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The Grumpy Little Tree

Ravenswood School for Girls 2017

Created by Danielle Fenech

Community Problem Solving

There once was a forest full of luscious, pine trees. Many animals lived in the forest,
and depended on the trees for shade, shelter and food. All the trees loved helping
the animals, except for one.
, ,

This tree did not like to be disturbed. When animals came near him, he shook his
branches until they ran away.

The animals were frightened to go near the tree. So, there he
stood, for days and days

Through summers and winters -----------
Through rain and sun. He stood bare and alone.

As another cold winter came along, the tree looked around him. Every other
tree was warm, surrounded by animals. But the little tree stood alone,

Then, one day a small, red sparrow flew onto one of his branches.

Chirping, the little bird hopped along the branch till she was next to the trunk.
She inspected the branch, then began to make her nest.

The tree was shocked. No animal had come near him for a very long time.

He tried very hard to help the bird.

He grew twigs and sticks for her to use for her nest. He sheltered her from
the harsh sun. The bird laid two eggs, and the tree stood very still, so he
didnt wake the babies.

The tree loved the sparrow family.

Soon enough, everyone in the forest saw the tree and the birds. They
watched in awe, as the sparrows nestled and flew in the tree.

Little by little, the other animals began to return to the tree.

The tree was delighted. He took extra care of the animals, and the animals
loved him for it.
There the tree stood happily, surrounded by new friends. He stood for years
and years.

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