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Vocabulary Assignment

Lecturer: Romel Noverino

Name : Ni Luh Ayu Sri Laksmi

NPM : 17614905

Class : 1SA10
Title of Novel : The Lost Symbol

Author : Dan Brown

Genre : Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Summary : Chapter 52 Chapter 100

Katherine drove her car as fast as possible, her body shivering with fear. The words from the
mysterious man still haunted her mind. Katherine shivered as she slowly regained her memory.
She definitely knows the man. It was happened long ago in the past. The tragedy of Solomons
family. Zachary Solomon was Peters son. Hes the only heir of Solomon bloodline and
Katherines nephew. As long as she can remember, Zachary had been a rebellious and angry
teenager. He was kicked out from prep school and partying hard on the pub. Before Zacharys
eighteen birthday, her mother and his brother debating whether or not to withhold Zacharys
inheritance until he was more mature. Mothers argued that it was dangerous to give Peters
troubled son with a large sum of money. But her brother keep insisting to give Zachary his
inheritance because it was his right and a part of the family tradition that should not be broke.
Sadly, Peter took a wrong decision. As soon as Zachary gets the money, he broke from the
family, disappearing from the house without taking his belongings. He surfaced a month later on
the tabloids headline. The tabloid took picture of Zacharys wild party in yacht and drunken
disco. Three months later, news published about Zachary imprisonment for carrying cocaine
across the border of Eastern Europe. Her nephew was inside the Soganlik Prisona brutal F-
class detention located in Kartal district outside of Istanbul. Her brother, who fears for Zacharys
safety, flew away to Turkey in order to retrieve him but only return with empty hand. He has
been forbid to see his own son by the officer. Two days later, her brother got a horrifying news
from the international phone call and the next morning, all the media news published the
murdered of Solomon heir in his prison. After the burial ceremony ends, her brother marriage
came to an end. Her brother had been alone ever since then.
Six months later on the Christmas, the same mysterious man barged into the mansion. He
claimed himself as the murder of Zachary in front of Peter. The man also pointed a gun in front
of his dear brother and demanded some information about something called the pyramid stone
which brother refused to tell. Unexpectedly, Peters Mother rushed down from the stairs with
Browning Citori Shotgun in her hand. When the man turned around, she wasted no time and
fired a deafening blast of pellets to the mans chest.

After Katherine escape, Malalkh decided to go for his other plans. He clicked a button of his
remote control and suddenly theres a huge blast coming from the Pod 5, Katherines Lab. The
explosion was big enough for Katherine to see in her current place. Katherine knew she had
nowhere to hide and decide to drive the car as fast as she can in order to meet certain someone
that also involved in the same situation like she did. Shell meet Robert Langdon on his hiding
Inside the Congress, Bellamy still accompanied Langdon to decipher the symbol in the pyramid
stone. They found the word didnt have any special meaning at all. Even though Langdon tried to
decipher the symbol so he can assured the safety of his best friend, Bellamy rejected Langdon
decision to give the valuable information. He suggests Langdon to hide the stone pyramid and
the capstone away from the man hands. Bellamy explains that every sacred wisdom of Mason is
bound to be protected from any outsider even though it caused many sacrifice to keep the secret
well hidden. Unable to declare his argument to Bellamy, another unexpected guest came inside
the Library of Congress. At first, Langdon and Bellay thought it was the CIA and Capitol Officer
who already send a search party for them. But it was Katherine Salomon herself. Langdon
hurriedly grab Katherines hand and take her to the hidden passage to meet with Bellamy.
Langdon was relieved to know that Katherine is alright. On the other side, Katherine just smiled
bitterly. She already knows that her kidnapper is the same person that killed her mother ten years
ago. He also kidnaps her brother and killed her secretary. Even her precious Lab had been
destroyed by him.

Unfortunately, before Langdon can explain further information to Katherine, CIA army already
barged into the Congress. Warren immediately ordered Langdon and Katherine to run using the
hidden tunnel behind the stone wall. Langdon tried to ask Warren to come and join him, but
Warren refused and remained still in the hiding place. Soon, CIA army succeeded to capture
Warren Bellamy but fail to captures Langdon. They brought Warren back to the Capitol office
for further interrogation with Director Sato.

The hidden tunnel was connected to the Adams street. Langdon and Katherine stayed in silent
inside the dark alleyway. Sighed, Langdon finally explain everything he had gone through to
Katherine and mentioned Peter severed hands being found in Capitol Rotunda. He also added
that Peters still alive after he saw Katherine pale face. Unexpectedly, Katherine also told
Langdon about the incident of Solomon family. She explained that the master mind behind this
was the same person who killed her nephew and mother ten years ago. Katherine insisted
Langdon to decipher the symbol and rescued Peter. Langdon agreed but he hesitantly explains
that the symbol he deciphers from the pyramid doesnt have any meaning at all. He told
Katherine the only way to complete the symbol, they had to open Peters package.
Unfortunately, Langdon added that Warren Bellamy didnt allow him to open the package no
matter what. Suddenly, Katherine snatches the package from Langdon. Langdon didnt know
how Katherine knew the way to open the package using Peters ring. When the wax sealed
finally broke, the hidden capstone finally revealed. A tiny triangle made by gold. The last
capstone to complete the symbols. On the surface of the gold, there was an elegant inscribed
word that said The secret hides within The Orders.
Langdon didnt have any clue what the words meaning in the golden capstones. He decided to
put the golden capstone back inside the package and told Katherine to move right away from
their current position before the police and CIA found them. Before Langdon manage to walk
away, Katherine announcement make him stopped and turn around. Katherine asked Langdon if
the years 1514 mean anything to him. Raising his brow Langdon shook his head and asked
Katherine where she found the number. Katherine replied that she found the number under the
package and assumed the package was dated, she ordered Langdon to take a look of the package.
When Langdon checked the box, it is true that theres a 1514 number on it. 1514 AD is the
symbol on the package. After he saw the symbol, something clicked in Langdons head. The AD
beside the 1514 didnt stand for a date. It was a symbature a symbol used in place for a
signature. Langdon praised Katherine and said that they already found the clue they need to
complete the symbol. Katherine looks relieved and said that 1514 AD really means something to
him. Langdon denied Katherines word and said that AD isnt a date. AD is a name of a person
that they need to meet right now. He is the key to complete the scattered puzzle.

Meanwhile in a quiet neighborhood just west of Embassy Row in Washington, there exists a
medieval-style walled garden whose roses, it is said, spring from twelfth-century plants. The
gardens Carderock gazebo known as Shadow House. Tonight the silence of the gardens was
broken by a young man who rushed through the wooden gate, shouting as he came. The young
man walking in hurry pace to his older superior who sits on the bench inside the garden. He said
to his old superior that he just received a call from a friend named Warren Bellamy. Slowly, the
old man attention turn to him as he asked what Warren Bellamy said to him. The young man
answered that Warren Bellamy leave a voice mail message on his private phone and hope it
would be checked immediately. The old man hummed slowly before he asked the young man to
help him get inside the house as he struggled with his feet. The young man obliged and helps his
old superior to enter the house. It was a surprised for the young man to guide his blind superior
into the house. The old blind man never asked for guidance and preferring to navigate by his
memory alone while he was on the grounds of his sanctuary. Tonight, it seems that he was in
hurry to return the call from Mr. Warren Bellamy. Finally, the old man bit a small thank you for
the young one after the reach the big room of his private study. With a worried look, the young
man asked if he can guide him inside because the room was covered in darkness. The old man
smiled for his kindness but ordered him to return and assured him he can manage all alone from
this point.
The young man exited the building and walked back across the great lawn to his modest
dwelling on the grounds. By the time he entered his flat, he could feel his curiosity gnawing at
him. The old man clearly had been upset by the question posed by Mr. Bellamy and the question
had seemed strange, almost meaningless. Is there no help for the widows son? the words that
Mr. Bellamy said in the phone. Puzzled, the young man went to his computer and typed in search
for the precise phrase. To his great surprise, page after page of references appeared, all citing this
exact question. He read the information. It seemed Warren Bellamy was not the first person in
history to ask this strange question. These same words had been uttered centuries ago by King
Solomon as he mourned a murdered friend. The question was allegedly still spoken today by
Masons, who used it as a kind of encoded cry for help. Warren Bellamy, it seemed, was sending
a distress call to a fellow Mason.

Albrecht Drer, Katherine was trying to put the pieces together as she hurried with Langdon
through the basement of the Adams Building. A.D. stands for Albrecht Drer, The famous
sixteenth-century German engraver and painter was one of her brothers favorite artists, and
Katherine was vaguely familiar with his work. Even so, she could not imagine how Drer would
be any help to them in this case. For one thing, hes been dead more than four hundred years. On
the way through the exit, Langdon explain that the number 1514 pointed to a specific piece of
Drers work. Albrecht Drer hid the number 1514 in his most mysterious piece of art called
Melencolia I which he completed in year 1514. It was considered the seminar work for the
Northern European Renaissance. After Katherine heard Langdons explanation, she remembered
that Peter had shown her the same book when he visited her in the Laboratory. Katherine said to
Langdon that Melencolia I was in the Washington D.C National Gallery. Katherine denied
Langdons offer to called the curator of National Gallery because she know what will happen
when the professor visit the Museum and stated it is the best way to access the National Gallery
online. Feeling dejected, Langdon followed Katherine decision. They accessed the National
Gallery official website and search for Albrecht Drer collection in the search engine. They
finally gain access to the main collection of Albrecht Drer and clicked the Melencolia I in the
list. When Katherine scrolled down, a high-resolution of Albrecht Drer masterpiece appeared.
While Katherine looked bewilderment of the masterpiece, Langdon stated that it was cryptic.
Melencolia I consisted of a brooding figure with giant wings, seated in front of a stone
building, surrounded by the most disparate and bizarre collection of objects imaginable
measuring scales, an emaciated dog, carpenters tools, an hourglass, various geometric solids, a
hanging bell, a putto, a blade, and a ladder. Katherine vaguely recalled her brother telling her that
the winged figure was a representation of human genius a great thinker with chin in hand,
looking depressed, still unable to achieve enlightenment. The genius is surrounded with all of the
symbols of his human intellect objects of science, math, philosophy, nature, geometry, even
carpentry and yet is still unable to climb the ladder to true enlightenment. Even the human genius
has difficulty comprehending the Ancient Mysteries. Langdons explained to Katherine that the
masterpiece represent human failed attempt to transform human intellect into God like power. It
was also representing our inability to turn lead into gold in Alchemical terms. Katherine asked
Langdon how Drer masterpiece going to help them solved the puzzle. Langdon only smiled and
pulled out a piece of paper that contain the decipher word from the previous pyramid stone.
Langdon said confidently that Drer will transform the sixteen meaningless words. Katherine
looked confused and asks how it worked. Langdon pointed to the carving in the background
behind the angel statue beneath the bell. When Katherine looked more closely of the
masterpiece, she was amazed to see an engraved full of numbers in a square. Smile widely,
Langdon explain to Katherine that this square is a magic square to decipher the words.
On the other side, Warren Bellamy faced a new trouble as he was captured and blindfolded in the
mysterious humid place near Capitol Building. When the blindfold was removed, Bellamy stared
in surprise to the person who standing in front of him. With a smirk on her face, Director Inoue
Sato said that she will interrogate Warren Bellamy from this moment.

By using the magic square from the Drer masterpiece, Langdon and Katherine decipher the
meaningless words from the pyramid stone. At first, Katherine thought the result still
meaningless but Langdon explain to her that the words are written in Latin. Carefully, Katherine
checked the result and slowly read the word that written in the paper. Jeovah Sanctus Unus
was the words clearly said in the paper. Katherine eyes widened as she knew immediately the
words means, she whispered slowly One true God. Katherine asked Langdon if there is any
information for the words. Langdon only shrugged as he said to Katherine he didnt have any
clue. Losing her temper, Katherine snap that there must be a secret meaning in the words that
help them to the locations which the mysterious kidnapper wants from Langdon. Before
Katherine can argue more, Langdons cell rang. Langdon hurriedly picked his cell and answered
the phone. At first Langdon was relieved to know that it wasnt the voice of the mysterious man.
This time it was an old man called him. The old mans voice introduces himself as a friend of the
man who helped Langdon through this mess. He instructs Langdon to go to his place right away
without being followed.

Inside the grant Hotel room, MalAkh who already finished with his purifying ritual walked
inside his study room. On the computer desk he clicked one new mail on his account. A wide
smile planted on his face as he read the message on the screen. His goal finally within his grasp.

The CIA agents surrounded Adams street but they didnt manage to catch Langdon and
Katherine. Unbeknownst to them, Langdon and Katherine took the nearest cab to go to the
Northwest. On the passenger seat, Katherine asks Langdon if he remembered all of his contact
number. Langdon nodded as an answer. Before the professor notice, Katherine snatch his cell
and snap it into two. Langdon looked surprised at Katherine action. Katherine stated that it will
be a danger since the CIA can locate them using Langdon cell. Unnoticed to them, the driver of
the cab contacted the CIA agent to inform that the two wanted person inside his passenger seats.
He explains to the agent that he was requested to drive them to Northwest Street.

On the way to their destination, Katherine suddenly insists the taxi driver to go to another place.
Langdon asked Katherine about her decision because he was sure that Northwest Street is the
right place. Katherine fished a dollar from her pocket and explain Langdon that Jeovah Sanctus
Unus, The one true God of The Hebrews with the sacred symbol of Jewish starthe seal of
Solomon also an important symbol of the Masons. Langdon looked where Katherine held her
pen to pointing the clue for him. He looked shocked and admitted that he was wrong. Katherine
ordered the driver to take them to Freedom Plaza instead. The driver looked confuse but take
turns on the road to the Plaza. Finally arrived at Freedom Plaza, the taxi driver called the
Director Simkins to inform him that his passenger was on Freedom Plaza. Before the driver can
explain further about the situation, he was disturbed by Langdons question. The professor asked
him the direction of Alexandria, Virginia. When he pointed to the direction the professor ask,
Langdon and Katherine open the taxi door and running through the street mentioning they will
go to King Street Station. The driver asked them if he can drive them to the station instead but
they refused and run far away leaving the taxi. When Agent Simkins arrived on the Plaza,
Katherine and Langdon already gone. The agent loses their track again.

On Alexandria, Virginia stationAgent Simkins from CIA ordered his man to clear up the
whole station from all the crowded people. They are waiting for the train to arrive. About six
minutes of waiting, the train finally arrive on the station. Sickens ordered the conductor to stop
the train immediately at once. The startled conductor nodded in obligation and stopped the train.
After the train finally stopped, Sickens ordered the conductor to closed the train door while he
and his man investigate the passenger on the train. Although, Sickens and his agent already
search the whole place in the train. They cant find Langdon and Katherine among the entire
passenger inside. The agent shouted in frustration of not being able to capture Langdon and

Eight miles due north of Alexandria, Virginia, Robert Langdon and Katherine Solomon strode
calmly across a wide expanse of frost-covered lawn. On the walk to their destination, Langdon
compliment Katherine skill and insist her to be an actress on the future. Katherine chuckled and
said that Langdon should be an actor instead of Symbology Proffessor on Harvard. It was thanks
to Katherine acting skills they manage to run away from the taxi before they get caught by the
agent from the CIA. On the end, Langdon put some improvising to distract the agent from the
real destination. Traveling six stops northbound to Tenleytown, they emerged all alone into a
quiet, upscale neighborhood. Their destination, the tallest structure for miles, was immediately
visible on the horizon, just off Massachusetts Avenue on a vast expanse of manicured lawn. Now
the two of them walked across the damp grass. On their right was a medieval-style garden,
famous for its ancient rosebushes and Shadow House gazebo. They moved past the garden,
directly toward the magnificent building to which they had been summonedWashington
National Cathedral.
Langdon and Katherine entered the Cathedral and walking through the stairs. The
stopped in front of a huge double-door. Langdon knocked the door and received an answer from
someone inside the room. The frail voice inside the room asked whos outside and Langdon
answered it was him and Katherine Solomon who seeks for the sanctuary. The blind man inside
the room sighed in relieve and ordered the two of them to enter his study. With the help of The
Cathedral Dean, Collin GallowayLangdon and Katherine finally reveal the pyramid secrets.
Both of them seemed surprise when The Dean said the pyramid can transform into something
else. The rectangular shape of the pyramid became a cross with a tiny dot in the middle. The
Jeovah Sanctus Unus that Langdon thought was a latin phrase for Hebrews actually a code name
of famous alchemist name in Latin, Isaacus NeutonuusIsaac Newton. Before they can
complete to decipher the pyramid, Galloway ordered both Katherine and Langdon to leave his
study and hide. He told them that he can sense some intruder near his territory.

Hiding inside the abandoned house near the cathedral, Langdon and Katherine using the simple
alchemist work to reveal the pyramid code by boiling it in the hot water. The engravings on the
stone turned into The secret hides within The Order Eight Franklin Square. Finally thought
that they got the real location, Katherine urge Langdon to call the man phone number. Langdon
obediently do as Katherine told and called the man using the phone in the house, instead of the
man voice, this time a woman voice answer the phone. The woman said that her partner was
dead inside the luxury house during the investigation, she also said to find a man with a serious
wound in the floor. Hear the woman explanation, Katherine noticed the man was his brother,
Peter Solomon. But before they can ask further explanation about Peters condition, the line went
out. Katherine and Langdon who decided to go to the place the woman was mentioning about
was confronted by Sato and Warren Bellamy. Sato explained to both Langdon and Katherine
about her intention from the start to capture the mastermind behind this. The director ordered
them to work together in order to catch the mysterious man and settle the case. Using Warren
Bellamys phone, they called the man cell and manage to bring him in Franklin Town Square. In
a separate group, Katherine and Langdon was assisted with Inspector Hartman in the different
location near the Town Square. Unexpectedly, with a unnatural strength, the mysterious man
killed half of the agent and inspector easily. He knocked Langdon and tied Katherine with a
special wire. Both of Langdon and Katherine were successfully captured and held hostages in the
big house.

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