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Direct Speech Reported Speech


"What are you looking for?"

He asked what I was looking for


"Where can we go tonight?"

She asked where they could go that night


"When did they go to India?"

He asked when they had gone to India


"Who told you that?"

He asked me who had told me that


"How old are the twins?"

He asked how old the twins were


"Why did Carla leave so early?"

He asked why Carla had left so early


"Which skirt did you choose?"

She asked me which skirt I had chosen


"Whose dog is missing?"

He asked whose dog was missing

Yes-no questions

"Are these your glasses?"

He asked me if those were my glasses

"Isn't that Jen's boyfriend?"

She asked me if that wasn't Jen's boyfriend

John: "What are you looking for?"
John: "Qu ests buscando?"
He asked me what I was looking for
l me pregunt qu estaba buscando
Jack: "What did your parents do for a living?"
Jack: "De qu trabajaban tus padres?"
He asked me what my parents did for a living
l me pregunt de qu trabajaban mis padres
Mary: "Where can we go tonight?"
Mary: "Adnde podemos ir esta noche?"
She asked where they could go that night
Ella pregunt adnde podan ir esa noche
Mike: "Where do they sell the tickets?"
Mike: "Dnde venden las entradas?"
He asked where they sold the tickets
l pregunt dnde vendan las entradas


Peter: "When does Daniel arrive?"

Peter: "Cundo lleaga Daniel?"
He asked when Daniel arrived
l pregunt cundo llegaba Daniel
Bill: "When did they go to India?"
Bill: "Cundo fueron a la India?"
He asked when they had gone to India
l pregunt cundo haban ido a la India
Sam: "Who told you that?"
Sam: "Quin te dijo eso?"
He asked me who had told me that
l me pregunt quin me haba dicho eso
Tom: "Who can help me with this?"
Tom: "Quin me puede ayudar con esto?"
He asked who could help him with that
l pregunt quin lo poda ayudar con eso


Bob: "How old are the twins?"

Bob: "Qu edad tienen los mellizos?"
He asked how old the twins were
l pregunt qu edad tenan los mellizos
Ellen: "How much money have you spent?"
Ellen: "Cunto dinero has gastado?"
She asked me how much money I had spent
Ella me pregunt cunto dinero haba gastado
Richard: "Why did Carla leave so early?"
Richard: "Por qu se fue tan temprano Carla?"
He asked why Carla had left so early
l pregunt por qu Carla se haba ido tan temprano
Joe: "Why are they screaming?"
Joe: "Por qu estn gritando?"
He asked why they were screaming
l pregunt por qu estaban gritando


Kim: "Which skirt did you choose?"

Kim: "Cul falda elegiste?"
She asked me which skirt I had chosen
Ella me pregunt cul falda haba elegido
Henry: "Which play are we going to see?"
Henry: "Cul obra vamos a ver?"
He asked which play we were going to see.
l pregunt cul obra bamos a ver
Jack: "Whose dog is missing?"
Jack: "El perro de quin se perdi?"
He asked whose dog was missing
l pregunt el perro de quin se haba perdido
George: "Whose essay have you corrected?"
George: "El ensayo de quin corergiste?"
He asked me whose essay I had corrected
l me pregunt el ensayo de quin haba corregido

Yes-no questions

Peter: "Are these your glasses?"

Peter: "Estos anteojos son tuyos?"
He asked me if those were my glasses
l me pregunt si esos eran mis anteojos
Sally: "Isn't that Jen's boyfriend?"
Sally: "se no es el novio de Jen?"
She asked me if that wasn't Jen's boyfriend
Ella me pregunt si se no era el novio de Jen
Mark: "Do you need any help?"
Mark: "Necesitas ayuda?"
He asked me if I needed any help
l me pregunt si necesitaba ayuda
John: "Doesn't Mark study Law?"
John: "Mark no estudia Derecho?"
He asked me if Mark didn't study Law
l me pregunt si Mark no estudiaba Derecho

Tom: "Have you got a sheet of paper?"

Tom: "Tienes una hoja?
He asked me if I had a sheet of paper
l me pregunt si tena una hoja
Harry: "Did you see 'Macbeth' last night?"
Harry: "Viste 'Macbeth' anoche?"
He asked me if I had seen 'Macbeth' the previous night
l me pregunt si haba visto 'Macbeth' la noche anterior
Joe: "Weren't you at Bill's party?"
Joe: "T no estabas en la fiesta de Bill?"
He asked me if I hadn't been at Bill's party
l me pregunt si yo no haba estado en la fiesta de Bill
Carol: "Have you read the news?"
Carol: "Leste las noticias?"
She asked me if I had read the news
Ella me pregunt si haba ledo las noticias

Mike: "Hasn't Jane been to New York?"

Mike: "Jane no ha estado en Nueva York?"
He asked if Jane hadn't been to New York
l pregunt si Jane no haba estado en Nueva York
Paul: "Will you go to the meeting?"
Paul: "Irs a la reunin?"
He asked me if I would go to the meeting
l me pregunt si ira a la reunin
Mary: "Can I stay a bit longer?"
Mary: "Puedo quedarme un poco ms?"
She asked if she could stay a bit longer
Ella pregunt si se poda quedar un poco ms
Tim: "Shouldn't you be at school?"
Tim: "No deberas estar en la escuela?"
He asked me if I shouldn't be at school
l me pregunt si no debera estar en la escuela

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