Terence McKenna New York Times - Obituary

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Terence McKenna; 53, flies;

Terence McKenna, who so playful-
ly and persistently pressed his mes-
Living on the wild
sage that psychedelic drugs are
mankind's salvation that Timothy
side ofa wild
Leary himself christened him "the
Timothy, Leary of the 90's," died on generation, he still
Monday at a. friend's home in San
Rafael, Calif. He was 53 and lived on wrote five books.
the South Kona Coast of HawaiL
The cause of death was brain can-
cer, said a publicist for his books. Chinese book of divination.
"If psychedelics don't ready you The package he pushed struck a
for the great beyond, then I don't chord, at least among the usual sus-
know what really does," Mr. McKen- pects. Jerry Garcia of the Grateful
na said in December in one ofhis last Dead called him "the only person .
public speeches, at the Esalen Insti- who has made a serious effort to
tute. Death, he said then, felt close. objectify the psychedelic experi-
Mr. McKenna combined a lepre- ence." .
chaun's wit with a poet's sensibility But experts on drug treatment at-
to brew a NewAge stew with ingredi- tacked Mr. McKenna for populariz-
ents including flying saucers, elves ing dangerous substances . "Surely
and the I Ching. The essential sea- the fact that Terence McKenna says
soning was the psychedelic mush- that the psilocybin mushroom 'is the
rooms that transformed his life and megaphone usedby an alien, interga-
that he recommended - in "heroic lactic Other to communicate with
doses" -- for virtually everyone. mankind' is enough for us to wander
He lived on the wild side of a wild if taking LSD has done something to
generation. He dropped acid in San his mental faculties," Judy Corman,
Francisco in the 1960's, smuggled vice president of Phoenix House of
hashish in India and searched the New York, a drug treatment center,
jungles of the Amazon for the magic said in a letter to The New York
mushrooms. He told interviewers Times in 1993 . .
that he had smoked marijuana every Still others hadbig trouble with his
dayfrom the time he was a teenager. self-consciously cosmic literary
In the 1990's, Mr. McKenna gained style . "I suffered hallucinatory ago-
fame by deliveringhis drugpitch to a nies of my own while reading his
new generation at nightclub "raves." shrilly ecstatic prose," Peter Conrad
"My real function was to give peo- wrote in The New York Times in a
ple permission," he said in an article 1993 review of Mr. McKenna's book
to appear in the May issue of Wired "True Hallucinations," published by
magazine. "Essentially, what I exist- Harper San Francisco.
ed for was to say, 'Go ahead, you'll But many marveled at his stream
live through it, get loaded, you don't of novel thoughts. "To write him off
have to be afraid ."' as a crazy hippie is a rather lazy
In lectures, in recordings and in approach to a man not only full of
five books, Mr. McKenna made his fascinating ideas but also blessed
case for illegalsubstances that many with a sense of humor and self-par-
experts consider highly dangerous. ody," Tom Hodgkinson wrote in The
He had a grand theory : that psyche- New Statesman and Society in 1994. .
delic mushrooms are the missing Terence Kemp McKenna was born
link in the story of human evolution. on Nov. 16, 1946, in a Colorado cattle
Not until our primate ancestors be- and coal town, Paonia . He was a
gan eating hallucinatory psilocybin youth given to memorizing passages
mushrooms, he contended, did they of James Joyce and reading "Carl
begin to acquire human qualities. Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy,"
Mr. McKenna, a lanky man with a and his main satisfactions percolat-
salt-and-pepper. beard and deep-set ed from his fertile imagination.
eyes, also professed to know exactly "I think my first encounter with
when the world would end : Dec. 22, psychedelics was looking at Colorado
2012. He came to this conclusion and trying to understand that it was
through a mathematical construct once the shores of an ocean with
he.based on the I Ching, the ancient hundred-foot-long sauropods tromp-

Patron, ofPsychedelicDrugs
ing through the mangrove swamps," Hallucinations," they were "Food of
he told Details magazine in 1993. the Gods" (Bantam, 1992) ; "The Ar-
He found his way to San Francisco chaic Revival" (Harper San Fran-
in 1965 . According to 'the April 1993 cisco) and "Trialogues at the Edge
issue of Details magazine, Barry of the West," written with Ralph
Melton, the guitarist for Country Joe Abraham and Rupert Sheldrake
& the Fish, introduced him to mari- (Bear & Company, 1992).
juana in 1965 . Soon he tried LSD. Mr . McKenna met his wife, Kath-
' He enrolled in the University of leen Harrison, in Jerusalem in the
California at Berkeley that year and mid-1970's . They settled in Occiden-
was accepted,into the Tussman Ex- tal, a small town north of San Fran-
perimental College, which empha- cisco. They had'a son, Finn, who now
sized self-direction. After the two- lives in Jersey City, N.J., and a
year program, he embarked Qn trav- daughter, Klea, of Santa Cruz, Calif.
els around the world. He is also survived by his brother,
In 1971 he and his brother, Dennis, Dennis, who lives in Minneapolis.
journeyed to the Amazon jungle in After a divorce in 1992, Mr . Mc-
search of psychedelic plants. In a Kenna moved to Hawaii, where he
tiny mission settlement in southern and his former wife owned property.
Colombia, they encountered, for the Mr ._ McKenna built a modernist
first time, what drug enthusiasts call house, which is topped with a huge
"magic mushrooms." . antenna dish for the Internet com-.
In 1972, Mr. McKenna returned to munications with which he berame
Berkeley to. finish college. He com- enamored.
pleted a self-tailored degree in ecol- "Without sounding too cllche, the
ogy, resource recovery and shaman- Internet really is the birth of global
ism. His mind was focused on, and mind," he told Wired "That's what a
certainlyby, mushrooms. No one had god is. Somebody who knows more
yet figured out how to cultivate the than you do about whatever -you're
mushrooms in the United States, but dealing with."
the McKennas brought the South When he fell ill last May, Mr. Mc-
American secrets home . They pub- Kenna was enjoying a new life with
lished them, and in .the 1980's were Christy Silness, a young- woman he
growing 70 pounds every six weeks. had met the year before at an ethno- Term=
The operation ended when a friend botanical conference in the Yucatan. Terence McKenna, shown in 1993, was quoted as saying, "Esm
was arrested for his fungi farm . He had medical treatment for gliob- what I existed for was to say, `Go ahead, you'll live through
In 1975, the two brothers published lastoma multiforma, a rare form of loaded, you don't have to be afraid ."'
their first book, "The Invisible Land- brain cancer, while friends and fol-
scape : Mind, Hallucinogens and the I lowers added more esoteric touches.
Ching." Mr. McKenna began to lec- A self-styled "grand kahuna of many others, wondered whether a "So what about 35 years
ture both to old.hippies and converts Polynesia" biked up the mountain to lifetime of drug use might be to dope smoking?" he askec
to the emerging New Age. meditate at his bedside. A Nevada blame for his brain tumor. pointed td studies suggest]
According to Wired, he drifted into disk jockey, Art Bell, asked his 13 "So what about'it?" he asked his . cannabis may shrink tumor.
the role of "charismatic talking million-listeners to send good vibra- doctors. "You want to hammer on "Listen," Mr . McKenna to.
head ." He wrote four books in the tions. me about that?" They assured him "if cannabis shrinks tumi
early 1990's . In addition to "True Wired said Mr. McKenna, like there was no-causal link. . wouldn't be having this disci

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