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Department of Education

Region V
Agdangan, Baao, Camarines Sur


I. Project Summary Information





Proponent - JOY C. CHAVEZ

Master Teacher II

Cooperating Persons - PRINCIPAL, MENTOR, MENTEES

Duration - JULY 21-AUGUST 31, 2016

II. Background and Rationale

Education promotes higher level of learning necessary to meet the demands of the educational
system of our country particularly the ever changing society. Thus, personal enrichment is instrumental for
gaining decent living. With the current trends and developments, we need to response positively in order to
make a difference in our own ways. Making one aware of the demands of time it is necessary to acquire a
desirable enhancement of our skills and potentials. Our educational system where various innovations are
introduced and implemented to bring about the best educational process addressing the needs of its clientele
are tangible indications of brighter and better life ahead.

The Instructional Assistance and Supervision to teachers who needs guidance and support in teaching
learning process is a must to be conducted. This is in accordance with the stated goal of the DepEd Order No.
32, s. 2011 Policies and Guidelines on Training and Development that there is a need to equip teachers with
the development of test items based on the KPU (Knowledge, Process/Skills, and Understanding) levels of
assessment. Also, this is an answer to the need of teachers wherein assessment is not thoroughly discussed
in the Regional Training of Teachers in the Implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program which is
on its fifth year of implementation and as support to the DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012.

Thus, Mentoring the Mentors Program is an important component of this work. It is designed to
support activities related to an evidence-based mentorship program for beginning/newly hired teachers. A
priority of educational system is to recruit and retain teachers of the highest quality. As part of this goal, the
Department of Education is issuing a mandatory technical assistance to beginning teachers who need to be
assisted to achieve and retain necessary competencies in their first year teaching. Through effective induction
and mentoring support, beginning teachers could reduce their feelings of isolation, increase their confidence
and self-esteem in the classroom, enhance professional growth, and improve the capacities of self-reflection
and problem solving (Marable & Raimondi, 2007). It could also help ease the transition to the teaching
profession, thereby enhancing their efficacy as facilitators of student learning. Also, this project attempts to
introduce a newly constructed common framework for induction and mentoring support for beginning
teachers. The framework being put into practice in teacher training institutions in Developed Countries with
high quality of educational system is adopted as a vehicle for facilitating beginning teachers first year teaching
and learning in a school specific context so as to ensure their smooth transition to classroom teachers and
that they can develop threshold competencies upon completion of a one year induction period. There is a
deep belief that the constructed induction and mentoring framework aims to empower beginning teachers
rather than regulate them, and will have positive impact on teacher quality in terms of professional
The Technical Assistance Programme: Mentoring the Mentors is significant for both Senior High
School Teachers and Students. The inputs of this undertaking will help us enhance beginning teachers
professional development towards the threshold competency level, school mentors need to complete a set
of school-based pointers in order to ensure that continuing support is provided through regular feedback on
mentees performance, identifying mentees strengths and areas for improvement, and providing apt
guidance and assistance accordingly. Hence, a proposal is hereby presented for approval to enhance teachers
according to what we are going to execute the best we can to serve the community.

III. Project Objectives

The objectives of the workshop are

1. To provide comprehensive workplace for beginning teachers;
2. To provide integrated professional guidance and support to beginning teachers lifelong
3. To help beginning teachers systematically reflect on and self-evaluate their own work; and
4. to update beginning teachers on various teaching strategies/approaches and preparation of
instructional materials for k to 12 classroom, policies and guidelines for promotion,
inducements such as research grant opportunities and potential funding sources.

IV. Importance of the Project

This project is obviously significant to beginning teachers in which they are expected to be
accountable for their work. Opportunities for early professional development are essential. When their
learning is supported and facilitated by mentors, they as mentees will benefit most in the workplace. Not only
do they develop themselves professionally but they can exert positive influence on school improvement and
school development. As the technical assistance programme is school-based in principle, many schools are
adopting different approaches to establishing an effective induction system.

However, it is expected that the system in each school should be composed of the following baseline
A system with clear objectives, concrete plans, committed human resources and effective
A system in which each beginning teacher is given individual attention
A planned effort to provide each beginning teacher with comprehensive learning experiences
A portfolio to document each beginning teachers path of development
An evaluation system to inform the future development of schools induction systems.

V. Aims and Scope of the Project

The mentorship program will only be available to mentees aged between 13 35 years.
There will be no age limit for mentors, but mentors will be professionals who are expert in
their areas and a vetting processes will be implemented to ensure that we maintain quality
for mentees. The enrolment form for mentors will have requirements for education and
experience accomplishments.

It is important to identify clear aims and scope of the mentoring program making sure it supports the strategic
goals of the association. The purpose may vary from one association to another, but some examples include
to: support the introduction of new members into the association and the profession; encourage
participation in the affairs of the association; mentor members to undertake particular roles in the
association; promote and expand the professional competencies of young archivists; provide ongoing
support for established archivists working in isolated situations with no possibility of regular and ongoing
professional contact support professional development.

The roles and responsibilities of mentors and mentees could include: For the mentor: Together with the
mentee, decide on the goals of the individual relationship. For example of the mentor it might be to pass on
knowledge and share insights about the profession and encourage an active engagement with the association.
Together with the mentee, decide on regularity, frequency and how contact will occur e.g. face-to-face
meetings, phone conversation, by email or some other form of internet communication such as Skype. Keep
the agreed contact commitments. The occasions when work or personal pressures stop this contact occurring,
make sure the mentee is advised of the situation. Be a good listener and respect confidentiality. Show a
willingness to listen and communicate with the mentee. Provide guidance, offer relevant advice and give
feedback to the mentee when required. Dont feel responsible for solving problems (e.g. finding a position)
rather tease out an issue or problem with your mentee encouraging them to find their own solution.
Introduce the mentee to professional networks. Help the mentee explore career development
opportunities. Understand your own professional boundaries and knowledge and be ready to refer the
mentee to others who might have more knowledge. 6 For the mentee: Together with the mentee, decide
on the goals of the individual relationship. For example of the mentee it might be gaining networking contacts
within the profession to aid their future development and gaining an understanding of how the association
operates. Together with the mentor, decide on regularity, frequency and how contact is going to occur e.g.
face-to-face meetings, phone conversation, by email or some other form of internet communication such as
Skype. Keep the agreed contact commitments. The occasions when work or personal pressures stop this
contact occurring, make sure the mentor is advised of the situation. While the mentor will provide guidance,
feedback and advice it is up to the mentee to take responsibility for their own development Be proactive in
initiating contact with your mentor and asking for feedback and advice. Ensure confidentiality is maintained.
Be willing to listen and learn

VI. Project Planning and Financing

The conduct of the School-Based In-Service Training-Workshop on Assessment / Test Item Writing
and Construction Based on the K to 12 Curriculum will be done on December 1-3 2016. No registration will be
collected. The participants shall provide their own snacks and lunch.

The financial needs of the three-day training such as snacks, lunch, certificates, honorarium of the
invited speakers and other expenses is chargeable against school MOOE.

Budget proposal is hereby stated:

A. Budgetary Requirements:
Source of Fund -MOOE - Php. 10, 000.00

B. Expenses
Snacks (am/pm) for 3 days - 6, 500.00
Certificates and programs - 300.00
Plaque/Token - 600.00
Honorarium for invited speakers - 2, 000.00
Miscellaneous - 600.00
Total Expenses Php.

VII. Strategies/Methodologies/Time Frame

The training-workshop shall be conducted on January 11-13, 2017. Before the scheduled date,
committee planning will be held. A detailed Training Implementation Plan attached herewith shows the
activities and time frame of the project implementation.


Day 1, Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Registration Registration Committee
6:00-7:30 Opening Program Opening Prayer
National Anthem
Words of Welcome Mr. Nestor I. Baesa
Principal I
Introduction to the Resource Mrs. Irene A. Bufete
Speaker T-I
8:30-12:00 Plenary Session Resource Speaker No. 1
Dr. Mariben D. Berja
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-5:00 (Cont.)
Day 2, Thursday, January 12, 2017
8:00-8:15 Introduction of the Resource Dr. Sheila Girly H. Sanchez
Speaker No. 2 MT-II
8:05-10:00 Plenary Session Resource Speaker No. 2 Dr. Jo. Doroin
10:00-12:00 Workshop Based on Topic 2
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-1:05 Introduction of the Resource Ms. Joy C. Chavez
Plenary Session Speaker No. 3 MT-II
1:05-3:00 Resource Speaker No. 3 Ms. Joylyn Antonette H. Hernandez
Inquiry-Based Nabua National HS
7Es/Contextualized Lesson
3:00-5:00 Workshop Based on Topic 3
Day 3, Friday, January 13, 2016

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation

The training-workshop will be monitored by the School Principal. Evaluation of the seminar will be
conducted. By the end of the training accomplishment write up will be submitted to the concerned authority
where findings, conclusions and recommendations are noted.

Prepared by:


Master Teacher 11
INSET Proponent

Master Teacher 11
INSET Proponent


Sec. School Principal I

PSDS/Area Supervisor

Recommending Approval:



Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

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