Lesson 4 Business Planning

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Lesson 4 Business Planning

1. (A) The managers are planning a __________.

(B) The president is __________ for dinner.
(C) The _________ shape is round.
(D) The demonstrators are ___________ the meeting.

2. Have you ____________ the cost of rent in your business plan?

(A) Yes, we've planned for all our _________.
(B) No, we don't know his new __________.
(C) We meant to finish the ________ last night.

3. In what _______ has the restaurant grown or ___________?

(A) Its own vegetables in the back gardens.
(B) It's now a national _________.
(C) It is ________ and stronger.

Q. 4-6
[W]: Alexa is ____________ a business plan. I told her you might be able to help her with the
market research.
[M]: I'd be happy to ________ to help with that. I'm very proud of her. Going into business
for yourself can be _________ but very rewarding.
[W]: I know she is very serious about careful planning to ________ making obvious mistakes.
[M]: Yes, she has the right ____________. The most important strategy for success is to start
with a _________ business plan.

Q. 7- 9
Now let's turn to page seventeen of the business plan. This section ____________ our strategy
for long-term development of the company. In order to minimize _________ over the long
haul, we hope to grow only as quickly as the company can __________. In other words, we
want to _________ more borrowing so that the primary funding for growth comes from
profits. We believe that this is the best way to __________ a strong company that will not be
seriously harmed by ___________ downturns in the market. On page eighteen you will see
our ____________ method outlined. The first phase of the evaluation of our business plan is
set to begin early next year.

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