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Ashley Vidal

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

To continue my studies in Special Education and get my Bachelors degree, it is

imperative for me to take and pass the Praxis Core exam. Once passed, I will be able to

further my studies in a university and, continue substitute teaching until I get my

Bachelors degree. Here in Nevada, the passing scores for the core exams are 150 for

Math, 156 for Reading, and 162 for Writing. To get those passing scores, I need to study

and prepare well for them through a Practice Praxis Core Exam.

Exam Preparation

Knowing that this was only a practice exam, I did not take as seriously as I should

have. I only skimmed through the practice questions from ETS and watched the Khan

Academy video. My practice exam results vividly reflects exactly on how terrible I did.

Exam Results

My results came out as so. For Math, I received a 53%, which meant that I need

significant improvement. In Reading, I scored 48%, which is less than my Math score.

This means that in this subject, I also need significant improvement. Lastly, my Writing

score came out to be 80%, meaning that I will likely pass.

Future Exam Preparation

Since I havent passed the official Praxis Core Exam yet, I would need to really

step up my game in preparing for the exam. Although I would love to register and take

Praxis Core Review courses in CSN, Im not very excited to spend more money. To
prepare for this exam, I would be using other sources to study with. The sources I will

use are the free sources, that have been provided by the teacher, and other online

resources that EST or the department of education provides. I will use any free resources

to prepare for this exam, especially Ed Ready for math. Although I scored lower in my

Reading exam, I would study harder for the math praxis, because I know that I didnt

give my best in the practice Reading exam.

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