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Title: Four Friends.

Once upon a time there were four friends.
There was a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster.
The donkey was big and strong.
The dog was friendly and brave.
The cat was clever and playful.
The rooster was loud and cheerful.
They wanted to become a musician.
They left their homes.
They walk for a long time.

Donkey : My stomach is growling.

Dog : My legs are numb.
Cat : My lips are dry.
Rooster : Lets find food.

Narrator : Then, they stop.

Donkey : I see a little house.

Dog : There is food in the house.
Cat : there are people in the house.
Rooster : Lets sing for them.
Narrator: They walk to the house and stand outside the

Donkey : I can see the men eating

Dog : I cannot see them. I am too short.
Cat : I cannot see them, too
Rooster : Neither can i.

Donkey : Stand on me, Dog.

Dog : Stand on me, Cat.
Cat : Stand on me, Rooster.
Rooster : Now we can sing to the men.

Narrator: They sing together.

Donkey : Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

Dog : Woof! Woof!
Cat : Miaw! Miaw!
Rooster : Cock-a-doodle-do! Cock-a-doodle-do!

Narrator: The three men ran away. The four friends live
happily ever after.

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