Lab Measurement Catalog: Chikyu and Its Capabilities For Scientific Expeditions

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Lab Measurement Catalog


Chikyu and its capabilities for scientific expeditions

IODP Measurements and expedition core flows onboard Chikyu

Laboratory Measurements and Equipment Specifications

Table A1. Existing instruments onboard Chikyu.

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is an international marine research
program that explores the Earth's history and structure as recorded in seafloor sediments
and rocks, and monitors subseafloor environments. IODP builds upon earlier successes
of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), which
revolutionized our view of Earth history and global processes through ocean basin
exploration. IODP greatly expands the reach of these previous programs by using
multiple drilling platforms, including riser, riserless, and mission-specific, to achieve its
scientific goals. The program's principal themes are outlined in the Initial Science Plan "Earth, Oceans and Life: Scientific Investigations of the Earth
System Using Multiple Drilling Platforms and New Technologies."
Co-lead by Japan and the United States, this program has 21 member participation,
associate membership of 16 European countries and Canada as European Consortium,
China, Korea. Three different drilling platforms, riser, riserless and mission specific
platform, are operated by Japan, US and European Consortium. As an operator of the
riser ship, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX) maintains the state-of-the art
laboratory instruments onboard D/V Chikyu to serve best to scientists. This service
catalog focuses on the measurement and lab equipment set up in the laboratories aboard

Figure. 1 Drilling Vessel CHIKYU

Chikyu and its Capabilities for scientific expeditions
Chikyu (Japanese for the Earth) is the largest scientific drilling vessel in the world,
with a length of 210 m, width of 16 m, draft of 8.9 m and 57,500 metric tons. Chikyu is
one of the worlds deepest drilling vessels, and has been fitted-out with technology
developed by the oil industry that will allow it to bore through 7000 meters of crust below
the seabed while floating in 2500 meters of water. Laboratories, crew accommodations
and navigation facilities (with a heliport on the bow) occupy one-third of the vessel, and
the rest comprises the drilling area and drilling equipment. Total area of the lab is about
2300 m2 in four different decks. A total of 150 people, roughly 50 scientists and
technicians, and 100 marine and drilling crew members, can work for months-long
The biggest difference between Chikyu and two other platforms in the IODP is riser-
drilling capability, first-ever in the scientific ocean drilling history, and some other coring
systems that are modified from previous ODP coring systems. The core is extracted by
using coring tools and the Wireline method, which has been adapted for use in a riser
drilling ship for the first time. Using this method, a core barrel is placed inside the drill
pipe, four types of which are carried aboard Chikyu. These systems are used for different
geological conditions to allow efficient and uninterrupted core collection. More
information about Chikyu can be accessed at and for Chikyus coring system

Figure 2. Riser drilling system

Table 1. The core sampling system aboard Chikyu.
Core sampling system Formation Remarks
Hydraulic Piston Coring Modified from Advanced Piston Corer
System (HPCS) Soft formation (APC)
Extended Shoe Coring Soft to moderately hard Modified from Extended Core Barrel
System (ESCS) formations (XCB)
Extended Punch Coring Soft to moderately hard
System (EPCS) formations Newly developed
Medium to hard
Rotary Core Barrel (RCB) formations Standard
Small Diameter Rotary Tool for drilling deeper/
Core Barrel (SDRCB) larger core diameter Newly developed

The 10-year anniversary of D/V Chikyus launch has ended with a 3-month refit and
refurbishment at dock in Yokohama in 2015. Several new equipment is settled and
facilities are improved. Chikyus laboratories are spread out over four decks, Lab Roof
Deck, Core Processing Deck, Lab Street Deck and Lab Management Deck, in total area
of 2300 m2 (Fig. 3).

Core Cutting Area

Downhole Measurement Lab
Core Cutting Area
Lab. Roof Deck
X-ray CT Scanner Lab.
QA/QC Lab.
Microbiology Lab.
Paleomagnetics Lab. (with Magnetic Shield Room)
Core Processing Deck

Thin Section Lab.

Paleontology/Petrology Lab.
Lab. Street Deck Geochemistry Lab. (with Semi Clean Room)
Sample Preparation Room
ET Shop
Lab Storage
Lab. Management Deck

Computer Room
Conference Room

Figure 3. Laboratory structure.

Each deck consists of a specialized rooms for specific purposes. An elevator connects
all the lab floor levels and is used to transport cores and supplies. Laboratory technicians
are trained and assigned to assist in the use of all measurement instruments. Specific

instruments for each lab are listed in Table A1 in the appendix.
The Lab Roof Deck at the top of the vessel is where the core comes in through the cat
walk for cutting 1.5m sections, sampling from core catcher and safety gas analyses, and
downhole measurement data processing and integration offices. Curated core sections
are moved by elevator to the Core Processing Deck, where onboard scientists work in
two shifts throughout the day for measurement and analysis of whole and splitted core
sections with 3D X-ray CT scanner, various physical properties, miobiology
measurements, and paleomagnetism laboratory with a magnetically shielded chamber
that blocks out 99% of the Earths magnetic field. The Lab Street Deck facilitates the
Geochemistry Lab with ICP-MS and ICP-AES and all other instruments for Interstatial
Water (IW) analysis, and major and trace element analyses. The Electric work shop, Gas
bottle storage and Chemical storage rooms are also located on this level. Expedition and
Lab management offices, library and computer center and conference room are located
on the Lab Management Deck. More details are available in the appendix.

Figure 4. Core lab on the Core Processing Deck.

Chikyu Measurements and Expedition Workflows in the
Measurements conducted in IODP expeditions are based on the IODP measurement
policy and expedition objectives. Expedition workflows in the laboratory are necessary
to be planned before expedition and after receiving sample requests from the science
party. This workflow is used to be referred as core flow previously as only riserless drilling
was done, however Chikyu will have additional cutting flow from the riser drilling.

For the onboard science party members, Lab Measurement Manuals are only reference
for each measurement/instrument regarding its operation on safety, procedure, work flow,
data evaluation, quality control and archiving, maintenance and trouble shooting.
All expedition data are stored in the J-CORES database, a scientific data management
system built to store and distribute science data taken during Chikyu expeditions, and is
installed aboard Chikyu and the onshore CDEX data center. Visual core description
(VCD) is also taken in J-CORES to edit VCD data in depth. All the applications are
available to collect data taken onboard. Details can be found at

There are four required IODP measurement categories which every IO is fully
responsible for collecting during IODP expeditions.
1. Minimum measurements- defined as measurement that shall be conducted in all
boreholes and on all core in IODP. This statement does not preclude the taking
of whole-round core samples on an as-needed basis to achieve science
objectives and/or obtain legacy samples.
2. Standard measurements- defined as standard measurement that shall, whenever
practicable and appropriate, be carried out across all platforms and/or shore-
based labs.
3. Supplemental measurements- defined as measurements that if are needed to
satisfy expedition objectives should be made available to IODP.
4. Measurements for safety- expedition specific as implemented by IOs with advice
from Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP)

Details can be found at IODP web site <>.

Example Expedition Workflows
Here two types of example expedition workflows aboard Chikyu (Fig. 6) are shown and
explained briefly. Sampling and measurements are flexible depending on the expedition
objectives and onboard scientists sample requests.
Core is brought to the cutting area (Lab Roof Deck) from the catwalk using a conveyor
belt to prevent straining the core. As soon as the core is in the cutting area, head space
and void gases are measured by using a plug and immediately analyzed in the
Geochemistry Lab for safety and to prevent deterioration of fresh gases. The sample in
the core catcher at the bottom of the core barrel is used for micropaleontology sampling.

Figure 5. Core cutting area on the Lab Roof Deck.

Microfossil extraction and age determination are also performed onboard.

As soon as all the gases are taken at the Core Cutting Area, the 9.5 meter long core
inside plastic core-liner is cut into 7 sections of 1.5 meters in length. Each core section
is given a barcode ID (indicating the expedition number, drill hole number, core number,
and section number) by lab technicians and curator records the core sections together
with operation geologist. Core sections are moved to the Core Processing Deck, one
floor below Lab Roof Deck, by elevator to make various whole core measurements with
X-CT and multi-sensor core logger measurements. All nondestructive tests are taken at
this point. Interstitial water and microbiology sampling are carried out after the X-ray CT
scanner, and before the cores condition is affected by exposure to air. After the cores
have been equilibrated to room temperature, the cores are split into working and archive
halves. The core holder cuts hard cores with diamond blades, while soft core samples
are split with a thin wire.
The working half is distributed to researchers as discrete samples for on-board and

onshore analyses. The archive half of the core is stored in a core case for permanent
archiving after multi-sensor core logger image (MSCL-I), Visual core description, multi-
sensor core logger color (MSCL-C) and Cryogenic Magnetometer (SQUID) are
completed. X-ray fluorescence core logger (XRFCL) and multi-sensor core logger split
(MSCL-S) are taken as required.
Discrete samples are taken from the working half core to purify each analysis by
centrifugal separation and/or filtering. Non-destructive physical property measurements
(moisture, density, magnetic susceptibility), X-ray diffraction and geochemical analysis
can be measured. Microscopic observations are performed for paleontological and
petrological studies such as fossil age determination.
All these data from the working and archive cores are stored in the J-CORES database.
All data including core analytical results, core images (including X-ray CT scan images),
downhole logging data, and mud logging data are stored onboard database which is
shared to all scientists. Responsible CDEX personnel and related scientists can work in
the Data Integration Center for additional processing, integration/analysis/interpretation.
During the riser drilling, rock cuttings coming out from the hole with drilling mud returns
are sampled and make measurements and analyses in the lab. Due to the size and
shape limits of the cuttings, workflow in the lab has less choice than regular core
workflows. (Fig. 6B)

Cutting core into sections (9.5m 1.5m) Sampling for hydrates (as needed)
Lab. Roof Deck

Core Processing Deck

3D X -ray CT Imaging
Sampling for safety monitoring Lab. Street Deck
(Void Gas/ Headspace Gas) Gas Analysis
Core Flow

Discrete Sample Flow

Whole -Round Sampling
Sampling for micropaleo from Core Catcher

Non-destructive petrophysical
property core logging Sampling for Microbiology

Thermal Conductivity Contamination Test

Core Splitting IW Extraction and Measurement (Salinity Index)

Discrete Sampling
Archive half Working half

MSCL -I (Image) Interstitial Water Measurement

Penetration Strength
Shear Strength
VCD (Visual Core Description)
Microfossil Preparation

Moisture & Density

MSCL -C (Color) XRD Measurement
Solid Element Analysis Making thin sections
(Major and Trace)
Cryogenic Magnetometer (SQUID)

Microscopy Observation
XRFCL, MSCL -S (optional)

Carbon (TOC, IC, TC)

Nitrogen Analysis
Cold Core Storage Sulfur

Figure 6. Examples of the (a) core workflow and (b) cuttings workflow.

Core flow time estimate
Sample measuring time obtained from Exp.315 and 316 to estimate preparation and
analyzing time. Time may differ from samples, expeditions, and many of other conditions.
This estimation time is only a guide for a suggestion. Please see Appendix.

Laboratory measurements and equipment specifications

Infrared Core Imaging

Infrared Imaging Camera
Model: FLIR Systems, ThermaCAM SC640, T620
Model: FLIR Systems, T620

These cameras are to measure and image the emitted infrared radiation between 7.5-
13 m from the core to see the methane hydrate existence. Data and images taken by
T620 are available to send to tablet (ipad) via onboard Wi-Fi connecting.

3D X-ray CT Scanning
3D X-ray CT Scanner
Model: GE Medical System Discovery CT 750HD

X-ray CT Scanner has been replaced to new model of Discovery CT 750 HD. The biggest
difference from the prior system is that new machine equips 64 slices Gemstone Detector
to visualize the images as four times number of image taking in one rotation.
The 3D X-ray CT images for whole-round core sections are the first measurement to be
performed on board. Whole-core photography and X-ray imaging provide information
about surface features and internal structure. The resolution of CT scanning is under
0.63 mm and allows 5 mm depth for beam width. The computed tomography (CT) scan
provides 3D evidence of fractures, vugs, fault structure, sedimentary structure and
methane hydrates without disturbing the sample. This scanner can scan 1.5m section in
2.5 minutes, and provide scan images with 0.63 mm thickness.

Sample: core
Sample preparation: -
Specification: Scanning time for core, 1.5h

Core Logging

Multi Sensor Core Logger (MSCL)
(MSCL-W (whole))
Model: Geotek Ltd.

The Multi Sensor Core Logger is used to measure physical properties of the core,
including: core diameter, P-wave velocity (PWV), Gamma-ray attenuation density (GRA),
magnetic susceptibility (MS), non-contact resistivity (NCR) and natural gamma-ray
radiation (NGR) sensors. Gamma rays from the radio active source of the FRA sensor
are emitted in a lateral direction, and p-wave travel time is also measured in that direction
for every 16 cm. MSCL-S is used for half split, 4 inch and employs GRA, PWV, NCR, MS
and NGR sensors. It can handle core sections between 50 to 150 mm in diameter and
1.5 m long and can sample at intervals of 1 mm or greater. Until system has added to
MSCL system to shorten the measuring time and to upgrade GEOSCAN III and IV
camera to save about 2000 scan data. These measurements are required as minimum
and standard measurements in IODP. MSCL is also available to obtain color
spectrophotometer and digital images of the core surface.

Thermal Conductivity Analysis

Thermal Conductivity Meter (Whole core and pieces)
Model: Teka Berlin TK04

Thermal conductivity is measured on the archive half of split core pieces, and can be
also measured in rock samples, cores or cuttings, or sediments. Sediment cores must
stand for more than three hours to be equilibrated to room temperature and then
measured through a small hole drilled through the core liner for the probe. Two proves
are available, one for soft sample (VLQ probe) and one for hard (HLQ probe). Macor is
used for standard sample to check the quality of the instrument. Investigators should
select as large rock samples from the cores as possible (minimum of 70 mm in diameter
and 20 mm in thickness) from the split core. Its recommended to flatten the rocks
surface by polishing with sandpaper to obtain better measurements.

Parameter Range
LET >/= 50
No >/= 100
CV (contact value)variation +/-5% of the mean value

Start </= 35
Length >/= 25
TC (Thermal Conductivity) variation VLQ probe: 1.591-1.655 [W/mK]
HLQ probe: 1.619-1.685 [W/mK]

Split-core Digital Photography

Multi Sensor Core Logger-Image (MSCL-I)
Model: Geotek Ltd.

MSCL-I scans the surface of split core and creates the digital images. The line scan
camera equips three charge coupled devices (CCD), and each CCD has 1024 arrays.
Light reflection from the sample surface passes through the lens and is split into three
paths (red, green and blue) by a beam splitter inside the line scan camera. Black and
white calibration it taken each in every scan to adjust effect of lighting and color.

Split-core Color Reflectance Analysis

Multi Sensor Core Logger-Color (MSCL-C)
Model: Geotek Ltd.

A color spectrometer (Konica-Minolta, CM-2600d) and point-type magnetic susceptibility

sensor (Bartington, MS2E/1) are equipped to the system. Maximum of seven core
sections are available on the XYZ type aluminum frame and laser sensor distance
measurer move over surface of each section core. Both Zero and White balance
calibrations are performed at first in every core. Measurement interval is 4cm.

Natural Remanent Magnetization Analysis w/ Stepwise Demagnetization

Cryogenic magnetometer
Model: 2G enterprises, 760 RF (SQUID) Superconducting rock magnetometers

The cryogenic magnetometer system is upgraded from using of liquid He for cooling to
He free system . This is divided into three units: magnetometer, controlling unit and
cryocooling unit placed in the magnetic shield room. It allows to measure a very low
noise level of less than 10-5flux unit (= 2x10-8 G/m2). When couples to a pickup coil that
transfer the rock magnetism signal to the sensor, the sensor has a total magnetic
moment noise level of less than 10-9 emu (10-12 Am2).

Labeled Intensity 8.01x10-4 mAm2 9.65x10-5 mAm2
Standard Deviation 0.04E-04 0.07E-05
Standard Error 0.53 0.76

X-ray Fluorescence Scanning

X-ray Fluorescence Core Logger (XRFCL)
Model: JEOL JSX-3600CA1, TATSCAN-F2 (customized design)

The XRFCL is designed for continuous non-destructive and semi-quantitative elemental

analysis of split sediment/rock core section. The water content in fresh cores decreases
over time and therefore affects data measured with the XRFCL. To measure under
certain condition, core need to be wrapped with thin films transparent to with X-rays to
avoid dryness. Sedimentary cores have high moisture content, which may affect the
content of elements in total; therefore, when scanning with XRFCL it is necessary to
cover the core with a thin 4 m thick ultralene film (CHEMPLEX) or prolene film (SPEX)
cover sheet (these covers are highly recommended by engineers and scientists). No film
cover is needed for rock cores, since they contain less moisture. High-resolution
measurements with the XRFCL provide major elements from the surface of split core,
and analysis allows the user to specify time periods, to approach climate change, and to
identify small-scale features in the sediments. This instrument allows us to analyze the
elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn and Fe.

Time (s) Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 K2O
200 SD (wt%) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.03
RSD (%) 15.9 2.9 0.9 0.6 1.8
40 SD (wt%) 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.03
RSD (%) 49.6 4.6 0.9 1.5 2.0

Time (s) CaO TiO2 MnO Fe2O3

200 SD (wt%) 0.1 0.02 0.01 0.1
RSD (%) 1.3 1.8 9.1 1.5
40 SD (wt%) 0.2 0.05 0.01 0.3
RSD (%) 2.2 3.7 11.2 2.8

SD: Standard deviation (2 RSD: Relative standard deviation (2

Measurement setting
Tube voltage/current 30kV/0.17mA
Collimator 7mm
PHA mode T2

Moisture and Density

Model: Quantachrome Instruments

Moisture and density measurements are obtained by using a Penta-pychnometer and

an electric balance system. Volume is measured by the Penta-pychnometer which
employs Archimedes principle of fluid displacement to determine the volume of solid
objects. Up to five specimens can be analyzed automatically in sequence with no
operator involvement. The mass and volume of the evaporated pore-water salts are
calculated for a standard seawater salinity (0.035) and seawater density (1.024 g/cm3).
The total mass in wet weight and dry weight, as well as dry volume, are measured based
on gas pycnometry (method C in ODP tech note No. 26). Although this method works
only for dry samples, due to large differences in measurements when using gas
pycnometry for wet samples, it can be used to measure a small portion of a wet sample.
Knowing the exact volume of the pycnometer, the density of the unknown fluid can be

Cell Size (cc) 7.07 28.96

Relative standard deviation 0.4 0.1
Error Range (%) 0.5 0.2

Electric balance
Model: OHTI (Ocean High Technology Institute)

This mass balance was made specifically for the lab aboard Chikyu. Mass is determined
with an original OHTI electric balance to compensate for the ships motion. Two balances
are used to measure mass to avoid influences of gravitational acceleration due to the
ships motion and vibration. To achieve the accuracy the electronic balance provides,
routine calibrations and verifications using precision calibration weights are required. A

set of mass standard weights (from 3 to 20 g) is used for calibration and on the reference
balance during measurements.

Accuracy 0.00004
Relative standard deviation 0.009% (60 seconds)
Error Range <1.0 % RSD (1 )

X-ray Diffraction Analysis

X-ray Diffraction
Model: Spectris, CubiX PRO

XRD analysis is a non-destructive technique that identifies minerals based on their

crystallographic atomic structure. During XRD analysis, X-ray beams reflect off parallel
atomic layers within a mineral over a range of diffraction angles. Because the X-ray beam
has a specific wavelength, there are only specific angles that the detectors will detect to
count the exiting rays. Since every substance has a unique diffraction pattern that can
be used for identification, scientists can evaluate the mineralogical composition of
sediments and the alteration products of ocean crust material. XRD analyses aboard
Chikyu are performed on powdered samples.

Setup Condition
Voltage 45kV
Current 40 mA
Scan mode Continuous
Start angle (2 Theta) 2
End angle (2 Theta) 60
Step size (2 Theta) 0.01
Time per step (s) 0.1

Elastic Resistivity Analysis

Impedance Analyzer
Model: Agilent Technology, 4294A

The 4294A precision impedance analyzer is an integrated solution for efficient

impedance measurement and analysis of components and circuits. The 4294A covers a

broader test-frequency range (40 Hz to 110 MHz) with Basic impedance accuracy: +/-
0.08 %. Excellent High Q/Low D accuracy enables analysis of low-loss components. The
wide signal-level ranges enable device evaluation under actual operating conditions. The
test signal level range is 5m V to 1 Vrms or 200 uA to 20m Arms, and the DC bias range
is 0 V to +/-40 V or 0m A to +/-100m A. Advanced calibration and error compensation
functions eliminate measurement error factors when performing measurements on in-
fixture devices. The 4294A is a powerful tool for design, qualification and quality control,
and production testing of electronic components. Circuit designers and developers can
also benefit from the performance/functionality offered.

Elastic Wave Velocity Analysis

P-wave Velocity Measurement System for Discrete Samples
Model: Marui, MIS-235-1-075-055 (customized design)

This is an original instrument, jointly-developed with Marui Corporation. The system

consists of two rolling transducers, one transmitter and one receiver. The active element
is a piezoelectric crystal mounted on the central spindle of the rolling transducer,
surrounded by a caster-oil filled soft epoxy sheath. This configuration provides a good
acoustic coupling between the transducer and the core. A short P-wave pulse is
produced at the transmitter at about 230 Kh that propagates through the core and is
detected by the receiver. The distance traveled is measured as the outside core diameter.
Temperature corrections are performed for processing the P-Wave velocities. Using
velocity and bulk density it is possible to estimate the acoustic impedance and provide a
synthetic seismogram for seismic correlation.

Pressurization Elastic Wave Velocity Measurement System

Model: Elastic wave velocity measurement system (customized), Ocean High
Technology Institute (OHTI)
Hydraulic high-pressure vessel system (customized), MARUI

Compressional wave velocity (Vp) and shear wave velocity (Vs) can be determined by
send and receive an ultrasonic wave to sample by the transducers made with
piezoelectric ceramics attached on the both side of sample. Received compressional
and shear waves through the samples are converted into electric signals and the signals
are amplified by the amplifier.

Particle Size Analysis

Multi-Wavelength Particle Analyzer with Micro Volume Module (MVM) System

Model: Beckman Coulter, LS 13 320

This instruments can measure the size distribution of particle suspended wither in a liquid
or in dry powder from by using the principles of light scattering. The expecting
advantages of analysis with this instrument are; Wideness of the measurement range,
0.04 m to 2 mm, Quickness and easiness of the measurement, and High reproducibility
of the measurement. This equipment is based on theories of light scattering and measure
the sizes of samples with four kinds of modules; Aqueous liquid Module (ALM), Micro
Liquid Module (MLM), Tornado Dry Powder System (DPS), and Universal Liquid Module

Module Particle Size Range Sample Requirement

ALM 0.04 m to 2 mm 10 mg to 100g
MLM 0.04 m to 2 mm 1 mg to 50 mg
DPS 0.04 m to 2 mm 5 cc to 30 cc
ULM 0.04 m to 2 mm 1 mg to 10 g

Vane Shear Strength and Penetration Tests

Vane Sear Apparatus
Model: Geotester, Geotest Instruments corp.

Vane shear testing is one of the common methods for the estimation of the undrained
sear strength of the core. The shear strength of the core is calculated from the Torque
by divided by a constant K which depends on the dimensions and the shape of the vane.

Model: Geotester, Geotest Instruments corp.

The penetrometer provides a measure of the unconfined compressive strength of the

sediment in units of kg/cm2.

Anysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM) & Isothermal Remanenet

Magnetization (IRM) Analysis w/ Stepwise Acquisition & Demaganetization
Spinner Magnetometer
Model: SMD-88, Natsuhara Giken Co., Ltd.

The spinner magnetometer used for measuring the remanent magnetization of discrete
samples (7 cc plastic cube samples and mini-core samples). Although this measurement
with the spinner magnetometer is not included in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
(IODP) measurement plan, this equipment may be used upon request by the scientific
party (e.g. magnetic intensity of sample is too high for the Superconducting Rock
Magnetometer (SRM).

Std piece (mAm2) 8.453 E-2 6.615E-3 8.010 E-4 9.650 E-5
Average 8.396 E-2 6.583 E-2 7.969 E-4 9.607 E-5
Max 8.455 E-2 6.637 E-3 8.042 E-4 9.708 E-5
Min 8.347 E-2 6.533 E-3 7.911 E-4 9.538 E-5
Std. Dev. 0.035 E-2 0.032 E-3 0.037 E-4 0.051 E-5
RSD (%) 0.42 0.48 0.47 0.53

Partial Anhysteric Remanence Magnitizer

Model: ASC Scientific, Dtech D-2000

This is designed for high-performance rock magnetic work. Standard features include
2000 gauss (0.2T) peak demagnetization field intensity, buit-in ARM and partial ARM
(pARM), and a computerized operator interface.

Alternating Field Demagnetizer

Model: Natsuhara Giken, DEM-95

A.F. Demagnetizer is electric demagnetizer, which is developed paleomagnetism. This

system allows demagnetizing samples under various by adjusting the current to coil and
decay time. The demagnetizer consists of a DEM95C controller, a power amplifier 7001,
a coil and a condenser. The DEM95C controller is built into a modular and a motor
controller, and connects with the power amplifier 7001 to amplify. The current to coil can
be observed by an ammeter on the DEM95C controller.

Thermal Demagnetizer
Model: Ntsuahra Giken, TDS-1

The electric furnace of this equipment is consisted of the permalloy of the high
permeability metal in three layers (shield case), and the internal space is less than 10nT.
The heating part in the electric furnace is in the part of 125 mm from the center of the
furnace, and the uniformity of the temperature in the part is 1C. The electric furnace

can be used within the range of the temperature between from room temperatures to
800C. The temperature in the furnace is cooled with the water-cooling jacket and the
cooling fan. The temperature inside the furnace is semi-automatically controlled.

Pulse Magnetizer
Model: Magnetic Measurement, MMPM10 http://www.magnetic-

This instrument is to give a sort duration high magnetic field pulse to sample. The
amplitude of the pulse is adjustable from weak fields to 9 Tesla with 7 ms pulse duration
with minimum fields of 20 to 30 mT. Magnetic fields of sediments and cutting in a plastic
cube of 7ml and rock samples of shape of 2.54 cm x 2 cm in height are available to

Magnetic Susceptibility Analysis

Magneitc Susceptibility System (MS2B)
Model: Bartington Instruments Ltd.

Magnetic susceptibility measurements are a non-destructive and cost-effective method

of determining the presence of iron-bearing minerals within sediments. The whole core,
or individual sediment samples, is exposed to an external magnetic field which causes
the sediments to become magnetized in relation to the amount of Fe-bearing minerals
present in the samples. Three types of magnetic susceptibility sensors are available
aboard Chiyku: MS2C, MS2E and MS2B. MS2C is loop type equipped with MSCL-W
(whole round) and used for the magnetic susceptibility measurement of whole core.
MS2E is a point type equipped with MSCL-S (split) and C (color reflectance) for split core
measurement. MS2B is suitable for discrete samples. Each sensor is connected with
MS2 meter and controlled by MSCL software. The EPM (expedition project manager)
should be contacted regarding the status of this instrument.

Model: AGICO, Inc., KLY-3S

Magnetic Susceptibility (MS), Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and temperature

variation of MS are available with sample in 7cc plastic cube or mini core from the
magnetization from three dimensions.

Susceptibility Error (%)

Standard Deviation 0.012E-4 0.02

Relative standard deviation 0.45 29.42

Close-up Micro Imaging

Close-up Photo System
Model: Canon, EOS-5D

There are two types of camera systems to take the close-up photography of samples.
One is close-up type system consisting of single rigid frame with strobe light to take the
images of sediment, rock and cutting samples. The other is camera stand type fixed on
the table with flexible arm to take an entire section image of working half core.

Digital Microscope
Model: Keyence, VHX-900

The Digital Microscope provides a depth of field at least 20 times larger than optical
microscopes. The VHX-900 can accurately observe a sample that conventional
microscopes cannot not focused on. The number of steps required for observation
including focus adjustment can also be reduced considerably. Samples can be observed
with the lens unit from any angle, by hand, or when mounted on a stand.

Scanning Electron Microscope w/ Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS)

Model: JEOL, JCM-5700LV

Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) focus a very fine beam of electrons, in a raster
pattern of parallel lines, at the surface of specimens within the microscope. A number of
phenomena occur at the surface under electron impact: most important for scanning
microscopy is the emission of secondary electrons with energies of a few tens kv and re-
emission or reflection of the high-energy backscattered electrons from the primary beam.
The emission intensity of both secondary and backscattered electrons is very sensitive
to the angle at which the electron beam strikes the surface, i.e. to topographical features
on the specimen. The emitted electron current is collected and amplified; variations in
the resulting signal strength as the electron probe is scanned across the specimen are
used to vary the brightness of the trace of a cathode ray tube being scanned in synch
with the probe. There is thus a direct positional correspondence between the electron
beam scanning across the specimen and the fluorescent image on the cathode ray tube.
A scanning electron microscope has a high resolution of 5.0 nm with magnification from
8x to 30,000x. The main focus of MES-EDS is geological research and analysis of the
core samples.

Chemical analysis (microanalysis) in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is
performed by measuring the energy or wavelength and intensity distribution of X-ray
signal generated by a focused electron beam on the specimen. With the attachment of
the energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), the precise elemental composition of
materials can be obtained with high spatial resolution.

Contamination Testing
Gas Chromatograph w/ Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD)
Model: Agilent Technology, 6890N

The electron capture detector (ECD) is highly sensitive detector capable of detecting
pictogram amounts of specific types of compounds and is carrying for the contamination
of artificial drilling effects with chemical tracer such as the perfluorocarbon tracer (PFC).
To determine the level of artificial effects on drilling, the chemical tracer has to be injected
in adequate rate into drilling system but this test has not been carried out onboard Chikyu.

Head Space Gas Analysis

Gas Chromatograph
Model: Agilent Technologies, 7890B
Flame ionization detector (FID)- Agilent Technologies
Natural Gas Analysis (NGA)- Wasson-ECE Instrumentation
w/ Thermal Conductive & Frame Ionization Detectors (GC-TCD/FID)
w/ Pulsed discharge helium ionization detector (GC-PDHID)

Headspace Gas Analysis refers to the determination of interstitial light hydrocarbon

gases including methane, ethane, propylene, propane, butanes, iso-butane and n-
butane by Gas Chromatography/ Flame Ionization Detection (GC/FID). The light
hydrocarbon gases are not very soluble in water, so they can be extracted from a
sediment and water sample into a gas such as nitrogen by partitioning procedure.
Sediment samples of ~5 cm3 are collected immediately from the bottom side of the
freshly cut section 1 using a calibrated borer tool after the core retrieval for headspace
gas determinations, replaced in 20 ml glass vial, and sealed immediately with a septum
and metal crimp cap. When consolidated or lithified samples are encountered, chips or
materials are taken in the vial and sealed. If the interstitial water (IW) sample is taken
from the core, gas should be collect and separated from the water immediately. The
computer software automatically integrates analyte peaks based on their retention times

and analysts visually confirm that the software integrates each analyte peak correctly.

Head space and vacutainer gas sample are also analyzed with the natural gas analyzer
(NGA) when high concentrations of C2+ hydrocarbons and nonhydrocarbons gases such
as H2S or CO2 are anticipated. The NGA is equipped with two detectors; FID and TCD
(thermal conductivity detector). The FID measures hydrocarbons from methane to
hexane using a capillary column. Thermal conductivity detector measures non-
hydrocarbon such as CO2, H2S, O2, N2 and CO. Prior to the analysis of samples, a
calibration curve is established for each analyte to determine the sensitivity and confirm
the linear range of the GC/FID and NGA system. New PDHID detector uses a non-
radioactive pulsed high voltage discharge source for generation of electrons and pulsed
collection of these electrons. A calibrations curve is obtained using 4 different types of
gases in disposal cans such as methane (99.9%), ethane (99.5%) and calibration gas
mixture diluted with nitrogen. Gas concentrations are reported as parts per million by
volume (ppmv) relative to the standard volume (5 cm3) of the headspace sample that is
injected into the gas chromatograph.

Standard gas injected Relative standard deviation (%)

Components Concentration GC-FID GC-NGA GC-NGA
(%) (n=5) (FID, n=3) (TCD, n=3)
Methane (C1) 1.07 0.08 0.02 0.30
Ethane (C2) 0.998 0.15 0.09 0.19
Propane (C3) 0.984 0.18 0.22 -
iso- Butane (C4) 0.967 0.18 0.25 -
n- Butane (C4) 0.953 0.16 0.23 -
Carbon dioxide
0.957 - - 0.30

Interstitial Water Chemistry and Whole Rock Elements (major and minor)
Model: Atago, RX5000

Salinity is measured with Refractometer onboard Chikyu. It provides a reliable refractive

index and salinity of total dissolved solids of aqueous solutions. Temperature is
automatically adjusted when temperature of sample varies from 20 C (68 F). IAPSO is
applied to use for reference material with a relative standard deviation of 0.008%.

Accuracy 0.000006
Relative standard deviation 0.09% (20C, Sodium D-line)
Refractive index 1.333 and 1.3395

pH, alkalinity and Chloride

Model: Metrohm, Titrino 794, Photo D-1

Titrator is a method of determine activity if the hydrogen ions by potentiometric

measurement using a standard hydrogen electrode and reference electrode. Automatic
titrator requires 3ml of Interstitial water (IW) for ph and alkalinity determination. For
Chloride, two methods, Mohr method and potentiometric, are available onboard,
however the titration method is preferred due to reduction of artificial error.

pH (n=3)
Standard deviation 0.01 0.09
Relative standard deviation 0.07 1.1

Alkalinity (n=3)
Reagent IAPSO Na2CO3
Standard deviation 0.01 0.5
Relative standard deviation 0.2 0.3

Chloride (n=10)
Method Mohr Method Potentiometric titration
Standard deviation 0.001 0.01
Relative standard deviation 0.2 0.2

Ion Chromatography
Model: Dionex, ICS 1500

Determination of sulfate is carried out by a method of Ion chromatograph after pH-

Alkalinity measurement is distributed. Sample is filtered using a 0.45m membrane filter
and stored in 4 ml HDPE bottle in dark at 4 C. The ion chromatography system on board

Chikyu consists of three instruments: an ion chromatograph (ICS 1500), autosampler
(AS 50) and operation PC.

Accuracy 0.00004
Relative standard deviation 0.0008% (20 C, Sodium D-line)
Error Range 1.5%

Silicate and cations

Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry (ICP-AES)
Model: Horiba Jobin-Yvon, Ultima 2

The inductively couples plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) is designed to

measure various metals in a sample liquid by using ICP to produce excited atoms that
emit a radiation at a wavelength characteristics of a particular elements. Eight inorganic
element concentrations of boron (B), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg),
sodium (Na), sulfur (S), silicon (Si), and strontium (Sr) are carried out by ICP-AES
onboard Chikyu. Yttrium (Y) is applied as an internal standard measurement. IAPSO
standard seawater is used as a reference material.

Error Range: 3.0% (7.0% for K)

Trace cations
Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy with High Matrix Introduction
Model: Agilent Technology, 7500CE

ICP-MS is to quantify the minor elements contained in the core samples and interstitial
waters in ppm to ppt order. Only the liquid samples are available to measure onboard.
The conventional method of sample introduction for ICP-MS is by aspiration, via
nebulizer, into a spray chamber. Aqueous samples are introduced by way of nebulizer,
which aspirates the sample with high velocity argon, forming a fine mist. The hot
plasma removes any remaining solvent and causes sample atomization followed by
ionization. In addition to being ionized, sample atoms are excited in the hot plasma, a
phenomenon that is used in ICP-atomic emission spectroscopy. Ionized elements are
induced to the mass spectrometer by a high voltage detector applied to detect the ions.

At this moment, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo, Pb and U in interstitial water are available to
measure with a confident value. IAPSO is used for a standard reference to evaluate the
interference effects. Rare earth elements (REEs) and rare earth metals in solid samples
are also measured in liquid solution with GSJ JA-3, JB-3, JG-2 and JR-3 as evaluation
interference. Approximately 1 ml of sample is required per analytical run.

Ammonium, phosphate, and silicate

Spectrophotometer (UV-Vis)
Model: Shimadzu, UV-2550PC

Concentrations of ammonium, phosphate and silicate in interstitial water (IW) can be

measured with UV-Vis onboard Chikyu. The spectrophotometer measures the intensity
of light passing through the sample and compares it to the intensity of light before it
passes through sample. silicate and ammonium; dissolved silicate concentrations in
interstitial water can be highly influenced due to biological opal, smectite and volcanic
ash. Ammonium concentrations dissolved in interstitial water (IW) of ocean sediment
generally increase with depth. This trend is the result of organic matter diagenesis in the
sediment. The analytical method for determining ammonium concentrations using
indophenol blue is detected at 640 nm with a light path of 1 cm. Relative standard
deviations of the analytical results are within 3%.

Relative standard deviation <3.0%
Reagents phenol and chlorox
Absorbance 640nm (1cm light path)

Relative standard deviation <3.0%
Reagents ammonium molybdate and antimony
Absorbance 885nm (1cm light path)

Relative standard deviation 1.0%
Reagents ammonium molybdate and oxalic acid

Absorbance 815nm (1cm light path)

Hydraulic Press & Squeezer

Model: Carver Inc., 30-12 (manual); AUTOFOUR/30 (automatic)

Titanium jackets holds sediments sample with available two types of the inner
diameter depends on sample volume; 55 mm for ca. 300ml of sediments and
90 mm for ca. 300ml.
Two hydraulic presses are available with one manual and one automatic press.
The maximum pressurization power is 30 US tons for both press.

Whole Rock Chemistry Analysis

X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) (for major elements)
Model: Rigaku, Supermini

XRF spectroscopy is widely used in qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis of

samples. It has the advantage of being non-destructive, multi-elemental, fast and cost-
effective. Furthermore, it provides a fairly uniform detection limit across a large portion
of the Periodic Table, and is applicable to a wide range of concentrations, from a 100%
to few parts per million (ppm). The XRF Supermini is a fully automated, wavelength-
dispersive spectrometer using a 200 W rhodium X-ray tube as excitation for both major
oxides and trace elements.

Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 K2O CaO TiO2 MnO Fe2O3
Average 3.86 1.52 15.15 64.27 0.16 0.78 5.66 0.85 0.16 7.08
JA-1 SD 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.004 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.002 0.01
RSD 1.1 1.5 0.2 0.1 2.3 1.1 0.1 0.9 1.3 0.2
Average 2.83 5.19 17.23 50.83 0.29 0.78 9.67 1.43 0.18 11.86
JB-3 SD 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.004 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.02
RSD 2.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 1.4 1.3 0.1 0.9 1.3 0.2

Bead Sampler
Model: Tokyo Kagaku, TK-4100

Powder sample for analyzing with XRF such as sediment, rock and cuttings is
automatically fused with Spectromelt A12 (Li2B4O7: 66%, LiBO2: 34%) and
molded to glass bead.

Microwave Sample Preparation System
Model: Perkin Elmer Precisely, Multiwave3000

Sample can be digested by high-pressure acid digestion

Micro Region Chemistry Analysis

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer with Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-
Model: Agilent Technology, Ultima 7500ce

Laser Ablation Module:

Length 25" (64cm);
Width 18" (46cm);
Height (to eyepiece) 22" (56cm)
Weight 130 lbs (59 kg).
100 110VAC, 3A, 50/60Hz
220 240VAC, 2A, 50/60Hz

Laser Power Supply:

Length 19" (48cm)
Width 8.6" (22cm)
Height 15" (38cm)
Weight 55 lbs (25 kg)
100 110VAC, 10A, 50/60Hz
220 240VAC, 5A, 50/60Hz

The Laser Ablation (LA) ICP-MS facility uses ICP-MS systems dedicated to Laser
Ablation work to perform direct analyses of metals. The LA-ICP-MS technique is
particularly useful for in-situ analyses of trace elements and for applications requiring
understanding of the spatial variation of elemental content within the sample. The Chikyu
lab currently uses the ICP-MS Agilent 7500 and LA UP-213. The high energy Nd:YAG
UV (213 nm) laser ablation system produces a fine particle distribution. The LA system
is fully computer controlled with a real time imaging system capable of reflected and
transmitted light (polarized light available) viewing. The system can be programmed to
ablate continuous lines, spots or variety of more complex ablation patterns.

Bulk Carbon-Nitrogen-Hydrogen-Sulfur Analysis

CHNS/O Analyzer
Model: Thermo Finnigan, FlashEA1112

CHNS-O analyzer is an elemental analyzer dedicated to the simultaneous determination

of the amount (%) of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen contained in
organic and inorganic samples of core and in solid, liquid and gaseous samples. The

method is based on sample combustion in an oxygen atmosphere at 900 C and
measure produced gas of CO, CO2, N2, NO, and N2O with detector. The determination
of the mass percentage of CHN elements in the sample is based upon the direct weight
of the material sample. Samples need to be freeze-dried over-night, crushed and
carefully weighed.

Accuracy: <1%
Relative standard deviation: C: 0.05, N: 0.008, S: 0.004

Carbonate Analysis
Carbonate Analyzer (Coulometer)
Model: UIC & JANS

Total carbon (TC) is determined using a coulometer and is calculated as the difference
between TC and IC:

TOC (wt%) = TC (wt%) IC (wt%)

Coulometer provides an accurate determination of carbon in a carbon dioxide containing

gas stream and can detect carbon in the range of 0.01 g to 100 mg. It is used routinely
with the acidification module for the analysis of carbonate in the core samples. Samples
taken for carbon analysis are freeze-dried for 24 hours, crushed and carefully weighed.
The sample is mixed with acid to convert the carbonate to CO2 before analysis in the
coulometer. All measurement data are automatically exported to the connected PC as a
text file to avoid manual entry error.

Hydrocarbon Maturity Monitoring

Rock Eval
Model: Vinci Technologies, Rock-Eval 6 Standard http://www.vinci-

The Rock-Eval 6 analyzer is designed to increase the domain of application of the

method, in the field of source rock characterization (improved kerogen analysis and
kinetic parameters) and in reservoir studies (tarmat location). The instrument is a
completely automated device consisting of two micro-ovens which can be heated up to
850C controlled by a thermocouple located in contact with the sample. An FID detector
measures the H/C gas released during the pyrolysis while an on-line infrared cell is used

to measure the quantity of CO and CO2 generated during pyrolysis and oxidation of
samples. A new integrated software (Rocksix), supervises the analyzer and allows an
easy interpretation of the data.
Rock-Eval is used to identify the type and maturity of organic matter and to detect
petroleum potential in sediments. Samples chosen to be measured on the Rock-Eval are
also taken for analysis on the TOC, CNS and the oil potential. This method consists of
automated heating of a small sample in an inert atmosphere to quantitatively and
selectively determine the free hydrocarbons contained within the sample, and the
hydrocarbon- and oxygen- containing compounds (CO2) that are volatilized during the
cracking of the unextractable organic matter in the sample. The EPM (expedition project
manager) should be contacted regarding the status of this instrument.

Volatile and Soluble Organic Compound Analysis

High-performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Model: Agilent Technology, 1100

High performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) system in one of the instruments used
for liquid chromatographic analysis and equipped two detectors; diode array detector
(DAD) and fluorescence detector (FLD). Separated compound continuously pass DAD
and FLD, and DAD measure wave length of ultraviolet/visible area, while FLD measure
the fluorescence of sample in the solvent. This system is not currently used as a routine
measurement. The EPM (expedition project manager) should be contacted regarding
the status of this instrument.

Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE)

Model: DIONEX, ASE200

Organic compounds extraction from a solid sample is performed with chemical

interaction between solvent and solid surface. Accelerated Solvent Extractor
(ASE) is an automated system for extracting organic compounds from a variety
of solid and semisolid samples. This instrument accelerates the traditional
extraction process by using solvent in a liquid state during the extraction.

Motion Compensated Shipboard Balance System

Motion Compensated Shipboard Micro-Balance System

Microscopic Observation
Polarized Microscope
Model: Axioskop 40 Pol, AxioImager Pol

Stereoscopic Microscope
Model: SreREO Lumar V12, Stemi SV-11, SteREODiscovery V12

Fluorescence Microscope
Model: Axioplan2 Imaging, Axiovert 25

Portable Clean Bench

KOKEN, Table KOACH T 500

Available to provide ISO class 1 clean air in open space. Portable and easy

Freezing System
ABI Co. Ltd., Cell Alive System (CAS)

CAS is a technology which keeps cell membrane and tissue structure intact while

General Sample Preparation & Experimental Equipment:

Beaker and flasks
PTFE beaker, graduated, 100mL
PTFE beaker, graduated, 50mL
TPX beaker with handle, graduated, 1000ml
TPX beaker with handle, graduated, 300ml
TPX beaker with handle, graduated, 500ml
Glass beaker, graduated, 1000mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 100mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 10mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 200mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 300mL

Glass beaker, graduated, 5000mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 500mL
Glass beaker, graduated, 50mL
Glass conical beaker, graduated, 100mL
Glass conical beaker, graduated, 200mL
Polypropylene volumetric flask, 1000ml
Glass volumetric flask, 1000ml
Polypropylene volumetric flask, 100ml
Glass volumetric flask, 100ml
Glass volumetric flask, 200ml
Glass volumetric flask, 250ml
Glass volumetric flask, 500ml
Polypropylene volumetric flask, 500ml
Polypropylene volumetric flask, 50ml
Glass volumetric flask with cap, 10ml
Glass volumetric flask with cap, 50ml
Glass conical flask, graduated, 2000ml
Polypropylene beaker with handle, 1000mL
Polypropylene beaker with handle, 2000mL
Polypropylene beaker with handle, 200mL
Polypropylene beaker with handle, 300mL
Polypropylene beaker with handle, 500mL
PFA Bottle, narrow-mouth, 100ml
PFA Bottle, 500ml
Polypropylene bottle, wide-mouth, 1000ml
Polypropylene bottle, wide-mouth, 250ml
Polypropylene bottle, narrow-mouth, 1000ml
Polypropylene bottle, narrow-mouth, 250ml
Polypropylene bottle, narrow-mouth, 500ml
Glass bottle, narrow-mouth, brown, 1000ml
Glass bottle, narrow-mouth, brown, 500ml

Polypropylene screw top vial, 20ml
Glass screw top bottle, 20ml
Glass screw top bottle, 4ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, blue cap, 1000ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, red cap, 1000ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, blue cap, 100ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, red cap, 100ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, blue cap, 2000ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, blue cap, 500ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, red cap, 500ml
Polypropylene screw top bottle, red cap, 50ml
Glass square bottle, blue cap, 100ml
Glass square bottle, blue cap, 500ml
Glass square bottle, brown, 1000ml
Glass square bottle, brown, 500ml
Glass vial, 24.3 x 55mm, 12ml
Glass vial, 27.0 x 55mm, 15ml
Glass vial, 20ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 1000ml
Polyethylene bottle, narrow-mouth, 1000ml
Teflon bottle, narrow-mouth, 1000ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 100ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 125ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, amber, 125ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 15ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 15ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 250ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 30ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 30ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 4ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 500ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 50ml

HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 60ml
LDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 60ml
HDPE bottle, narrow-mouth, 8ml
Anaerobic Glove Box, Coy Laboratory Products AALC
Anemometer, testo425
Autoclave, TOMY BS-325
Autoclave, TOMY BS-325N
Balance, OHTI (customized)
Centrifuge, HITACHI CT4D
Centrifuge, KOKUSAN H-103n
Clean Bench, AIRTECH APC-41
Clean Bench, HITACHI PCV-1305BNG3
Clean Bench, HITACHI PCV-750APG
Constant Oven, Yamato DKN602
Constant Oven, Yamato DNF44
Core Picker, MARUTO B23SH
Core Splitter, SANADA Customized
Deep Freezer, SANYO MDF-1155AT (-150 degree C)
Deep Freezer, SANYO MDF-493AT (-20 degree C)
Deep Freezer, SANYO MDF-493AT (-80 degree C)
Diluter, Hamilton ML503A
Discrete Analyzer, Seal Analytical AQ2+
Drying Sterilizer, SANYO MOV-112S
Freeze Drier, LABCONCO, FZ4.5CL
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-120S L-12
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-120S L-13
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-120S L-7
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-120S L-9
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-180S L-6
Fume Hood, YAMATO RFB-180S L-8
Glassware Washer, SANYO MJW-9020

Ice Maker, HOSHIZAKI FM-340AF(C-1)
Incubator (High Temp), Iwashiya MLU-2-HGT-16
Incubator (Low Temp), Iwashiya MLU-3-MR-16
Incubator (Mid Temp), Iwashiya MLU-2-HGT-16
Medical Refrigerator, SANYO MPR-414FRS
Medical Showcase, SANYO MPR-513R
Motorized Hydraulic Press
Muffle Furnace, KDF Denken KDF S80
Muffle Furnace, KDF Denken KDF007EX (1010J)
Multi Beads Shocker (milling machine), Yasui Kikai Corporation
Parallel Saw, MARUTO MC442SS
Penetrometer, GEOTEST ST315
Planetary Ball Mill, FRITCH
Portable Spectrophotometer, HACH DR2800
Safety cabinet, HITACHI SCV
Squeezer (auto), CARVER 3894 4DIOB00
Squeezer (manual), CARVER 3970
Ultrapure Water System, Millipore Academic-A10
Ultrapure Water System, Millipore Element
Ultrapure Water System, Millipore Gradient
Ultrapure Water System, Millipore Synthesis
Water bath, SHIBATA CW-301
X-Press, SPEX
Filter paper
Membrane filter, 0.025m, 25mm diameter
Membrane filter, 0.25m, 47mm diameter
Membrane filter, 0.22m, 47mm diameter
Membrane filter cellulose acetate, 0.45m, 25mm diameter
Membrane filter cellulose acetate, 0.45m, 47mm diameter
Membrane filter, black, 0.22m
Circular filter paper, 15cm diameter

Circular filter paper, 55mm diameter
Circular filter paper, 90mm diameter
Circular filter paper, 150mm diameter
Circular filter paper, 300mm diameter
Circular filter paper, 90mm diameter
Syringe filter, 0.2m, 25mm diameter
Omnipore Membrane Filter, 0.2m, 97mm diameter
Omnipore Membrane Filter, 1.0m, 90mm diameter
Liquid Nitrogen Generator, Iwatani International Gases NL-100A-S
Nitrogen Gas Generator, KURARAY CHEMICAL MY9-S
Hydrogen Gas Generator, Parker Balston H2-90JA-100
Hydrogen Gas Generator, Parker Chromgas A915000JA-100
Measuring Cylinders
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 1000mL
TPX measuring cylinder, graduated, 1000ml
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 100ml
TPX measuring cylinder, graduated, 100ml
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 200ml
TPX measuring cylinder, graduated, 200ml
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 250ml
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 500ml
TPX measuring cylinder, graduated, 500ml
Glass measuring cylinder, graduated, 50ml
Pipettes and tips
Komagome pipette, glass, 5ml
Komagome pipette, glass, 2ml
Komagome pipette, glass, 1ml
Komageme pipette, LDPE, 1ml
Komagome pipette, glass, 10ml
Komagome pipette, LDPE, 10ml
Micro pipette, 500L

Micro pipette, 100L
Micro pipette, 50-250L
Micro pipette, 50-200L
Micro pipette, 500-2500L
Micro pipette, 2-20L
Micro pipette, 10-100L
Micro pipette, 100-1000L
Micro pipette, 0.5-10L
Micro pipette, 0.1-2.5L
Micro pipette, 500-5000L
Syringes and Needles
Syringe, Teflon, Luer Lock, 3, 36mm
Syringe, Teflon, Luer Lock, 3, 29mm
Syringe, Polypropylene, Gamma exposed, 2.5ml
Syringe, Polypropylene, Gamma exposed, 10ml
Syringe, Polypropylene, with Needle, 1ml
Syringe, Polypropylene, 20ml
Syringe, Polypropylene, Luer tip, Gamma exposed, 30ml
Syringe, Polypropylene, Gamma exposed, 3ml
Syringe, Plastic, disposable, 24ml
Syringe, Plastic, disposable, 3ml
Syringe, Plastic, disposable, 50ml
Syringe, Plastic, disposable, 6ml
Syringe, Plastic, Lock, disposable, 10ml
Syringe, Plastic, Lock, disposable, 20ml
Needle, for Luer Lock, 10 gauge, 5 cm length
Needle, for Luer Lock, 5 gauge, 19 cm length
Needle, for Luer Lock, 5 gauge, 23 cm length
Test tubes
TPX, 10ml
TPX, 6ml
Polypropylene, with Cap, 10ml

Centrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, 15ml
Centrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, 120 x 17mm, 15ml
Centrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, 50ml
Centrifuge Tube, Polypropylene, 115 x 30mm, 15ml
Centrifuge Tube with Cap, Black, graduated, Polypropylene, 10ml
Centrifuge Tube with Cap, Brown, graduated, Polypropylene, 10ml
Centrifuge Tube with Cap, Black, graduated, Polypropylene, 50ml
Centrifuge Tube with Cap, Brown, graduated, Polypropylene, 50ml
Self-standing Tube, Polypropylene, 50ml
Thin Section Equipments
Cut-off Saw, MARUTO MC452S
Discotom, Struers
Epovac, Struers
Auto Polishing System
Precision Cutting &Grinding System
Vacuum Impregnator
Minilabo cutter, MARUTO MC-110
Rotopol-35, Struers

Please contact EPM (Expedition Project Manager) for other than those above.
CDEX make every effort to keep the equipment in top running condition. Lab
technicians will be on hand to provide instrument training and help with

Table A1. Existing instruments onboard Chikyu.
Measurement Instrument Location

Infrared Core Imaging Infrared Imaging Camera Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

X-ray CT Scanning 3D X-ray CT Scanner X-ray CT Scanner Room/ Core Processing Deck

Multi Sensor Core Logger (MSCL)

-Gamma-ray Attenuation Density
-Magnetic Susceptibility
Core Logging Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
-P-wave Velocity
-Non-contact Elastic Resistivity
-Natural Gamma Radiation
Thermal Conductivity Analysis Thermal Conductivity Meter Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Split-core Digital Photography Multi sensor core logger (MSCL) Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
-MSCL-I (Image)
Split-core Color Reflectance Analysis Multi sensor core logger (MSCL) Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
-MSCL-C (Color)
Natural Remanent Magnetization Cryogenic Magnetometer System Paleomagnetics Lab./ Core Processing Deck

X-ray Fluorescence Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Core Logger (XRFCL) Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Penta-pychnometer Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Moisture and Density
Electric Balance Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

X-ray Diffraction Analysis X-ray Diffractiometer Core Viewing Room/ Core Processing Deck

Elastic Resistivity Analysis Impedance Analyzer Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

P-wave velocity measurement system for discrete samples Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Elastic Wave Velocity Analysis
Pressurization Elastic Wave Velocity Measurement System Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Measurement Instrument Location

Muti-wavelength particle size analyzer with micro volume module (MVM) Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Particle Size Analysis
Vane Shear Apparatus Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Vane Shear Strength and Penetration
Tests Penetrometer Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Spinner Magnetometer Paleomagnetics Lab./ Core Processing Deck

Partial Anhysteric Remanence magnetizer Paleomagnetics Lab./ Core Processing Deck

ARM & IRM Rock Magnetism Analysis with Alternating Field Demagnetizer Paleomagnetics Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Stepwise acquisition and demagnetization
Thermal Demagnetizer Paleomagnetics Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Pulse Magnetizer Paleomagnetics Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Magnetic Susceptibility Systme (MS2B) Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Magnetic Susceptibility Analysis
Kappabridge Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Close-up Photo System Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Digital Microscope Lab Street Deck

Close-up and Micro Imaging
Scanning electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Paleontology Petrology Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Contamination Testing Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) QA/QC Sampling Room/ Core Processing Deck

Head Space Gas Analysis Gas Chromatograph (GC)

-with Frame Ionization Detector (GC-FID)
Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck
-Natural Gas Analyzer (GC-NGA)
-with Thermal Conductive and Frame Ionization Detectors (GC-TCD/FID)
Refractometer (Salinity) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck
Interstitial Water Chemistry Analysis
Titrator (pH, alkalinity, Chloride) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Measurement Instrument Location

Ion Chromatograph (for sulfate, sulfurous, nitrate, nitrite, other halogens) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Ion Chromatograph (for silicate and cations) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

ICP-AES (major cation, silicate, major elements) Semi-Clean Room/ Lab Street Deck

ICP-MS with high Matrix Introduction (trace cations) Semi-Clean Room/ Lab Street Deck

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (ammonium, silicate) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Hydraulic Press and Squeezer QA/QC Sampling Room/ Core Processing Deck

X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (XRF) (for major elements) Core Viewing Room/ Core Processing Deck

Bead Sampler Thin Section Room/ Lab Street Deck

Whole Rock Chemistry Analysis
Microwave Sample Preparation System Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck

Micro Region Chemistry Analysis Inductively-coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Semi-Clean Room/ Lab Street Deck

Bulk Carbon-Nitrogen-Hydrogen-Sulfur CHNS/O Analyzer Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Hydrocarbon Maturity Monitoring Rock Eval Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Volatile and Soluble Organic Compound Gas Chromatograph/ Mass Spectrometer (GC-MSD) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck
Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Motion Compensated Shipboard Balance System Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Motion Compensated Shipboard Micro-Balance System Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Polarized Microscope Paleontology Petrology Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Microscopic Observation

Measurement Instrument Location

Stereoscopic Microscope Paleontology Petrology Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Fluorescence Microscope Paleontology Petrology Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Liquid Nitrogen Generator Lab Storage/ Lab Street Deck

Nitrogen Gas Generator Lab Storage/ Lab Street Deck

Hydrogen Gas Generator Distributed in 7 places

Ultrapure Water System Distributed in 4 places

Core Splitter Core Splitting Room/ Core Processing Deck

Short Core Splitter Core Splitting Room/ Core Processing Deck

Parallel saw Core Sampling Room/ Core Processing Deck

Core Picker Core Splitting Room/ Core Processing Deck

General Sample Preparation and
Experimental Equipment Thin Section Equipment
-Cut-off Saw
-Auto Polishing System Thin Section Room/ Lab Street Deck
-Precision Cutting and Grinding System
-Vacuum Impregnator
Diluter Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Centrifuge Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck

Core Viewing Room/ Core Processing Deck
Freeze Drier Microbiology Lab/ Core Processing Deck
Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck
Planetary Ball Mill Core Viewing Room/ Core Processing Deck

Motorized Hydraulic Press Core Sampling Room/ Core Processing Room

Fume Hood In 5 Lab/Room

Measurement Instrument Location

Clean Bench Distributed in 5 places

Anaerobic Glove Box Microbiology Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Incubator Microbiology Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Autoclave Microbiology Lab/ Core Processing Deck

QA/QC Sampling Room/ Core Processing Deck
Drying Sterilizer Core Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Ultrasonic Bath Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck

Constant Oven Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck

Thin Section Room/ Lab Street Deck
Muffle Furnace Geochemistry Lab/ Lab Street Deck
Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck
Deep Freezer Distributed in 6 places

Ice Maker Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck

Medical Refrigerator Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck


Discrete Analyzer Microbiology Lab/ Core Processing Deck

Multi Beads Shocker Sample Preparation Room/ Lab Street Deck

Instrument Operation time for Total
Measurement/ Minimum
Preparation Instrument Manufacture Model Sample Measurement/ Requirement
Warming-up preparation Work Time
QC sample
X-ray CT X-ray CT Discovery 1h-1h30m
GE 30-50m _ 1.5h (1 core) required in regular
scanning scanner 750HD (1 core)
(10m, every 24h)
2h (1 core,
Core logging QC sample
NGR: 16cm
(NGR, GRA, measurement
MSCL-W, Calibration: int,
MS, PWV for Geotek _ 24-48h 29h-53h required in regular
whole & split interval
core) (10m, every 24h)
4cm int)
Sediment QC sample
Thermal Sediment
Thermal 41m (1 measurement
conductivity 1m 30m (1point,
conductivity Teka Berlin TK04 10m point) required in regular
(whole core and Rock 1sample)
system Rock 2h interval
pieces) 1h20m
(1sample) (30m, every 12h)
Split-core digital 6h 8h40m
MSCL-I Geotek _ 10m 2h (1 core)
photography warm-up: (1 core)
(every 12h)
Calibration: 3h10m QC sample
Color 2h (1 core,
MSCL-C Geotek _ 1h 10m (1 core, measurement
reflectance 4cm int)
(every 12h) 4cm int) required in regular

(3m, every 1 core)

Cryogenic 1h30m
magnetization 2G 30m (1core,
Magnetometer 760 1h _ (1 core,
(step-wise Enterprises 5cm int)
System 5cm int)
core: 10m
48h40m QC sample
(1core, 30h (1core,
X-ray JSX-3600CA1 (1 core, measurement
start-up: 2 2cm int.) 2cm int.)
fluorescence XRFCL JEOL (TATSSCAN- 2cm int) required in regular
days cuttings: cuttings: 40m
scanning F2) cuttings: interval
26h (8 sample)
74h40m (3m, every 1 core)
(8 sample)
26h (8 28h
1.5h (8
samples) (8 samples)
Penta- samples)
Quantachrome PPYC-KU 30m Calibration (4 samples x
pycnometer (4 samples X
1.5h 2
Moisture and 2 instruments)
(every 12h) intruments)
26h (8
Electric samples) 10m (8 28h10m
OHTI _ 2h
balance Calibration samples) (8 samples)
QC sample
26h (8 20m (1 batch: required in regular
X-ray diffraction XRD Spectris PW3800 30m (1 batch: 8
samples) 8 samples) interval
(2m, every 1
Impedance Agilent
Resistivity 4294A
Analyzer Technology

Measurement MIS-235-1-
System for 075-055
Elastic Wave Discrete
Velocity Samples
Analysis Pressurization
Elastic Wave
Particle Size Beckman LS13320, S/N
Analyzer with
Analyzer Coulter AL38627
Micro Volume
Module (MVM)

Vane Shear
_ _ >30 sec >30 sec
Vane Shear Apparatus
Strength and
Penetrometer _ _ >30 sec >30 sec

hard rock: hard rock:

Partial An
10m 25m
ARM & IRM hysteric ASC
Dtech D-2000 10m (1 sample) 5m (1 sample) (1 sample)
Rock Remanence Scienctific
other: 2m other: 17m
magnetism Magnetizer
(1 sample) (1 sample)
AF Natsuhara 10m 25m
DEM-95 10m 5m (1 sample)
demagnetizer Giken (1 sample) (1 sample)

10m 5h20m
Thermal Natsuhara 5h (1 batch: 6
TDS-1 10m (1 batch: (1 batch: 6
demagnetizer Giken samples)
6 samples) samples)
hard rock: hard rock:
10m 25m QC sample
Spinner Natsuhara (1 sample) (1 sample) measurement
SMD-88 10m 5m (1 sample)
Magnetometer Giken sediments: sediments: required in regular
2m 17m interval
(1 sample) (1 sample)
Pulse Magnetic
MMPM10 _ _ _ _
Magnetizer Measurement
QC sample
KLY-3S 12m 47m measurement
Kappabridges AGICO 30m 5m (1 sample)
Kappabridges (1 sample) (1 sample) required in regular
QC sample
10m 16m measurement
MS2B Bartington MS2 5m 1m (1 sample)
(1 sample) (1 sample) required in regular
Close-up Photo
Canon WFT-E1 _ _ _ _

Close-up and Digital

Keyence VHX-900 _ _ _ _
Micro Imaging Microscope


QC sample
Gas 5h
Contamination Agilent 10m 29h50m measurement
Chromatograph 6890N 24h sample:
testing Technology (1 sample) (1 sample) required in regular
(ECD) 40m
(1 sample)

Fluorescence Calibration:
Carl Zeiss _ _ 10m
microscope 10m
QC sample
required in regular
TMRT does not
Agilent Calibration: 40m (1 10h40m (1 contain sample
Chromatograp 6890N 5h
Technology 5h sample) sample) prep time such as
h (NGA)
sample heating.
90 minutes
measurement with
reference gas
every 24hr.
Head space
QC sample
gas analysis
required in regular
TMRT does not
Gas contain sample
Agilent Calibration: 15m 10h15m
Chromatograph 6890N 5h preparation time
Technology 5h (1 sample) (1 sample)
(FID) such as sample
30 minutes
measurement with
reference gas
every 24hr.
Squeezing Squeezer Carver Inc. setup: 3h 30-60m _ 3h30m-4h
Pore water QC sample
chemistry 32m measurement
Refractometer Atago RX-5000a 30m 0m 2m (1 sample)
(refractive (1sample) required in regular
index) interval

Pure water
every 24hr.
QC sample
Pore water required in regular
Spectrophotom 4h30m (15 30m (1 batch: 6h (1batch:
chemistry Shimadzu UV-2550PC 1h interval
eter (UV-Vis) samples) 15 samples) 15 samples)
(NH3) TMRT does not
include reagent
QC sample
Pore water required in regular
Spectrophotom 1h30m (15 30m (1 batch: 3h (1 batch:
chemistry Shimadzu UV-2550PC 1h interval
eter (UV-Vis) samples) 15 samples) 15 samples)
(PO4) TMRT does not
include reagent
QC sample
Pore water
required in regular
chemistry (Si) Spectrophotom 4h30m (15 30m (1 batch: 6h (1batch:
Shimadzu UV-2550PC 1h interval
supplemental eter (UV-Vis) samples) 15 samples) 15 samples)
TMRT does not
include reagent
QC sample
Pore water
Basic Titrino 30m 24h30m measurement
chemistry (pH, Titrator Metrhom 24h 0m
Model 794 (1 sample) (1 sample) required in regular
QC sample
Pore water Ion 12h (1
1h (30 10h (1 batch: measurement
chemistry Chromatograp Dionex ICS1500 4h batch: 30
samples) 30 samples) required in regular
(sulfate) h samples)

QC sample
Pore water
Basic Titrino 10m 2h10m measurement
chemistry Titrator Metrhom 2h 0m
Model 794 (1 sample) (1 sample) required in regular
QC sample
Pore water
2h (30 8h (1 batch: measurement
chemistry ICP-AES Horiba Ultima2 1h
samples) 30 samples) required in regular
(major element) 11h (1
batch: 30
QC sample
Pore water samples)
2h (30 8h (1 batch: measurement
chemistry ICP-AES Horiba Ultima2 1h
samples) 30 samples) required in regular
(minor element)
QC sample
Pore water 10h30m
Agilent 2h (30 4h (1 batch: measurement
chemistry (trace ICP-MS 7500ce 4h30m (1 batch: 30
Technology samples) 30 samples) required in regular
element) samples)
QC sample
X-Ray measurement
Rigaku Supermini
Fluorescence required in regular
QC sample
48h (30 8h (1 batch: measurement
ICP-AES Horiba Ultima2 1h (1 batch: 30
samples) 30 samples) required in regular
Whole rock and QC sample
major elements 56h30m
Agilent 48h (30 4h (1 batch: measurement
ICP-MS 7500ce 4h30m (1 batch: 30
Technology samples) 30 samples) required in regular
New Wave
Laser Ablation UP-213

Bead Sampler Tokyo Kagaku TK-4100

14h (1
5h (1 batch:
batch: 35 QC sample
Bulk Carbon- 35 unknown
CHNS/O FlashEA1112 5h (35 unknown measurement
Nitrogen (CN) ThermoFinigan 4h samples + 14
Analyzer NC samples) samples +14 required in regular
analysis reference
reference interval
3h (1 batch: 11h (20
QC sample
20 unknown unknown
Bulk Sulfur (S) CHNS/O FlashEA1112 4h (20 measurement
ThermoFinigan 4h samples +10 samples +10
analysis Analyzer NC samples) required in regular
reference reference
samples) samples)
QC sample
Hydrocarbon Vinch Rock-Eval 6 24h (1 1h20m (1 measurement
Rock Eval 1h30m-3h 28h20m (1
monitoring Technologies "Standard" sample) sample) required in regular
Liquid 10m 2h40m
Agilent Calibration:
Volatile and Chromatograph 1100 30m (Depending (Depending
Technology 2h
Soluble Organic (HPLC) on target) on target)
Compound Gas 20m 3h
Analysis Agilent Calbration:
Chromatograph 5973N 30m (Depending (Depending
Technology 2h
(MSD) on target) on target)

Biostratigraphy Microscopes Carl Zeiss _ _ 10m

hard rock:
Cut off saw Struers _ hard rock:
48h (1
batch: 6
(1 batch: 6
Smear slide / Thin section samples)
Struers _ _ _ altered,
Thin section equipments altered,
4days (1
Vacuum 4days
Struers _ batch: 6
Impregnation (1 batch: 6

samples) soft
soft sediments: 1
Polishing sediments: week (1
Struers _
system 1week batch: 6
(1 batch: 6 samples)
Isomet Low depend on
Micro Cutter BUEHLER _ _ _
Speed Saw sample

Microscopes Carl Zeiss _ _ 10m

Microbiology Gas
Agilent Calibration:
(phospholipid Chromatograp 6890N 30m 20m Not available
Technology 2h
and cell counts) h (TCD/FID)
QC sample
Carbonate 10h (1
Carbonate 5h (30 3h (1 batch: measurement
analyzer UIC & MWJ CM5012 2h batch: 30
analysis samples) 30 samples) required in regular
(coulometer) samples)
2h (1 core, (1 core,
NGR: 16cm NGR: 16cm QC sample
MSCL-W, int, int, measurement
resistivity Geotek _ 24-48h _
MSCL-S GRA, MS, GRA, MS, required in regular
PWV & NCR: PWV & interval
4cm int) NCR: 4cm
3h (1 core,
Core Splitting Core splitter Maruto MC-904 _ _ 3h (1 core) Need 2 person

20-30m (1 20-30m (1
Core Cutting _ _ _ _ Need 3-4 person
core) core)

Estimated time is a rough guide based on experience during Exp. 315 & 316, and it will change depending on measurement interval, sample
condition, instrument condition, technicians number, etc.
1 core is assumed that it is composed of seven sections.
Chemistry analysis is generally conducted using auto-sampler equipped instrument, therefore measurement time is estimated for 1 batch
measurement. And, this measurement time does not include the time for QC sample measurement and calibration between sample measurements.
Required time is for 1 person for 1 instrument at certin condition. Time may change depend on sample, analytical procedure and measurement
condition except MSCL-I and X-ray CT scanning.


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