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Welcome to Innowera Process Runner

Thank you for using Innowera Process Runner.

Process Runner is a new generation SAP automation tool. Primary function of Process Runner is
to upload and download data between Excel and SAP.

Uploading Excel data to SAP Transaction is widely used. Download from SAP to Excel is less
common but supported equally well in Process Runner.

Some of the common tasks that Process Runner can perform are:

Master, transactional and configuration data conversion, fixes and cleansing.

Downloading information from transaction or from Business Objects using BAPIs or


Uploading information to complex SAP transaction using GUI Scripting.

Extracting table values to Excel and much more.

Running several tasks one after another using same or separate dataset - thus executing
a process.

We strongly suggest that you start with Step-By-Step Tutorials.

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Transaction Tutorial - Introduction

This Tutorial explains and walks you through basic concepts behind Process Runner.

Process Runner can run almost any SAP R/3 transaction, Business API (BAPI) or Remote
Function module (RFM) and load data from MS Excel to SAP without any ABAP programming or

Process Runner can upload and download data from SAP to Excel. For the purpose of this
section, we will focus on how to use Process Runner with SAP Transaction and upload
Excel data to SAP.

We will take a simple example of updating material master in SAP. This example will help you
understand steps involved in loading data from Excel to SAP R/3 transaction using Process
One has to perform following steps while working with Process Runner:

A. Decide what needs to be done. Decide which SAP transaction is most appropriate for
given task.

B. Prepare an Excel Spreadsheet Get ready with the data to upload.

C. Show Process Runner how to do it once - Record a sample transaction.

D. Map Excel columns and cells to SAP fields

E. Test run

F. Production run

Once you understand the given example, you can run almost any SAP transaction using same
method in Process Runner.

Also note that Process Runner can execute transaction in any SAP modules. You can use
Process Runner not only to update or change data in SAP but also to create data, to print, to
delete, or simply to check existence of data.
Decide which SAP Transaction Code to use
The first step is defining the requirement. You need to decide what you want Process Runner to
do. For example, you may want to update material master, print an invoice, create transfer
requirement, delete bills of material, change personnel record, etc. Once you broadly decide
what you want to do, you then need to pin point what should happen within that transaction. For
an example, you need to change material master, further you need to decide which fields need to
be update in which plant. You will also need to know exact SAP transaction code to perform this

For this example, lets presume that we have list of few hundred materials where we want to
change Gross and Net weights in material master records in basic data view. We will use SAP
Transaction code MM02.

Next Step
Data File for Recording
Data File for Upload

It is presumed that you already know what you want to change and you already have all the
required data in Excel file. If you do not have required data in Excel, you might want to work that
out before you start.
For this example lets presume that you already know all the materials you want to update Gross
and Net weight values and file is located at following location:

C:\Process Runner Data Files\Material Master Weight update list.xls

Our upload file looks like this. Notice in row 5 we have Net Weight more than Gross weight. This
is an error situation and MM02 transaction will not allow these values to be uploaded. We will see
later how this and subsequent records are treated when you use Process Runner.
Next Step

Launch Process Runner

Before we begin recording a transaction, lets launch Process Runner and initiate the process to
create a new recording.

1. Find Process Runner icon on your desktop and start the application.

2. Click on New or press CTRL + N shortcut to record a new transaction.

3. Execute and record transaction in SAP

In this step we will show Process Runner how to execute SAP transaction. This is the most
important step in whole process.

Process Runner asks you to actually execute a sample transaction in SAP. As you execute a
sample transaction, Process Runner records each screen you go to and each field you change. It
also captures actual data you enter into the SAP transaction. This all happens in your familiar
SAP GUI. This process is called recording.
Once recording is complete in SAP GUI, you will be brought back to Process Runner. Recording
information will finally be saved in Process Runner file so you can use that later on. Transaction
recording file has an extension of .itf (Innowera Transaction File). Later on you can use Process
Runners advance mapper to connect recorded SAP fields and screens with Excel columns and

Lets continue with our example. After you click on New, Process Runner will present you with
New Step wizard.

This wizard will guide you to 3 steps to create your Process Runner Transaction File (.itf file) :

Step 1 - Provide SAP transaction code and log in to SAP

Step 2 - Recording a sample Transaction
Step 3 - Save to File

Step 1 - Provide SAP transaction code and log in to SAP

For our example, Transaction code for material master change is MM02. Enter MM02 in
Transaction Code field and click on Start Recording button.

When you click Start Recording, Process Runner will ask you which SAP System to use for
recording. Select the appropriate system for performing a sample transaction recording.

Please keep in mind that while you execute a recording, actual database update in SAP takes
After you select the system, you will be prompted to enter Client, Username, Password and
Logon language. Process Runner will use this information and will log you in to SAP.
Process Runner will display message similar to below in New Process" window.

Shortly after that your normal SAP GUI should be started with transaction code you
provided before.

For our example, it will start change material master (MM02) transaction and wait for your

A. Depending on your network connection speed, SAP GUI may not appear right away. In
that case, just be patient and wait a while before taking any other action.
B. Sometime, you may not see SAP GUI if it remains in back of Process Runner screen or
Windows minimizes it. In such a case, look at windows task bar, If Process Runner
launched SAP GUI, it will be the last application, simply click on it to select it.
Alternatively you can use Alt + Tab key to switch through all open application windows
and select SAP GUI. If you already have few other SAP GUI sessions launched, look for
one with your transaction.
C. To cancel the recording process, click on Cancel button and follow the on-screen

Next Steps:
Step 2 - Recording a sample Transaction
Step 3 - Save to File
Step 2 - Recording a sample Transaction
Process Runner is now ready to capture your inputs from this point. It will record all the screens
you go to and all the data you enter until you finish this transaction either by saving, canceling or
otherwise exit out of this transaction.

Note that it cannot record mouse scrolling, drag and drop. F4 (selection drop down) and few other
activities. Page up down is usually recorded correctly.

To continue our example, enter a sample material. For our example, take the first material from
the spreadsheet and type in Material field. Hit enter. On Select views dialog, Select Basic Data
view and hit enter.
1. SAP GUI displays Recording running.. at bottom left corner of the screen as
you execute the transaction. You will see this progress bar throughout you
execution of the transaction.

2. It is important not to make any mistake while executing recording, as Process

Runner will run this transaction exactly the way you record. For this reason, In
case of any mistake, exit out of the transactions and restart the recording from
New Wizard again.

3. The best practice is to check transaction and test data in target system, before
you start recording. This will ensure that your recording of the test transaction will
go without any issue.

Continuing our example: Once we are in Basic Data1 view in material master, change Gross and
Net Weights as per our spreadsheet and hit "Save" button.
Once you have saved the changes and finished the transaction, the SAP GUI session will be
ended and you will come back to Process Runner.

Hint: While most transaction ends when you press Save button, you have to exit out of the few
other transactions by pressing back arrow key (F3). Control does not go back to Process Runner
until you exit out of the transaction completely.
This ends 2nd step of recording a sample transaction. SAP GUI should have been closed and you
should be back to final file creation step in Process Runner Wizard.

Last Step:
Step 3 - Save to File
Step 3 - Save to File
At this point, Process Runner knows all the screens you passed by and all the action you took to
execute the transaction. It also knows all the fields you changed and actual data you entered. In
our example, it captured material number you entered on first screen and weights you entered on

Process Runner will save all this information to a file with .itf (Innowera Transaction File) format.
Assign file name and give a title to this transaction file.

1. Transaction File Name: Process Runner proposes default file name based on the transaction
code you entered before. Change this as required.

2. Excel Data File (Optional): This setting is optional. If you already have an existing Excel file for
the transaction, then enter the path of the file. By checking the Import as an iBook checkbox to
On, your Excel Data File will be automatically imported to iBook.

3. Get Field descriptions from SAP: Check this box if you want Process Runner to get descriptive
and more readable information from SAP about the transaction you just executed. Turning this
check box off or on has NO impact on how transaction will run. However, getting extended
information makes .itf file more readable and is recommended. If you leave this checkbox turned
on, it might take a little longer. Just be patient and wait a while before you take any other action.

Hint: You may need additional authorization to retrieve field description from SAP. If Process
Runner encounters error due to lack of authorization, it will prompt you. You may safely ignore
that error message and continue with file creation. As mentioned before, not getting Field
Description does not impact how transaction will run later on.

4. Click on OK button to complete creation of the file.

Once Process Runner is done creating transaction file, you will see following message and you a
mapper will be presented in background.

Press OK to go to Mapper.

Next Step
Map Excel Columns & Cells to SAP Fields
Test Run & Validation
Production Run
Map Excel columns and cells to SAP fields
In our example, you should be presented with screen similar to one below. If you right click on
one of the rows in the mapper, you should see more options.

Mapper displays what you did in recording. It also allows you to easily map SAP fields to various
values. You perform mapping using Mapping Type and Map Value columns.

Mapper has two views. You are currently in Simple View. Advance View displays more
columns and rows. Once you select a view, it remembers your selection.
To continue our example, perform following steps:

1. Our material number is in column "A" in Excel file. To map Excel column A to material
number, click on Mapping Type column for 1st row i.e. Material Number and select
Excel to SAP from drop down menu. Process Runner will automatically assign Map
Value as A.

Similarly change Gross and Net Weight rows as well. Your mapper should look like this once you
are done with mapping.
Hint about Skip Row If Blank column: This field is accessible only if mapping type is Excel to
SAP. When this check box is selected, Process Runner will skip Excel row at run time if that field
does not have any value. For our example, If Material Master number is not present in any of
rows in Excel; we want to skip that row. We also know that transaction cannot be processed
without material number, so we have marked that check box for material number.

Next Step
Test Run & Validation
Production Run

Test Run and Validation

Now we are ready to run mass update to material master weights. We are going to use MM02
transaction, take material number from column A and weights from column B and C.

However, we have not yet told Process Runner which Excel file to use. We will do that now as
you see in screen shot below in step 1, 2 and 3.
We are now ready to do a small test run. We will start from Excel row 2 and stop at row 3. Finally
we will click on Run button.

When you click Run Process Runner will perform following actions:

1. SAP Logon. Select correct system; provide client, user name, password and language to
2. Once logon is successfully, Process Runner will read recorded transaction and mapping
instructions we carried out in earlier steps.
3. Process Runner will build data package by merging recorded transaction with mapped
Excel and other values and send this package to SAP transaction for processing.
4. Once SAP is finishing executing the transaction, Process Runner will retrieve transaction
status and message from SAP and place that next available empty columns in the
5. Repeats this process for all the Excel rows we selected to run.
6. Finally, log itself off from the SAP system.

This sounds a lot but it is done in amazingly fast speed. Process Runner will report and log
exactly how long it took to run given set of transactions.

At the end of the test run, our example Excel spreadsheet should look like this:
Notice that it did not report a change in 2nd row as we had already changed these values during

Now, we should check weight data in SAP to verify that change actually occurred
only those fields got changed which you intended and no other.
Upon this verification in SAP, we successfully completed our Test Run! We are ready for our next
and final step.

See Also
Production Run
Production Run
We are now ready to do full blast run. Change End row value to something big and Process
Runner will run till it finds data in that sheet.

As Process Runner executes all these calls, it posts all the logs from SAP as it runs. You can
switch to Excel and see what kinds of messages are returned.

Hint: Process Runner is running; make sure you do not do anything that would lock Excel file. We
recommend that you do not touch Excel

We are done with our Transaction tutorial.

Bapi Tutorial - Introduction

In this example we will send Customer number from Excel to SAP and retrieve Customer Name,
City, Region, Country Key and Customer Account Group data elements for those customers and
place that data in Excel in various columns.

We will use BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2 for this exercise. This Business API (BAPI) is
provided by SAP in most SAP release.

This Tutorial should provide basic understanding of how to use BAPI in Process Runner.

Next Step
Step 1 : Bapi Step1
Step 1 - Initial Settings

1 Select File | New Process (Ctrl +N) or click on toolbar button.

2 In the "New Process" window, select BAPI/RFM in SAP Processes navigation bar in the left
pane and type in BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL2 in the BAPI/RFM Name filter.
3 It should automatically narrow down to correct BAPI name as you type. Once you see
"BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAILS2" as only listed entry, click on it.
4 It should automatically suggest you the file name. Change it if required.
5 Click on OK button.

6 You will be asked to provide Logon information.

After you select the system, you will be prompted to enter Client, Username, Password and
Logon language. Process Runner will use this information and will log you in to SAP.
Process Runner will login to selected SAP system.Finally it will retrieve and build BAPI interface
as defined in that SAP system.

Next Step
Step 2 : Bapi Settings
Step 2 - BAPI Settings
Set the following options in Home tab.
1 For this example, we will use Internal Excel Book (iBook). This is usually default option.
2 Select Sheet1 in sheet name (our results will be retrieved in Sheet1 of iBook).
3 Set the Start Row and End Row (the range of customer numbers that you want to execute
the retrieval for).
Next Step
Now we will tell Process Runner how to connect SAP fields to Excel fields. What data from Excel
should be sent to SAP and to which field. We will also tell Process Runner where to place
customer information that it receives from SAP once a call is made. This process is called
Mapping as we are mapping and connecting data elements between Excel and SAP.

7 Select Mapper and select field titled CUSTOMERNO in "Parameter Name" column or
Customer Number 1 in "Description" column

Set Mapping Type to Excel To SAP.

Presuming we have list of our customer numbers in column A in Excel, Assign Map
Value to A.
8 Here's how our iBook should look like. We have listed all the customer numbers in column A.
9 Select Name 1 (Description column) and Set

Mapping Type to SAP to Excel - this will place Customer Name1 field from SAP to
Map Value to B - this will place Customer Name1 in column B.
10 Select City (Description column) and Set

Mapping Type to SAP to Excel - this will place City field from SAP to Excel.
Map Value to C - this will place Customer City in column B.
11 Select Region (Description column) and Set

Mapping Type to SAP to Excel - this will place Region field from SAP to Excel.
Map Value to C - this will place Customer Region in column D.
12 Select Country Key (Description column) and Set

Mapping Type to SAP to Excel - this will place Country Key field from SAP to Excel.
Map Value to C - this will place Customer Country Key in column E.
13 Select Customer Account Group (Description column) and Set

Mapping Type to SAP to Excel - this will place Customer Account Group field from
SAP to Excel.
Map Value to C - this will place Customer Customer Account Group in column F.
We are done mapping all the fields between Excel and SAP. We indicated that take customer
number from Column A in Excel and execute this BAPI. Once SAP returns the result, place
selected fields to various columns in Excel.

Now we are ready to execute this BAPI.

Next Step
Bapi Run

Bapi Run

14 Click on RUN button in the Home Tab or button on the toolbar to execute the file.
15 You will retrieve the results in iBook as shown below.
16 Save the file by selecting File | Save menu item or by clicking on button on the toolbar.

This concludes our BAPI tutorial.

GUI Scripting Tutorial - Introduction
In this example we will use SAP GUI Scripting process on transaction CM01. We will download
the details for Capacity Planning in a text file. This kind of transaction recording and playback is
otherwise not possible with regular (RFC based) Transaction record, map and run method.

This Tutorial should provide basic understanding of how to use GUI Scripting with Process

Note: In order to use GUI Scripting, you SAP server must have enabled this option. Check if GUI
Scripting is enabled or not, follow these simple step.

Bring your SAP logon pad and click on any system that you want to perform this check. You do
not need any logon information for this system. Once initial logon screen comes up, click on
"Option" in you SAP GUI and check and see if you have "Scripting Recording and Playback"
enabled or grayed out.

Below is an example where GUI Scripting is enabled. You can use GUI Scripting process on this

Below is an example where GUI Scripting is NOT enabled. You cannot use GUI Scripting
process on this server. You have to find another server where GUI Scripting is enabled or put a
request to enable this option.
This option is normally set by SAP BASIS. In most cases, SAP end user cannot enable this
option on their own.

For our example, we will presume that our SAP system has GUI Scripting option enabled.

Next Step
Step 1

Step 1 - Initial Settings

17 Select File | New Step or click on toolbar button.

18 In the wizard that opens, select Script in SAP Steps in the left pane and type in CM01 in
Transaction Code.
19 Select VB Script as Script Language.
20 Select Logon Shortcut file if already created.
21 Click on Start Recording button to start recording the transaction in GUI Scripting mode.
Note: SAP Logon process from GUI Scripting is different than normal Transaction Recording
process. We will see that process in following section.

You should see SAP logon pad and script warning. Click OK and continue to iLogon pad.
Note: Sometimes you may not get this warning and iLogon window may be behind SAP logon
pad. This behavior is dependent on how Scripting warnings are configured in your SAP GUI. In
this case, Click on iLogon window and select SAP system that you want to perform recording.
Provide usual SAP logon information and click OK - see example below.

You may get few warnings as displayed below.

Note: You can disable this warnings to appear from within SAP GUI - Options - Scripting Tab.

This should complete GUI Scripting logon. Next we will begin recording in CM01.

Next Step
Step 2 - SAP GUI Script Recording
Step 2 - SAP GUI Script Recording
22 You should see screen similar to one below titled "Capacity Planning : Selection"
Enter * in "Work center" and 3000 in "Plant" and then click on Standard Overview.
23 After you click on Standard Overview in SAP , SAP would show the details of "Capacity
Planning : Standard Overview" - similar to one you see below.
24 In order to save this report to a local file, select System-> List-> Save-> Local File.
25 Leave the format of the file to Unconverted when asked by SAP.
26 Add the local Director path and File Name (the local destination where you want to store the
File ).
27 Once SAP downloads the data, come back to Process Runner and click on "Stop Recording"
button in Process Runner.
28 Enter the "Script File Name" and click "OK". Process Runner will generate .ISF
(Innowera Script File).
This concludes our GUI Scripting and recording steps. Next we are ready to provide mapping and
then executing this file.

Next Step
Script Run
We are going to use Dynamically generated file name in this example. So only mapping we are
going to do is for File Name field. Follow these steps to tell Process Runner how to dynamically
generate file name.

29 In Mapper set Mapping Type of File Name (Description) to System Value.

30 A System value dialog will Pop Up where you can specify the name of file. Right clicking on
the Text Box would provide various options of naming a file(eg. Year, Month, Day).

31 In our case we will enter "CapacityPlanningDownload_##MM-##YY-##DD.txt".

32 After this setting our Mapper should look like as below.
Next Step
Script Run
Script Run
Now we are ready to run this GUI Scripting file and let it perform the download.

33 Click on RUN button in the Home Tab or button on the toolbar to execute the file.
34 A log column is generated in iBook displaying the number of bytes downloaded from SAP
35 You would notice that a .txt file is generated at C:\Download with the name

36 On opening the file you could view the details of Capacity Planning : Standard Overview
Since our file name is dynamically generated, we can Schedule this file to run every day in
morning before we come to office and it will keep the download ready for you.

This concludes our GUI Scripting tutorial.


Basic Concepts

Process Runner can automate many processes between SAP and Excel. Automation allows you
to automatically upload or download information between SAP to Excel without involving any
programming, scripting or coding. Once you setup a process, you can use that for one or few
calls to thousands or millions of calls between SAP and Excel without any additional efforts.

Following processes are supported in this release:

1. SAP Transaction (RFC methods)

2. Business API (BAPI) and Remote Function Module (RFM)

3. SAP Transaction (GUI Scripting method)

Transactions can be automated either as RFC or as GUI Scripting. RFC method is faster and
preferred. However, some of the newer and Enjoy transactions do not fully support RFC record
and run method. For those, GUI Scripting method would be more suitable. To automate using
GUI Scripting method, SAP server should have GUI Scripting enabled.

BAPI and RFM works same way. BAPIs are generally released by SAP so customer can use
them freely. However, not all RFMs are released and intended to be used by customer or by
external programs. By default Process Runner is delivered with RFM functionality disabled.

Note: All through out this documentation BAPI and RFM are used interchangeably. When you see
BAPI, it usually covers RFM as well unless RFM was clearly excluded.

Transfer data between SAP and Excel involves three broad steps:

For Transaction:

1. Record : Click on New Process and select Transaction or GUI Scripting option. Provide
valid SAP Transaction code and proceed to Recording. Process Runner will ask you for
logon information and start SAP GUI for you. Once you see SAP GUI, you should type in
your information and navigate through your transaction. All your steps and data will be
captured as you walk thru SAP GUI. Once you save, exit or terminate the transaction,
control will be back to Process Runner. Process Runner will store your recording in
appropriate file format and put you in mapper.

2. Map: Process Runner presents mapper in very flexible gird layout. If you need to move
data between SAP and Excel, use the appropriate mapping type to tell Process Runner
how SAP fields are connected to Excel columns or cells. In Process Runner, SAP fields
can also take fix or system generated values. Once you mapped how the data is going to
flow between SAP, Process Runner and Excel, you are ready to Run this file.

3. Run: When you click on run, Process Runner will look at your mapping and your
transaction sequence, it will then prepare and send the data packet to SAP. SAP
executes this data packet and sends message back to Process Runner. Process Runner
displays the message returned by SAP into your Excel file. Process Runner will repeat
this process for each Excel rows. You can control how many rows should Process
Runner look at. Ideally, you should do one or few transaction test run before kicking off
larger run.
For BAPI or RFM:

Steps involved in Using BAPI is similar to Transaction, except that instead of recording a
transactiun, Process Runner will generate full BAPI interface automatically as defined in your
SAP system.

Unlike Transactions, BAPIs are not used by end user on daily basis, hence this methods
needs more efforts than Transaction. However, extra efforts usually pays off as BAPI
interface is not dependent on screen sequence (like Transaction) and is usually much faster
than Transaction. BAPI method is also ideal for extracting data or downloading information
about business objects.
Refer to tutorials section for detailed information and step-by-step instructions.
New Transaction Process
This screen helps you create a new SAP transaction file.

You can record SAP transaction flow using this wizard. Type in Transaction code, review the
settings and press Enter to login to SAP. Wait for SAP GUI to launch. Record your transaction in
SAP GUI and save or exit out of the transaction. Finally, follow the steps on this wizard to save
your recording to a file.
Transaction Code : Enter SAP Transaction Code that you want to use.
Logon Shortcut File : Enable this option and select the Logon Shortcut File that you want to
use for SAP Login. Using this step will bypass SAP logon prompt.
Recording Options
Run As Batch Input Session : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to run the
transaction in batch input mode. Unselecting will force it to run in non-batch input (as you
would run normally in SAP GUI) mode. Some of the transactions needs to be run in non-
batch input mode.

Stop on COMMIT : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to stop the transaction
when it encounters COMMIT statement. Unselecting this option will force Process Runner to
continue the transaction even when it encounters COMMIT statement. You may have to
unselect this option for some of the transactions. This check box is usually tied with "Run in
batch input mode" check box.

Get Fields from SAP Mode: This controls if Process Runner should get the fields from SAP or
not and if so, what type of method should it use. Change this only if you know the impact of
the selection you make or if you were asked to do so.

See Also
New BAPI / RFM Process
New GUI / Script Process
New BAPI / RFM Process
This screen helps you create a new BAPI file.
You can create BAPI template using this wizard. Type or search generally available list of BAPIs.
Review other settings and click on "OK" to login to SAP. Process Runner will log into SAP and
generate the interface from your SAP system. This interface will be save as .IFF (Innowera
Function module File)
See Also
New Transaction Process
New GUI Script Process
New GUI Script Process
This screen helps you create a new GUI Scripting transaction file.

You can record GUI Scripted SAP transaction flow using this wizard. Type in Transaction code,
review the settings and press Enter to login to SAP. Wait for SAP GUI to launch. Record your
transaction in SAP GUI and save and exit out of the transaction. Finally, follow the steps on this
wizard to save your recording to a file. Process Runner will save this file as .ISF (Innowera Script

Transaction Code : Enter the Transaction Code.

Script Language : Select the Script Language that Process Runner should use.
Context Menu (Right Mouse Click menus) : Tell Process Runner how the mouse right mouse
clicks should be recorded
Logon Shortcut File : Enable this option and select the Logon Shortcut File that you want to
use for SAP Login. Using this step will bypass SAP logon prompt.

See Also
New Transaction Process
New Bapi / RFM Process
Working with Tabs
Process Runner has many tabs. Tabs are like SAP views and represent fields grouped by related
tasks. For Example, Scheduler Tab provides all the fields and controls related to scheduling
Process Runner file.

To keep your view uncluttered, you can select which tabs should be visible and which tabs should
be hidden.

When you start Process Runner first time, all the Tabs might not be visible.

Your screen may look similar to below:

Turn on all the tabs: Once a file is open or created, Click on View pull down menu, then click on
Tabs sub menus and select Show all Tabs
This should open up all the available tabs and your screen may look like this now:

Start Page
This tab shows recently opened files. Most recently opened file is listed first. Start page serves
as a quick reminder and direct link to what you have been working on recently.
Besides File name it displays file attributes such as the Type (RFM, Transaction or Script),
Location (Local or Server) and Path (if local, then it displays the location of the file on your

You can remove a single file by selecting a file in list and pressing Clear.
Clear All removes all the files from the list
Actual file is never deleted by Clear or Clear All action. It simply removes from start page listing.

Always Open the last file and hide this page on start up: Enabling this option defaults
Process Runner to open the last file you were working on and hide the Start Page next time you
start Process Runner.

See Also

Home Tab
This tab shows and allows you to maintain most important information for the file you are working
on. For example, it shows which Excel file will be used and how the Transaction or BAPI should
be executed in SAP. You can also control how to perform SAP logon and how many parallel
sessions to use.
Use Internal Excel Book (iBook) : Use internal iBook provided by Process Runner as a data
Use External Excel File : Use any external Excel File as a data source.
Sheet Name : Select the Sheet which contains the data for processing in iBook (internal) or
external Excel file.
Refresh Sheet Name : Refresh button will get list of all the sheets in Excel File or iBook.
Once refreshed you can pick up the correct sheet.
Start Row : Sets first Excel row where Process Runner will start from when you run this file.
End Row : Sets the last Excel row where Process Runner must stop executing the run. If
there is no data before End Row, process runner will stop even before it reaches the End
Turn off auto log column and use this column : By default, Process Runner automatically
finds last available Excel columns and places return log in this column. If you rather want to
have a log in specific Excel column, check the box and provide the column you want Process
Runner to write a log.
Control Parameters (Transaction file)
Display Return Message ID and Number : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to
write Message Id and Message number returned by SAP along with usual descriptive
Stop Transaction on Commit : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to stop the
transaction when it encounters COMMIT statement. Unselecting this option will force Process
Runner to continue the transaction even when it encounters COMMIT statement. You may
have to unselect this option for some of the transactions. This check box is usually tied with
"Run in batch input mode" check box.
Run in batch input mode : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to run the
transaction in batch input mode. Unselecting will force it to run in non-batch input (as you
would run normally in SAP GUI) mode. Some of the transactions needs to be run in non-
batch input mode.
Convert to upper case : Selecting this check box will force Process Runner to convert all the
data read from Excel to upper case before sending to SAP.

Control Parameters (BAPI / RFM file)

Execute Commit after RUN : Selecting this option will force Process Runner to execute
COMMIT BAPI after each run. Many new BAPIs do not have COMMIT statement inside
them. Turning on this option will force those BAPIs to execute COMMIT.
Wait till Commit finishes : This option is available only when your turn on "Execute Commit
after RUN" option. Turning on this check box will force Process Runner to wait till SAP
returns till COMMIT finishes (i.e. usually when DB writes are done)
Convert to upper case : Selecting this check box will force Process Runner to convert all the
data read from Excel to upper case before sending to SAP.
Logon and Performance (All file types)
Logon Shortcut : Select the Logon Shortcut file created by iLogon. This will bypass manual
SAP logon prompt instead Process Runner will use information stored in Logon Shortcut file
you specify here to logon to SAP.
Refresh Logon Shortcut File : This option allows you to retrieve Logon Shortcut file list. After
clicking refresh button, you can pick up correct logon shortcut file.
Do not close SAP connection after each RUN : This option will force Process Runner not to
log off from SAP after it's done running all the transactions or BAPI calls.
Parallel Processing threads to use : Tells how many threads should Process Runner divide
work in. Process Runner will automatically start number of threads you select in parallel and
send them to SAP in those many threads. This could dramatically improve the overall load
Care should be taken as using more threads means consuming more Dialogue threads in
SAP.By default maximum 3 threads are possible. If you need more threads, you must have
special license from Innowera.

Logon and Performance (Only available for Transaction File)

Launch SAP GUI : This option will launch SAP GUI session as well. Some transaction
requires that you Launch SAP GUI as well. This is particularly true if you are downloading a
file to your desktop. Usually Process Runners sets this flags automatically but in some cases
you may have to set it manually.

See Also
Start Page
Mapper Tab
Mapper provides graphical way to look elements of Transaction or BAPI interface that you are
working on. It allows you to map SAP fields to Excel columns and cells or dynamically generated
System values.

Mapper also provides looping and other advanced capabilities so you can tell Process Runner
how to interpret data stored in Excel and how to upload them in SAP.

Mapper has dynamic search and filtering row where you can narrow down your focus to important

Finally Process Runner mapper allows you to select multiple rows and assign mapping values to
all the selected rows. This process can significantly reduce the time taken to map large file
(especially in case of BAPI)
Mapper layout will be different for Transaction, BAPI/RFM and for GUI Scripting.

Transaction File
Columns - Simple view
Active : This check box tells Process Runner to either consider the given row or not. Setting a
row to inactive (unchecking) will tell Process Runner to keep the row but not to look at when
you execute this process.
Field : Displays SAP Field name
Description : Displays Field or Screen description if you had earlier requested that information
while creating this file. This is purely for information or readability purpose and does not
impact how transaction is executed.
Mapping Type :
None : Removes any mapping previously assigned.
Excel to SAP : Tells Process Runner to get the value from Excel column
SAP to Excel : Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given Excel
Fix Single Value :Tells Process Runner to use value provided in "Map Value" column
System Value : Tells Process Runner to use dynamically calculated value as
provided in "Map Value" column
Fix Excel Value :Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given
Excel cell
MapValue : In this field you provide actual mapped value based on Mapping Type. For
example, if you have mapping type set as "Excel to SAP", you specified which Excel column
to use in this column.
Skip row if Blank : This check box tells Process Runner if it should ignore the whole row if
value in Excel is found to be blank. For example if you are running Bills of Material changes
and Bills of Material is mapped to column A. Now if your Excel file has some of the blank
rows in column A, you can turn on this flag and when Process Runner encounters those
blank rows, it will simply skip that row and continue to next row.

Columns - Advance view

Screen Name : Displays Screen name and number related to Transaction you recorded.
Block Type : This column is available when you use Loops. In case of looping thru Excel
data, using this column you can tell Process Runner how it should loop thru your Excel data.
You can tell that Excel data is grouped in "Fix Block" or certain rows or grouped by similar
values i.e. "On Change" or grouped by blank row in between them i.e. "Blank Row"
Block value : This column is available when you use Loops and is tied to mapping performed
in "Block Type" column. You essentially tell Process Runner how many rows constitutes a
group of block or which column to look for similar values or blank rows. Block Type and Block
Values together provides very powerful and natural looping capability.

Right click menu items:

Cut : Cut current row to clipboard.

Copy : Copy current row to clipboard.
Paste : Paste raw from clipboard before current row
Delete : Delete Single / Multiple selection of records in Mapper.
Clone : Duplicate Single / Multiple selection of records in Mapper.
Activate : Activates all the selected fields
DeActivate : Deactivates all the selected fields
Display Only :
Active Rows : Displays only Active Rows
Inactive Rows : Displays only Inactive Rows
All Rows : Displays all the rows (Active + Inactive)
Assign Mapping Type : These actions are applied to all the selected row.
None : Removes any mapping previously assigned.
Excel to SAP : Tells Process Runner to get the value from Excel column
SAP to Excel : Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given Excel
Fix Single Value :Tells Process Runner to use value provided in "Map Value" column
System Value : Tells Process Runner to use dynamically calculated value as
provided in "Map Value" column
Fix Excel Value :Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given
Excel cell

Parameter Type : Parameter Type indicates BAPI interface type for given field. Parameter
type could be Imports, Exports, Changing or Tables.
Parameter Name : Parameter name provides actual name of the parameter type as defined
in SAP interface
Field : Displays SAP Field name
Description : Displays Field or Screen description if you had earlier requested that information
while creating this file. This is purely for information or readability purpose and does not
impact how transaction is executed.
Table : This column displays Associated Type as defined in interface for this BAPI. It could
be SAP structure or Table.
Mapping Type :
None : Removes any mapping previously assigned.
Excel to SAP : Tells Process Runner to get the value from Excel column
SAP to Excel : Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given Excel
Fix Single Value :Tells Process Runner to use value provided in "Map Value" column
System Value : Tells Process Runner to use dynamically calculated value as
provided in "Map Value" column
Fix Excel Value :Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given
Excel cell
MapValue : In this field you provide actual mapped value based on Mapping Type. For
example, if you have mapping type set as "Excel to SAP", you specified which Excel column
to use in this column.
Block Type : This column is available when you use Loops. In case of looping thru Excel
data, using this column you can tell Process Runner how it should loop thru your Excel data.
You can tell that Excel data is grouped in "Fix Block" or certain rows or grouped by similar
values i.e. "On Change" or grouped by blank row in between them i.e. "Blank Row"
Block value : This column is available when you use Loops and is tied to mapping performed
in "Block Type" column. You essentially tell Process Runner how many rows constitutes a
group of block or which column to look for similar values or blank rows. Block Type and Block
Values together provides very powerful and natural looping capability.
Optional : This column displays if field is optional or mandatory. All the mandatory fields must
have mapping assigned to it or Process Runner will throw validation error when you run the

Right click menu items:

Cut : Cut current row to clipboard.

Copy : Copy current row to clipboard.
Paste : Paste raw from clipboard before current row
Delete : Delete Single / Multiple selection of records in Mapper.
Clone : Duplicate Single / Multiple selection of records in Mapper.
Display Only :
Active Rows : Displays only Active Rows
Inactive Rows : Displays only Inactive Rows
All Rows : Displays all the rows (Active + Inactive)
Assign Mapping Type : These actions are applied to all the selected rows.
None : Removes any mapping previously assigned.
Excel to SAP : Tells Process Runner to get the value from Excel column
SAP to Excel : Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given Excel
Fix Single Value :Tells Process Runner to use value provided in "Map Value" column
System Value : Tells Process Runner to use dynamically calculated value as
provided in "Map Value" column
Fix Excel Value :Tells Process Runner to place value received from SAP to given
Excel cell

Note: Other than the above record level Right Context Menu, Process Runner also provides a
simple right click menu for basic text operations like Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All for
fields which are editable.

See Also
Start Page
Advance Tab
This tab provides advanced parameters to control your process. You can control how to interface
with Excel, Control speed and delays on start and exit and finally manage connection to other
Lock File : Setting this check box prevents any changes made to this file. All the controls are put
in disabled state until you remove this lock again.

Excel Controls
Save Excel :Controls how Excel file will be saved
At the end of run : Save Excel at end of each run
Do not Save: Do not save Excel file
Save at Every nnn Calls : Save Excel at every nnnn calls. This is useful if you have very
large Excel file and you want to save the changes at every few calls.
Close Excel after RUN : If you are using external Excel file, you can tell Process Runner to
close the Excel at the end of the run
Execute only filtered rows : Tells Process Runner to look at only filtered rows. Any rows
hidden by current filter will NOT be processed when this option is selected.
Clear all Data from Excel Sheet before each Run : This option will delete ALL the data from
selected Excel before each run. This is useful when you are extracting data from SAP and
want to clear all the previous data. Selecting this option will provide you a warning message
to remind you that Process Runner will delete all the data from Excel Sheet.
Skip Excel Row if value is : This works as global IF statement. If you want to ignore row
based on certain value in Excel row, specify that condition here and Process Runner will skip
those rows where these condition is met.
Disable Mapped field if Mapped value in Excel Cell is : This advance option will disable (not
send) SAP fields when certain condition is met.
Write header to Excel: This option writes header information to Excel at the end of each run.
Useful if you are requesting fields from SAP to Excel as this option will write what these fields
Read Excel Cell Values : This controls how Process Runner interpretes values stored in
Excel. For example, you may have a cell value of 1.25, which may be displayed as 1.3 if you
have rounded to one decimal point. Using this option, you are telling Process Runner to use
values "As Displayed" i.e. 1.3 or "As Internally Stored" i.e. 1.25. Default is "As Displayed"
Blank Row threshold for stopping : This value controls how many blank rows should Process
Runner check before automatically stopping.

Start and Delays

Run on open : Selecting this options forces Process Runner to run this file as soon as you
open it.
Exit after Run :Selecting this option will force Process Runner to close itself down once run is
over. Usually used for periodic Scheduled run.
Delay before start : You can specify how many second should Process Runner wait before
running once it's has started. This option is useful when you Schedule Process Runner runs.
Delay between calls : Tells Process Runner how many seconds to wait between each calls.
This is to intentionally slow Process Runner down.
Repeat all the calls for : This option is special purpose option and is not generally available to
end user. Using this option allows Process Runner to repeat the current run process nnnn
number of times. Especially useful for load testing the SAP system.
Process Connection
Enable Connection : Select this check box to enable connection to another process and
specify name or ID of Process Runner file that you want to connect. This file will also be
executed if you run the current file.
Local File : Indicates if you want to connect a local file
Server File : Indicates if you want to connect file on EShare server. In this case, you will
have to provide EShare File ID.

Use following Settings for ALL Downstream Connections

Current Excel / iBook : Tells Process Runner to use Excel/iBook as mentioned in current file
and ignore this value from all downstream connected file(s).
Current Sheet : Tells Process Runner to use Sheet as mentioned in current file and ignore
this value from all downstream connected file(s).
Current Start Row value :Tells Process Runner to use value of Start Row as mentioned in
current file and ignore this value from all downstream connected file(s).
Current End Row value : Tells Process Runner to use value of End Row as mentioned in
current file and ignore this value from all downstream connected file(s).
Re Open current file after Run process is finished :Tells Process Runner to re-open current
file once all the follow on files are processed successfully. Please note if there are any errors
during the run, Process Runner will stop on that file and will not open the master (current) file.
So this settings is only effective if there are no errors during the run.

See Also
Start Page
iBook Tab
iBook provides an integrated Excel with in Process Runner. You can perform all Excel operations
from Process Runner without separately launching Excel. Also iBook data is stored along with
your file so iBook provides convenient way to store, manage, run, distribute and record keep your

Attach Excel File : You can delete current iBook and import another one. Current data in
iBook will be replaced with file you import from.
Export iBook : This option enables you to save your iBook as an external Excel File. Current
data in iBook will not be removed/
Menus On / Off : Turns on or offs full Excel menus. Please note File menu will be disabled.
See Also
Start Page
Notes Tab

Using this option you can store textual information about a file, so the next time you or someone
else opens this file you can refer this information and act accordingly.

My Notes : Its the Notepad where you can enter the Textual Information for a file and save it.
Display this Notes when I open this File : Displays the note that you have stored for a file,
when you or someone else opens this file.
Display this Notes when I Run this file : Displays the note when you run the file.

NOTE: Following two options are applicable only to BAPI/RFM .

SAP Documentation : This option displays the documentation provided by SAP for for
Refresh : You can select this option to refresh and recreate the help from SAP.

See Also
Start Page
Scheduler Tab
Process Runner provides built in scheduling interface to Windows Task Scheduler. Built in
Scheduler interface enables easy scheduling of currently open file. Once you schedule a file,
Windows Task Scheduler will automatically launch Process Runner and execute the file at your
scheduled time (or times). If you provided Windows Logon information, it can even log you in and
start the Process Runner. (However, if you powered down the computer, it cannot power up your
computer! - your schedule will be missed if you have your computer powered down)

All the Scheduling controls are conveniently placed in Scheduler Tab.

New Schedule : Create a New Schedule.
Edit : Select and edit an existing Schedule.
Delete : Delete an existing Schedule.
Refresh : Refresh to reflect the changes made to Schedule.

Scheduling Control
Enabled : This option enables the task to be executed at the scheduled time.
Comment : Type a note or other information about the Schedule.
Run only if Logged on : Run the task only if the user in whose name the task is scheduled is
logged on.
Run as User : Type the User account that Runs the scheduled task. If the task requires
administrative permission to Run then this account must be a part of Administrator Group.
Set Password : This option is provided in case the user is not logged in. If you set the
password then scheduler will automatically log in & run the scheduled task for that particular
user account.

Scheduling Type
Scheduling Type
Daily : Schedule the task to Run Daily.
Weekly : Schedule the task to Run Weekly.
Monthly : Schedule the task to Run Monthly.
Once : Schedule the task to Run only Once.
At StartUp : Schedule the task to Run at StartUp.
On Logon : Schedule the task to Run On Logon.
When Idle : Schedule the task to Run When Idle.


Repeat Task : Specifies whether the task runs repeatedly, at the interval specified in
End Date : Specifies whether an End Date is set for the task.

Repeat Task
Every : Specifies how often (in minutes or hours) the scheduled task is repeated. You can
select the scroll arrows to select other setting.
Time : Specifies the time at which the scheduled task stops repeating.
Duration : Specifies how long the scheduled task will run repeatedly.
If the task is still running, stop it at this time : Specifies whether all instances of the
scheduled task that are still running at the deadline in Time or Duration are stopped. This
option is useful if your tasks don't stop automatically. If this check box is not selected, the
task continues running, even after the deadline. For example, if a task takes one hour to
Run but starts 15 minutes before the deadline and does not automatically stop when it
has finished running, you might need to select this check box.

Scheduled Task Completed

Delete task if it is not scheduled to run again : Specifies whether the task file is deleted from
your computer's hard disk after the task has finished running and is not scheduled to run
again. This option is useful for tasks you schedule to Run only once.
Stop task if it runs for : Specifies whether the task is stopped after it has been running for a
specified amount of time.

Idle Time
Only start the task if the computer has been idle for at least : Specifies whether the scheduled
task is started only after you have not used your keyboard or mouse for a specified period of
time. If the task is scheduled to repeat, the first Run of the task occurs only if the computer
has been idle for the specified period of time. If the computer is not idle when the task tries to
start, Scheduler keeps checking to see if the computer is idle for the amount of time specified
in "Only start the Task if the computer has been idle for at least". If the computer does not
become idle during this time, no occurrences of the task run.
Stop the task if computer ceases to be idle : Specifies whether the task should be stopped if
you begin to use the computer while the task is running.
If the compute has not been idle that long, retry for up to : Provides a space for you to type
the length of time (in minutes) that Scheduler keeps checking to see if the computer is idle. If
the computer has not been idle for that long, retry for up to, and the computer is not isle at the
scheduled time, you can also click the scroll arrows to select a new setting. If the computer
does not become idle during this time, no occurrences of the task Run.

Power Management
Don't start the task if the computer is running on batteries : Specifies whether the scheduled
task is prevented from starting while your computer is running on batteries. Some programs
frequently access your hard disk, which drains the batteries faster. You can extend the life of
your batteries by selecting this check box.
Stop the task if battery mode begins : Specifies whether the task stop running if the computer
starts running on batteries.
Wake the computer to run the task : Specifies whether the computer wakes to Run the task at
the scheduled time, even if the computer is in Sleep mode and uses OnNow power
See Also
Start Page
Colors Option
You can use this option tab to set color settings for Mapper and Excel.
Mapper Colors : Mapping Type
Copy from Excel : This option allows you to set color of the row in Mapper where Mapping
type is Copy from Excel.
Copy to Excel : This option allows you to set color of the row in Mapper where Mapping type
is Copy to Excel.
Fix Value : This option allows you to set color of the row in Mapper where Mapping type is Fix
Constant : This option allows you to set color of the row in Mapper where Mapping type is
Fix Excel Value : This option allows you to set color of the row in Mapper where Mapping
type is Fix Excel Value.
TxN Looping : This option allows you to set color of the rows in Mapper where Start - End
Loop is used.

Mapper Colors : Row Block Type

Fix Multiple Value : Sets the color for Fix Multiple Value rows
Fix Block : Sets the color for Block Type = Fix Block rows
On Change : Sets the color for Block Type = On Change rows
Blank Row : Sets the color for Block Type = Blank rows

Mapper Colors : Other

Background :Sets the mapper background color
Disabled Row : Sets the color for disabled row
Screen Row : Sets the color for Screen Rows (Transaction only)
Excel Color
Log column :This option allows you to set color of the Excel Status and Log columns

See Also
Transaction Options
Scripting Options
Excel Options
EShare Options
Other Options
Transaction Options
This section holds default SAP transaction related recording and run time settings.
Default SAP Settings
Transaction Update Mode : Specify how should updates in SAP be done. Synchronous is
default choice. Change this only if you know how updates are done in SAP or if you were
asked to do so.
Get Fields from SAP Mode : This controls if Process Runner should get the fields from SAP
or not and if so, what type of method should it use. Change this only if you know the impact of
the selection you make or if you were asked to do so.
Use Default Screen Size : Forces Process Runner to use default screen size. Ideal choice if
you are running this file from different computer or sharing this file. It will always presume
same screen size so your transaction recording will look same on different resolution when
run process is fired.
Use Screen Size based on my System : Instead of "Default Screen Size", you can tell
Process Runner to use Screen Size as set on your computer.
SAP Return Messages Settings
You can map SAP message ID and Transaction number and change description and status that
will be displayed in Excel.
Id : Specify SAP Message ID that Process Runner should look for
No : Specify SAP Message number that Process Runner should look for
Display the message in Excel : Tell Process Runner what Message Text should be displayed
when Id and No matches.
Status : Tell Process Runner what Status should be displayed when Id and No matches.
Active : Tell Process Runner if this message translation is active or not.

See Also
Color Options
Scripting Options
Excel Options
EShare Options
Other Options
GUI Scripting Options
Options in this section applies to SAP GUI Scripting style transaction execution.

Multiple Logon setting

Continue with new Logon terminating any other existing logons (You may loose any unsaved
changes) : When you execute GUI Scripting, Process Runner will automatically terminate any
existing logon you may have. You will loose any unsaved work in any of the SAP sessions
with this option.
Continue with new logon, without ending any other logons (will not loose any work but may
violate SAP licensing agreement in production environment) : With this option set, Process
Runner will initiate new SAP GUI session and will NOT close any existing session. SAP
license agreement generally does not allow this type of dual logon to same system with same
user ID in productive environment. All such logon activity are generally tracked and
monitored. Please check with you System Administrator if this is appropriate option for your
production system or not.
Other Script setting
Close GUI(s) at the end of each run : Process Runner automatically closes GUI sessions at
the end of each run when you select this option.
Suppress Scripting Errors and Prompts while running : Process Runner will suppress errors
and prompts during execution when you select this option.

See Also
Color Options
Transaction Options
Excel Options
EShare Options
Other Options
Excel Options
You can use this Tab to control how Process Runner works with Excel

Always switch to Excel/iBook during Run : This will automatically show Excel file that is being
used as soon as you click Run and log in to SAP.
Auto adjust cell width when inserting header information : After Process Runner places
extracted data from SAP to Excel, clicking this option will automatically perform auto width
adjustment in Excel.
Apply Text data types to Excel columns when writing characters data from SAP to Excel : By
default, Excel eliminates preceding zeros if cell's data type is not set to Text. By enabling this
option Process Runner will change Excel column format to Text. Excel should keep
preceding zeros in tact as received from SAP in that case.
Convert SAP date to Excel system date on BAPI/RFM receive: Generally SAP data is retried
as string of YYYYMMDD, selecting this option will force Process Runner to convert this
textual date returned by SAP to your Excel's date format.
Format SAP time on BAPI/RFM receive: SAP time is usually returned as HHMMSS format.
Selecting this option will force Process Runner to convert this time to HH:MM:SS.


Sheet Name : Process Runner automatically decides default Sheet name depending on your
Excel's language setting. You can change that value here and next time you create a file, this
value will be used as a default Sheet name.
In Cell -Delimiter : BAPI can return number of rows in a table. All the rows can be placed in
one cell by Process Runner (so you can later on parse them using Text to Column function
Excel). This is done via selecting Block Type to "In Cell" in mapper. When this option is
selected, Process Runner will use delimiter specified here as a row separator.

See Also
Color Options
Transaction Options
Scripting Options
EShare Options
Other Options
EShare Options
Enterprise Sharing (EShare) server can be activated and defined in this tab.

Enterprise Sharing Configuration

Enable EShare : Master flag that enables or disables EShare for your instance of Process
Runner. If you disable this option, all EShare related menus will be disabled. If you enable
this option, you must provide correct connection parameters.
Database Server Name or IP : Check with your system administrator and find out host name
or IP address where they have installed Innowera EShare DB server. Put that information in
this field. Port number can be provided by inserting a comma after IP address or Host name.
If port number is not supplied than it will assume the default port 1433.
Authentication Mode : Check with your system administrator and use correct authentication
mode. If you use "Windows Authentication" it will not need username and password. If select
"SQL Server Authentication", you will have to provide username and password as received
by your system administrator.
UserName : If the SQL Server Authentication mode is selected, enter UserName as received
by your system administrator.
Password : If the SQL Server Authentication mode is selected, enter Password as received
by your system administrator. Please remember that Process Runner saves this password in
registry without any encryption.
Test Connection : Use this button to check if connection to EShare is working or not.

Case sensitive windows username comparison : Use this option to enforce Case sensitive
username comparison while logging into EShare Server.

See Also
Color Options
Transaction Options
Scripting Options
Excel Options
Other Options
Other Options
You can use this tab to set some other options not covered anywhere else.

Logon Shortcut File Settings during Recording

Suggest this Logon Shortcut File : This will be the Logon Shortcut File (containing all
necessary logon details for SAP) that will suggested during recording of a transaction. This
will eliminate SAP Logon step and speed up your recording process.

Scheduling Settings
Task Scheduler Start Time : This time is used as default start time for all the Scheduler
related function. This time is automatically generated to make unique time just for you. This
will ensure that not all the users in your company are firing scheduled job at same time and
bringing SAP server down. You can manually adjust this time if you are not comfortable with
suggested time.

iLogon Control Setting

Disable Null Filtering :This is advanced filtering and should not be used without Innowera's

Mapper Setting
Display Mapping Type :
Icon Only : Display only icon in the drop down menu that appears in Mapping Type
Icon with caption : Display only icon with relevant text in the drop down menu that
appears in Mapping Type column.

Context Sensitive Help (F1)

Help Type : Decides the the type of help you will be using for Process Runner. Help will be
displayed for each control on the press of F1 button.
Online Help : This will display the most updated Help directly from web (Innowera Online
Local Help : This option will display the help from a Process Runner help file stored
locally on your computer in your Process Runner Installation Folder.

See Also
Color Options
Transaction Options
Scripting Options
Excel Options
EShare Options
Open from EShare
This page allows you to open and manage files stored in central Enterprise Sharing (EShare)
Server. This option is available if you have enabled and correctly configured EShare server in
Process Runner Options tab.

Open : Opens the selected file.

Save As : Performs "Save As" action on selected file. Save As option essentially makes copy
of current file and makes you the owner of the file.
Refresh : Refreshes file list.
Rename : Renames currently selected file. Only file owner can perform this action.
Delete : Delete single or multiple files from Server. Only file owner can perform this task. If
you have selected multiple files and you are not the owner for some of the files, Delete
operation will skip those files and delete the remaining files where you are the owner.
Sharing : Adjust privilege level for selected file or files. Only owner can make changes to privilege
levels. i.e. Only owner can change Private to Shared or from Read Only to Read / Write mode.
Private : Enabling this option will allow only the owner of this file to see and access the
Read Only : Read only file can still be opened by other user and they can make all the
changes to the file and run it. But they are prevented from saving this file back to server
(however, they can perform Save As). Only owner can update and save this file on the
Read / Write : Read / Write file can be updated by anyone.
Select All : Select All the Files in the current Active Tab.
Deselect All : Deselect All the Files in the current Active Tab.
Customization : This Option allows the user to add/remove the columns from current active
Tab for convenience.
My Files : Displays all the private and shared files that you own in EShare Server.
Shared Files : Displays shared files of all the other users on the EShare Server.
All Files : This tab Displays a combination of My Files and Shared Files.
Statistics displays the summary of each of the run process you have executed so far. Each time
you execute the run, a record is inserted with summary information. Following information is
Date : Date on which file was Executed in Process Runner.
Start time : Time when process started
End time : Time when process ended
Duration : Total time taken by the process
Type of file : Type of the process that was executed i.e Transaction, RFM/BAPI, GUI
Scripting etc.
Location : Path of the process file that was used.
File Name : Name or EShare server ID of the process file
System : SAP Server System ID where execution took place.
Client : SAP Client that was used
User : User Name that was used.
Function name : Transaction Code or Function Module name (eg.
Bapi_Customer_GetDetail2, MM02).
Total calls : Total number of calls to SAP executed for the entire call session.
Threads : Number of threads used to execute the file.
Log displays the details of each of the run calls you have executed so far. Each time you execute
the run, a Start Event is logged followed by details of each of the important steps for that run.
Following is an example of simple Log file.

Online Videos
Below are links to online videos. Clicking on any of the links below will launch the video in new
web browser.

Videos are actually stored on Innowera's website and will be streamed to your web browser. We
suggest you do not try this if you have low bandwidth connection.

Tutorials :

Transaction - MM02 - Change Weights on Material Master using MM02 Transaction

BAPI - Get_Customer_Details - Turbo charge customer information retrieval using BAPI

GUI Scripting - CM01 - Download Capacity Planning data - see how difficult transaction can be
handled with GUI Scripting in Process Runner.
Copyrights, Disclaimers and Legal stuff

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Vista, Microsoft Excel and SQL Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. All other products and service names mentioned are registered or unregistered
trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Due to continued nature of software development life cycle, this document may not completely
correct, upto date or error free.
This document is copyrights Innowera LLC. No part of this document can be published or
otherwise used without Innowera's written permission.

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