad antrum, 21lateral semicircular canal, 22vestibule, 23round window, 24stapes, 25
posterior genu of facial nerve, 26descending (vertical) portion of facial nerve canal, 27lateral semicircular canal, 28superior semicircular canal, 29
arcuate eminence, 30stylomastoid foramen.

the level of the oval window (Fig. 3b). The stapes footplate sits The vestibule is the largest component of the membranous
in the oval window niche and cannot always be discretely labyrinth [7]. It consists of the superior utricle and the inferior
identified on CT. Both the malleo incudal and the incudo saccule. The semicircular ducts open into the utricle. Together
stapedial articulations are synovial joints and may be afflicted with the semicircular cristae they are the end vestibular organs
with diseases involving other synovial joints of the body [2]. At responsible for equilibrium, gravitation and the sensation of
the posterior wall of the mesotympanum is a bony protuberance acceleration.
called the pyramidal eminence where the stapedius muscle There are three semicircular canals, namely the superior
exits to its attachment at the neck of the stapes (Fig. 3b) [4]. (anterior), lateral (horizontal) and posterior semicircular canals.
Lateral to the pyramidal eminence is the facial recess which They are perpendicular to each other. The plane of the posterior
harbours the descending (mastoid) segment of the facial nerve semicircular canal is parallel to the petrous ridge (Fig. 3d,e)
(Fig. 3b). Medial to the pyramidal eminence is the sinus while that of the superior semicircular canal is perpendicular to
tympani (Fig. 3b), which may be a blind spot for the surgeon it (Fig. 3f) although both are in the vertical plane. All the
during transmastoid surgery and therefore cholesteatoma at this semicircular canals join the vestibule with posterior limbs of
site may be overlooked [4]. Anteriorly just above the entrance the superior and posterior canals sharing a common crus. The
into the Eustachian tube is the bony canal for the tensor vestibule is separated from the middle ear cavity by the oval
tympani muscle (Fig. 3b) which inserts to the malleus. Both the window niche (Fig. 4d). The superior semicircular canal forms
stapedius and tensor tympani muscles serve to dampen the a bony ridge at the roof of the petrous bone called the arcuate
effect of high-intensity sound waves. The tensor tympani eminence giving a landmark to the surgeon entering through the
muscle is supplied by the mandibular branch of the trigeminal middle cranial fossa (Fig. 4f).
nerve (V3) while the stapedius muscle is supplied by the facial The cochlear aqueduct contains the perilymphatic duct and
nerve [3]. There is a bony prominence on the medial wall of the runs inferiorly to the internal auditory canal from the basal turn
mesotympanum called the promontory (Fig. 4c) which is of the cochlea to the subarachnoid space superomedial to the
caused by protrusion of the basal turn of the cochlea. Above the jugular foramen (Fig. 3a) [7]. The vestibular aqueduct contains
promontory is the oval window (Fig. 4d) and posteroinferior to the endolymphatic duct and the intraosseous portion of the
which is the round window niche (Fig. 4e) [2]. endolymphatic sac. It arises from the posteromedial aspect of
the vestibule and runs first posterosuperiorly and then postero-
Hypotympanum inferiorly in an arc to open at the posterior aspect of the petrous
The floor of the hypotympanum is a thin plate of bone temporal bone (Fig. 3d,e). The extraosseous portion of the
separating the middle ear cavity from the jugular bulb, and in a endolymphatic sac lies outside the vestibular aqueduct between
case of dehiscence may allow a high-riding jugular bulb to the layers of the posterior fossa dura [3].
herniate into the hypotympanum. The internal auditory canal shows considerable individual
variation in size and configuration but should be symmetrical in
Inner Ear any one person [2]. It contains the facial nerve, the cochlear nerve,
the superior vestibular nerve, the inferior vestibular nerve and the
The inner ear includes the membranous labyrinth within the artery of the IAC. The medial opening of the internal auditory
bony labyrinth (otic capsule). The membranous labyrinth canal is called the porus acousticus. The internal auditory canal is
consists of the utricle, saccule, cochlear duct and the divided at its most lateral end by the horizontal crista falciformis
membranous channels within the semicircular canals and the (Fig. 4c) and the vertical crests into four compartments. The facial
endolymphatic duct [5]. The membranous labyrinth contains nerve is in the anterosuperior compartment, the cochlear nerve is
endolymph and is surrounded by perilymph, which together in the anteroinferior compartment while the superior and inferior
appear as low attenuation on CT and high fluid signal on T2- vestibular nerves are in the posterior superior and inferior
weighted images [6] but cannot be independently demonstrated compartments, respectively. The facial nerve from the lateral
by imaging. The bony labyrinth consists of the cochlea, the end of the internal auditory canal enters the petrous bone as the
vestibule, the semicircular canals and the cochlear and labyrinthine portion running anterolaterally, superior to
vestibular aqueducts [5]; the bony anatomy of which can be the cochlea and towards the anterior genu (geniculate ganglion)
well demonstrated by CT. The cochlea contains the Organ of where it makes an abrupt turn to then run posterolaterally along
Corti and is the auditory end organ receiving sound waves the medial attic wall beneath the lateral semicircular canal as the
transmitted by the ossicular chain. It normally consists of about tympanic portion (Fig. 3e) towards the posterior genu at the fossa
two and a half turns [3]. The base of the cochlea is at the lateral incudis and then turns inferiorly as the descending (mastoid)
end of the internal auditory canal (Figs 3c and 4a). The basal portion to exit at the stylomastoid foramen (Fig. 4f). Coronal
turn opens into the round window niche (Fig. 4e), which is the images just posterior to the plane of the geniculate ganglion will
site for insertion of cochlear implants in the past. This show both the distal labyrinthine (medial) and proximal tympanic
technique has changed and cochlear implants are now inserted (lateral) portions in tangent giving the cobra-eye sign (Fig. 4a)
through a new opening made into the basal turn of cochlea just [2]. The greater superficial petrosal nerve arises from the
anterior to the round window niche. The cochlea encircles a geniculate ganglion and supplies secretomotor fibres to the
central bony axis called the modiolus where the cochlear nerve lacrimal gland and taste fibres from the palate.
enters the cochlea from the internal auditory canal (Fig. 3c) [3]. The chorda tympani nerve arises from the descending
A spiral lamina projects from the modiolus and can be readily segment of the facial nerve running anterosuperiorly passing
identified on CT (Fig. 3b). through the tympanic cavity to transmit taste fibres from the

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