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@ Written by testing experts @ Intensive grammar review B Thorough analysis of each exam area @ Cross-referenced answers @ Ideal for individual or classroom use @ Six full-length practice tests By Michael A Pyle, MA and Mary Ellen Murioz Page, M A Series Editor Jerry Bobrow, Ph D | ES LP an ces J —— 6 It's Important to Prepare for Co This Cliffs Preparation Guide can help you score higher tt understanding of the TOEF!,, which can help you take the test make the kind of score shat can gi'e you a wide choice of ch | Provides b, w ackgrouna 1 | Ath maximum effi cy and ©9€5 OF graduate schols Our testing experts designed this Preparation Guide to help you ge y t re, whe using your study time effectely Right from the start, you'd tea eee TOE concise, to the po at and sayy to understand This Guide wclades Soroush, Anaiysis of Zacit Type of Question and Explanation ot the Most su Approaches to each area tested Listening Comprehension, Structure and svt Expresst 9, Reading Comprehension, and the Test of Written English (essay) Intensive Grammar Review, Exercises and Mini~Tests to guice and simplify jour study Six Full-Length Practice Tests that correspond to the actual TOEFL in type and number of questiors A Self-Scoring Charts o analy7s your performance > the sample tests Two Audio Cassettes containing six Listening Comprehention sections for realistic test preparation Complete Table of Contents and Index to help you quickly find wha. you are looking for Be ready Give yourseif an edge in taking the TOEFL by using this Cliffs Prepa'ation Guide You'll be glad you did Michael A. Pyle recove of Arts from the Unversity of Fonda in linguistics and teaching English wa second jana. ading dasses und tavcht g i composition and sposen Lngish at tr Unwersity of Florda’s English Language Institute for several years He has preserted works ops ar ¢ papers at regional and national conterences on various aspects Of teaching Engish as a second language, ‘nrluding the Teachers of Eagish to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) conference 1994 Mary Ellen Muinoz Page received « Master of Arts from Wester Reserve University n Cleveland, ‘Oho She teaches English to forexgn students at Valencia Community College in Orlando, Flond: ard has taught English, orimarly to foreign students at the college and university levels since 1976 She has also present =4 sumerous Ww to student teachers ano other teachers of English in Costa Rica She a cat Srgisk ‘Gamenulle, lexida ioborate with Mr yle in develop ag the English for the Foreign: Born Test Revew classes there Students int English classes, which were offered 'n comunction with the English anguage Institute, extensively tested the materias in this guide and recewved them enthusiastically Jerry Bobrow 1s executive director of Bobrow Test Preparation Services and conducts test prenaration programs at over twenty five colleges, and law schools. ISBN 0-8220-2079-3 FAH Il s2995> S oe aN i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are indebted to many for providing us incentive and support during the time that we were writing this manuscript. We dedicate this book ta our families, including Maria, Maria Elena, Rita, Louie, and our parents; their understand- ing and support during the many months of writing was essential. Ye are also grateful to Dr. Clyde C. Clements, Jr, Dean of Community Education at Santa Fe Community College, for providing us the opportunity to organize a class for test preparation and supporting us in our quest to write this book. Special thanks are due Dr. Patricia Byrd, Assistant Director of the University of Florida’s English Language Institute, for providing us classroom space, equipment, students, publicity, and encouragement. We wish to thank Dr. Manuel Lépez Figuera, Marta Lopez de Pyle, Dr. Felipe Sierra, Dr. José Zaglul, and Paul F. Schmidt for writing materials for the practice tests. We also wish to thank Jerry Bobrow of Bobrow Test Preparation Services for wr book and invaluable assistance in editing. N le Spence of Cliffs Notes, lne., for We are indebted to our students, who acted as our critics while we were preparing the materials. We have revised this book several times since it was first written. The changes in this edition are extensive to parallel the 1995 changes to the TOEFL. We are now indebted to even more people who provided reading and listening passages or reviewed materials for us. They include Margarita Bardgett, Elizabeth Eschbach, Joe Romero, Sherry Keyes, Harry Gebert, and Dr. Dana Griffin, MI. suggesting materials and typing. In addition to the superb editing work of Michele Spence, the authors were very fortunate to be provided the editing expertise of Linnea Fredrickson. Neither the authors nor Cliffs Notes, Inc., is affiliated with Educational Testing Service or involved in the development or administration of the TOEFL. Neither the directions nor any sample questions were provided or approved by Educational Testing Service. ISBN 0-8220-2081-5 FIFTH EDITION ‘© Copyright 1995 by Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Muiioz Page Previous editions © Copyright 1991. 1986. 1983. 1982 by Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Muioz Alll Rights Reserved Printed in US.A. CONTENTS Preface . How to U: Study Guide Checklist. PART I: INTRODUCTION Format OF Recent TOEFL Exans. . 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 4 8 TAKING THE TOEFL: A SUCCESSFUL OVERALL APPROACH ... 12 PaR NALYSIS OF EXAM AREAS Ability Tested * Basic Skills Necessary Directions »* Suggested Approach with Samples SECTION 1 STENING COMPREHENSION ................... 17 Part A 17 PartB 18 PartC.. 21 A Patterned Plan of Attack . cee teee 24 SECTION 2: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION . 25 PartA. 25 Part B . 27 28 SECTION 3: READING COMPREHENSION 29 A Patterned Plan of Attack 35 iii iv GRAMMAR REVIEW . 1 3. > » . Subject-Verb Agreement. CONTENTS PART Il: SUBJECT AREA REVIEWS with -Exercises and Mini-Tests Normal Sentence Pattern in English Subject . . Verb.... Complement . Modifier... . . The Noun Phrase . C AandAn The ... Other. . The Verb Phrase. Tenses and Aspects . Common Irregular Verbs in Englis! Simple Present Tense. Present Progressive (Continuous) Simple Past Tense Past Progressive (Continuous) Present Perfect . For!Since .. Yet/Already Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous). . Past Perfect...........ssseseeeeeee Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous). Subject Separated from the Verb...............0005 Words That Always Take Singular Verbs and Pronouns. None/No .. Either/Neither Gerunds as Subjects . Collective Nouns. ... A Number Of/The Number Of . Nouns That Are Always Plural There Is/There Are 2 10. i. 12. 13. 14. Mini-Test 1: Grammar Items 3 Through 14. . 15. ). The Verb Need . CONTENTS = -V ; Pronouns . . 3 Subject Pronouns . 78 Complement Pronouns 79 eo Possessive Pronouns. 81 Reflexive Pronouns. . gi Verbs as Complements 83 Verhs That Are Always Followed by t zs 83 Verbs That Are Always Followed by the Gerund. . 84 Verbs + Prepositions Followed by the Gerund . 85 Adjectives + Prepositions Followed by the Gerund. 86 Nouns + Prepositions Followed by the Gerund . 87 Adjectives Followed by the Infinitive ...... 87 Pronouns Before the Gerund or Infinitive, 89 In Need Of . Questions. . Yes/No Questions. Information Questions. Embedded Questions Tag Questions........ Affirmative Agreement (Too/So) Negative Agreement (Either/Neither) . Negation Sumejeiny . Hardly, Barely, Rarely, Seldom, et Commands. Negative Indirect Commands . Modal Auxiliaries. ....... 0.0.0... e cece eee eee e es Negation of Madals Questions with Modals. Will Conditional Sentences . Real Conditions (Possibly True). Unreal Conditions (Not True) As If(As Though Hope/Wish vi CONTENTS Would... . 123 Used To .. 123 Would Rather 125 Would Like... . 128 Could {May /Might Should ... Must... Have To.. Modals + Perfective. 131 Could /May/Might + Perfective 131 Should + Pertective i31 Must + Perfective .. 16. Adjectives and Adverbs . Adjectives .. Adverbs .... 134 Adjectives with Linking (Copulative) Verbs ... 17. Comparisons Equal Comparisons 138 Uuequal Comparisy 140 Mogical Comparisons. 142 Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives . 144 Multiple Number Comparatives... 145 Double Comparatives 146 No Sooner. . 146 Positives, Comparatives, and Superlatives. 147 . Nouns Functioning as Adjectives 150 152 153 Because /Because Of 153 Purpose and Result (So That). 155 Cause and Effect (So, Such) . . 156 Mini-Test 2: Grammar Items 15 Through 20 160 21. Passive Voice. . 167 22. Causative Verbs . : 170 Have/Get... 171 Make. 172 Let... 173 Help ... 173 CONTENTS — Vii 23. Relative Clauses The Relative Pronoun Optional Relative Clause Reduction . That—Other Uses. . Optional That . Obligatory That That Clauses 25. Subjunctive 26. Inclusives Not Only... But Also . As Well As . Both... ANd .. 0. cc evecc cece ete c eee e reece eee ees 27. Know /Know How 28. Clauses of Concession . . Despite/In Spite Of . Although /Even Though! Thoug 29. Problem Verbs . Rise... Raise Lie. . Lay. 24. Idiomatic Expressions with Set, Lay, and Raise . Mini-Test 3: Grammar Items 21 Through 29 STYLE IN WRITTEN ENGUSH .. 0002000 e eee eee eee 1. Common Stylistic Problems That Appear in Grammar Questions . 204 Sequence of Tenses . 204 Say/Tell ........... 207 Antecedents of Pronouns 209 The Pronouns One and You. ... . 211 Illogical Participial Modifiers (Dangling Participles). 212 Participles as Adjectives . 216 Redundancy . 219 Parallel Structure . 221 viii © CONTENTS Transformation of Direct and Indirect Objects Adverbials at the Beginning of a Sentence .... 2. Elimination of Incorrect Answers in Style Questions. .. . Examples of Style Questions. . Mini-Test 4: Stylistic Problems. . ANSWERS FOR EXERCISES 1 THROUGH 53 AND MINI-TeEsTS 1 THROUGH 4.000... cece cece center eee eee PROBLEM VOCABULARY AND PREPOSITIONS . . 1. Commonly Misused Words . 2. Confusingly Re 3. Use of Prepositions During. . From... Out of .... Miscellaneous Expressions with Prepositions . Verbal Idioms . Common Combinations with Prepositions. Nouns + Prepositions Verbs + Prepositions. . Adjectives + Prepositions .. Mini-Test 5: Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions . Mini-Test 6: Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions . ANSWERS FOR EXERCISES 54 THROUGH 57 AND MINI-TESTS S AND 6... 600.6 eee cece eee eee teen eens we PART Six Fuil-Length Practice Tests ANSWER SHEETS FOR PRACTICE TESTS 1-6 ... PRACTICE TEST 1... 1.0... eee eee eee Section 1: Listening Comprehension. . Section 2: Structure and Written Expression ... Section 3: Reading Comprehension PRACTICE-REVIEW-ANALYZE-PRACTICE 22¢ Ll 2m, 226 23 234 238 - 303 315 : 318 . 324 | 332 PRACTICE TEST 2 2.10.06 cere cece eee e eee eee eee Section 1: Listening Comprehension. Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Section 3: Reading Comprehension PRACTICE TEST 3 Section 1: Listening Comprehension. Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Section 3: Reading Comprehension . _ PRACTICE TEST 4 1.0... 0.00. e eee ee Section 1: Listening Comprehension. Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Section 3: Reading Comprehension ... PRACTICE TESTS ...........5 Section 1: Listening Comprehension. Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Section 3: Reading Comprehension PRACTICE TEST 6 Section 1: Listening Comprehension. Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Reading C: PART V: LISTENING COMPREHENSION SCRIPTS, ANSWERS, AND EXPLANATIONS FOR PRACTICE TESTS 1 THROUGH 6 How To Use Part V CONVERTED SCORE SHEET . PRACTICE TESTI ....-.0.2.5-+ Answer Key for Practice Test 1..... Practice Test 1: Analysis-Scoring Sheet .. Section 1: Listening Comprehension Script . Explanations for Practice Test 1 ........ Section 2: Structure and Written Expression Section 3: Reading Comprehension . . X CONTENTS PRACTICE Test 2 519 Answer Key for Practice Test 2....... 519 Practice Test 2: Analysis-Scoring Sheet 521 Section 1: Listening Comprehension Script . 522 Explanations for Practice Test 2 Section 2: Structure and Wri xp Section 3: Reading Comprehension . PRACTICE Test 3 Answer Key for Practice Test 3 . Practice Tesi 3: Anaiysis-Scoring Shee: ... Section 1: Listening Comprehension Script 544 Explanations for Practice Test 3 ........ 552 Section 2: Structure and Written Expression . 552 Section 3: Reading Comprehension 556 PRACTICE Test 4 563 Answer Key for Practice Test 4... 563 Practice Test 4: Analysis-Scoring Sheet 565 Section 1: Listening Comprehension Script 566 Explanations for Practice Test 4 ........ 574 Section 2: Structure and Written Expression . 574 Section 3: Reading Comprehension . 578 PRACTICE TESTS .......0.22-0-005 - 585 Answer Key for Practice Test 5... 585 Practice Test 5: Analysis-Scoring Sheet 587 Section 1: Listening Comprehension Ser 588 Explanations for Practice Test 5 .... 596 Section 2: Structure and Written Expression... 596 Section 3: Reading Comprehension 601 PRACTICE TEST 6 + 607 Answer Key for Practice Test 6 .. . - 607 Practice Test 6: Analysis-Scoring Sheet 609 Section 1: Listening Comprehension Script 610 Explanations for Practice Test 6 ........ 619 Section 2: Structure and Written Expression . 619 Section 3: Reading Comprehension .............+ 623 CONTENTS = Xi PART VI: TEST OF WRITTEN ENGLISH Ability Tested * Basic Skills Necessary * General information « PLANNING YOUR ESSAY. . . 634 Standard Outline. . 635 Cluster Outline ... 636 Introductory Paragraph 636 Body ..... 637 Conclusion . 637 Samr.e Essays . . 637 Sample Essay 1 637 Sample Essay 2. 639 Sample Essay 3. . - 643 A Patterned Plan of Attack ... . 647 SAMPLE TOPICS... 060000 cs sees cece cee seen eee eeeneneee 648 Essay EVALUATION FORM 652 + 655 Final Preparation: “Ihe Final ‘ouche: Index to the Reviews...... 0.6... cece eect eee eee eee eens 656 This guide is ideat for either individuat or classroom use. To use this material most effectively, it is sometimes best not to simply begin at the beginning and go through to the end. Pace yourself. Make full use of the cross-referenced answers, table of contents, your TOEFL preparation. The following suggestions have proven helpful for many students. 1. Carefully read all of the introductory material found in Part I. 2. Read Part II concerning Ability Tested, Basic Skills Necessary, Directions, and Suggested Approach with Samples for each of the question types in the three test sections. 3. Decide how many weeks of study time you wiii have before the actual TOEFL or, if there is a class, how many class sessions will be scheduled. 4. Divide the total number of pages in the Part II] Grammar Review by the number of weeks before the TOEFL or the number of class sessions involved. Study this number of pages and do the accompanying exercises each week or session. 5. Divide memorizing tasks, such as the lists of irregular verbs and verbal idioms and the remaining review material in Part II] in the same way. 6. When you are about halfway through the review, stop. Now carefully reread the Suggested Approach to each question type (Part IT) and review once again the Successful Overall Approach (Part I). 7. Now take Practice Test 1. It will contain some familiar and some unfamiliar material. Use the listening comprehension cassette xiv HOW TO USE THIS BOOK xv tapes included with this guide, Chart your test results carefuily. Allow yourself time to return to the sections of the review that you have not fully understood. . Take the other five practice tests in the same way, at predeter- mined intervals, while you continue your study of the Part IIT review materials. . If you will be taking the TOEFL at an administration that all of the Ww all of the materi ide: includes an essay Part VI, Test of Written | English. Practice writing essays on the sample topics provided. Have the practice essays graded by a composition teacher. | | ll. 12. 13. 14. STUDY GUIDE CHECKLIST . Read the Bulletin of Information for TOEFL and TSE (see page 11 for address). . Become familiar with the Format of Recent TOEFL Exams, page 3. . Familiarize yourself with the answers to Questions Com- monly Asked about the TOEFL, page 8. . Learn the techniques of a Successful Overall Approach, page 12. . Carefully study the Analysis of Exam Areas for each of the three test sections, beginning on page 17. . Begin your study of the review material in Part III, do the accompanying exercises, take the mini-tests for each section, and restudy sections that give you trouble. Strictly observing time allotments, take Practice Test 1, in its entirety, beginning on page 315. . Check your answers and analyze your results, beginning on page 498. ! out the Analvsi Analy mistakes, page 500. . While referring to each item of Practice Test 1, study ALL the answers and explanations as well as the listening comprehension script, beginning on page 501. Replay the cassette and listen carefully for questions you missed. Use the cross-referenced answer keys. Continue your study of the review material given in Part TH. Repeat this process with Practice Tests 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If your TOEFL administration includes an essay section, review all of Part VI and write practice essays as directed. Go over “Final Preparatiun,” page 655.

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