Evolution Story

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Evolution Story

One day there was a rectangular shape metal component named Arthrometicus
orthagonius. He lived a full life and had many grandchildren. Eventually one of his
grandchildren developed plastic which helped him camouflage into his environment.
This grandchild's name was Plastic par. Plastic pars trait was advantageous because
unlike his grandfather he was able to blend into his surroundings. Soon after, most of
the population was plastic.
When plastic par had a baby, a mutation occurred and caused his child to
become metal. His name was Metallium non sexanguilae. Non sexanguilae was much
stronger which allowed him to drill deeper into the ground. Plana domed evolved into
non sexanguilae because his traits were less advantageous. Super tribis evolved into et
funiculos disci because disci can hold onto things making his trait advantageous. Disci
eventually evolved into wingless (Non alatum) but this was less advantageous because
he couldn't fly. Because Non sexanguilaes son had a mutation, this caused others to be
part of the Metallium family. After wingless came aduncum (hooked) which made able to
hold things, threaded ( filo perforat) which made it easier to drill into, and summo clauso
(closed top), which was much sturdier.
Following the metallium family came the recta caput supra. The trait that all
rectas had in common were that they were all straight. They rectas came in many
different sizes. The first recta ( 5 caput supra) had a head diameter below 0.5 cm. It
then evolved into 5 desuper which had a head diameter above 0.5 cm. This trait allowed
them to be more stable. Aside from coming in different sizes, rectas were also different
colors. Magis duo (less than 2 cm) was dark and gold, magis tribus was black and
magis quattuor, quinque, and senio were all silver.
After the recta came the threaded or filo perforat. The threaded were
advantageous because it became easier to drill into. 5 caput supra evolved into magis
tribus (length above 3 cm). The height was advantageous because it could reach higher
to eat food. It then evolved into magis 2.5 (length 2.5 and above). This was also
advantageous because it could reach higher and it stay low and avoid predators. It
evolved even more to Magis duo (2), for the same reasons but this had copper coloring
so it was able to blend into it new environment. Next, Magis duo evolved into magis
unum (1). It was gold colored and had a head diameter above 2 cm (2 caput supra).
Magis unum eventually evolved to develop a hexagonal top (summo
sexangulae). This made them more versatile. They soon developed into domed topped
(cumulum accedit), straight indented top (rectus capitis collidatur), + indented top, and
a top with less than one cm in diameter (citra summum centimetre). All of these gave
them different capabilities such as to hunt more efficiently or build better shelters.
Then these traits developed into flat topped (plana calvis). This was better for the
species because it helped them camouflage with their surroundings better. This
included the straight indent top (top recta), and the over 1.5cm top (super 1.5).
After the plana calvis, the species evolved to take on a different trait in the collida
tar or + top indent. This was very common throughout the species at this time and
made it easier to recognize each other. All of them were under two centimeters and
there were two main branches. One branch led to a flat tip (planua tip). This included
long (sub dusbus), less than two centimeters (minus quam duo centimeters), less than
one centimeter (minus quam unum centimeter), and topless (unius). The other branch
split off to have a pointed tip (punctum). This had two types. Gold (aurum) and silver
The next evolutionary step was all about height because this transition led to the
species becoming over two centimeters in length (supra duo). This helped them to
reach better and more food sources. Some that were above two centimeters and below
three were black (negrus), gold (aurum), and silver (argentum). Also some of the
species were over three centimeters (in tres) and even over five centimeters (supra
All of these evolutionary transitions have helped the species adapt to better
survive and develop in the environment that they were in. Everything is still evolving
now and will be evolving in the future into different things too.

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