Hix Son 1931

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drop for a new type of baffle is known the heat-transfer coeffi- Atout = temperature difference between gas and tube
surface a t gas outlet
cient can be estimated. It is interesting to notice that the Q1 = heat given up by air, P. c. u. per hour
baffles causing only slight increases in pressure drop give al- -w = water rate, pounds per hour
most ?s high heat-transfer coefficients as would be obtained
for the same pressure drop through the empty tube. While P
heat gained by water, P. c. u. per hour
mass velocity, pounds per square foot per second
heat-transfer coeofficient, P. c. u. per square foot
these curves are drawn for a 3-inch pipe only, curves for other per hour per C.
sizes may be estimated parallel to these and at distances apart APobad. = observed pressure drop, inches of water
determined by lines for the empty tubes constructed from 4PCor. = pressure drop due to frictional resistance, obtained
Equation 7. From inspection of the curves it seems that the from IPobad. by correcting for kinetic energy
= average gas density, pounds per cubic foot
maximum increase in heat-transfer coefficient that can be
obtained without too great a rise in pressure drop is about
P = tube length, feet
1P = pressure drop, inches of water
sixfold, under which conditions the pressure drop is 200 times CP = specific heat of gas
as great. The same increase in heat transfer might be ob-
tained by raising the velocity in the empty tube, in which Acknowledgment
case the pressure drop would be 60 times the original.
The writers wish to acknowledge the suggestions and
assistance of T. H. Chilton and W. H. McAdams, and the
assistance of R. S. Thurston and A. T. Sinks, who carried
m = air rate, pounds per hour out the experimental work on turbulence promoters.
tl, = temperature of gas a t inlet
= temperature of gas a t outlet Literature Cited
t.d in = temperature of water a t inlet
tw = temperature of water a t outlet (1) Haslam and Chappell, IND. E N G .CHEM.,17, 402 (1925).
& = temperature difference between gas and tube (2) Royds, Heat Transmission by Radiation, Conduction and Convection,
surface a t gas inlet p 190, Constable, 1921.

Dependence of Reaction Velocity upon Surface and

I-Theoretical Consideration
A. VI. Hixsonl a n d J. H. Crowel13

HE problems of agita- T h i s research h a d for i t s purposes a general in- moved with a violent irregu-

T tion have long been a

source of much trouble
for the chemist and chemical
vestigation of t h e subject of a g i t a t i o n a n d t h e estab-
l i s h m e n t of a basis which might serve for a q u a n t i t a -
tive comparison of different agitations. Since t h e
lar action, a stirring up, dis-
turbance of tranquility, or a
commotion. The important
engineer on a c c o u n t of the velocity of a heterogeneous reaction is generally q u i t e features in this definition are
great lack of knowledge con- sensitive to the effect of agitation, its use was con- violence and irregularity.
c e r n i n g both their qualita- sidered in this connection. However, in t h e use of a Since the mind cannot con-
tive and q u a n t i t a t i v e as- heterogeneous reaction f o r s u c h a purpose, t h e surface ceive of agitation without the
pects. I n fact, agitation is effects are equally i m p o r t a n t and h a d , therefore, to be presence of matter, it may be
even a difficult s u b j ec t to studied as a part of the original problem. thought of as one of the at-
talk about s p e c i f i c a l l y be- A detailed analysis of t h e vague idea of agitation tributes of matter. There-
cause the terms that are used has been m a d e w i t h an a t t e m p t towards breaking fore, when the three states
to describe it are so general it down into its final f u n d a m e n t a l elements. of matter are considered, six
and indefinite in their appli- A new l a w ( t h e cube r o o t law) has been derived f r o m possible binary combinations
cation. I n this research an theoretical considerations in which t h e velocity of are obtained-that is, solid-
effort i s m a d e t o l a y t h e solution of a solid in a liquid is expressed as a f u n c t i o n solid, liquid-liquid, gas-gas,
foundation for a more logi- of the surface a n d the concentration. solid-liquid, liquid-gas, and
cal and practical method of solid-gas. I n addition, the
attack. The problem whose investigation is here proposed more complex solid-liquid-gas system could be considered, but
is, HOWis it possible to introduce a practical and numeri- in general, it is found that a great many agitations are of the
cal evaluation of the phenomena that are produced in a binary kind. This division is based upon a consideration
system undergoing agitation? of the uses of agitation in the industry, where the purposes
Due to the extreme indefiniteness of the entire subject, for which it is applied may be placed in the following classi-
it was found that the adoption of a very generalized view- fication:
point gave many advantages in correlating the widely diverse (1) .To procure and a uniform distribution
situations where agitation occurs. or mixing of the materials used, or to increase the rate at which
Webster defines agitation as a state of being agitated or this distribution is taking place.
(2) To keep the distribution of chemicals undergoing a reac-
Received February 21, 1931. From a dissertation presented by Mr.
I tion, or obtained in one, in a satisfactory condition so that
Crowell t o the Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University, in partial undesirable side reactions are avoided while the main reaction
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, proceeds in the direction desired.
June, 1930. (3) To maintain a uniform distribution or elimination of
2 Professor of chemical engineering. heat, thereby preventing local overheating or overcooling.
8 Present address, The Selden Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. (4) To increase the specific surfsce by separating the phases
into many smaller portions. Here, such terms as grinding and is a new type of approach, some method whereby the effect
macerating, spraying and splashing, emulsification, dissolving,
bubbling, and frothing indicate what is meant. of the motion is the thing considered or some way in which the
( 5 ) T o decrease the specific surface as in agglomeration, total mechanically integrated effect of all the small, irregular
crystallization, condensation, centrifuging, precipitation, and motions is automatically taken care of by the method or sub-
similar types of processes. stance itself. This would avoid the difficulties involved in
(6) To allow transportation to take place without the un- attempting to specify the motion point by point throughout
desved separation or settling out of the phases, as in the move-
ment of suspensions and sludges through pipes. the system from moment to moment. This requires that
some measurable property or effect of the agitation be taken
Other classifications have been made by Wood, Whitte-

more, and Badger (69),Killeffer (34), and Seymour (54). as a basis for the indirect evaluation of the agitation itself.
Such a property or effect can best be disclosed by the introduc-
M a t h e m a t i c a l a n d Physical Research on Fluid Motion tion of another phase to form one of the agitation systems
From the time of Euler, in 1755, many physicists and referred to, so that the cumulative effect of the agitation will
mathematicians have studied the problems of fluid motion, be made apparent by its action on the added substance or
and a wealth of information of important theoretical value phase. If the various purposes for which agitation is used are
has been disclosed. But of all this information on the motion studied, it may be seen that there are many effects which could
of fluids, there is little that has had any practical use. The be used to measure its efficiency in serving its purpose. For
reason for this lies in the fact that the equations of motion example, the following criteria might be employed: the rate of
become hopelessly complex in the actual motion where it is mixing of solids, the uniformity of heat distribution, the rate
no longer possible to ignore the factors of viscosity, surface of solution or sublimation of a solid, etc. As this method in-
tension, compressibility, boundary shape, and inertia. These volves the seIection of arbitrary standards, absolute values
factors are extremely important a t the increased velocities would, of course, not be obtained.
that are present in the actual motion. The introduction of For this particular research the binary combination chosen
all of these effects tends toward the production of consider- for study was the solid-liquid system, utilizing the rate of
able eddy motion, irregularity, and highly turbulent condi- dissolution and distribution of a solid in a liquid under agita-
tions which are just what is desired for agitation, On the tion as the criterion or measure of that agitation. The word
other hand, turbulency is the chief outstanding difficulty in dissolution will be used to indicate the process of forming a
the whole subject of hydrodynamics. solution, or the ordinary dissolving. The reasons for the
Excepting the study of turbulent flow in pipes, the only choice of this system are, first, that its application in in-
studies (14, 40, 59) of the turbulent state have been made on dustry should be relatively less difficult than the other sys-
the stability of steady motion of a liquid between two coaxial tems, and second, that any results obtained should be of
cylinders. This was first investigated by Mallock, in 1888 immediate practical value. However, this choice involves a
(40), and later by Taylor, in 1922 (59). It was definitely serious complexity owing to the simultaneous rate of change of
shown by the latter, both theoretically and experimentally, surface during the dissolution. This, of course, applies only
that when the inner cylinder was fixed, the steady motion was to the general case where the surface is allowed to vary.
stable for all observed speed of rotation. When the outer Since these two subjects, agitation and surface effect, are the
cylinder was fixed and the inner rotated, there was stability two characteristically inherent properties involved in the
only a t sufficiently low speeds of the inner one. In all cases, velocity of a heterogeneous reaction, one is thus led, in the
the speed a t which the instability began was sharply defined. general case, from a study of agitation to a study of the ki-
The similarity in the existence of a critical value for the ve- netics of surface change a t the same time.
locity, as in the case of rectilinear flow, seems very encourag- It must be realized that the field is entirely too large for the
application of the broad idea to be applied in a detailed man-
ing. The study of the motion of a fluid in the neighborhood
of a solid (a plane lamina) which moves in simple translation ner to all systems a t this time. All that can be expected is
through the fluid a t rest, shows that the motion is extremely that enough will be shown of its application in the solid-liquid
complex and difficult to interpret (16, 35, 48, 65). However, system, and to a limited extent in one or two of the others, so
in the case of two-dimensional flow of quite viscous liquids, that some inference may be drawn concerning its general
it has been possible to photograph the lines of flow, and in applicability. Therefore, the discussion will from this point
certain cases to show that the mathematical equations of center mainly on the properties of the system chosen and will
motion are followed fairly closely. For the actual three- only incidentally consider other systems as the opportunities
dimensional turbulent motion in the general case, so far prac- may be presented.
tically no progress has been made. There has, however,
Previous Work o n Agitation
been considerable experimental work done on the resist-
ance of ships and on the pattern of flow of water in the
neighborhood of moving solids so that a good deal of qualita- The literature on this subject is extremely meager and
tive information is available about this phase of the subject. nearly all the research has been but indirectly connected with
With respect to the similarity of motion of liquids in geo- agitation itself. On the subject of stirrer efficiency, an
metrically similar boundaries but of different sizes, or the article by Wood, Whittemore, and Badger (69),published in
question of scale, the work of Stanton of the National Physical 1922, seems to be the first practical study made upon the
Laboratory should be mentioned (56). This brings in the problem (31). They measured the rate a t which the mixing
whole question of dynamical similarity and the use of models of a strong salt solution and a supernatant water layer took
in the study of fluid motion. The use of this method has been place under different stirrer speeds. They used an ordinary
paddle agitator in a 600-gallon wooden tank. The distribu-
attended with considerable success, especially in the study of
surface waves, ship resistance, aerofoils, and the flow of differ- tion of the salt was determined at various fixed points by
means of electrical conductivity methods. The time neces-
ent fluids in pipes of different diameters. An excellent
exposition of this important theory has been given by sary to obtain complete mixing was used as the comparative
element. They showed that complete mixing took place very
Gibson (65).
rapidly and usually around one minute under the conditions
Proposed M e t h o d of S t u d y under which they operated. They also called attention to the
From the foregoing it would seem that a direct mathemati- fact that an ordinary paddle agitator was much more efficient
cal attack upon the problem is precluded. What is needed than was usually thought. Moreover, they showed that the

visual appearance of the motion and the power consumption It can be seen that the application of any of these reactions
were unreliable and unsatisfactory as gages of the efficiency of to industrial work, in an endeavor to use them as measures of
the stirrer. They also tried several chemical methods which the commoner rates of agitation which are found in industry,
they reported as unsatisfactory. would involve considerable change, especially in the range of
The statement concerning the efficiency of the paddle relatively slow rates. In other work in which there have been
agitator was confirmed by Hill in 1923, in connection with attempts to relate the speed of stirring to the velocity of the
observations on the rapid rate of solution of a dye, as shown action studied, the results are a t such variance that a generali-
by samples of a solid (which absorbed the dissolved dye) zation is made only with difficulty and is of doubtful valce.
taken a t different times after the addition of the solid dye Most of these relationships are the results of studies widely
(28). differing from each other in the many conditions that ac-
Murphee (4@, in 1923, considered the rate of solution company the reaction studied. With no restrictions on the
of crystals and worked out a mathematical formula based shape and dimensions of the agitator or of the vessel used
upon the change in the characteristic linear dimensions of the one cannot expect an agreement between different investi-
average crystal during the progress of solution. He con- gators concerning the influence, for instance, of doubled
sidered that with certain variations it might be used to test r. p. m., even on the same reaction.
the relative agitation efficiencies of different types of equip- In general, the velocity of the reaction when run under
ment. This work will also be referred to again under the identical conditions except with a different stirring rate is
study of surface effect. found to vary as some power of the stirring speed expressed
In 1924, Roth (52) used a semi-quantitative solution as r. p. m. Mathematically stated, Vcy(n), where V is the
method to test the suitability of a stirrer for use in calo- velocity, TL is the r. p. m., and z is a number, usually fractional
rimetry. He used a crystal of potassium permanganate im- and less than unity. The values of 5 reported by different
bedded in a soluble colorless salt which was fastened to the authors range from 0 to the more usual values of */3, 3/j, 4 j 5 J
stirrer, and noted the rate of solution from the time a t which and 1, depending on whatever value seems to fit their par-
the streaks of color began to appear. ticular choice of reaction or set of conditions best (2, d , 7 , 9,
From the physical standpoint, Dodd, in 1927 ( l 7 ) , pub- 23, 26, 61, 68).
lished a method of comparing the times of complete mixing of Another formula which is closely related to the one just
two liquids by determining the time required to make the given was published by Jablezynski in 1908 ( 3 1 ) . It has the
striations due to density differences disappear while the following form: K 1 / K 2 = ( T L ~ / T L ~ )where
, the Ks are the
entire system was being agitated. He used gasoline and values of the velocity constants a t their respective stirring
carbon disulfide, also strong salt solution and water, as the speeds, and z has the same significance as before. He also
agitation systems for the study. He reported, after an in- calls attention to the variance of 2 with the change of ap-
tensive study of the problem, that the time of complete mixing paratus. This formula has been found satisfactory by a
depends on the rate of stirring, position of the stirrer, shape number of investigators for the ranges of stirring speeds and the
of the vessel, etc., but did not consider these variables any conditions and reactions that they employed ( 2 , 7 , 9). The
further. The point of disappearance was quite abrupt. variation of 2 in the same reaction when the range of stirring
This contribution is a study of a rather specific case of agita- speed was taken large enough to disclose it was shown by
tion, and it is doubtful if the method would have much general Huber and Reids class 2 reactions (29) and also by Wolff
application. (66, 6 8 ) . The change in the character of the agitation
Where the effect of agitation upon the velocity of a strictly as the stirring rate was increased must be the cause of
chemical reaction is concerned, the work of Reid and his the change in the form of the functional relationship be-
students is quite important (29, 44). They studied a variety tween the velocity and the stirring speed. As the forces
of systems (in the sense that the word is herein used) and producing the motion change, owing to the increasing r. p. m.,
found that among the chemical reactions studied there were their relative intensities change also and certain compo-
three classes: first, those in which the rate of reaction is nents become more predominant. The result is that the total
approximately a linear function of the stirring speed; second, characteristic effect upon the reaction velocity appears in a
those in which this function is linear only after a certain new role. This difference is strikingly evident when one con-
speed of stirring is reached; and third, those whose rates are siders the change in character of the agitation produced when
independent of the stirring speed. a ball mill, centrifuge, or impeller agitator is run below or
The speeds were all relatively high-i. e., from 3000 to above its proper speed. These effects of change in character
13,000 r. p. m. Their agitators were of the Witt disk type (67) of the agitation appear only if the reaction velocity is suffi-
and the exact shape used varied, depending on whether ciently sensitive towards changes in agitation within the
solid-liquid or gas-liquid systems were being studied. The range of stirring speeds that has been chosen. Considered in
vessel was provided with several large baffles so that it is this light, it can be seen why the relationship between velocity
justifiable to assume that a high degree of agitation must have and stirrer rate has appeared in so many different forms,
been obtained. Beyond the reactions studied or the ranges of depending on the reaction, its degree of completion, range of
stirring rates they employed, they did not consider the effects speeds, and other conditions imposed. Moreover, there
of the many other variables. In particular, the methods should be a considerable difference between those reactions,
used were such as to eliminate any appreciable change in where a gas is evolved a t the surface of the solid, and those
composition throughout the separate runs with the given where the reaction seems to be merely that of pure solution
speeds, and to keep such changes, when they were unavoid- without such a complication being present. Such a difference
able, as nearly constant in value as possible. Whether these might be due to the agitation caused by the gas evolution and
linear relationships would hold, for example, with differently its surface-covering effect, both of which should have some
shaped agitators, placed differently, is problematical. It is effect upon the form of the relationship between the stirring
quite likely that the form which the function assumes in these rate and the reaction velocity. It is the agitation and the
reactions depends on many things other than the stirring surface change that affect the reaction rate to the greatest
speeds, even if it is assumed that the velocity of the reaction extent in most cases, and the r. p. m. of the stirrer is only one
is always measured under the same conditions of concentra- of the many factors that bear on these two influences.
tion and surface. In this research an endeavor has been made to visualize

the problem as a whole and to bring together and coordinate in such a scale. In many cases, the difference is great enough
all of its known essential factors. so that a rough approximation can be made from appearances
alone. But as Wood, Whittemore, and Badger have pointed
General Qualitative Characteristics of Agitation out, this is quite deceptive, so that not much reliance can be
placed upon it as a method of comparison unless the differ-
NATUREOF AGITATION-when a medium, a liquid for ences are very great.
example, undergoing a visible agitation is inspected, the fol- I n any event, methods based upon the addition of another
lowing characteristics may be noted: substance can be used in the manner referred to in the pre-
vious pages. The turbulent motions of the medium may be
( I ) The contiguous portions undergo displacements or relative used to perform work of distribution on the added substance.
changes of position with respect to each other, which vary in
magnitude and direction. For instance, in an immiscible liquid-liquid system, the entire
(2) The rates a t which these displacements occur are different volume of the container could be subdivided into regions, and
for different points in the medium-e. g., some portions may seem the analysis of a sample which had been withdrawn from each
to move almost as if they were rigid bodies.
(3) The continued application of forces is necessary to gener-
region would indicate the extent of distribution or mixing that
ate and maintain the motions developed. was present in that region. If this extent is now given a
(4) When the distribution of the forces existing in the fluid numerical value based upon complete uniformity-e. g., if
is investigated, it is found t h a t their intensities and directions the basis were taken for complete uniform distribution to
vary from point to point.
(5) Numerous local centers of disturbance, eddies, whirl- equal 100-a mean or average value of the intensity of the
pools, splashes, and irregularities of all description form and entire volume could be computed from an arithmetical sum-
disappear. mation of all the values of the smaller component regions.
Such a system (oil-water) was investigated in this laboratory
The magnitude, randomness of direction, rate of comple- several years ago and appeared to offer considerable promise
tion, and frequency of occurrence of these relative displace- (12).
ments are the fundamentally distinctive properties of our Another and better way would be, as mentioned before,
concept of agitation, and any operation or change whereby to add a substance to the medium so that its distribution is
any of these properties is affected has an effect upon the in- an automatic result of the combined effect of all the small
tensity and character of the agitation. motions and expenditures of energy throughout the entire
These are descriptive terms applied to the action occurring volume. Then, regardless of their local variations, the meas-
at discontinuously located spots or regions in the main body ure of the mean value of the intensity of the agitation as a
of the liquid. Therefore, even if it were possible to obtain a whole in the entire volume would consist in a measure of the
complete knowledge concerning any one of these spots, the rate and thoroughness with which this distribution progressed.
agitation of the total volume of the liquid as a continuous If a system a t one agitation performed a given distribution
medium would still be impossible to calculate. We can, in less time than it did at a different agitation, the former
however, still think and speak of the agitation of the fluid or would be more intense than the latter. If the numerical
liquid en masse, as an ensemble of all these local centers of value of the work involved in the distribution were known or
turbulence, but its evaluation in this sense can be done only calculable, an absolute measure of the intensity could be ob-
by some physical method such as that outlined in the proposed tained. Not knowing this work, we still have a relative
method of study. measure of the intensities, provided we give each system the
This manner of flow or mode of motion in a liquid has been same amount of distributive work to perform. This last
termed by Lord Kelvin the turbulent mode, and is, as postulate forms the basis of the experimental comparison of
herein postulated, the chief underlying characteristic of agitations considered in this research. For example, two
all agitation. The degree of this turbulence is a measure solid-liquid systems differing only in one particular variable
of the intensity of the agitation in any particular example (say the length of the agitator) are given the same amount of
of a medium that is being considered. One might define distributive work to perform-via., the dissolution and dis-
agitation as that mode of motion which, being imparted to a tribution of the same amount of the same solid. Then the
medium, is characterized by the production of turbulence. rates at which they perform this amount of work are compared
There is no well-accepted theory concerning the nature of the and the one completing this work a t the faster rate, or in the
motions involved in turbulence, but most writers seem to shorter time, is considered by definition to have the higher
think of it as a sort of combined shearing and eddying motion average or mean intensity of agitation.
superimposed upon the ordinary laminar type of flow (32, 36,
49, 57, 60). Specific Factors Affecting R a t e of Dissolution a n d Distri-
INTENSITY OF AGITATION-In the conception of agitation b u t i o n in Soluble Solid-Liquid System
here formulated, intensity may be considered as an ordered
magnitude, and it should be possible to arrange a series of FACTORS CONCERNING SOLID-The rate a t which a given mass
agitations in a scale in the order of their increasing degrees of a solid dissolves in a liquid depends on the following factors,
of turbulence. It would not, of course, be a quantity, and it other things being equal:
would therefore not be additive. I n this, there is a resem- ( a ) The specific surface of the particles of the solid or their
average surface per unit of weight.
blance to the idea of temperature. Also, one could speak
( b ) The uniformity of distribution in size throughout the
of comparing two agitations (the operations in bulk) by com- particles.
paring their relative degrees of turbulence. It is also .well (c) The shape characteristics of the particles, which deter-
to point out that no postulates have been made about the mine the specific surface in that as they approach those of a
quantity of agitation, if such a thing exists. Moreover, while sphere the specific surface approaches a minimum. Therefore,
for fast rates, the particles should be as angular, sharp, and jagged
the idea has so far been restricted to agitation produced by as possible.
mechanical means. there is no theoretical reason why molecu- ( d ) The rate of dissolution which will vary if the particles are
lar and thermal agitations, such as are found in diffusion, not homogeneous or if their nature varies from one to the other.
could not be included in a still more generalized idea of If the material in each particle is anisotropic, but is not regularly
agitation, but this aspect will not be gone into further. crystalline, the separate differences in rate of solution from each
face will disappear and the total rate will be a composite of the
A more important question is that of the determination single rates. If, however, the individual faces of a crystal are
of the relative position of the intensity of a given agitation compared, then these differences are revealed ( 6 , 24, 39, 50, 53).

(e) The diffusion coefficient of the solid for the given liquid. (f) Pulsating Motion. Obtained, for example, when a per-
Other things being equal, the rates of solution of two different forated piston moves alternately back and forth through a liquid,
solids in the same liquid should vary directly as their diffusion as in various kinds of pulsating jigs.
coefficients. (g) Straight Line or Unidirectional. Such as the flow of a
(f) Such influencing factors as incipient fractures, dust, gas river or canal under gravity.
films, agglomerates, density currents, and convection streams (It) Random Motion. The motion is more or less random,
(53). When a material has been crushed or shattered by a blow for instance, that caused by irregularly placed air jets in a liquid.
the presence of cracks and incipient fractures is generally quite Combinations of all these motions are extensively employed
apparent and interferes with the use of this method as a means of in industrial plants on account of the ease with which a modifica-
the determination of the relative surfaces of powders tion of the character of the agitation is obtained. This classifica-
FACTORS COSCERNING LIQUID-(^) The agitation of the liquid tion is arbitrary and does not pretend to be complete, as the
in contact with the surface of the solid. Regardless of whether subject does not lend itself to a detailed analysis in this manner.
or not there is a skin layer of slow-moving or stationary liquid For a classification of different types of agitators, see Killeffers
immediately adjacent to the solid surface, the agitation of the article ( 3 4 ) .
liquid which is next to this layer or t o the surface is the most SHAPEOF CONTAINER-This is a matter of much importance,
important factor in the rate of solution of the solid. as it serves in general to modify the generating motion and may
( b ) The temperature affects the rate of solution in two ways: act in many different ways to alter the applied force and to affect
It changes the solubility, thus increasing the distance necessary the distribution.
t o pass through to arrive a t equilibrium, and it increases the TYPEOF IMPEDING OR DEFLECTING WALLSOR BARRIERS-
actual velocity itself through its kinetic influence. The tempera- This is the question of baffles and breakers and is the most often
ture coefficient is considerably less than that of homogeneous used and most easily operated device for the transformation of
reactions ( 4 , 20). pure translational or rotational motion into agitation.
(c) The concentration of the dissolved solid already in solu- TOTAL VOLUMEOF SYSTEM-The amount of free space in the
tion. This very important effect will be discussed in more detail container available for motion and the relative proportion of
later. Its general influence is to decrease the rate of solution. the solid and liquid as parts of the total volume of the system must
( d ) The viscosity of the liquid. This affects the rate of diffu- be considered.
sion and is frequently the governing factor in the power-agitation GENERATING FoRcEs-The question as to how and where the
relation. motive forces are to be applied in each case, and the resulting
FACTORS CONCERNING BOTHLIQUIDAND SOLID-(a) The chemi- effects of momentum, inertia, power requirements, materials
cal nature of the two. By this is meant their solubility, whether strength, etc., are largely those of machine design. It is sufficient
they react chemically or not, the nature of the reaction, and the to say that the effect of change in the points and manner of ap-
nature of the products if they do react. For example, a coating plication are immediately evident in the intensity and character
of an insoluble protective nature may be formed on the surface of the agitation produced.
of the solid, a gas may be formed whose escape causes an increased RBGIMESUNDER DIFFERENTINTENSITIES OF GENERATING
agitation, or a chemical reaction may have to take place before FoRcEs-The changes in the character of the agitation have
solution is possible. been mentioned before but are here emphasized again.
( b ) The relative density relationships of the solid, liquid, DEGREEOF MAGNIFICATION-This is again the idea of dynami-
and solution will have much to do with the rate of solution. cal similarity which was mentioned before. It is evident that
For instance, the formation of currents of the more dense solu- even if two systems were geometrically similar and on a different
tion may cause motion of the liquid in the neighborhood of the scale, they could still be dynamically dissimilar. This is entirely
solid. too large a problem to be treated here, although it is felt that the
(c) The proportion of solid and solvent governs the amount principles here enunciated should prove especially valuable in
of total interfacial contact surface presented, and other things the study of the performances of large-scale equipment compared
being equal, the rate varies with the total surface between the to that of small-scale models.
DISTRIBUTION-Bythis term is meant the locational place- Surface Effect a n d C u b e Root Law
ment of the solid in the final form which it attains. It includes
the processes of dissolution and transportation to give a final uni- The rate at which the dissolution of a solid takes place in a
form concentration of the solid throughout the liquid, but in
general, it concerns mainly the idea of transportation. liquid, the known laws, and the derivation of a general law
( a ) The average intensity of agitation of the liquid bulk may will now be considered.
be high or low compared to that of the liquid in immediate con- FICKS LAWOF DIFFusIoN-This well-known law concern-
tact with the surface of the solid. ing the rate a t which a dissolved substance diffuses in solu-
( b ) The uniformity of agitation throughout the liquid also tion was enunciated by Fick in 1855 (21) and is a special case
affects the rate at which the thoroughness of distribution is
obtained. of the more general law known as Fouriers law of linear
diffusion, which was formulated still earlier, in 1822. One
Specific Factors Affecting Agitation Itself way of stating the law is to say that the quantity of solute,
ds, which diffuses through an area, A , in a time, dt, when the
TYPEOF GENERATING MOTION-Under this head can be listed concentration changes by an amount, dc, through a distance,
certain prominent types characteristic of the manner in which the dx,a t right angles to the plane of A , is given the expression
motion is imparted to the liquid in order to produce the agitation. ds/dt = - DA dc/dx.
It is hardly necessary to say that there is a very great variation
in the agitation produced by the same amount of force, depending In other words, the coefficient of diffusion D is the amount
upon the manner in which this force is applied. of solute which will cross one square centimeter of cross
(a) Free Rotational. Aside from the friction of the circular section in one unit of time if the change in concentration per
container walls and bottom and the viscosity of the liquid itself, centimeter in a direction perpendicular to this cross section is
there are no other surfaces to impede the rotational motion. 11- unity.
lustration: A simple straight paddle agitator rotated with uni-
form speed in a smooth cylindrical vessel. Several things should be mentioned about Ficks law and
( b ) Impeded Rotational. The same as (a) but containing the assumptions that are implied in it. AU other motions
breakers or baffles of any type which offer resistance to the gen- except that of the molecular agitation itself are rigorously ex-
eral rotational trend. The common type of industrial agitation cluded, and the system is kept a t constant temperature and
is usually of this type with some modification of the agitator.
( c ) Tumbler Motion. Such as would be obtained by rotating absolutely still. The law is stated for linear diffusion only-
a closed barrel about a horizontal axis perpendicular t o its i. e., the diffusion takes place in but one direction. The
length. experimental proof is based on the diffusion taking place line-
( d ) Shaker Motion. Like that obtained in the ordinary form arly upward against the force of gravity, which interferes
of bottle shakers found in the laboratory. A jerky back-and- seriously when attempts are made to study i t in three dimen-
forth motion.
( e ) Ball-Mill Motion. Such as is obtained in a cylinder lying
horizontally and rotated about its longitudinal axis-e. g. a ball Further Weber has shown that the diffusion constant
mill. decreases as the concentration rises (64). Also, it concerns

the process of diffusion of a salt after it is in solution and not solving solid (3). He gave values which he had calculated
the process by which it dissolves before it is in a position to for the thickness of the postulated layer of saturated solution
diffuse. Diffusion itself is a slow process, but it takes only a on the surface of the solid. Simultaneously with the above
small amount of stirring to promote the distribution so greatly publication, Nernst advanced a theoretical generalization
that but a few moments are required to reach a uniform con- of the law to include all kinds of heterogeneous reactions,
centration which otherwise would need years to complete. postulating that a t the boundary surface of the different
This is because stirring takes those layers which a t the start phases the equilbrium is set up a t a practically instantaneous
had relatively small interfacial-contact area with the less velocity compared with the rate of diffusion, and emphasized
concentrated solution and low-concentration gradients, and further the idea of the adhering layer (46). According t o
stretches them out into very thin convoluted strata with these ideas, the velocity of a heterogeneous reaction was
great contact areas and high-concentration gradients. The determined by the velocities of the diffusion processes that
result is that the forces of diffusion under these conditions are accompanied it.
enabled to establish equilibrium and reach a uniform state of Numerous other investigators have reported evidence in
distribution very rapidly. One should note again the char- favor of the Noyes-Whitney law in various kinds of reactions
acteristic role that increased specific surface plays in this (13, 15, 27, 43, 51). Certain cases have also been reported
process. where the law does not appear to hold, such as the dissolution
The rate of diffusion is thus seen to play an important part of arsenic trioxide in dilute sulfuric acid and the solution of
in the distribution and the equalization of concentration of the certain metals in acids-e. g., zinc in sulfuric acid (1, 10, 19,
dissolved solute when agitation is present, and also as the 58, 62). Among the interfering actions which are considered
governing rate of distribution when there is no agitation. to be the cause of deviation from the law may be mentioned
There are also certain reasons for postulating that i t may be the slowness of the chemical reaction a t the surface of the
the governing rate, even in those cases where there is agita- solid, the action of local elements in the case of metals, the
tion, but these will be considered in the later sections. periodic nature of some of the reactions, and the fact that some
NOYES-WHITNEY LAW-This law concerns the rate a t which reactions require an induction period before they start.
solids dissolve in their own solutions (47). The authors used Other interfering actions are the presence of passive layers
two slightly soluble compounds for their work-viz., benzoic and the evolution of gas bubbles which may act either to pro-
acid and lead chloride. These materials were cast in the form tect the surface or to cause additional agitation as they escape
of cylindrical sticks on glass cores, and after insertion into from the surface into the liquid (1, 8, IO, 19,58,62).
wide-mouthed bottles containing water, were rotated a t a Where a chemical reaction is taking place simultaneously,
constant rate in a thermostat for a given length of time. as in the above examples, and especially where its velocity is
Analysis of the solution then gave the amount that had dis- slow compared to the rate of diffusion, the resultant over-all
solved. The run was then repeated, using the same stick velocity is supposed to be ruled by the rate a t which the chemi-
with fresh water, but for a longer time. In this way, the cal change takes place. In this event, increased agitation
amounts dissolved in 10, 30, and 60 minutes were obtained. has little effect and the temperature coefficient is relatively
The law which these results supported quite well may be large (5, 18). On the other hand, if the chemical reaction is
stated thus: fast compared to the rate of diffusion, the resultant bver-all
velocity will be ruled by the diffusion rate, in which event,
The rate of concentration change (here equal to the rate of
dissolution) is a t any instant directly proportional to the differ- increasing the agitation will have a considerable effect but the
ence between the concentration of a saturated solution, C, and temperature coefficient will be small. Xeither does the law
the concentration, c, existing in the solution a t this instant, or seem to apply very satisfactorily to the rate of crystallization
mathematically, (22, 38, 41, 63), as would be expected, although even in this
dcldt = k ( C . - c ) , or kt = ln(C, - C,) - ln(C, - c ) there has been some disagreement (33, 42).
From the descriptive standpoint, the rate of solution has
Owing to the slight amount of the solid dissolved, the surface been ,studied by Schurr (557, whose work includes some ex-
change of the cylinder was considered to be negligible. Simi- cellent photographic evidence of the manner in which the
larly, the concentration was assumed to be uniform through- actual rhgimes of action are set up around the surface of the
out the solution. They explained the action on the assump solid.
tion that a very thin layer of saturated solution was formed a t The theory as outlined by Nernst, emphasizing the diffu-
the surface of the solid, and that the rate a t which the solid sional character of the process and postulating the existence
dissolved was governed by the rate of diffusion from this of such a layer, has been criticized somewhat, both from the
saturated layer into the main body of the solution. The theoretical and experimental standpoints, first, on the basis of
thickness of this layer was determined by the intensity of the the unlikelihood of occurrence of such extremely rapid rates of
agitation. attainment of equilibrium a t the crystal face as are required
A few years later, Brunner and Tolloczsko, in a series of by the hypothesis, and second, on the lack of definite proof of
experiments, modified the method and extended the range of the fact that such a layer exists. Wilderman, in particular
substances studied to include more soluble compounds. They (66), subjected the entire Nernst-Brunner theory of the layer
also showed that the law held under a straight-line flow type of to a most severe analysis and searching experimental study.
agitation as well as a rotational type, and used a range of and threw considerable doubt upon it as an explanation of the
r. p. m. in the latter type which ran from 440 to 2300. They nature of the solution process. Also, among some of the more
also used initially different concentrations of solution and recent investigations, that of the solution of metals in acids
solids of known area in different volumes of liquid. They shows that even if the diffusion theory is correct, the question
showed that the value of the constant k depended on the of which shall play the primary part, diffusion rate or chemi-
surface exposed, the rate of stirring (or water velocity across cal-reaction rate, is one of choice of the attendant conditions,
the surface), temperature, structure of the surface, and the and thus is not inherently related to the nature of dissolution
arrangement of the apparatus (6). (11, SO).
Following the work of these two, Brunner, working in I n conclusion, it can be said that the Noyes-Whitney law
Nernsts laboratory, studied the problem still further in an in its original form, without any assumptions regarding the
effort to establish a definite numerical connection between the mechanism by which the process takes place, has been quite
constants obtained and the diffusion coefficient of the dis- generally substantiated by experiment.

Regarding the surface effect under conditions of constant Also, provided there is no change in shape as the crystal
volume and agitation, all of the work has been done with the dissolves, its surface varies as the two-thirds power of its
surface kept constant, or its value has been known and the volume, owing t o that property of similar geometrical solids,
rate calculated per unit of area. In no case that the au- or Sa, 2 / 3 J or since w/d = v, then S = k, w ~ / where
~ , IC, may be
thors have been able to find has it been incorporated into the considered as containing the density and a shape constant
law as a variable and allowed to change as such without con- whose value would depend on the shape of the crystal.
trol during the course of the r e a ~ t i o n . ~I n a few instances of Substituting for S in Equation 2 and setting wa - wo = g
crystallization studies, attempts have been made to correct (for convenience), we obtain the following equation where
for the change of surface from time to time during the reac- K1 is a combined constant.
tion, whenever the changing surface area affected the rate
of the action in a material manner (33, 3'7, 4f). V (dw/dt) -Ki w " ~ ( g Jr W) (3)
I n any event, whether the velocity of the chemical reaction On rearranging, the following integral is obtained
or the rate of diffusion determines the resultant rate of the
combined process of transformation of the solid into its dis-
solved and distributed products, the three outstanding factors
are concentration, surface, and agitation. Of these three,
the concentration has obviously presented few difficulties in where C = integration constant
measurement and is more or less a controllable factor com- After letting 9113 = a, wC1/3 = b, and w1l3 = x, and knowing
pared with the other two. Except where the solid surface
that when t = 0, w = woand c = 0 (here), we obtain the
presented to the action of the liquid is plane, there is a con- equation for the general case where the initial weight taken is
stant change in its area, and thereby a slowing down of the either greater or less than, but not equal to, the amount needed
rate of dissolution, for it is almost an axiom in chemical
for saturation, or wc = us.
philosophy that the rate of chemical action is, ceteris paribus,
directly proportional to the surface exposed to that action.
In the next section a law will be derived in which the ve-
locity will be related to the concentration and the surface, the ( a + b)'(a2 - ux + x ' )
latter entering as a fundamental variable, and for which no + 1.1513 log ( a + x)'(u' - ab + b') ) (4)
correction is necessary.
If the relationship between velocity, V , concentration e, It may be seen that this is a relation between the time t
surface, s, and agitation, a, be written symbolically as V = F and the cube root of the weight a t that time, or ~ 1 1 3 which
, has
(c, s, a ) , where F is the general unknown function that would for simplicity been written as x. All other values are con-
apply when all other variables are held constant, it can be stants or are known values of w.
seen how much progress has been made in solving the most ( b ) Special Case 1. toa = WO,or g = a = 0.
general prohlem. If it is admitted that the previous at- I n this case the initial weight taken is that equal to the
tempts to relate velocity to stirrer speed have been successful, amount necessary for saturation. However, the direct sub-
then we may regard V as having been expressed as a function stitution of a = 0 in Equation 4, leads to indeterminate results
of a, and in the Noyes-Whitney law we may consider V as so that a different procedure is adopted. Substituting in
expressed as a function of c. The derived law, on the other Equation 3, the following is obtained:
hand, expresses V as a function of both c and s and, therefore,
will contain, as special cases, relationships of the velocity V(dw/dt) = -Ki w"' (5)
with surface and with concentration-i, e., the h'oyes-Whitney which integrates to give
DERIVATION OF CUBEROOT LAW-(^) The General Case. Kzt = V(w-2/3 - ~ ~ - 2 1 3 ) (6)
Let tcC = weight of crystal a t start, or when time t = 0.
ut = weight of crystal a t time t. I n this, K z = 2/3 K1, or writing with the same letters as in
ws = weight of solid needed to saturate liquid under Equation 4 to show its relation to the general case,
given conditions of temperature, volume, etc., at the start. Kit = V ( l / x ' - l/b')
S = surface of crystal a t time t .
V = volume of solution, and d, density of crystal. ( e ) Special Case 2 . Concentration change negligible.
Then dro/dt will be the rate of change of weight or the ve- In this case the concentration is considered as a constant,
locity of solution of the crystal, and if we assume in accordance and therefore ( C , - c) is also a constant and the rate is pro-
with custom that it varies directly as the interfacial area of portional to the surface alone, so that Equation 1 becomes
contact surface, together with the difference between the
concentration a t saturation and the existing concentration, dwldt = - K3 ~ 2 ' 3 (7)
all taken a t the same instant of time, we have
The K 3 is different from the other constants and also contains
dw/dt = -KzS (C, - C) (1) the volume. After completion of the integration we have
I n this equation, K2is a positive constant, c is the concentra-
tion of the solution a t time t, and C,, its concentration a t
saturation, but S is no longer a constant. or rewriting with the previously used letters
S o w wo - w is the weight of the crystal that has dissolved
up to the time t , and (wo- w) / V = c, if c equa's zero when t Kit b - x
equals zero. Similarly, ws/V = C,. Substituting these
values in Equation 1 gives ( d ) Special Case Y . Surface constant.
This is where S = a constant. As such it merely becomes
V(dw/dt) = -Kz S (w, - wu+ W ) (2) submerged in the constant for the entire reaction so that the
4 For an exception t o this statement see the reference t o Roginskii's Noyes-Whitney law results, From Equation 1, since
work in the discussion after the experimental work on surface, t o be published
subsequently. dw/dt = -V dcldt

we obtain the expression evidence that it can, very likely, be generally applied through-
V(dc/dt) = KS(C# - C)
out a wide variety of physical and chemical processes. It
would seem to be particularly applicable in those cases where
or on integration with t = 0 and c = 0. the concentration changes are negligible, so that surface
change and agitation are the ruling factors in the speed of
At = In C, - In (C, - c) (9) transformation. It also furnishes a valuable means of
where A V = K S
studying the kinetics of such changes in a manner that
When expressed in the w notation, it becomes hitherto has not been available.
The quantitative verification of the law, of course, de-
V (dw/dt) = KS (g - W) pends on how closely and for how long a time the similarity of
or as g = wa-wO and t = 0 when u! = wol we obtain the shape persists as the particle dissolves. It will be shown that
Noyes-Whitney law in the weight-loss notation as this similarity, in general, continues until the particle is a t
least half dissolved and, in many cases, until it is 75 to 85
At = In wS - In (w - w o + w ) (10) per cent dissolved. It will also be shown that if shape changes
If, however, when t 0 and w = wo,c = c1 = u!,/V,or the
= do occur, concurrent changes in the values of the constant
solution already contains some dissolved solid (ZCJ at the follow them in the manner that would be expected.
start, then we have from Equation 1 In the particular system chosen for the experimental verifi-
cation of the law, the numerical value of the constant K de-
At = Inn - In (n - w O+ w ) (11) pends on the initial amounts of solid and liquid taken, the
where A is the same as in Equation 10 and n = w a - w,,or volume, the agitation, and, in fact, on all of those variables
the amount needed to saturate when t = 0. which influence the rate of solution in any way. The method
used has been to hold all of the other variables constant and
Assumptions Involved study but one a t a time, comparing the values of the con-
(e) That the process of dissolution takes place normal to the stants obtained as a measure of the effect of that variable.
surface and that the effect of the agitation of the liquid against I n some of the more extreme cases where the agitation is very
all parts of the surface is essentially the same. slow, it is there necessary to compare the times of solution,
( b ) That the crystal shape is predominantly spheroidal since in these cases stagnation has developed and the applica-
throughout its solution and hence its severance into two or
more portions is excluded. tion of the law is not justified. Another property of the
(c) That it is not necessary to postulate any definite geo- law which assists in making the study easier is the fact that
metrical shape for the particle undergoing dissolution, and there- it is possible to plot the time against some function of the
fore no other measurements beyond those of weight are needed. weight (usually algebraic in nature) so that the constant
( d ) That under these conditions, the differences in the rates
of dissolution from different faces is negligible, since all partici- appears as the slope of a straight line.
pate in the combined process to give an average or mean rate. Although the law was developed for one particle, its ex-
(e) That the agitation in the neighborhood of the particle tension to the use of a number of particles acts physically to
is so intense that there is no sensible stagnation of the liquid in average up a number of disturbing influences, and mathe-
that region resulting in a slow rate of diffusion being set up.
I n other words, this law does not apply where there is no agitation. matically to cause no important changes in its form. The
reason for this is that the change to the use of n particles in-
No assumptions are made concerning the mechanism volves the substitution of n/ times the cube root of the sum
whereby the solid leaves the surface, such as the postulation of the n individual weights for the sum of the cube roots of
of a layer of saturated solution or anything of that nature. each of the individual weights taken singly, or the substitution
Concerning the actual existence of such a layer or thin film of of
saturated solution next to the solid surface, the authors feel
that there is room for a reasonable doubt, although it is ad- n/8 (w, + + ma + . . .
~ 2 .~n)/:
mitted that there are grounds for believing that it exists in
certain analogous cases, as in the case of a gas dissolving in a for the expression
liquid. (wI/a + w2 + I/a ~0318 + . . . .w,/a)
I n connection with assumption c, mention has been made
of a considerably more complicated but somewhat similar This is justified even when the value of n is small, provided
mathematical formula by Murphee, in which the variable is a the variation between the particles is small, but when the
linear dimension of the crystals used. However, in the only value of n is large, the variation may be increased consider-
experiment given in support of this formula, the form of the ably. In all of these cases, n2/aappears as part of the con-
crystals was taken as spherical, an assumption which it was stant.
considered would not introduce any serious error. As the
sphere is the geometrical solid with the minimum specific Literature Cited
surface and, as has been seen, the shape of the solid is an Auren, Z . anorg. Chem., 27, 209 (1901); Z . fihysik. Chem., 46, 132
important factor, this assumption introduces an artificiality (1903).
into the entire experiment that renders the results of doubtful Bekier and Rodziewicz, Rocsniki Chem., 6 , 869 (1926).
value as far as the verification of the formula is concerned. Brunner, E.,Z . physik. Chem., 47,52 (1904).
Brunner, E., I b i d . , 47, 56 (1904).
Theoretically, the basic postulates involved are the same as Brunner, E.,I b i d . , 61,494 (1905).
those used in the derivation of Equation 4, but the method Brunner, L.,and Tolbczsko, I b i d . , 35, 283 (1900); Z. unorg. Chem.,
used in their development is considerably more cumbersome 28,314 (1901); 35, 23 (1903); 56, 58 (1908).
and the results are certainly much more difficult to apply. Carlsen, J. chim.phys., 9,2?8 (1911).
Centnerzwer, Z.physik. Chem., 87, 692 (1914); 89, 213 (1914); 131,
Discussion of Cube Root Law 214 (1928).
Centnerzwer, Rec. trow. chim., 42,579 (1923).
A study of the law will show that it contains fundamental Centnerzwer, Z.physik. Chem., 122, 455 (1926); 137, A, 352 (1928).
elements which permit the extension of its meaning and ap- Centnerzwer, Ibid., 167, 297 (1929).
Cervi, Columbia University. Dept. Chem. Eng. Thesis. 1923.
plication to other systems. While this experimental extension Coilenberg, Z.physik. Chem., 101, 117 (1922).
into other systems and types of heterogeneous reactions has Couette, A n n . chim., 21, 433 (1890).
not been carried very far, there is a considerable amount of Denham, 2. physik. Chem., 72, 641 (1910).
De Villamil, Motion of Liqcids, Spon, 1914. (43) Meyer, Z . Eleklrochem., 15, 249 (1909).
Dodd, J . Phys. Chem., 31, 1761 (1927). (44) Milligan and Reid, IND.ENG.CHEM.,15, 1048 (1923).
Drucker, Z.physik. Chem., 36, 173 (1901). (45) Murphee, Ibid., 15, 148 (1923).
Drucker, I b i d . , S6, 693 (1901). (46) Nernst, Z . physik. Chem., 47,52 (1904).
Eucken, Jette, and LaMer, Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry, (47) Noyes and Whitnev, J . A m . Chem. Soc.. 19,930 (1897).
p. 442, hlcGraw-Hill, 1925. (48) Reynolds, Papers, Vol. I, p. 184; Vol. 11, p. 51, 153, 523, 524,
Fick, Phil. M a g . , [4]10, 3 (1855). Cambridge, 1901.
Fischer, Chem.-Zlg., 36, 527 (1912). (49) Reynolds, Ibid., Vol. 11, p. 153.
Friend, J . Chem. Soc., 121,41 (1922). (50) Ritzel, Cenfr. Min., 1910, 498-9.
Gaillard, Compl. rend., 150, 217 (1910). (51) Roth, Z . Elektrochem., 16, 328 (1909).
Gibson, Engineering, 117,325 (1924). (52) Roth, Z.ghysik. Chem., 110, 57 (1924).
Heller, Roczinki Chem., 8, 465 (1928). (53) Schurr, J . chim. phys., 2, 245 (1904).
Hevesy, Z . physik. Chem., 89,294 (1914). e (54) Seymour, Agitating, Stirring, and Kneading Machinery, Benn, 1925.
Hill, Chem. Mer. Eng.,25, 1077 (1923). (55) Sbaw, Trans. I n s f . hau. Arch., 39, 145 (1897); 40, 21 (1898); 42,
Huber and Reid, IND.ENG.CHEM.,18, 535 (1926). 187 (1900).
Jablezynski, C. A , , 21, 3525 (1927); 2. anorg allgem Chem., 180, (56) Stanton, Phil. Trans., 2148, 199 (1914).
184 (1929). (57) Stokes, Papers, Vol. J , p. 1, 17, 75; Vol. 11, p. 25, Camhridge, 1880.
Jablezysnki, 2. Physik. Chem.. 64, 748 (1908). (58) Straumanis, Z.fihysik. Chem. 129,370 (1927).
Jeffreys. Phil. Mag., [6]18, 578 (1920). (59) Taylor, Phil. Trans., 223A, 289 (1922).
Jenkins, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 47, 903 (1925). (60) Telfer, Trans. I n s f . Nao. Arch., 69, 174 (1927).
Killeiier, I N D . ENG.CHEM,,18, 144 (1023). (61) Van Name and Edgar, 2. physik. Chem., 13, 97 (1910).
Lamb, Hydrodynamics, pp. 74, 72, 550, 631, Cambridge, 1924. (62) Van Name and Bosworth, A m . J . Sci., [4]32,207 (1911).
Lamb, Ibid., p. 628. (63) Wagner, 2.physik. Chem., 71, 401 (1910).
Le Blanc, Z.physik. Chem., 77,614 (1911). (64) Weber, Phil. Mag., [5] 8, 487,523 (1879).
Le Blanc, Ibid., 86, 334 (1913). (65) Wilderman, Rept. British Aasocn., p. 751, 1896; Phil. Mag., [e] 2,
Le Blanc and von Elissafov, Ber. K . siichs. Ges. Wiss., 68, 199 (1914). 50 (1901); [e] 4, 270, 468 (1902); [6] 18, 538 (1909); Z. physik.
Mallock, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London).45,126 (1888). Chem., 66, 445 (1909).
Marc, Z. physik. Chem., 61, 385 (1908); 67, 470 (1909); 68, 104 (66) Wilderman, Phil. Mag., [e] 18, 538 (1909).
(1909); 73, 685 (1910): 76, 710 (1911); 19, 71 (1912); 2. Elektro- (67) Witt, Ber., 26, 1696 (1893).
chem., 18, 679 (1909); 16,201 (1910). (68) Wolii, Z . angem. Chem.. 35, 138 (19221.
McCabe, IND. ENG.CHBM.,21, 30, 112 (1929). (69) Wood, Whittemore, and Badger, Chem. Met. Eng., 27, 1176 (1922).

Toxicity of Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) Following

Skin Absorption and Inhalation*z
A Progress Report3
Carey P. McCord

Participants in the discussion of the toxicity of methyl studies with methyl alcohols in which it is shown that by
alcohol are divided into two major groups. One group skin absorption or vapor inhalation of methyl alcohol,
maintains that the reasonable and intelligent use of small quantities quickly lead to harm or death of the
methyl alcohol in industry and commerce is safe and subjects (monkeys, rabbits, rats). Unit for unit, methyl
practical and may be expected to be attended by no harm alcohol is not less toxic by these portals of entry than
to those persons handling it. The other group maintains by oral intake. Unlike most toxic substances finding use
that reason and intelligence may not be expected from in industry and commerce, methyl alcohol is in the
those who are exposed to or have free access to methyl peculiar position whereby definite and widespread incen-
alcohol. In support of this attitude, 208 deaths are cited tives exist to use this chemical for beverage purposes.
as having occurred during the winter of 1930-31 as a result This general situation calls for unusual protective meas-
of unintelligence and free access to methyl alcohol in ures for the safety of the public, including industrial
filling stations and other little-controlled sources. workers, which measures do not now exist.
The present report epitomizes the results from animal
...... ......

T HE incentives to drink methyl alcohol, intended for

legitimate uses, compound the perils of exposure to
this toxic substance and place it apart from such other
toxic agents as benzene, carbon tetrachloride, or carbon bi-
obtained from industry, filling stations, etc. (208 deaths
in the winter of 1930-31 from methyl alcohol are reported
by the Industrial Alcohol Commissioner) that the possible
dangers from the inhalation of its vapors or absorption through
sulfide. With the exception of alcohols, the deliberate imbibi- the skin have been overshadowed.
tion of harmful fluids in industry, or in connection with com- MacFarlan (21) in 1856, was one of the first to note a tox-
merical pursuits, is rare. Addiction to ether, castor oil, or icity of methyl alcohol under industrial conditions. He refers
oil of wintergreen is typical of the bizarre states exceptionally to eye affections among cabinet makers, hatters, and metal
found. In the case of methyl alcohol so many duly authenti- workers, requiring the discontinuation of the use of wood
cated deaths have followed the oral intake of this substance naphtha and methylated spirits. Since that time the litera-
1 Received June 3, 1931. ture on methyl alcohol toxicity has repeatedly specified
An extended bibliography of 404 items related in some way to experi- poisoning following skin intake or inhalation, and from local
mental work or t o industrial poisoning from methyl alcohol has been com- action on the skin. Near the beginning of the present
piled and critical abstracts made. This is too extensive for general publica-
tion, but may be made available. Funds for the preparation of this sepa-
century, the quality of natural wood alcohol was much
rate bibliography were provided by the Industrial Alcohol Institute. improved, in that objectionable odors were partly eliminated.
As of April 15, 1931. That improvement led to an illcreased use in industry, no-

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