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Art. 587.

If the usufructuary who has not given proceeds and benefi ts from the day on which, in
security claims, by virtue of a promise under accordance with the title constituting the
oath, the delivery of the furniture necessary for usufruct, he should have commenced to receive
his use, and that he and his family be allowed to them.
live in a house included in the usufruct, the court
may grant this petition, after due consideration of Retroactive Effect of the Security Given
the facts of the case. a) Notice that once the bond is given, there is
The same rule shall be observed with respect to retroactivity
implements, tools and other movable property b) Hence, if the usufruct commences Jan. 3,
necessary for an industry or vocation in which he 2003 but security is given Mar. 3, 2003, the
is engaged. If the owner does not wish that usufructuary is entitled to all the proceeds and
certain articles be sold because of their artistic benefits of the usufruct from Jan. 3, 2003
worth or because they have a sentimental value,
he may demand their delivery to him upon his Art. 589. The usufructuary shall take care of the
giving security for the payment of the legal things given in usufruct as a good father of a
interest on their appraised value. family.

Caucion Juratoria Duty of Usufructuary to Take Care of

The promise under oath is called a caucion
juratoria a) Although care of a pater familias is required
(Art. 589), still a usufruct is not extinguished by
a sworn duty to take good care of the
bad use.
property and return same at the end of the
usufruct. It takes the place of the bond or Bad use, if owner suffers considerable injury,
security and is based on necessity and humanity entitles him to demand its administration without
as when a poor family acquires by inheritance, prejudice to the usufruct. (Art. 610).
the usufruct of a badly needed house
b) In the exercise of prudent care, the
Requisites before the Caucion Juratoria is usufructuary is required to:
make ordinary repairs (Art. 592)
a. Proper court petition notify the naked owner of urgency of
b. Necessity for delivery of furniture, extraordinary repairs (Art. 593), and of
implements or house included in the any acts which may prove detrimental to
usufruct ownership. (Art. 610).
c. Approval of the court
d. Sworn promise Moreover, the usufructuary answers for damage
caused by the fault or negligence of his alienee,
Restriction on Usufructuary grantee, agent, or lessee. (See Art. 590)
He cannot alienate or lease the property for this Rule When Property Has Been Damaged
means he does not need them
Damage to property caused by the fault or
Rule in case Usufructuary is Exempted from negligence of the usufructuary is demandable
the Duty to Give Security right away, and therefore the naked owner need
not wait for the end of the usufruct before
This article does not apply when usufructuary is
bringing the proper action for indemnity.
exempted from giving security. It applies only if
he is required but cannot afford to give the The usufructuary is not entitled to
security. reimbursement for ordinary repairs (Art. 592) but
may retain the property till he is reimbursed
Art. 588. After the security has been given by of extraordinary expenses, which he may have
the usufructuary, he shall have a right to all the been compelled to do. (See Art. 612).
Art. 590. A usufructuary who alienates or leases 2. or if some animals are lost due to
his right of usufruct shall answer for any damage rapacity of beasts or prey
which the things in usufruct may suffer through
NB: Even though the cause is fortuitous, there is
the fault or negligence of the person who
duty to replace because such loss is more or
substitutes him.
less expected and is natural. (The remains of
Liability of Usufructuary for Acts of the the dead belong to usufrcutuary)
NB: Replacement should be made from the
1. Made liable for the acts of the young produced.
substitute (fault, negligence, or even
willful deceit).
a. If 15 cattles died, but only 3 were
Thus, while the substitute answers to produced, only 3 must be replaced.
the usufructuary, the usufructuary b. If 15 died, but 20 were produced, the
answers to the naked owner. excess of 5 belong to the
2. Even when there is a sub-usufructuary, usufructuary since they are fruits.
it is still the usufructuary who c. If 15 died, and 15 were produced, but
answers to the naked owner for only 12 remain because the 3 were sold,
ordinary repairs, taxes on the fruits, etc. the remaining 3 must still be
replaced, even in case, otherwise he
Art. 591. If the usufruct be constituted on a flock could, by his own act, defeat the law.
or herd of livestock, the usufructuary shall be
obliged to replace with the young thereof the NB: Although the law says each year, this
animals that die each year from natural causes, does not necessarily mean that the
or are lost due to the rapacity of beasts of prey. computation will have to be done yearly.

If the animals on which the usufruct is It is sufficient to sum up the losses and produce
constituted should all perish, without the fault of for all the time the usufruct may last. For there
the usufructuary, on account of some contagious can be no conceivable reason why computation
disease or any other uncommon event, the should be done yearly
usufructuary shall fulfi ll his obligation by b. Where there is no obligation to replace
delivering to the owner the remains which may
have been saved from the misfortune. 1. If there is a total loss of the animals
because of some unexpected or
Should the herd or fl ock perish in part, also by unnatural loss
accident and without the fault of the
usufructuary, the usufruct shall continue on the Example: contagious disease or any
part saved. other uncommon event, provided the
Should the usufruct be on sterile animals, it shall usufructuary has NO FAULT
be considered, with respect to its effects, as
though constituted on fungible things. 2. If there is a partial loss (under the same
This article applies only when the usufruct is on
Since there is no obligation to replace, it follows
a flock and herd of livestock, not two or three
that even if all should perish, the remains
animals merely.
(bones, carcass) must be delivered to the
Rules in case of fruitful or productive owner.
The same is true in case of partial loss. The
a. Where there is obligation to replace remains, not the remainder, must be given to the
naked owner.
1. if some animals dies from natural
In case of partial loss, the usufruct continues on Remedy of the naked owner if usufructuary
the remainder, provided that the loss be by does not make necessary repairs: If naked
accident and without fault of the usufructuary. owner had demanded the repair, and the
usufructuary still fails to do so, the owner may
If the partial loss be because of the make them (personally or thru another) at the
usufructuarys fault, does the usufruct continue expense of the usufructuary.
on the remainder?
Definition of Ordinary Repairs as Used in this
YES, because bad use or abuse does not Article
extinguish the usufruct, without prejudice
however to the right of the naked owner to Those required by the wear and tear due to the
demand administration by him. natural use of the thing and are indispensable
for its preservation. (Art. 592, 2nd sentence).
Rule in Case of Sterile Animals
NB: Under Art. 573, the deterioration results
Since there are no young (broods) here, the rule even if there be repairs, hence, they are not
of usufruct over fungibles applies. (Art. 574). chargeable to the usufructuary.
Art. 592. The usufructuary is obliged to make Art. 593. Extraordinary repairs shall be at the
the ordinary repairs needed by the thing given in expense of the owner. The usufructuary is
usufruct. obliged to notify the owner when the need for
By ordinary repairs are understood such as are such repairs is urgent.
required by the wear and tear due to the natural
use of the thing and are indispensable for its
preservation. Should the usufructuary fail to Art. 594. If the owner should make the
make them after demand by the owner, the latter extraordinary repairs, he shall have a right to
may make them at the expense of the demand of the usufructuary the legal interest on
usufructuary. the amount expended for the time that the
usufruct lasts.
For the usufructuary to be responsible for
ordinary repairs, the following conditions Should he not make them when they are
must be present: (NPOW) indispensable for the preservation of the thing,
the usufructuary may make them; but he shall
a. They are required by normal or natural
have a right to demand of the owner, at the
termination of the usufruct, the increase in value
b. They are needed for preservation
which the immovable may have acquired by
c. They must have occurred during the
reason of the repairs.
-because those occurring before and Kinds of Extraordinary Repairs
after the end of the usufruct should be
borne by the naked owner 1. Caused by natural use but not needed
d. They must have happened with or for preservation
without the fault of the usufructuary. 2. Caused by abnormal or exceptional
-If he was at fault, the usufructuary must circumstances and needed for
pay indemnity for damages preservation
-As when an earthquake renders the
Can the usufructuary exempt himself from stairs of a house unsafe, or when
the duty to make or pay for the necessary lightning splits a table in two
repairs by renouncing the usufruct? 3. Caused by abnormal or exceptional
circumstances but are not needed for
a. No fault- yes, but he must surrender the
fruits received
b. At fault- no, he would still be liable for
Who should pay extraordinary repairs? Requisites Before Usufructuary Is Allowed to
Make Extraordinary Repairs (N3)
a. Those in 1 (a)- the naked owner,
whether or not he is notified by the 1. There must be due notification to naked
usufructuary owner of urgency.
2. The naked owner failed to make them.
- The law does NOT require the naked 3. The repair is needed for preservation.
owner to make them. If he does not want to,
it is also all right. What is important is that Right of Usufructuary Who Has Made
if made, the expenses must be borne by Extraordinary Repairs
the naked owner
1. Get increase in value (plus value) or
- If the owner should make the get reimbursement of expenses.
extraordinary repairs. means that he is not (To compute increase in value, get the
required by the law to make them, nor difference between the value BEFORE
can he be compelled by the usufructuary and the value AFTER the repairs).
to make them.
2. Right of retention till paid (Art. 612)
b. Those in 1 (b)- the naked owner, (reimbursement is to be made only at
whether or not he is notified the END of the usufruct).
- He cannot be compelled by the
usufructuary to make them, but HERE the
usufructuary is allowed to make them,
with the right to get the increase in value
and the right of RETENTION (till paid) at
the termination of the usufruct, provided
that there was NOTIFICATION by the
usufructuary and FAILURE to repair by the
naked owner

c. Those in 1 (c)- the naked owner, whether

or not he has been notified.

- The usufructuary cannot compel the

naked owner to make them, nor is the
usufructuary allowed to make them, even if
the naked owner has failed to make them.
This is because there is no necessity for
preservation here.

Reason Why Generally the Naked Owner

Pays for the Extraordinary Repairs? Because
it is his property

Right of Naked Owner if He Makes the

Extraordinary Repairs

He can demand from the usufructuary the legal

interest on the amount for the duration of the

Reason: The usufructuary has really benefited,

otherwise the thing may not properly be used.

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