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Careers Expo 2017

High school can be an overwhelming experience for any teenager, having to compete with
zits, fashion faux pas and cranky teachers. Add into the mix, the expectations to choose a
career path so early on can leave a student feeling confused and overwhelmed.

Hence why there has been a focus in year 10 HASS curriculum to examine Career pathways
and opportunities. This term, the Year 10 students focussed on planning their pathway to
achieve broad career goals that offer a range of options. This was in the hope that students
would use their increased self-knowledge and deeper understanding of education and training
requirements to inform career decisions.

The year10s had the opportunity to visit the 2017 Careers Expo at the Perth Convention
Center. Over two days, nearly 100 exhibitors universities, TAFEs, government
departments, training providers and employers presented a huge range of career and
employment pathways.

It was an unmissable opportunity for the students to decide on tertiary or vocational courses
or to select upper-school subjects, and to get face-to-face with employers (and to score free

The Career Expo was good as it gave me more of an idea of what I wanted to do.I realised
it was being an air hostess. Luckily enough I had the chance to talk to someone in the
Challenger Tafe stall who had actually been an Air Hostess and could give me real-life
advice exclaimed year 10 Georgia Glanfield.

There were many opportunities for tactile, hands-on learning (Justin May built a mini-city
using Lego Blocks at the Architecture stall whilst Kaylen Hill & Jayden Gidgup tried their
hand at brick laying in the Vocation Education stall)

Heta Tawhiri insists, The Careers Expo was a great place to network with other schools. It
gave me a better perspective of what I want to be as I was quite lost. There was a definite
moment of clarity amongst the students in regards to just how many alternative pathways
there are to certain courses and career pathways. At the end of the two days, regardless of
whether the year 10s their career paths cemented in their minds, only 3 things mattered-
myths around tertiary education had been dispelled, students had a chance to dip their toes
into the adult world and most of all.FREE PENS!!!

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