Lecture 1

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Lecture Sheet

Lecture 1
Basic Computing: (CGR-101)

What is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic device used to process data, converting the data into
information that is useful to people
A computer is a machine that stores data (numbers, words, pictures), interact with devices
(monitor, printer, sound system), and execute programs.

What are the parts of a computer system?

A computer system consists of four parts - Hardware, Software, Users, and Data.

Hardware: The mechanical devices that make up the computer are called hardware. In
other words, hardware is any part of the computer which can touch. Example- Processor,
memory, input/output devices, storage devices.

Software: Software is a set of electronic instructions consisting of complex code (know

as programs) that make the computer perform tasks. Software tells computer what to do.

Users: People are the computer operators, also known as users.

Data: Data consists of raw facts, which the computer stores and reads in the form of
number. Data can consist of letters, numbers, sounds, or images.

What are the four key components of a computer system?

Four key components are Processor, Input and Output devices, Memory, and Storage.

The Processor: The processor can be considered the brain of the computer it plays a
pivotal role in almost all aspects of the computers functioning, including its performance
and reliability. The processor, either directly or indirectly, controls all the work carried
out in the computer. It is commonly known as the chip or, more correctly, the central
processing unit (CPU). The processor follows the instructions provided by both the user
(via input devices) and the program that is running in order to perform a task.

Memory: Also known as primary storage or random access memory (RAM) holds data
and program instructions for processing data. It also holds the processed information
before it is output. Memory sometimes referred to as temporary storage because its
contents will be lost if the electrical power turn-off.

Input Devices: Computers have input devices to allow the user to control the machine.
Essentially, an input device acts as a conduit for information from the user to the
computer. It allows external information to be passed to the computer, which the
computer then works with. Common examples of input devices include:
1 Keyboard

2 Mouse
3 Microphone

Output Devices: Computers also have output devices which return the results of
computer actions back to the user. Common examples of these are:
1 Monitor
2 Printer
3 Speakers

Storage: Storage devices hold data and programs even after electrical power to the
computer system has been turned off. The most important kinds of secondary media are
floppy, hard, and optical disks.

What is processing?
The procedure that transforms raw data into useful information is called processing .The
processor and memory performs this transformation.

What are the two main components of CPU?

CPU has two components - Control unit and Arithmetic-logic-unit (ALU).

Control unit: The control unit tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a
programs instructions. It directs the movement of electronic signals between memory,
which temporally holds data, instructions, and processed information and the arithmetic-
logic-unit. It also directs these control signals between the CPU and the input and output

Arithmetic-Logic-unit: The arithmetic-logic-unit usually called the ALU. ALU performs

two types of operations arithmetic and logical. Arithmetic operations are the
fundamental math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Logical
operations consist of comparisons. i.e. =, <, > etc.
[ Check text book pages 116, 117, 118; Section 4A]

Whats the difference between data and information?

Date is unprocessed facts and processing data creates information. Data use as input for
the computer system and information is the output, which is in human understandable

Define system software and application software.

4 System software: Programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer
and its devices.
5 Application software: Programs designed to make users more productive.

What are the five main categories of computers?

Supercomputer: Supercomputer are the most powerful type of computer. These
machines are special high-capacity computers used by very large organizations.

Mainframe: Mainframe computers are capable of great processing speeds and data
storage. But its not nearly as powerful as supercomputer.

Minicomputer: Minicomputer also known as midrange computers. Medium sized

company or department of large companies use this type of computer.

Workstations: Single user computers with the processing power of a minicomputer.

Microcomputer: Microcomputers are the least powerful, yet the most widely used and
fastest-growing, type of computer. There are 4 types of Microcomputers: Desktop,
Laptop, Tablet PC, and Handheld computers.

What is a byte?
Eight bits grouped together as a byte.

Binary: The binary numeral system, or base-2 number system, is a numeral system that
represents numeric values using two symbols, usually 0 and 1.

Since binary is a base-2 system, each digit represents an increasing power of 2, with the
rightmost digit representing 20, the next representing 21, then 22, and so on. To determine
the decimal representation of a binary number simply take the sum of each of the product
binary digits with the power of 2 which they represent. For example, the binary number:


is converted to decimal form by:

[(1) 25] + [(0) 24] + [(0) 23] + [(1) 22] + [(0) 21] + [(1) 20] =

[1 32] + [0 16] + [0 8] + [1 4] + [0 2] + [1 1] = 37

To create higher numbers, additional digits are simply added to the left side of the binary

Counting in binary is similar to counting in any other number system. Beginning with a
single digit, counting proceeds through each symbol, in increasing order. Decimal
counting uses the symbols 0 through 9, while binary only uses the symbols 0 and 1.

When the symbols for the first digit are exhausted, the next-higher digit (to the left) is
incremented, and counting starts over at 0.

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