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Portland Cement Association nl CONCRETE INFORMATION DESIGN OF CIRCULAR DOMES ‘The domes considered in this article ate surfaces of evolution. In spherical and conoidal domes, the surface is described by revolving an are of a circle. The center of the circle may be on the axis of rotation (spherical dome) or outside the axis (conoidal dome). Both types may or may not have a symmetrical lantern opening through the top. ‘The edge of the shell around its base is usually provided with an edge member cast integrally with the shell. ‘The loadings considered on these domes are (1) uniform Toad per square foot of dome surfuee, and (2) variable Toad equal to zero at top and increasing ata uniform rate toward the base. In either case, the load is constant along any circle of latitude or “hoop” Another type of dome is also included which is produced by revolving an ellipse around its minor axis ‘The tangent to the ellipse at the end of its major axis is vertical et which point the thrust is vertical also, No edge ‘member is requited for ring tension when the ellipse is discontinued at the end of its major axis. Whatever hoop tension this dome may have is taken by bars provided in ‘the shell itself. ‘The loadings on the elliptical dome are (1) uniform load per squire foot of dome surface corresponding to a uniform shell thickness, and (2) uniform load per square foot of horizontal projection of dome surface which is {intended to apply to snow load. Shells are considered so thin that they cannot develop bending moment,* yet they are assumed to be so thick ‘that there is no dangor of buckling. Only shapes and loads which are symmetrical about axis of rotation are taken {nto account, and stresses due to wind pressure, volume ‘change and ‘support displacement are ignored. These assumptions ao generally made in design of citcular domes. ‘Theoretically speaking, the shells are supposed to carry neither concentrated nor unsymmetrical loading. A collar load uniformly distributed along the perimeter of a concentric circle is not considered “concentrated load- ing.” Great care should be taken to avoid dangerous loading conditions when the formwork is being lowered and removed. ‘The shell should be let down as easily and as uniformly as possible. Formulas have been presonted and derived on basis of the assumptions discussed. But these formulas apply only at points of domes which are removed some distance from the discontinuous edges. At the edges the results from the formulas may be indicative but they are not accurate. The ‘edge member and the adjacent hoop of the shell must have very nearly the same strain when they ate cast integrally. The significance of this fact is ignored in the derivations, and the forces computed from the formulas are therefore subject to certain modifications. For ilustra- tion, the edge member at the base is always in tension, but the hoop force computed in the adjacent circular strip of shell may be in compression, yet they must both have the same strain. The problem may be still more complex to solve if consideration is also extended to include casting edule and prestressing of the edge member. a almost any dome design, the question arses of stress allowed in compression. For a 3,0004b. concrete, ACT Code 1963 allows 1,350 psi for bending, 750 psi for bearing, and 638 ps for columns. But for compression in thin shells, streses are seldom more than 150-200 psi. ‘There appears to be no theoretical reasoning behind these limiting figures, and codes state nothing about stresses in domes. They are based merely on trends in past and present practice. Several reasons exist for Keeping stresses faicly low in circular domes, As mentioned, forces near edge members awe rather indeterminate, volume change and settlement are ignored, and concentrated loads may create critical srosses. To cover these and similar contingencies, it is well to Keep stresses rather low. On the other hand, there is seKlom any noed for allowing high stresses. The shell must bbe thick enough to allow space and protection for two layers of reinforcement, so 3% in. is about as thin ss any shell can be made. For the average type and size of dome ‘built in the past, allowable stresses did not have to be high to geta reasonably thin shell and an economical construe- tion, but higher stresses will undoubtedly be allowed in the future as better concrete is used and more uncertain- ties aro eliminated from the theory of design. ‘When the radius to thickness ratio exoeeds S00, special ‘cansiéeration should be given in the design to the possible effocts of buckling. ‘The data presented on design of domes are divided into three groups: formulas, numerical examples and deriva- tions, A table is appended for use in design of elliptical domes. Beyond this, charts and tables have been avoided since the formulas are not long or cumbersome to handle. ‘Thin discussion & based on membrane theory. For the bend: ing tory, see textbooks om shells ‘This publisation jg buted on the fact, tests and authorities stated herin It intended forthe use of profesional peronnel competent to ‘ralunte the sgnficance and limitations of the ported findings and wito il ncopt ‘Contain Osiouly, the Portland Cement Asociation dlsluls any and all erpons {eomacy of any ofthe sourexs other than work pertormed or Information developed By sspousibity for the application of tho material it Torappiston oF he stated pis or he FORMULAS FOR SPHERICAL DOMES Conair part of dom etn cen plano acc dah Points 0 and t Surface rea: A= 2 (08 bo ~ coe) o Wo per sal. of dome is uifor, » psf Total oad: Hg Dee (05 fo ~ coe) ® "oad incesses itm 20 at Point 0 a a ate of wpe radian ‘Total load: Ty = 25%" sings — a de ~ cor $n ~ #9] (3) Let We denote a cola lad woiformty distributed around a ice of latitude, The general exjession for total loa, br then Wes Wat Wet We ® 1 Point 0 tee on the ave of rotation A= Int eos 4) a) Wy = 2a cr 1) a) (singe — #108 Ga) Investigating foness¢ ane of ated throogh Point 1, being lad ahose that cle Meitol he Ta Meg) Hop hac = = T+ ftw Greta be) 1 dome is discominved along ccele of lainude through Poiae 1, a2 cg member met he proviled along that etc, and that eoember Subject 20 Woe - Irsieg: wv If dome i omited above the circle of aiid thromgh Point 0, the collar load I wil rode a ring compression along the elge ofthe opening which eguals hing tension: = s = Bees @ “The sell ie may be able ro take this ing compression, but if an tlge member is povided an cast integrally with the th attemary to design 8 fr the fall amet ofthe Fre, 5. Ache top ofa solid dome: T = Hf = Example 1. Spherical Dome Consider the spbeia dome i Fig. 2. Ther 25, the ation of ‘he ac 10 fy andthe ive lod ie 3 pnt. Maximo allowable sere is200 pr Radi of dome sutces of = 2008 = 25)¢ fom which = 225 fe ‘Assune Sin. sim hina of sell which gies: w= 00625 + 000 = OOS ipsa y= 1x o0ms x 2125 ~ 985 kip 2 Fore at op of dt, Pole 0 From (9): Ta 9530 xi ‘Sereses at Point 0. = 164 psi sin ds = 2% = 0147, sot gu = 0.22, cos gs = 0852, 1 = 28d. ins PAGE? Point o— of latitude Pet in 2 na 2 924 rotation From (2): Way = 2 X 212 5* X 0.0825 (1 ~ 0.862) = 3,100 ips “Toul load above Poine Feom (5): 1880 35 54 sxaz 1750 Meridieal sre at Point 1 10s ips n pears xom From (6) Hiya — 1046-4 0005x2125 x 08m 88 kipsc. (compression Hoop foree 5 Point 1 From (7:5; = SIO OE — 904 Lips, xoan Ring tension in edge member. ‘Assume that dome with r = 2125 fi extended downward to where there i 55 At the base at Poice 2, he adios of the csonsteence foe ISS PH ODS 55) x = 1427, sings = 22» o.6, sat ds = 0.45, con fa = 0740 ms From (23): Wea = Be X 21258 X 00925 (t — 0.740) = 6829 ips, From 6): ae 300 5x2 Mecidionalstes at Poine 2 = 188 pa From (6) Fae Sho 009252125070 345 kis omen tae ate rom 0): 51 ~ S8BX220 «0 ip, Or X06 ing tesion in ole member. 1 tke dome i one half of «sphere, sin y= 1.000 and cos p= 0.000 ‘which gi Wy = 26,240 ips, Ts ~ 19.65 Kipa/le, t= S28 pi, He = — 19.65 pif. (esson),55'~ 0 (oo edge member needed For cng tension) ae fnrall case) T= woos 4, 00 wea vs) from which cos ¢ = Y>- or b= 52 deg. Example 2. Spherical Dome ‘The data are the tame asia Example 1 excepe chat the dome ha & lantern opening aranged syainetziealy scan the aus of rotation ‘The ales ofthe opening i 25 fe. A collar load ix arranged uniformly sound the edge of opening, and the total colar load is 0 kip. Instead of Poin Obelng onthe axis of rotation a0 fa Example, iis ‘here lying 0 the edge of the opening and 250 a bo 1176, sat dy = 0.0138, coe be = 0993 1c conserel ia the sane position asia Bxample 2, 92 sin fu = O47, si? x = 0222, cod = 0.882 From (4) and (2) Wy = Be X 225" X 0.0925 (0.993 ~ 0882) + 50 = 2,960 Kips "Tora load above Boia 1 Tr, Hy aed 5, may be computed ae in Example mebceuting 2360 for 3,100 ips. From (8): Se Poi 50x 0993 ie x 0176 ‘Compression in edge member a a 67 hips opening. Example 3. Spherical Dome “The daca are the sate a ia Example I excep cht dhe dome thickoess ‘ie Isom Jin. at top (Point 0) to 6 in at base (Point 1) with adios Sf oo fe Detemine forces and streer ae ba ‘A Sn. thickness considered ealfocm throughout plus = 30%b, live Toad staounts 190.0525 kip/sg In addition, the weight ofthe slab increaes rom sero at Point O(n = 0) 0 00125 kaa. at Point 1 (r= 0490 radian). The fate of lacease pet taein 1 ! = O25 + 9-490 = 0.0055 kip/ag te. From 2), (3) (4): = 2m x B12 St 0.005 (1 ~ 0.882) + 2 12 5* X 0.0255 (0.71 — 0.430 X 0.682) = 330 kige Total load above Pons 338 = 1140 Kips 5 aK Is x Om i/o Feom (9):T, (Meridionl ees at Poiat = 1140 + (0.0925 + 0.9255 X 0490) 12.5 0.882 828 kipe/t.(comprstion). Hoop force a Pot 3. rom (7): = 39% 0882 «57 kipe ex 047d ‘Ring tension ia elge member. Asume the dome hat 2 eaten opening asin Example 2 and Point 0 Tieson the efge of te openiog at whic the sell 59. dick Com pote forces at base, Pot 1 Tje = 0118, w” = 0.0125 © (0450 ~ O18) = OO886 kip Wm te X 12.5 0.0925 (0995 — 0.88) ax 225 X 00536 (0.471 — 0.18 — 0.82 0.372) = 3ag0 hip {ad hereto the coll Joad, Wa. Ia this cae, set We = 0). T= 1063 Sige, Hh = 905 kips/t, 1 = 939 kips From (6): Hi FORMULAS FOR CONOIDAL DOMES Riis ef rotation CCousier pare of dome betes planes of Satta throsgh Poise: 0 snd Lia Bg 3 Surface areas Am 2a! (C08 — oor 1) — 2m! r= $e) 0) Iload per og fe of dome is eiform, psf ‘Total load: ly = 2a (cos gu ~ c28 gx) ~ 200'albs — #5) (UL) lod iarease from sero s¢ Paine Oat arate of w” pet ralian Total lou: Wye dara! ings ~singy— cords (61—43)1—a7'o" ex 45)? (02) Let We deoote «cola toad uaiforly dstibuted around a tele of Iasiude, The general expression foe eeal load, Wis then Wa Wat Wet We (3) Point lies on the axis of orsion, dys determine by the equation sin be = an Investigating lores at circle of latievde through Poiae 1, 1¥ being load above that cle Marisol thet: T = e. i as) ema | One tadian equals 57.3 deg, [-teeevin-airne) 00 ia dome ix dscontinasd slong siele of laceude through Poiat 1 a2 flge member must be provid aloog that citle, and that member & subject © : Weoe ds, 2ersia ox 1f dome i omitted above the circle of latitude through Point 0, the Calla load We will produce a ving compression, 5, along the cles of the opening (oe Spherical Domes fr additions! tt) Wecosde asin ‘Av top ofdome where i interiects the axis of rotation, the formals [Bvenabore do not apply bessne theres local bending inthe viinty| ‘teh peat Thate may avo Be some local bending nexcan ef gement Ring tesion: = ax compression ® Conoidal Dome Point o CConsier the conoidal dome in Fig. 4. Ralius of bate of dome, or dicen from Polne 1 wo ats of roration, # 25 fe. Radius of dome is Po ey sod distace om concer of Some sutace to avi of rotation Fye'= 1 fe Thickner of dome is 334i. Live load is 30 psf. PoiatO Tiesom ati of eotation 20 sn = FoF #= 10 + 69 = 0.167, cO8 do (0986, ard = 0.167 rain, $= (50 + 100) + 6.0 ~ 0.583, e086; = 0812, (Gr 0.625 radian, w= OO + 0030 = 0.074 kip/sat From (11): War = 2 X 60.0" 0.074 (0.986 ~ 03812) aw X 0X 10.0 X 0976 (0525 ~ 0.167) 291 — 17 = 164 Kips. Total loud above Point From (1): Ty = A a a eye rom (517A 35 (goo 0583 — 100) 0.385 a ‘Meridional thst a¢ Poin 2. From (8) "f, . 22% 0385 — 100 i OX OSD = #10 hips -179 + 00m x «00 X 0812) Hoop comprenion at Pot From ():5, 2 0385 OR cnsion in edge merbe Conapute forces a a Poiat 2a whic: fin pr 0400, cin go = 0917, y= OAR2 cain From (11): Waa = 2 X 60.08 X 01974 (9988 — 0917) = 2X 600 X 100 X 0074 (0412 ~ 0169) = 115 = 6 A7kips, Tota loxd above Point 2 “ From (9h sceswieee ieee” MM Hie ‘Meridional thease at Pint 2 From (6) $09%0400=100 (44 4074 x 600% 0917 RGAO=HO9 (134-4 0074 x 600% 0917) 2 FL s9 kpc me Hoop comprsision at Pint 2 Example 5. Conoidel Dome “The data ate the same asin Example 4 excep thar the dome has = Tanier opening the edge of which follows a ice of latitude wish (os of fe Poe Olie oo this cicle, 50 sin ge = (7+ 10) 4 6 — GIS) cos ge 0959, go = 0287. Ano, thre fa colar load of 4 Lip/fe slong the edge ot the opening, Oey part ofthe calculations sul be lastest [Ac Point Ir sin $2 = 0583, cos fy = O12, os = 0623 cain, We = 0076 Kip/sg fe From (32), (3): W, = A Xs. X 00r4 (0989 — 082) Bex 0X 100% 0074 (65 ~ 0287) +04 X IF X 70 U6 ~ 34-4 18 = 170 Eps ‘Total losd shove Poiat 1. Thand Sonny becompated a8 in Example ¢substiarag 170 for 164 ips, 18x 0959 x02 From (8) = 1p, \Compceson in ge member a opening Example 6. Conoidal Dome ‘The date ate che same a in Example 4cacep hat ehe dome thises| ‘aris from 3 in at top Point 0'sin dy = 0.267, «05 ds = 0986, = (167) 4 inte hase Poin: sia gy = 0.583, coe gx = 0812, = (0.423). The oir Toad iese = OO3S + 0030 = 00675 Kips. Tadicion, he las dead ond increases ror Oe rop 100.0125 abuse “The ate of inceame peradian is ee ts oe = 0165 From (1), (2) Wi, = dr X 40.0" x 0.0675 (0986 — 0812) Ba X 690% 100 X 00875 (0623 ~ 0167) E34 x 600 K 00174 [0589 — 0.167 ~ 0.812 (0.623 — 0.67 F360 X 100 x 00N4 (0.23 — 0.167) 2657 ~ 1160 + 285 = 107 1675, say 168 kis Tots) load above Poi L. and Sat ase may be computed from (15) and (7) inserting We 1 kgs, Investigate forces at Point 2: Hn de = 0400, cs 6 = 04 allan ~ 0.0074 kin/sg oa, From (12), (12): Wh” 3 X 0X 00875 (0.986 ~ 0917) = be X 66.0 % 100 X 00675 (0.412 0.167) i 2X 600" x 00274 (0.400 — 0167 — 0917 (0.412 ~ 0.157) FX 0 X 100 X 0.07 (0412 — 0167? 1054 623-451— 31 451 a9, 45 Kips ‘Total losd above Point 2 45 irom 04 = 128 kip. ‘Meridfonal thet 3¢ Point 2 _ .0x'0400 ~ 10.0 [+1254 100s “0x00 “f0.0n74 (Ald — a167)} 600 X 09% + 163 kip. From €9)° Ty = a Ton From (16): oop competion at Point 3 FORMULAS FOR ELLIPTICAL DOMES Consider patotdomesbovecicleoflatiudechrough Point in Fig. 5 Surface ater: A = Bea, Selecevalbes of € (and Q) fom table Basel 00 computed eatios of andget Let w fet he wiform weight per sq of dome surface. Total weight above Point 1; W = dma aa) Merona! ehrst at Point 1-7 = 2g SR 8) 7X Tae Hoop force a Pio ro) ‘cers of ation: 1 rages | pts of tation Wa symmeticallartera open ith adivs xix ct through the shel cine crow, proce as follows: From, compateinaceoance with (Gp), deduct ao? and add collar load if any. Multiply T competed feoet (8) by the eatio of H/F which gues J. Determine hoop force eam a Now: 19" is total weight sbove polke ensiderl cepardles of the toute fom which ie 8 deriva, Now let w denote weight per sq, unifoamly distributed over hori rental prjeion of dom way Total weigne above Poe cr Mesidional thrust at Poite 12 a Hoop forvest Poise 1: HE a Py A axis of rtaion -H=8 os q tan ee 4) UE dome is dicted along cle of atid otough Pia an tie member most be powdelslong th sil aod har member subject t0 en ing dome isomitel shove a cle of atitde an collar lad Weis Zoplelunformly along tat ce, We wil produces ag comps: 3fonsoag the edge ofthe opening which eae p= Wet he anh 7a Example 7. Elliptical Dome Ring tesion: 5 es) Aris of rotation Ie wcMeridian 30, cMajor axis 100 Ft Consider th elliptical dome in Fig 6. The live load (LE) is 30 ps ‘of horizontal peoection. The abel is Sin. thick, weighing 25 pet. (= DZ) ort a en of ming at From (20) for DE and (24) for Lb: “9.0825 IO 5 030% 108 | r-u 1x00 2x30 154 Rips Table of Cool nts for Elliptical Domes Views oi Vales of : : _ a a — eee ___—_——-|*"3| 2] 03] o4] 05] os] 07] 08] a9] 10 02] 03] o4| 05) 06] 07] 08/ o9| 10 SETS ES] Go| Te aT | a [Tow [a [am [a | Pd ro [|S GO [OE So |e) Se) see | ceo | ear | ase | cn] cat | am | ar | ss | ato | on | “os | ot |r| ot Joon [0.2 Oh BY BB) S| Se | | ees | | ase | | aso | 55] “avo | suo | “nt | “ue | “a> J sot fc Jo 93 Yh) BY SS] S| $5 | | Ses] smo | 330 | as | ats | 03 | tae | st | “sm | 08 1.000 |0.3 93 | ae | ae | 2) 8] 8 | 85 [Sts a cao | ao | as | “50 | oe | ean | Coe | ts | ‘sz [coo [oe S/R | SB | SSE aS] Sh | 25 | | Se | Seo | Si] is | Se | San J at | Ss) ss | 06 cso Jos 82] 31 3 | 3 | 35 | $a |S | Soe) So | So | en |e | ao | St | “pn | “ta | er | or om Jos S643 | 2 | 2 | |S] BS | es | oa | oo [ue | | se | aw | at | 80 | so6 | 93 fame Jo7 8 aa er | | ay | ts [Sno] is | tbs | am | | “an ] Ss | se tr | sos) 93 | a fon Jos Ped ea ed ed ered peed eed bed ed ded 2 | 0 | | me) oe | | Ss |S | eo | as bom Jao fam 0 fom en fo bua we Le Strese es ata of mai Select cnet from table for values of 90+ 0 = 03 and g = = 0, Allcaestation have ewo terms, “ead load ietandliveload second, Fromchare-¢ = 0:38 and Q= 0.300. From (17) and (21) Wm 2wi00® X 0.0615 X 0.588 + ¥100" X 9030 X 1-0) 2330-4 940 = 3,250 kip. From (18) and (2): 0.625 lan, 0388 X 0.300 , 0030 X Ioot = 90559 0.300 4, 0.050% 10% mo * 1-0 + ax “Om = 368-150 = 5.8 bps From (19) and 023) jy OSE IDE (5 058) , 00x 0% 30 T=0xox0) *~ 2x30 * v6 = = 08 — 167 = — 575 pit 8, Elliptical Dome Sun in loos in ge, De te vi ign teu cel pts. At te ces of ede coespo ‘to values of g from 0.0 t0 0.7 (ave table abso) compute: a Exampl From (19) for dead load Ge = 0.0825) 1 = 8A (— 5 —E ms) =F (ama) From (23) foe ive load (= wiyuicl 2) ore lnd (w= D030), = BEX “These compatations ate tabulated at right Ia aditioo, i aecesary to detersine the Teogth beeween the intersection points measured ‘cea under curve epesents Toualbooptesionandshows its distribution along the meridia eels 0.7 4 ez 650 ia whic # = 1-5 slong the weridia, Calling cach Jength ar as inticated in Fig. 6, wwehave sy o ae therefore, ar = 28. Vise ‘Values far are also tabalated aad ae wed together with Hevaless plot he hoop seat diagram in Fg 7. x ay in which «= 100, b= 30 ge (aes fg Carona oxy DERIVATIONS FOR SPHERICAL DOMES Lantern f-ts sce of cele with radia (ut Fig. 5) Cente: of eicleHie 0 te of rotation angle measure from dg: small increment of age. rp: Tength of element tae rain distance from ele tment to ani of rotation. dg X Ber sn 6 acen of erat roeated "about PAGE 5 Total surface aes of spherical dome described by rotating Are 0-1 about ans és o \ A [rex an sing = tae [sin ap = amt [= coe Jfirtex oman = et| ants mel ome] = 2a (co oe — cot fn) a 1 Poine@ ties on axis of rotation, cos ge = 1, and Ae tee eo 6 aa 1 the unit load, wi the tame or all elements, the total loed, Wy on she dome bevwcen Points 0 aod J is Wy =X A= DP X wo bo — cos) a 1 the unit lad increases fom sero at Point Oat unifor rte of radia, che uit toad at the element ria equals w(@ = #0) ‘The Toad dn the elemene of dome detrbed by rotting nig about the eis quale lp X 2 sia bX w'l6 ~ &) Total load ofphercal domedetribed by cotating Are about as é i ma x drain X wf (40 foo oxel 60 Paiarg X op “Total weg, of aro evolu Newer ois © and 1 el we [ae areal? sin @ VT = Being X a Wm dete x [how iTiaa Hae teeVEES) fg = pao 2 ei ecotgeing we ae [Eo Leesa to -fVia RS 2g (n+-Vi=F a=) | m Denote the quantity witio the square racker By G, chen W = aru an Vales of Cate pescated ia the bl terme of and oer of and Derivations for meridional cust, T, ant hosp force, H, follow the same geaeralpeocaere a illseated for other dom See equal to the sum of vertical componcats ol 1,” ~ 2aT sa 8 xem a sing = a1 =F (oe beer), Bor angle 0, se¢ Fig. 15. 4 bina de Parr ry) Ley + at or 1b uate ert wine Wi-8l- “For aegration oe Hom 324 in A Shoe Table of Irae by 3.0. Place, (hed Elion) Gina aod Company, New York oa see Ea ort es PAGE? no. 15 -Line persengicular Te eiipse srpoint w _yViemi=d. vinm— nx sin @ Bxb = a) me) sgn VITFE=Bi Vaal Queenan ele rete x @ an lereat of elliptical dome at Poin 1 is eubjee 1 cece forces, se Fig (0) meridional thst, 1, tangential to meridian. (2) hoop fore, #,cangcotial eo dele of lateade. (5) load on clement, isthe cad of eevatore and si distance to axis of rotation. Following the procdare sad foe spherical domes, we have Tye Ty Hino weno ~ Te o-0 went We ey feeRst | “Be ~"ieRaet e LHe? cy me yok Se aaae 29 abr sett i iy wh oe each eee +O =00-eviere Reint @ = OVO ~ | ass af rotation —- 13 * perpendicular tocltipseat pont rail ast Mo aR EF “F(a secg=Vi- FOB ‘ tren = "2 (c=) 9 ‘Values of C and @ may be taken from sable. eet Aslan, T= t= ot = 22 “ (fe ie considered the wait load per sq. of hovizoneal projection iosten of susface are, the following formulas apply Total losd: W = wnt = wate ~ 22) ay Meridioeal trast ele or + "Gaxsied ” Tin 2 -"29 a Hoop force Te BO Fine in ee a %Vi-Ba=F) +S eas a ue ee ee prone C088 cositive and numerically equal to b= = 22, ig Poitve and mmericalyegual 29 ~ jay $R is scaly 2 negative qua the aumerial vale on. 1 but we ate ete concerned with Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, Iinois 60077-1083 Printed in USA. 1s076.01D

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