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(a.) Respect for co-workers
(b.) Accountability of work presented to the stakeholder
(c.) Integrity with the customers
(d.) Be professional enough


(a.) Showing respect to other is not difficult to perform. Let us say that the
company you are working at is currently lacking of funds. The owner says,
We should maximize our assets by exerting more effort/ labor. For us to
escape bankruptcy. As an employee, you are aiming for the lifetime of the
company. Even if you are against the idea because it is eating your time with
your family or with your social life. Yet you have to respect the decision made
by your employer.

(b.) Accountability of work is taking responsibility of your assigned work. Example

in a restaurant, employee Bs job is to serve the customers, employee As job
is to take orders of the customers and employee Cs job is to collect the
money that the customers have consumed. If there is a customer complains
about the taste of the food that it is spoiled. Employee A, B and C apologize
to the customer and give a complementary meal. It is neither B, A nor C is not
accountable for the job because it is not their job to make the food but
knowing that they belong/ employee of the restaurant they are partly
accountable for the damages done yet they did what they are suppose to do.
Take responsibility of the work.

(c.) Integrity should be exercise in a workplace. According to Merriam- Webster

Dictionary it is a state of being complete or whole. Lets say that Jollibee a
food chain, currently there is an issue about bird flu since chicken is the most
selling food in Jollibee known as chicken joy. As a customer, you are worried
about your health and if the food youre taking in are healthy. Jollibee
practiced integrity with the customers because they are honest with their loyal
customers assuring that the food in Jollibee is safe.

(d.) Being a professional is a duty. Example, employee B and A are not in good
terms; meaning they do not talk or simply dont like each other. Then the
head divided them employees into two teams. Employees B&A are in the
same team. As a team they need cooperation and team work. Then,
employee B and A should show professionalism and another is respect
because it cant be done if the other one is always contrast and they could be
a hinge of trouble need to be done.

Pabellon, Kay Hydee G. GovRes

AT3D Case Analysis

Case Analysis #1
As a woman and a manager of the company I should be a model to my co-workers. I
believe that not all problems have certain solutions. Rather I would conduct a seminar for them
about gender equality in a workplace. For that person to realize that in a working place there is
gender equality. Knowing the fact that women take care of their mother. Because women have
more empathy and have a soft heart for their parents. Men often dont care but that weakness
that he sees as strength dont affect a persons confidence is unbreakable because even if
numerous people told something about you that can offend you cannot be offended unless you
want to. Going back, another thing to do is to talk to that person and the junior member to clarify
things to them and to have reconciliation with them. Having proper verbal communication can
help the company and who are inside it to discuss this kind of issue because as a company it
should perform as one or as a whole.

Case Analysis #2

In my own opinion, hes decision is correct in a sense of having an affirmation for a

friend. But you cannot blame him because he is hurt there is an emotional factor. And the only
thing he wants it to get back at Madan Puri for his best friend. Because in a friendship there is
love, forgiveness, respect and companionship meaning friends are understand each other. Just
remember, that it is not bad to do an act if there is no one you are pulling down. There is nothing
wrong of doing what you think is right. Because in the first place it is not his official job to do so
he even takes the responsibility of raising the flag every morning even though he is not the one
assigned for it. Hes just doing what he thinks is right. Yet it is an immature act because whats
with a key right? Though it is a respective act of the person deceased but in Devanands point of
view is in a sense that his bestfriends death is caused by Madan Puri. It is because taking
someones life is morally wrong.

Pabellon, Kay Hydee G. GovRes


Homework #1
1. There are numerous ways on how the Board of Directors that can promote their
positive corporate culture. But promoting positive corporate culture is starting from the
outside it is always inside it is like growing a wonderful flower you have to plant it first
and wait for it to transform it to a wonderful flower.

The board of directors should imposed policies and regulates the company in
having a positive corporate culture. Ethics is the set of principles in doing what is right or
what is wrong it can be manipulated in having rules and policies because as an
employee you need to follow the rules and regulations for you to stay there and with their
full knowledge that it can end their contract and have a bad background in finding a new
job. It is not appropriate to tell your next employer about you not following rules and
regulations in your previous company. Therefore, it should be implemented immediately

In terms of external, the board of directors should not be biased to the company
that he is related to. The BOD should show transparency of the company in introducing it
to different future investor. To promote the business venture they ought to build with a
positive corporate culture that the company has better employees, more productivity and
highly skilled employees. Through this, the company is attracting more investors to
invest in the company.

2. To have the investors confidence it is in need of effective corporate governance.

According to Maam Fampo, corporate governance is about the policies or rules that
companies used to control its employees, managers and shareholder. With this effective
corporate governance can attract investors to invest to the company because they have
trust in giving their money for interest in return. This is to ensure the consistency and
accuracy in a productive way in a company. For example, ABC Corporation is known for
having the highest income in the Philippines not only that. The ABC Corporation also
has good benefits for their employees, gained a good image to the public and there are
less probability that the corporation will be bankrupt. These characteristics are one of the
criteria of an investor in putting his money in a good, safe and profitable place.

In addition, effective good governance does not stop in a company it can be

practiced anywhere. Since this is about the investors confidence it is related to a
business type. Imagine you have a huge amount of money yet you cant decide where to
invest the money you have. You have to first set your criteria what benefit do you want to
receive after that decide where you want to invest. Personally I believe that first
impression last thats why in investing money in a company is a difficult decision to make
if you dont have plans/criteria for it because trusting someone is the hardest thing to do
because we, people are afraid to get hurt.
3. I believe that moral principle and ethics are part of a family values which cannot be
taught because as an individual has his own mind to control himself about doing what is
right and what is wrong. It is a natural law that we judge about the clarification of good
and bad. For example, you know that there are commandments given by God. Another,
you personally know that killing and stealing is a wrong thing to do.

It is not only by instinct that youll learn about the moral principle and ethics. It is
also based by experience. For example in a classroom, student A is used to write notes
while in a class while student B is a lazy student and is dependent to student A. Student
B just photocopy or take a picture of student As notes. After another semester, student
A is not classmates with student B anymore because student A realized that if she didnt
give student B a little space and think of what he has done wrong. Now, student B is
suffering because he is not used in taking down notes. There he realized that being
dependent to someone cannot make you a better version of yourself. With this example
it is emphasize that ethics cannot be taught and it is learned through experience.

Jheymaries Valdez SEATWORK


Seatwork #2
The kind of business that I want to have is a corporation that hoping for a deep development
after 5 years.

1. Management Group

a. Board of Directors

-Show a respectful manner

- Talk professionally

- Show probity to whatever actions you will do

b. Managers

- Have integrity

- No backstabbing

- Be open and expressive in whatever you complain

2. Financing Group

a. Investors

- Show unbiased and objective judgement to everyone

- Have a respect

b. Creditors

-Show honesty

- No to deceitful actions

3. Public Group

a. Customers

- Practice absolute fairness

- Be understandable all the time

- Be approachable

b. Co-employees

-Be reliable and faithful

2. Specific Situations

a. Board of Directors

When you are scheduled to report the monthly financial statements, you should greet
them to show respect and act as a professional. Be honest to whatever answers he need that
correspond to his questions and clarifications. If he needs an explanation to the flow of the
transactions on this month, talk loudly and clearly.

b. Managers

For example, during the year end inventory, you accidentally omitted a bundle of
products (eg. school supplies) and your manager point out that it is your mistake. Due to anger
and irritation, your manager shouts and threw hurtful words to you. As an employee, you should
confront him and apologized for what you've done. You should not tell everyone what happened
that leads to a misunderstanding and wrong issue.

c. Investors

Example, one of our investors requests to have a copy of our current financial
statements to ensure the stability of our company. And on that time, our business is under a low
profitable condition. As my employee, you should be honest and explain further to him what the
truth is. First and foremost, it is one of his rights.

d. Creditors

You are able to present the scheme of payments to one of your creditors (old and naive)
and upon checking you realized that your company is not paying interest for 5 months which
eventually it is your fault. You are thinking to neglect those payables because you think that this
creditors has no potential to know the truth due to it's oldness. As an employee, you should not
practice this kind of thinking because it is a deceitful actions to others. You should not abuse
someone's weakness for your own good.

e. Customers

Another example is all about to our customer who complaining to our delay service. As
an employee, you should approach him patiently and understands his concerns.

f. Co-employees

For example is, the management issues a promotion and you are one of the candidate.
Your manager assigned you to tell other candidates the additional requirements needed to
prepare. You really want the promotion so much that leads you not to inform the other
applicants about the additional requirements. As an employee, you should not abide this kind of
actions because you should remain faithful in order to gain your co-employee's trust and
confidence even it will benefit you a lot.

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