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Design Tools and Complexity: Mobile Games and

Collective Imagination
Alexander Holland1 , Stanislav Roudavski2
Cite as: Holland, Alexander and Stanislav Roudavski (2016). 1,2
University of Melbourne
'Design Tools and Complexity: Mobile Games and Collective 2
Imagination', in Proceedigns of the 34th International Conference
on Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe 1
(eCAADe): Complexity and Simplicity, ed. by Aulikki Herneoja, 2
Toni sterlund and Piia Markkanen, (Brussels, BE; Oulu, FI:
eCAADe; University of Oulu), pp. 555564
This paper is based on a hypothesis that games can be used to support design
decisions in a variety of complex situations. To explore this proposition, the
research described below focuses on two aspects. Firstly, it experiments with the
potential of games to be socially provocative. And secondly, it applies the induced
provocations in support of collective imagination. This discussion is supported by
a practical case study: a working prototype of a smartphone game that simulates
urban cycling. The paper discusses utilisation of this game by diverse
stakeholders in a workshop that sought to advance decision-making in a
particularly vexatious stalemate.

Keywords: infrastructuring, virtual riding environments, collective imagination,

provocating games, design negotiation, mobile games, urban cycling

PROLOGUE: POCKETPEDAL Kelly is given a phone. "GET TO THE CITY," the

Kelly cannot remember the last time she rode her screen instructs. A cyclist appears, riding in the
bike. Maybe a couple of summers of ago, around the brightly coloured world - her city! Kelly taps the
bay. Nor does she play videogames - the closest she screen and the rider moves forward. She taps again
gets is some Sudoku on her phone. and the avatar pedals faster. At the top left of the
Most days Kelly drives. Even though she com- screen is a score, increasing steadily. Kelly thinks she
mutes past handsome trees and grand buildings, it can handle this. Some people lean over and start
is a stressful journey. Trac is packed, and cyclists cheering her on.
swerve in front of her without warning. Kelly heard A double-parked taxi slides into view, blocking
they want to give more space to cyclists - as if nding her ride. Urgently, Kelly tap-tap-taps to avoid. A ma-
a park is not already a struggle. genta car closes in from behind. "GET BACK TO THE
A friend mentions a related workshop, open to BIKE LANE," her phone ashes. Kelly tries to return
the public. Kelly is sceptical. She has lled feedback into the lane, but the car clips her.
forms before. When she arrives a group of people "GAME OVER!" the phone states. "YOU GOT A
is sitting down, eyes on the screens. "My best score SCORE OF 75, AND A BROKEN TOE!"
ever!" someone laughs. Looking at their screens, she "Seventy-ve?" someone notices. "Much better
sees a world of blue cars and pink trees. "This is near than my rst time!"
my work," she says.

VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 555

Figure 1
PocketPedal, a
mobile game of
urban negotiation.
The complex
between riders,
urban infrastructure
and trac are recast
in game format.
The characteristics
of urban cycling are
condensed with the
aim to provoke and

INTRODUCTION: NEGOTIATING COM- tems and political persuasions. In situations where

PLEXITY stakeholders disagree, progress to a particular so-
The design value of experiences, such as those de- lution may be dicult, or even impossible, unless
scribed above, can be signicant for understanding the participants or potential beneciaries can be per-
constraints and opportunities. This paper argues suaded to modify their attitudes, expectations and
that such experiences become even more power- future actions. Understandably, this can be dicult;
ful when they are shared with others. For exam- not only because of stakeholder reluctance, but also
ple, the prologue's protagonist, Kelly, has an oppor- due to the diculties people encounter in appreciat-
tunity to experience a familiar environment via the ing experiences of others and imagining feasible al-
circumstances typical to other stakeholders [Figure ternatives.
1]. Through this lens, she acquires a deeper un- Urban cycling is utilised here as an illustrative
derstanding of others' motivations and behaviours. case-study with which to meet this signicant chal-
Such experiences might prompt Kelly to rethink her lenge. Recent research demonstrates that designers
preconceptions, encouraging her to look at riders in a and planners need to broaden their knowledge of
new way. In provoking these deeper understandings, specic modes of transport to recognise the diverse
PocketPedal asks: are cyclists irresponsibly erratic? Is and often conicting needs of urban travellers. Par-
their behaviour avoidable? What can be done to sup- ticularly relevant to urban cycling, it has been sug-
port more equitable road conditions? gested that this recognition must be done before ad-
Increasingly, contemporary practice acknowl- equate design solutions can be realised that achieve
edges that design problems are necessarily complex, greater participation in cycling (Bell & Ferretti 2015).
dynamic and extended. This character of design chal- Compatible with this need, design can be un-
lenges is particularly evident in urban settings. They derstood as a process of imagining together. This
are not only objectively complex, but are also highly collective imagination is a public process even when
contingent, dependent on stakeholders' value sys- insular, authoritarian design methods are engaged.

556 | eCAADe 34 - VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2

In more inclusive scenarios, designing overlaps with actions. In this context, games emerge as useful
making of public cultures. nar and Bender (2007) modes of engagement because they deploy genera-
discuss collective imagination as a totality of daily tive mechanisms that can stage dynamic and immer-
practices of urban dwellers. This paper seeks to em- sive processes. To use a denition proposed by Salen
phasise how the particular attitudes and sophisti- & Zimmerman (2004, p.80), "[a] game is a system in
cated personal knowledge (what can be termed self- which players engage in an articial conict, dened
expertise) of individual stakeholders can be imported by rules, that results in a quantiable outcome." An
from the domain of the everyday into semi-formal inuential school of thought promotes an argument
design environments, where they can contribute to that simulations are the core and unique character-
practical solutions. In such design settings, collec- istic of games (Frasca 2003). While the debate on
tive imagination emerges as a process of negotia- whether this is the case continues, game strategies
tion. Here, the role of professional designers and have been successfully expanding design methods
their design tools shifts from the production of nal in a variety of contexts (Mayer et al. 2005; Kuboya
outcomes, to supporting the essential components & Kimura 2005). When working through games, de-
of negotiation: promotion of empathy and trust, en- signers do not shape stakeholders' experiences di-
couragement of conditions for safe experimentation, rectly. They establish the rules of play; however, it is
erosion of stereotypes and cultivation of common the direct experience of games as open-ended pro-
languages, amongst others. cesses that encourages players to make meaningful
Substantial and diverse work that engages with inferences.
similar ideas already exists, loosely clustered around Consequently, interactive technologies such as
the notion of participatory design. Relevant themes games persuade in a variety of ways: through direct
include: a shift away from the designer as the control- experience, consequential actions, engagement with
ling expert (Jones 1979); a move beyond 'infrastruc- other players and so on (Fogg 2003; Bogost 2007).
ture' as a noun to 'infrastructuring' as a verb (describ- When aiming to persuade, games can make critical
ing a collaborative design framework) (Karasti 2014; arguments through the eects of gameplay events.
Clement et al. 2012); design for the inclusion of stake- In such cases, the mechanism of in-game interactions
holders beyond "users" (Szebeko & Tan 2010; Bin- gains the capability to make political arguments and
nekamp et al. 2006); explorations of emergent and suggest collective action.
interlinked ecologies (Thackara 2005; Fuller & Matos Indeed, there exists a substantial body of work
2011); and the structured search for unexpected po- on "serious" games, for example in education (Oak &
tentials (Wood 2008). Seeking to extend this back- Bae 2014; Zielke et al. 2009; Walz & Deterding 2014).
ground through an innovative deployment of newly Such games have been criticised for neglecting play-
available digital tools, the research discussed in this ers' experience (Ferrara 2013) narrowing the game-
paper explores opportunities provided by the intro- play options to the presentation of predetermined
duction of games into such participatory design pro- outcomes, similar to other types of media (Pelletier
cesses. & Kneebone 2015).
The position of this paper is that games can play
PROVOCATIVE GAMES serious roles in design processes without losing their
Traditional architectural representations are in- identity as games. Deployed strategically, games
tended to communicate already-established ideas. have the potential to become useful design tools
Wishing to make the design process more inclusive that can lead to new discoveries where designers and
and open, the PocketPedal project seeks to deploy stakeholders create their own experiences in ways
media that reveals complex environmental inter- un-envisaged, or at least undirected, by the original

VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 557

game designers. Used in this context, games - and, With an average penetration rate of 85% in the coun-
specically, the PocketPedal prototype -- share the tries that are members of the Organisation for Eco-
conception and orientation of many strands of col- nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and
laborative design. To evidence this point, the follow- over 100% in countries like Australia and the USA
ing section discusses how a synthesis of urban cy- (OECD 2016), people are at ease with phones. The ha-
cling and strategic game mechanics position Pock- bitual use of touch devices means many of the poten-
etPedal not as a cycling simulator but as a provocative tial stakeholders are already somewhat familiar with
game that can be useful for participatory design. some aspects of the game's interaction model, re-
gardless of prior gaming experience. Deployed on
POCKETPEDAL mobile devices, virtual worlds have the advantage
PocketPedal is a game of real-time urban negotiation. of not needing specic spaces that can host gam-
Played on the phone, the game oers a safe, accessi- ing consoles, controllers or computer screens (Eriks-
ble alternative to experiencing cycling along a busy son et al. 2005). They can instead be easily embed-
and dangerous inner-city road. In PocketPedal, play- ded into many types of activities and benet from the
ers control a virtual cyclist and attempt to ride with- richness of their surrounding contexts.
out crashing. By navigating the virtual route, players The virtual world of PocketPedal is a dangerous,
are exposed to the risks, challenges and high speed intense but very popular two-kilometre bicycle jour-
decision-making associated with urban riding. ney through inner-city Melbourne. An analysis of cy-
cling accidents revealed a segment of a major boule-
vard - St Kilda Road - where regular and serious Figure 2
events were particularly frequent (VicRoads 2016). A bike path crossing
PocketPedal implements road geometry, major inter- two lanes of trac,
sections, car lanes and on-street parking spaces of representative of
the route. Combined with pavement markings re- the poor cycling
lated to bicycling and obstructions such as bollards infrastructure,
and lane changes, these elements dene a course requires the player
that is demanding to navigate but rewarding to ex- to negotiate
plore [Figure 2]. multiple streams of
In contrast to previous virtual-cycling environ- fast trac.
ments that often prioritise realism (Ranky et al. 2009;
Vlkkynen et al. 2001; Badland et al. 2010; Herpers et
al. 2008; Kutz & Herpers 2008), PocketPedal focuses
on reconstructing complex and messy urban intensi-
ties. These infrastructural, logistical, cognitive, social
and political eects are simplied, exaggerated and
made accessible through play. Such safe accessibil-
ity - through the phone screen - is unconstrained by
previous cycling experience of the participants and is
accessible to a broad range of stakeholders.

558 | eCAADe 34 - VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2

Figure 3 et al. 2014; Johnson et al. 2010). To give an exam-
A double parked ple, a vehicle can be reckless: less likely to slow down
taxi slides into view, near a player, and occasionally veering into the bicy-
blocking the path cle lane. By contrast, a vehicle could be moving in
forward. As in real a way that matches the trac ow and obeys road
cycling, rules.
PocketPedals The typical game mechanics of scoring and
unprotected bike health encourage players to examine the conse-
lanes regularly force quences of poor cycling infrastructure and unpre-
a player into the dictable trac. The game continuously assesses
vehicular a player's behaviour via a metric of 'road health'
road-space. Ahead, that serves as a rough proxy for the uctuating risk.
a blue van opens its This rating, prominently displayed on screen at all
front door; a times, determines the amount of points the player is
reminder that even awarded at ten-metre increments. Road health de-
on the bike path cays when a player leaves the bicycle lane and in-
cyclists must always creases when a player follows its path. Good road
be vigilant. health is crucial for attaining a PocketPedal high score.
Through interaction with game mechanics such
as these, PocketPedal imposes cognitive and emo-
tional loads in players. On the road, a combina-
tion of infrastructural, behaviour and physical pres-
sures contribute to the delegitimision of cyclists (Al-
dred 2012). Most intense in urban conditions, the
need to resist this perceived message to 'get o the
For instance, PocketPedal closely examines vulnera- road!' is psychologically taxing. To provoke such a
bilities of a cyclist in urban conditions. The game cre- response in players, increasingly intense audio and
ates conditions where players operate in the state of visual warnings are deployed when the virtual cy-
constant alertness typical for cycling, where risks of clist leaves the bicycle lane and enters vehicular road-
bodily harm are much greater than that for motorists space. This sensorial feedback, coupled with the
(Garrard et al. 2010). PocketPedal's procedurally gen- threat of a collision and the consequential loss of
erated and automatically operated vehicles modify health and points are an example of an approach that
road conditions in accordance with a weighting sys- seeks to dierentiate between the intensities of sim-
tem developed from site observations. Such condi- ulated urban environments. As cycling infrastructure
tions change gradually, through multiple plays, but frequently changes and can be blocked by double-
also suddenly - in close proximity to the virtual rider. parked cars and open vehicle doors, players, just as
Stationary vehicles become hazards by forcing play- real cyclists, have to rapidly evaluate and select ac-
ers into trac with their bulk or open doors [Figure tions in view of likely risks, while under time and scor-
3]. Intruding into the experience of cycling, such sit- ing pressures [Figure 4]. Unlike on the actual road,
uations closely resemble the dangers of parallel park- these negotiations can be attempted in game multi-
ing as demonstrated, for example by Johnson et al. ples times, on multiple cycling runs, without any risk
(2013). An automated trac system deploys individ- to life.
ual vehicles with varying driving behaviours loosely
based on recorded driver-cyclist interactions (Walker

VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 559

as expert architects, urban planners and engineers. Figure 4
Conventional gaming taxonomy would classify Local unavailability
PocketPedal as a single player game, yet in a de- of cycling
sign context it is strategically collaborative. Beyond infrastructure
acting as means of enjoyment or education, Pock- means a player is
etPedal seeks to provoke collective imagination. In suddenly
one example, the pixelated, colourful, non-real ren- surrounded by
dering system urges participants to focus on events moving vehicles.
rather than on appearances, encouraging a debate The player can
about identities of urban settings. In another exam- choose to continue
ple, performance and road-health points awarded by forward for extra
the game become invitations for communication be- points, or to turn
tween players of dierent backgrounds and experi- left to the relative
ences. safety of the
The interface between play and players is vital for kerbside lane. Road
successfully embedding electronic games into wider health, seen in the
participatory design activities. When a player 'loses' top right corner,
a game of PocketPedal by colliding with a vehicle, has dropped to
a physics engine calculates the force of impact and poor, indicating
presents the player with a crash type and a typical the dangerous
injury. A slow side swipe might result in a broken situation the player
toe; a high speed rear-end collision could lead to a has found herself in.
broken neck. One the other hand, if a player navi-
gates successfully, without crashing, a riding assess-
ment is given according to a player's compliance with
Extending the ideas clustered around the work on the cycling infrastructure. These crash and perfor-
'persuasive games', the research discussed in this mance messages, informative and comically ampli-
paper also seeks to persuade, not directly, as pro- ed, become mechanisms for transferring the player
paganda is meant to do, but circuitously, by self- out of the virtual world and into an informed discus-
persuasion, in a mode that is more akin to the arts. sion with surrounding people.
This approach deploys games as provocations that In such settings, participatory strategies such as
seek to pose questions and urge participants to nd discussing, brainstorming, roleplaying or 'cardboard
their own answers in the light of new experiences. computing' (Pelle & Kyng, 1991) can expand and en-
rich the interactions sustained within game environ-
COLLECTIVE IMAGINATION ments. When games are embedded into a support-
Based on the deployment of a fully functional pro- ive setting, they do not need to be comprehensive,
totype in the mixed-stakeholder PocketPedal work- technically complete or conclusive. As in the case of
shop, this paper argues that games can contribute to PocketPedal, simulations that are embedded within
design, especially when they are supported by other them can aim to be accurate or deliberately mislead-
design tools and design processes. Such games are ing; the burden of meaning-making falling not to the
not intended as standalone products for individual games themselves, but to the participants who can
play. Instead, they are used in the presence of vari- play them alongside with other tactics.
ous stakeholders including game developers as well To test the usefulness of games as tools for

560 | eCAADe 34 - VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2

design negotiations, a fully functioning game pro- changes individual games into experiences of group
totype was built and deployed in the PocketPedal negotiation. The decision of one participant has con-
Workshop, a design workshop investigating the chal- sequences for all. For example, if the participant con-
lenges of urban cycling along St Kilda Road. Work- trolling speed decides to go faster, the task of the per-
shop participants came from a diverse set of back- son reacting to doors becomes more dicult. The ef-
grounds, with dierent, potentially conicting, un- fect is the collective moderation of behaviour. The
derstandings of the site. Stakeholders included cy- group has a vested interest in 'winning' and collec-
clists, motorists, transit users, a planner from the lo- tively overrides less successful instructions, 'bleed-
cal council and two health professionals. Data was ing' commands across discrete tasks:
collected through recorded conversations, and two
questionnaires, one completed at the end of the [Speed Controller] "Go faster!"
workshop and the other a week later. [Group] "No!!"
An extensive report on workshop activities and
Thus, participants' actions are negotiated in the
their impact on participants is beyond the scope of
midst of experience and have immediate conse-
this text. Instead, this paper will briey discuss two
quences: unsuccessful instructions leading to crash-
methods used to embed PocketPedal in participatory
ing. During the workshop, participants reported
activities, and the rich interactions evoked from this
strong emotions, motivated by the immediate expe-
collective imagining.
rience of the game.
The rst of these methods introduced stake-
holders to PocketPedal, gradually giving individuals "When actually riding you have a protective
greater control. In this method, a volunteer plays bubble of hope - that the cars and trucks will
PocketPedal on a large screen, riding according to avoid you. The game removes this comforting
the instructions given by other participants. Each of assumption and brings home the fact that the
these playing partners is given control over a simple riders are so vulnerable."
task associated with cycling: increasing or decreas- "By playing the game I have experienced vi-
ing speed, opening or reacting to car doors and so on. ciously the feeling of cycling on St Kilda Road."
Together, these participants form a collective cycling
'brain' that needs to interpret the conicting com- In contrast with shared play on a single screen as de-
mands of the group and navigate the game world. scribed above, the second method for provoking col-
Through this approach, specic aspects of cy- lective imagination involved individuals, each with
cling can be brought into focus. For example, the their own phone unit, playing PocketPedal at the
player's movement and speed can be controlled in- same time and in the same room. When participants
dependently, by two dierent people. Others can can take complete control of the virtual cyclist they
modulate the actions, for example by adjusting the can adjust the experience for their needs. For exam-
collective's attitude to risk. Feedback indicated that ple, players can rerun situations they want to experi-
subdividing tasks in this way was useful: ence again, with new tactics.
Compared to group play, individual play re-
"I felt more condent analysing the game quires simultaneous personal management of mul-
when we had one task assigned to us." tiple tasks: navigation, hazard detection, obstacle
"It made me realize there is a reason that cy- avoidance, risk assessment, prediction and so on. The
clists sometimes have to ride in what may exibility of individual play makes it eective for ex-
seem an "erratic" manner" ploring and testing cycling tactics in a safe environ-
ment. Yet PocketPedal played through this method
The analysis needed for such distributed cycling is still experienced collectively. Players share scores,

VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2 - eCAADe 34 | 561

complain together about the game's inaccuracies, comparison create a reciprocal exchange of mean-
cheer each other on and commiserate with each ing. This engaging interaction can lead to individ-
other. Interactions like these create a safer space for ual and collective discoveries that would be impos-
collaboratively examining cycling. For example, cy- sible without such facilitation. Provocative games
clists and motorists could triangulate a potentially in- have the potential to reinforce such collaborative ex-
ammatory discussion about road interaction on a changes.
shared language of high scores:

A: "Two-twenty-eight. Two hundred and

This paper describes PocketPedal, a smartphone
twenty-eight. Just saying."
game that generates constructive design provoca-
B: [Turns around in shock] "You got a score of
tions. The discussion of PocketPedal as an eec-
tive aid for collective imagination proposes that such
Follow-up interviews a week later indicated that play- games can be useful in design. This usefulness
ing PocketPedal in the workshop setting had a lasting emerges from the deployment of games alongside
eect on how some saw the route: other design tools, an assembly conceptualised here
as a Ludic Design Toolkit. A detailed discussion of
"Especially for the motorists who have not rid- such toolkits cannot be accommodated within the
den a bike since they were kids and see rid- connes of this paper. Furthermore, the application
ers as bloody nuisances rather than legitimate of such toolkits to large-scale practical problems is
road users. It changes their consciousness." yet to be attempted and will have to be reported in
"When I drive up, my focus is getting to the subsequent publications.
destination quickly without really taking in my Instead, this paper contributes by proposing ex-
surroundings. Playing the game has inu- perimentally motivated conceptualisations that can
enced the way I think in St Kilda Road now. I'm enrich and extend the spectrum of design methods.
almost hyperaware of anything around me." This spectrum already includes approaches that can
be conceptualised as toolkits. For example, multiple,
Through PocketPedal, a near-automatic daily com- mature and widespread toolkits have signicantly re-
mute becomes enriched with experiences of others. duced time and expertise needed to create graphical
A cyclists' behaviours that might have been abstract, user interfaces. Toolkits also exist in architectural and
unpredictable and frustrating become understand- urban design (e.g., see Wart et al. 2010) where they
able as consequences of decisions made by individ- can be known as methods, standards, regulations or
uals who attempt to do the best when navigating a survey and analysis techniques.
complex and dicult urban environment. To expand this concept with additional options,
Methods that can help to disrupt habits and pre- the research described in this paper combines smart-
conceptions can be productive in design many sit- phone gaming with participatory-design techniques
uations. Mundane experiences can obstruct com- that include assessing video footage, playing card-
plex processes from being understood, precluding based games, enacting role-playing scenarios and
productive negotiation and the invention of broadly encouraging discussions between diverse sets of
suitable alternatives. Participant feedback indicates stakeholders.
that imagining together through games can facili- This work's interest in games is derived from their
tate exchanges between diverse individuals with dis- capabilities as simulations. Simulations are com-
tinct worldviews and experiences. Negotiation be- monly understood as representations. As representa-
tween players, trial and error testing in a virtual en- tions, they aim to establish a close relationship with
vironment, advice giving, friendly rivalry and score

562 | eCAADe 34 - VIRTUAL REALITY - Volume 2

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