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For this kind of situation, the best decision that I need to do for the sake of my junior
member as well as to not discredit myself, my profession or the practice for which I work is I will
talk to her sincerely what she needs in order for her to accomplish her responsibilities in work as
well as to her family. I will give her sort of suggestions and little by little, I will show guidance
and support. Because I believe that having an integrity and confidentiality towards to your
subordinates is not about seeing her weakness and failure rather you should take some
alternatives to make her grow as an employee to have a great contribution for the development
of the business. I will understand her situation and I willingly to help her to overcome those


On Devenand case, his action towards the death of Madan Puri is not justifiable. First
and foremost, he conducts discreditable to his profession. His problem about the death of his
best friend is too personal to reason out. Devenand life outside the business is different to his
private life. You are on work and you should act harmoniously. Yes, I understand on what he
feels toward his best friend and it is normal for him to be angry to Madan Puri. But, Devenand
does not conform to the concept of professional values and ethics. In addition, his reason that
there is no formal punishment that can be given to him because this was not part of his official
duty is not also justifiable because he does not abide to the law of the land which always

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