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La Salle University Ozamiz

Integrated School

Influences of Social Media among Students

In La Salle University Integrated School S.Y. 2016-2017

Presented to


English 10 Instructor




October 2017

Influences of Social Media among Students

I. Introduction

Social Media is what keeps people busy today. Most of the

world's population use social media and most of these users are

students. The use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other

social networking sites and applications are a big deal now as of

the 21st century.

Social Media was created to help us keep in touch with our

loved ones and friends and to help us stay updated with news and

current events. Now, it is usually used to fill up spare time or

when people have nothing else to do. It is used to find

entertainment, to share opinions, photos and videos, details of

our lives and to meet new people.

People no matter what age use social media and with all of

these things that the internet has to offer, somehow, peoples

wants, needs or desires are obtained. Although there are no age

limitations on using social media, it is very evident that the

youth are the ones who usually use it. The youth, specifically

students tend to get very excited over sharing their opinions and

memories online and these are good things. Nothing is wrong with
that because everyone should be free to express themselves but

there is a downside from using social media.

People abuse what the social networking sites have to offer.

They overuse it and forget their priorities. They let social

media cut their time from doing the things that are far more

important. People use social media to hurt or bully other people.

They tend to share rude comments which lead to chaos. In the case

of students, they do not study and do school work just because

using sites and apps are put first. They do cyber-bullying and

post inappropriate things online.

In accordance with social media,It has been observed that

high school students of LSUIS love to mingle with their friends

on Social media. It has been a part of their daily lives and it

has been overused and it's nearly abusive.we are conducting this

research to all high school levels of LSU-IS.

II. Review of Related Literature


Social Media can increase student collaboration. Students

become friends with their classmates on social media and are

more likely to collaborate on projects. Workforce can

utilize online networking as an approach to inspire

understudies to take part. Numerous understudies are

actually timid face to face, and many may not talk up in a

classroom, but rather that may not be the situation via web-

based networking media. Today's understudies experienced

childhood with online networking, and for some, it is the

common approach to interface. Workforce can make inquiries

via web-based networking media, for example, Twitter and

understudies can answer those inquiries, by including a

particular hashtag. This not just permits the staff to

discover the understudy answers additionally permits

different understudies to perceive what others are noting

and make an exchange.


Social media is becoming a part of our daily life. But

little did we know, it is slowly affecting our mental health, as

well as our well-being. We tend to spend more time lurking our

gadgets because of our social media accounts than to sleep.

According to Dr. Rauch, ND) people have a lot of reasons for

browsing the internet, but mainly, it is just for self-

distraction and boredom relief.

Online Studying

The majority of our projects are to be posted on the web; and

this is additionally activating individuals to open up their web-

based social networking accounts like Facebook. We additionally

have the VSMART on the web, Edmodo and some more. Albeit many

individuals still consider customary colleges as the most ideal

approach to accomplish information and get a certificate,

internet learning turns out to be an incredible option.

Understudies have the opportunity to think about time permitting

and particularly for nothing. It speaks to an incredible approach

to concentrate many fields and to support the level of self-


Coping up with the Trend

There are 75% of teenagers in America have profiles on social

networking sites, of which 68% of them use Facebook as their main

social networking tool. (Ramasubbu, 2015) What netizens see

online is making them follow, or influencing them to do what

famous people did. Bloggers are also posting their daily life

online, and inspiring subscribers, followers and fans.

III. Conceptual Framework




Online Boredom
Communication with the

IV. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the research is to find out the positive and

negative influences of social media among students. More

importantly, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Does social media really help students towards there school


2. Do students prioritize their social media accounts than

their studies?
V. Significance of the Study

The study about the positive and negative influences of

social media among students are empirical or observable

which may assist the school in making instruments for

improvements, As such, this study will specifically benefit

the following:

A. Individual level

a. Students. This study will help the students in

identifying what are the positive and negative influences

of social media towards them.

b. Teachers. This study will help the teachers to encourage

the students to not abuse or overuse social media and

teach them better ways to use it.

c. Incoming LSU-IS Students. The results of the research

will help to assist the upcoming students to be wiser in

using social media.

d. Future researchers. This study will help other

researchers to get information or ideas in making their

own research.

B. Organization Level
a. School Administrators. The result of the research will

help the school administrators to discipline students

more on having limitations on their use of social media.

VI. Scope and Limitations

The research is conducted for us to identify the positive

and negative influences of social media among students in

La Salle University Integrated School with the respondents

from grades 7-10 students since the dilemma is often

showed in these mentioned grade levels.



I. Research Design

The researcher used the descriptive-developmental type

of research. The descriptive method was specifically

employed to determine the positive and negative influences

of social media sites with is the center of the

Research...Developmental research is employed in order to

come up with a program in response to the gathered results

of the influences of social media.

II. Research Locale

This research will be conducted in La Salle University-

Integrated School. The institution is located at Abanil

Extension, Aguada, Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental,


III. Sampling Technique

The respondents of this study were the Grade 7-10

students of La Salle University Integrated School.

Their ages range from 12-16 years old.

The table below shows the number of students per


Table 1: Population

Level Respondents

7 15

8 15

9 15

10 15

Total 60
IV. Instrument

The researchers made use of an identical questionnaire

from Anghay (2007) and Maghamil (2009) to gather data on

the positive and negative influences of social media on

students. The instrument is divided into four

categories (Home, School, Mass Media, and Community) with

ten questions each.

In interpreting the responses, the following scales were



3.26 4.00 4 Strongly Agree
2.51 3.25 3 Agree
1.76 2.50 2 Disagree
1.01 1.75 1 Strongly Disagree

V. Statistical Treatment

The researchers will get the average of the weight

given by the respondents. The researchers will also compute

for the scale in order to arrange and make the results

Chapter 3

This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data. The

said data were obtained through the use of questionnaires. Thus,

the data are presented following their respective order.

Table 1 presents the indicators of the influence Boredom

Table 1: Boredom

Indicators Mean V.I.

1. I have nothing else to do. 2.80 A
2. I am done with school work. 2.82 A
3. I am procrastinating. 2.80 A
4. I am done with household chores. 2.96 A
5. I dont have any responsibilities at
home. 2.13 D
6. I accumulate my free time in social
media. 2.95 A
7. I have extra time. 3.07 A
2.79 A

As indicated in the table, all are rated as A except for the

fifth indicator which was rated D. The information given shows

that most of the students have their corresponding

responsibilities at home. Some may have responsibilities, but not

as heavy as the rest.

The seventh indicator, which was rated with a weight mean of

3.07, tells that in their everyday life, they have extra time and

they use it for opening their social media accounts. Instead of

making use of their extra time for studying, they use it for

scrolling on their mobile phones or personal computers.

Table 2 presents the indicators of the influence Online Studying

Table 2: Online Studying

Indicators Mean V.I.

1. I am more productive when I study
through the means of social media. 2.83 A
2. I would like to take quizzes online. 2.72 A
3. The internet has more information than
my book. 3.00 A
4. I would like my teachers to upload
their lessons online. 2.93 A
5. I seek help from my classmates/friends
through social media. 3.12 A
6. Online studying gives me more focus. 2.65 A
7. I find learning easier when I do it
online because it teaches me on to how
become independent. 2.77 A
2.86 A

As shown in table 2, every indicator was rated A but the

indicator that has the least weight mean is the sixth indicator.

It explains that students are more determined to study through

the means of social media. Online studying builds up the

confidence and courage of a student to study for a certain

subject. Online studying gives students comfort and ease since

searching for answers is not that difficult. Also, unlike

studying in schools or getting tutorial lessons, online studying

offers a 24-hour access to learning and has over thousands of

answers waiting to be read.

The fifth indicator of table 2 has the highest weight mean,

rating 3.12. It shows that students are discussing thoughts and

their learning through social media. Learning through social

media with closest friends or classmates is really effective

especially when a student thinks that their friends/classmates

are striving. When students have that kind of thought, they are

not going to pull themselves down, but to learn and strive too,

just like the rest of the students in their classroom.

Students tend to procrastinate if they study alone

especially when they think a lesson is too difficult for them to

understand. And that is the reason why students tend to leave a

message to their friends/classmates about any clarifications to

avoid misconception.

Table 3 presents the indicators of the influence Communication

Table 3: Communication

Indicators Mean V.I.

1. I ask my classmates about our lessons
online. 3.03 A
2. I ask my teacher/s about our lessons
online. 2.50 D
3. We discuss some of our group projects
online. 3.13 A
4. I contact my parents online if I have a
certain project or assignments left at
home. 2.90 A
5. I ask my classmates about our upcoming
activities and assignments on certain
subjects. 3.18 A
6. I pass projects or documents through
Yahoo! Mail or Gmail. 2.88 A
7. I ask for clarifications online. 3.10 A
2.96 A

As seen in table 3, every indicator was rated with A except

the second indicator of table 3. Indicator 2 has a weight mean of

2.50 and is interpreted as Disagree. It shows that most of the

students do not ask their teachers online about their lessons. It

proves that students are afraid of asking their teacher about

their lessons in the morning or their previous meeting because

students know for themselves that a teacher thoroughly discusses

a certain topic with all the effort that a teacher could give.

Students are afraid that their teacher could get the wrong

information like: this student is not listening or this student

is not taking notes.

Indicator 5 has the highest weight mean in table 3. It

proves that students seek for information about the upcoming

activities or assignments on a certain subject through the means

of social media. Some students have a lot of things on their

mind, and theres a big chance that some students can often

forget about a certain task due to irresponsibility.

Table 4 presents the indicators of the influence Coping with the


Table 4: Coping with the Trend

Indicators Mean V.I.

1. I stalk my favourite artist/model
online. 2.85 A
2. I shop online because its much
cheaper. 2.57 A
3. Latest trends mostly appear online and
I want to update myself. 2.90 A
4. I look for news updates online than to
wait for it to appear on the TV. 3.18 A
5. I watch movies/TV series online. 3.18 A
6. Id rather watch live streams online
than watching the TV. 2.91 A
7. I prioritize my online blogs such as
Instagram feed or Snapchat stories. 2.13 D
2.82 A

As indicated in table 4, the indicator that has the least

weight mean is the seventh indicator with a rating of 2.13. It

proves that some students do not prioritize their online blogs

and that they could only access their online blogs in their

vacant time. Blogs are only updated depending on their main topic

like for example, food bloggers, clothing bloggers and etc. Since

the students are still young, they cant really update their

blogs and they are still considered as amateurs.

The indicators 3 and 4 has the same weight mean with a

rating of 3.18 and it proves that students prefer to look for

news updates and movies/TV series online than to wait for it to

appear on TV since it would take time to wait. It is actually

better to watch movies/TV series online because it doesnt have

any advertisements and you can access it 24/7. As for the news

updates, TV news has a specific showing time unlike searching for

news updates online.

Table 5 presents the overall effect of the Influences of Social


Table 5: Overall Effect of the Influences of Social Media

Indicators Mean V.I.

1. Boredom 2.79 A
2. Online Studying 2.86 A
3. Communication 2.96 A
4. Coping with the Trend 2.82 A
2.85 A

As seen in table 5, the overall mean is 2.85 which is

interpreted as Agree. Boredom and Coping with the Trend

influences the students to surf the internet and lurk their

social media accounts. The one with less weight mean is the first

indicator which garnered the mean of 2.79 which is boredom. Our

Hypothesis received a response of Agree thus concludes that the

influence of social media has been usually for learning and

entertainment purposes in indicator 1 & 2 they learn through

different sources and in the same sources they have used it to

satisfy their needs for amusement in their daily lives in a way

they divert themselves from boredom in a way to also convey their

feelings in indicator 3 social media is used to communicate with

people about school and ongoing things happening in school such

as near upcoming exams and the like.

In indicator 4 they also get to come up a style to make a

trend of their own with the style of other popular people online

which they used as basis for looking good themselves in other

styles of famous actors/actresses.

Chapter 4

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, salient findings, main

conclusion, and recommendations.

1. Summary

This paper sought to determine the Positive and Negative

Influences of Social Media among Students in Grade 7 10 S.Y

2016-2017 of La Salle University Integrated School. The study

involved 60 students from Grade 7 10 whose ages vary from 13-16

years old. Altogether, this study aimed to determine the Positive

and Negative Influences of Social Media among Students. The

descriptive-developmental research method was specifically used

to determine the positive and negative influences of social media

among students. Weight mean was computed to find out the positive

and negative influences of social media among students.

2. Salient Findings

2.1 The factor Communication was rated agree to contribute

to the positive and negative influences of social media among

students in La Salle University Integrated School with a mean

rating of 2.96. It ranked the highest

among the four given situations.

2.2 The factor Coping with the Trend was rated agree to

contribute to the positive and negative influences of social

media among students in La Salle University Integrated School

with a mean rating of 2.82. It ranked second among the four given


2.3 The factor Online Studying was rated agree to contribute

to the positive and negative influences of social media among

students in La Salle University Integrated School with a mean

rating of 2.86. It ranked third among the four given situations.

2.4 The factor Boredom was rated agree to contribute to the

positive and negative influences of social media among students

in La Salle University Integrated School with a mean rating of

2.79. It ranked the lowest among the four given situations.

3. Conclusion

On the basis of the findings, the following conclusions are


3.1 The four factors of the study to determine the positive

and negative influences among students is agree. All four

indicators have mean ratings that fall under the mean

interpretation Agree. Two factors fall under the positive

influences and the other two factors fall under the negative


3.2 The factor Communication receives the highest mean

rating out of all the other four indicators. Communication

certainly is a great factor of the positive and negative

influences among students. Specifically, this factor falls under

the positive influences. Social media is a great way for people

to communicate easily without having to talk in person which

makes it easier for students to ask about school work.

3.3 The factor Coping with the Trend receives the second

highest mean rating next to Communication. This factor lies under

one of the negative influences. Social media is one of the

greatest trends right now and students have become so into the

idea of joining this trend. Always having to go online is what

keeps them busy which causes them to lose focus in studying.

3.4 The factor Online Studying ranks third among all the

four indicators. This factor falls under the positive influences.

Online Studying is one of social medias good contributions. It

allows students to take quizzes online and helps them study


3.5 The factor Boredom receives the lowest mean rating among

all the four indicators. This factor lies under one of the

negative influences. Boredom causes students to look for things

to do other than studying. Students find Social Media

entertaining which leads them to use it rather than to study.

4. Recommendations

In the light of the findings and conclusions drawn

from the study, the following are recommended:

4.1 The students should be able to make use of the social

media sites productively in a way that they use their free time

to make up for a particular subject, to study, etc.

4.2 Students may use social media when studying such

as the usage of VSMART or Edmodo with these sites teachers can

set assignments and quizzes. Teachers would also be able to

use this as a way of tracking the students performance


4.3 The teachers should be able to contact or reach out to

their students especially those who have missed particular

quizzes that are needed to pass during a particular quarter.

4.4 The students should be held responsible to know the

boundaries of what they should do and not do that is present in

the social media sites in this way they do not follow everything

they see in the social media sites they logged in to.


A. Internet

7 Benefits of Study Groups. Retrieved from

Pros and Cons of Online Classes: Info for Students. Retrieved



Advantages and Disadvantages of online learning


Advantages of Using Social Media For Students in Education

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