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Inspection Request to Project Management

Project Name: Myanmar Aquarium Project

IR Ref : IR / _____026_________ To : AQUA
IR Date : _13/Oct/2017______ Attn. :Timothy Graham
IR Subject : _Block-B 1st Floor __ The following parts of works are ready
Date Inspection requested __13/Oct/2017 for inspection as indicated.
Time of Requested Inspection ___02:30 pm______

Location Description of the work to be inspected

1. Exhibit 6.2
Block-B (Aquarium
2. Exhibit 6.3
3. Exhibit 8.2

In response to your request, the works were inspected on ____________ at _________ pm/am
(1) Approved without comment you may proceed.
(2) Approved to the comments below, re-inspection not required.
(3) Disapproved see comments below re-inspection required.


Sign as issued (CONTRACTOR) Sign as received Consultant

Name: _Aung Thu Win_ Name: ______________

Position __ S.A.E _____ Position: ______________
Date ___13. Oct. 2017_ Date: ______________

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