Expressions For Agreeing and Disagreeing

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Expressions for Agreeing and

Stating an opinion In my opinion...
The way I see it...
If you want my honest opinion....
According to Lisa...
As far as I'm concerned...
If you ask me...

Asking for an What's your idea?

opinion What are your thoughts on all of this?
How do you feel about that?
Do you have anything to say about this?
What do you think?
Do you agree?
Wouldn't you say?

Expressing I agree with you 100 percent.

agreement I couldn't agree with you more.
That's so true.
That's for sure.
(slang) Tell me about it!
You're absolutely right.
That's exactly how I feel.
I'm afraid I agree with James.
I have to side with Dad on this one.
No doubt about it.
(agree with negative statement) Me neither.
(weak) I suppose so./I guess so.
You have a point there.
I was just going to say that.

Expressing I don't think so.

disagreement (strong) No way.
I'm afraid I disagree.
(strong) I totally disagree.
I beg to differ.
(strong) I'd say the exact opposite.
Not necessarily.
That's not always true.
That's not always the case.
No, I'm not so sure about that.

Interruptions Can I add something here?

Is it okay if I jump in for a second?
If I might add something...
Can I throw my two cents in?
Sorry to interrupt, but...
(after accidentally interrupting someone) Sorry,
go ahead. OR Sorry, you were saying...
(after being interrupted) You didn't let me finish.

Settling an Let's just move on, shall we?

argument Let's drop it.
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
(sarcastic) Whatever you say./If you say so.
Classroom Debates


The classroom debates are exercises designed to allow you to strengthen your skills in the areas of leadership,
interpersonal influence, teambuilding, group problem solving, and oral presentation. Debate topics and
position statements are outlined below. Groups may sign up on a first come, first served basis, by specifying
both the debate topic and the position desired (i.e., Pro or Con). Note that all groups must have signed up for
the debate by the date denoted in the class schedule. All group members are expected to participate in the
research, development, and presentation of your debate position. Preparation will require substantial library
research. Each participating member will receive the same group grade.

Debate Format

6 minute Position Presentation - Pro

6 minute Position Presentation - Con

5 minute Work Period

4 minute Rebuttal - Pro

4 minute Rebuttal - Con

3 minute Work Period

2 minute Response - Pro

2 minute Response - Con

1 minute Work Period

2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con

2 minute Position Summary - Pro or Con

5 minute Tallying of Ballots/Announcement of Winner

Debate Procedure

The debate will take the form of timed individual and/or group presentations and responses separated by
timed group work periods. The rules applied may deviate from the formal rules of debating. When questions
arise, the judgment of the instructor will provide the definitive ruling.

Prior to the beginning of the class period, both teams are to position their desks facing each other at the front
of the room. Each team is to write its team name, debate position, and debate position statement on the
blackboard behind their desks. Note that absolutely no changes may be made to the position statements
presented below. You must argue them exactly as written!

Team members may speak either from their desks or from the podium, as they desire. Audiovisuals may be
used at any time, including, but not limited to, handouts, flipcharts, transparencies, slides, audio and
videotapes, etc. While a team is not required to use all of the time allocated to each debate component,
speakers must stop immediately when the allocated time runs out. Team members are prohibited from
speaking to the audience or opposing team except at the times specifically allocated to them. Thus, there can
be no immediate, reciprocal interchange of comments between the teams. The sequence of the position
summaries will be determined by a random procedure at the conclusion of the final work period. Note that no
new information may be introduced during the summary. Doing so may result in disqualification of the
offending group. If either team feels that their opponents are introducing new information during the
summary, they may challenge them immediately and request a ruling from the instructor.

Selection of Winner(s) and Allocation of Points

The instructor reserves the right to allocate fewer than the default or class voted points to a group, if, in his
opinion, the quality of preparation and/or presentation was inadequate. Debate "losers" who prepare and
present adequately will receive 30 points for their efforts.

Debate "Winners" will be selected in two ways, as follows:

Audience Vote: Class members in the audience will vote by secret ballot for a debate winner. Votes are to be
based upon presentation quality only, and not upon personal agreement or disagreement with the position
espoused. At the conclusion of each component of the debate, class members will be asked to assign a point
rating along with explanatory comments to each team for their performance during that component. When the
debate is over, the point ratings will be summed. Whichever team has the higher sum will be the winner on
that ballot. After all ballots are collected, the number of votes for each team will be announced. Whichever
team has more votes will be the winner, and the team will receive 10 bonus points in addition to the 30 for
basic preparation. In the event of a tie, the instructors vote will decide the winner.
Instructors' Vote: The instructor will also evaluate both teams according to the above procedures and criteria,
and select his choice for the winner. The team of his choice will receive 10 bonus points. Thus, depending
upon the nature of the vote split, the "Winner(s)" may receive 10 or 20 bonus points, for a total of either 40 or
50 points for the debate.

Review of Ballots

Each debating team will have the opportunity to take home all of the ballots overnight for review and
feedback on their performance. If necessary, the team to take them first will be determined by the flip of a
coin. Once both teams have reviewed them, they are to be returned to the instructor.

Debate Topics

Whose Responsibility is Stress?

PRO: Employees who cannot take the stress inherent in a job should be relieved of their current duties (i.e.,
transferred, demoted, or fired, as appropriate). Stress management should ultimately be the employees'

CON: Employees with stress problems should be guaranteed not to lose their current positions while the
company provides or arranges for special treatment to alleviate their stress related problems. The corporation
has an obligation to provide significant assistance to employees in the area of stress management.

Employee Privacy

PRO: Employees of any organization should be accorded significant privacy rights relating to both their time
and behavior on the job, and the use of their personal information. Employee privacy on the job should be
respected as much as it is in their homes.

CON: By virtue of accepting employment in an organization, employees must relinquish many of the
privacy rights that they might enjoy in personal settings, such as their own home. The ability of an
organization to function effectively and meet its goals requires this limitation to personal privacy rights.

Romance in the Workplace

PRO: Workplace romances are private matters between the individuals involved. Organizations should not
try to regulate them in any significant way.

CON: Workplace romances can impact negatively on morale and productivity, and may result in charges of
sexual harassment. Organizations have the right to regulate them as they see fit.

Debate ______________________________________________ Class _____________

Name of Evaluator ____________________________________ Date _____________

1 2 3 4 5

Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

6 Minute Position Presentation

Rating = ____ Comments: Rating = ____ Comments:

***** 5 Minute Work Period *****

4 Minute Rebuttal

Rating = ____ Comments: Rating = ____ Comments:

Continued on Reverse ---------->

***** 3 Minute Work Period *****

2 Minute Response

Rating = ____ Comments: Rating = ____ Comments:

***** 1 Minute Work Period *****

2 Minute Position Summary

Rating = ____ Comments: Rating = ____ Comments:

[ ] Total Points [ ] Total Points

Circle Winner Below:


General Comments:

Signature of Evaluator:

Team Presentation Evaluation1

Team Name ____________________________________________ Grade _______

Case _________________________________ Date___________ Duration _______

1 2 3 4 5 Overview (Review/posting of agenda; Summary of case)

1 2 3 4 5 Diagnosis/Analysis (Review of chapter content; Issues/Problems in case)

1 2 3 4 5 Quality of Recommendations/Explanations (Reccs for what should be/ have been done

differently, OR, Expls for why current situation successful)

1 2 3 4 5 Summary/Conclusion (Review of major points; Statement of relevance to practice of management)

1 2 3 4 5 Quality of Professional Attire/Grooming

1 2 3 4 5 Verbal Behavior (clarity/choice of words/voice level)

1 2 3 4 5 Nonverbal Behavior (posture; gestures/movement; eye contact; presence; use of notes/reading)

1 2 3 4 5 Variety in Style (lecture; discussion; game; activity; skit; role play; quiz)

1 2 3 4 5 Audiovisual Support (Transparencies; PowerPoint; blackboard; video)

1 2 3 4 5 Level of Audience Involvement (Stimulation/structuring of activity/disc)

1 2 3 4 5 Timing (Within limit; coordination; use of time)

1 2 3 4 5 General Coherence (Ability to follow points; quality of transitions)

1 2 3 4 5 Creativity/Psychological Impact

Content Process




General Comments

Signature of Evaluator:


Anggri Muhtia, S.Pd


The aim of this page is to give you an idea of how to debate. It's not just a simple case of standing up and
saying the first thing that comes into your head. There are certain rules and guidelines which have to be
adhered to if you want to have any chance in a competitive debate. This is not the page with all the answers.
It is only a rough set of guidelines to help get you started. Everyone should try to find their own strengths and

1. Speeches should be SEVEN minutes in duration. Speakers exceeding this may be penalized but should
never be substantially less than this. In general you should speak for at least 6:45 and generally no more than
7:20-7:30. Ideally stay on your feet until you hear the 7th min bell and then finish (i.e. Mr. Speaker sir, I beg
to........) and be in your seat by 7:15. Your times will be recorded by the timekeeper and given to the
adjudicators as they leave to make their decision.

2. In general most debates are in English. The main competitions are all in English but occasionally there are
other Language debates usually in conjunction with some other event/soc. Debating in Europe, Asia etc tends
to be in the local language. At Worlds there is an English as a second language competition.

3. A bell will be rung after the expiration of one minute and six minutes. The bell will be rung again at seven
minutes and at regular intervals after that.

4. If the chair of the debate is the head of the host society he/she usually has a title e.g. Speaker, Auditor, etc.
Most often the proper form of address is Mr Speaker/Madame Speaker. You must also acknowledge the
adjudicators, if there are any. Some speakers will also acknowledge other members of the house, it is
basically just a matter of personal preference as to how you begin your speech after acknowledging the chair
and adjudicators. (e.g. "Mr Speaker, Madame Secretary, Adjudicators, Ladies & Gentlemen........................).

5. Points of information may only be offered after the expiration of one minute and may not be given after the
expiration of six minutes. Points of information may only be given to opposing speakers and should generally
be not more than 15 seconds in duration. The chairman may request a speaker to end a point of information
at his/her discretion. Adjudicators also frown upon barracking (constantly interrupting the speaker by offering
points) and the chair is expected to control this. Acceptance of points of information is at discretion of the
competitor holding the floor. In competitive debates only the competitors may offer points of information
however in non-competitive debates points will often be accepted from the audience. Once you have
accepted a point of information you can't just ignore it and carry on. You must deal with it or risk the

6. In most societies Maiden speakers (i.e. speakers making a speech for the first time) have the protection of
the chair. Other speakers may not offer them points of information unless they choose not to accept the
protection of the chair. Even if they reject the protection of the chair most experienced speakers will not offer
them a point unless they run into difficulty and it can help them. If you are good enough (or misfortunate
enough depending on how you look at it) to be making your maiden speech in an intervarsity (rare but it has
been known to happen) you do not have any special protection.
7. Points of order concerning the procedure of the debate must be addressed to the chair. These can be
brought at any time and take priority over all other speeches. However these are only used in exceptional
circumstances when the rules and standing orders are being abused and the speaker making the point must
be certain that the point of order is appropriate. In British Parliamentary there is no such thing as Points of
Personal Privilege (which are used in the US/Canada). At Worlds/Europeans it is made clear to the
competitors in briefing that ONLY points of Information may be offered. Repeated attempts to offer any other
sort of Point can be heavily penalized by the adjudicators.

8. Speakers must observe parliamentary language i.e. bad language is not permitted.

9. The use of Props is not permitted in a debate.

10. No amendment to the motion is permitted. You must debate the motion as presented and interpret it as
best you can. You cannot define a motion in a Place/Time Specific sense (i.e. you cannot set the debate in
Dublin 1916 and therefore attempt to limit the scope of the debate and information which the other teams can

11. The "house", which will often be referred to, is basically the chairperson competitors audience etc.

12. The speakers are evenly divided on both sides of the motion. Speakers for the motion are the
"Proposition" or "Government", speakers against are the "Opposition".

13. The opening Prop speaker (sometimes called "Prime Minister") has to define or interpret the motion. If this
definition is unreasonable or irrelevant then the opening opposition speaker may challenge the definition. But
if the definition is relevant but just doesn't suit the opening opp. speaker attempting to redefine may not go
down well with the adjudicators. If a definition is given and all the other speakers or teams completely ignore it
then the defining speaker is effectively out of the debate. Definitions must also be fair and debatable "Truistic"
or Self Proving arguments are not accepted. (e.g. The sea is full of water is pretty hard to reasonably argue
against)For full guidelines as to who can redefine and when please refer to the Rules of British Parliamentary
(e.g. the Sydney 2000 Rules).

14. The last speaker on each side is expected to sum up his/her side's argument and rebutt or refute the
arguments of the other side. Generally this speaker will not add a great deal of new information to the debate.

15. Rebuttal is vital in any competitive speech. Any argument left unchallenged is allowed to stand. The later
you come in a debate the more rebuttal you must use. Rebuttal basically involves ripping the opposing side's
argument apart and exposing its weak points. However don't forget to make your own argument and ideally
use that to rebutt. It is important to also point out that unlike the style of debating in some countries you do not
have to defeat every one of the opponents points (but of course all the Key ones must be knocked down). If
the Government makes 19 points and you only manage to hammer 17 in the time allowed then you will win
and any attempt by the Government to point out that 2 of their arguments are left standing is basically
grasping at straws.

16. Be careful to avoid leaving statements hanging in mid-air. If you say something important back it up. Just
because you know something is true and where it came from that doesn't mean the audience/adjudicators
know where it came from and why it's true. To a certain degree the safest bet is to assume that the audience
know little or nothing about the subject.

17. Specialized Knowledge should not be used to unfairly define a motion. If you are a Legal, Scientific,
Management, Computer etc student then you must remember that others in the debate may be "experts" in
another field of study. Unfair definitions would include things like why the case of Smith versus Jones is more
important to company law than Ryan versus Kelly. (These are just examples I have no idea if these cases
even exist).

18. Just because you may not be competing this does not mean that you can take no part in the debate. All
debates are usually opened up to the floor after the last speaker and once the adjudicators have retired. Often
there is a prize for the best speaker here, but time allowed is usually no more than 3 min. to allow as many
people take part as possible.

19. Heckling is also common in some debates. This involves members of the audience offering some good-
humoured abuse to the competitors. However there is a fine line between heckling and barracking and
members of the audience should remember to respect the speaker. Heckling can be scary at first but you will
soon get used to it.

20. Private Members Time, PMT, is a period of time at the start of each debate where members may bring up
a motion or issue that they wish to see debated. Speeches here are limited to 3 min. This is often a part of the
debate, which is not only used to raise issues but also where many speakers show off their wit and humour.

21. No matter how bad you think your speech is try to stay up for the full seven minutes. If the audience is
giving you a hard time just remember that they probably want you to walk off so don't give them the pleasure.
If the chair doesn't control the audience ask him/her to and put him on the spot with the adjudicators. Of
course you have to be able to handle a reasonable amount of heckling.

22. You don't have to be a genius for facts and figures to do well. If you can remember an example, or fact
which you researched, to back up your argument use it. However if you get stuck and cant remember the
exact details of the fact you want to use dont worry about it. If the underlying details of the report, research
etc are correct then the chances are you will not be challenged and the point will be made. If an opposing
member corrects you and gives you the correct name of the report, researcher, institute etc then they are an
idiot for backing up your case.

23. If you can use humour it can be extremely effective in a debate. You can ridicule and destroy an
opponent's whole speech with a one-line joke attacking it. But don't go over the top, while humour helps,
adjudicators may not be impressed by stand up routine with little substance. Although humour can be an
advantage don't worry if you can't crack a joke to save your life (or speech). You'll be surprised at the number
of speakers who have to really struggle to include humour in a speech while others do it with ease

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