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Dear Henry Puckett,

My name is Johnny Bennett, and as a middle class worker from

Boston, I understand your concerns about breaking away from the
British crown. However, your issues with gaining independence are
not as a grave as you make them be. The so called mobs are simply
exerting the law, and are our way of communicating to Parliament
how uncivil they are to us colonists. The Sons of Liberty and
Committees of Inspection are representing our beliefs, in a way that
will get Britain to listen to us! Our underdeveloped economy and
military is due to Britain, and cutting ties with Parliament will
exponentially strengthen such areas. The style of government in
Britain is unfit for our colonies. Our lifestyles, characteristics, and
experiences have a unique identity. Parliament does not understand
our needs and concerns, so we must gain independence.
Britain has given us no representation. Whether thats with the
Townshend tax, Quebec act, Coercive act, Stamp act, the list could
go on indefinitely. Within all of these acts and legislations
Parliament enforces upon us, there is no representation of the
colonies. As I stated before, I am a middle class worker, and I shall
have the same representation as a British subject in England.
Although you have offered seats in Parliament as a solution, such an
act would be futile. Our hypothetical meager seat will be drowned
out, as the British do not truly care about us. They claim that we are
apart of their empire, but have neglected us for so long. How can they
expect us to surrender our systems which have maintained order
among our unique selfs while parliament was distracted with other
affairs? We must divorce from England to maintain our republicanism
and have representation in our government.
Parliament is forcing upon us acts which are an abuse of power. The
admiralty courts are unjust and an exploitation of parliaments
power. Britain has taken away our colonial courts, where we had right
to a trial by peers. Instead, they have forced us to be tried in
admiralty courts, where we are tried by commissioned navy admirals
who are incredibly notorious. Our rights as Englishmen are being
violated! The quartering of soldiers is equally as abusive of power.
How does Britain expect us to allow soldiers to take over our farms
and stay in the superior rooms of our homes, leaving us owners and our
families to sleep on straw or a mere bench? Separating from Britain is
the only way to escape this abusive power exerted by parliament.
Let us dissolve our differences and tensions to unite and become a
separate nation from Britain. Let us all fight for freedom and
happiness. A revolution is inevitable, and with it comes a country with
peace, order, and stability.

Johnny Bennett

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