Agro Camp

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10:00 a.m. Head to Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm

12:00 p.m. Arrival at Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm

12:15 p.m. Lunch

Distribution of students to their dorms

Zohor prayers

2:30 p.m. Welcome speech and division of students into groups

Group cheer competition

4:30 p.m. Asar prayers


5:00 p.m Ice-breaking session

6:30 p.m Dinner

Maghrib prayers

Ishyak prayers

9:00 p.m Indoor games:-

Kambing dan Kandang

Nilai Wang

10:00 p.m Supper

10:30 p.m Night walk


6:00 a.m. Subuh prayers


7:30 a.m. Morning exercise


8:30 a.m. Activity 1: Explorace

10:30 a.m Activity 2: Obstacle course

12:30 p.m Zohor prayers

2:30 p.m Activity 3: Semaian

4:30 p.m Activity 4: Flying Fox

6:30 p.m Asar prayers

Maghrib prayers


7:30 p.m Preparation for Majlis Kenduri Kahwin

9:30 p.m Majlis Kenduri Kahwin

12:00 a.m Supper

Ishyak prayers

6:00 a.m. Subuh prayers


7:30 a.m. Morning exercise


8:30 a.m. Activity 5: Water Confidence and Rafting

10:30 a.m Role-call

11:30 a.m Closing ceremony

12:30 p.m Packing up

Zohor prayers

2:30 p.m Head back to Universiti Putra Malaysia


1st Semester Streamers 2015/2016 Session










On the 12th to 14th of July 2015, the Streamers 11 students of Universiti Putra
Malaysia attended the Syoknya Agro camp as part of their curriculum for the subject
ASA1010: Introduction to Industrial Agriculture. The camp was held at the Melaka
Tropical Fruit Farm (MTFF) located in the state of Melaka.

Apart from carrying marks, this camp was also held to provide students with
some basic knowledge on agriculture. In addition, this camp was held to get to know
fellow Streamers as well as strengthen the bonds between fellow Streamers. Through
this camp, students were to learn the importance of working together as a team to
overcome challenges. Upon gathering at the KAE building, students sat in their
respective groups. Students were assigned to different groups beforehand. We were
then given a small talk and had a role-call to ensure everyone was present. After we
were given a bottle of water and bread, we rode our respective buses and headed to the
Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm.

Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm Sungai Udang is an example of Agro Tourism with
the farm stay concept in Melaka. Located in Sungai Udang on 173 acres of land, the
journey is about 20 minutes from Melaka Town. The farms provide visitors an
opportunity to experience nature up close at the same time catering to family outing.
Sports and recreation facilities include bicycle & jogging tracks, and a lake for kayaking
and fishing. There is also a mini zoo which includes animals such as camels, ostriches,
deer and many more. Accommodation comes in the form of chalets and hostels. Most
exciting event during fruit season which is visitors will have the opportunity to
experience for themselves the cool & serene surroundings at the farm apart having the
opportunity to savour fresh tropical fruits from the tree like durian, duku, rambai,
rambutan and others.

Upon arrival, we were designated into our respective dorms. After unpacking,
students gathered at the hall. There we were given a briefing on what well be doing
during our stay at the Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm. After that, we were grouped up and
were required to name our respective groups after herbs. As a result, 10 groups were
formed; Cengkih, Thyme, Mas Cotek, Tongkat Ali, Halba, Misai Kucing, Mengkudu,
Cinnamon, Kacip Fatimah and Kunyit. We were then given our first assignment which
was to create our groups trademark cheer. We were given 10 minutes to do so. After
each group presented their cheer, marks were allocated by the staff depending on how
creative and well presented the cheer was. Afterward, tea was given to the students.

After tea and Asar prayers, an ice-breaking session was conducted

accompanied by a facilitator to help the students familiarise themselves with their new
groupmates. First, students were given a piece of paper with the title of a song written
on it. Students were required to group up according to the song titles they were given
without actually speaking. Hence, students started humming the songs and grouped up
once they hear each other humming the same song. Afterwards, a competition was held
between the two groups formed to see who can sing the most songs containing the
keyword given by the facilitator. Next, we regrouped and had a Name Aerobics
session, where we introduced ourselves while doing aerobic moves. After that, we
formed two circles and played a game where we exchanged information about
ourselves while exchanging hats. After that activity, students regathered at the hall to be
dismissed for dinner and Maghrib/Ishyak prayers.

Once we regathered, we played indoor games including Kambing dan

Kandang and Nilai Wang. We then had supper and then went for our first activity; the
Night Walk.

The next day, we did some morning exercises and had breakfast. We then
assembled at the hall. Two groups were paired up to form a total of 5 big groups;
Cengkih and Thyme, Mas Cotek and Tongkat Ali, Halba and Misai Kucing, Mengkudu
and Cinnamon, and Kacip Fatimah and Kunyit. Each big group started off with a
different activity and moved in a cycle. This enabled smooth flow of activities with minor
clashes. The first activity held was the Explorace, followed by the Obstacle Course. We
were then given time to rest and perform our prayers. Next up was the Semaian activity,
followed by the Flying Fox. After that, we gathered again and were given a surprise
task: to prepare a Majlis Kenduri Kahwin. Two heads were quickly assigned and three
pairings were chosen for the event. Then, division of work was given amongst the
groups. Certain groups were in charge of performances while others were in charge of
decorations, food, and the like.

When night came, the celebration was held grandly. The students had prepared
well; a Dias was set up, as well as gifts and dowry. Decorations were mostly made out
of flowers and whatever that could be found around the camp site. The three brides and
grooms walked into the hall, accompanied by kompang players and flower girls and
boys carrying gifts and dowry. After the brides and grooms were seated, many
performances were held. Among the performances was a Silat performance, two
traditional Malay performances, a Lion Dance, and a modern Bollywood dance.
Afterwards, the facilitators and even Dr. Jamal took turns singing songs for the couples.
Once the ceremony was over, everyone was served food prepared by one of the groups.

Photo 1: The brides and grooms of the Majlis Kenduri Kahwin

On the last day, we did morning exercises and had breakfast. Then, we headed
off to our last activity for the whole camp; Water Confidence and Rafting. After that, we
gathered at the hall for the last time and a closing ceremony was held. Gifts were given
to all groups and 1st place ultimately was given to Tongkat Ali, while Cengkih came in
2nd and Cinnamon 3rd. We then returned to our dorms, packed, and started our journey
back to Universiti Putra Malaysia

Overall, the Syoknya Agro camp was well received by the students. Through
this camp, students learned to work together in a group to accomplish certain goals.
Students also managed to overcome certain fears such as heights, water and fear of
the dark. They also learned to try new things. In addition to that, students also managed
to gain some basic knowledge on agriculture.

Our hopes for the future would be to be able to visit the Melaka Tropical Fruit
Farm again. This time, there will hopefully be more attractions and activities for us to do
there. In addition, it would be great if there were more signboards to tell us the common
and scientific names of the trees located in the Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm. However all
in all, this camp was an enjoyable trip and we would like to thank everyone who made it
possible. Memories made during this camp will last a lifetime and we will definitely make
use of the knowledge and skills gained.


This activity was held to test the mental and spiritual capability of the
students. Students were separated into three groups and each group was
designated to one of the three routes; Route 1, Route 2, and Route 3. Students
were given a body number and a password which was 9. When questioned,
students were required to answer with a number that would total with the number
given to become 9. We were then required to walk through a stretch of forest alone
in the dark. Along the way we were stopped at a few checkpoints by facilitators and
were asked for our body number and the password. The walk lasted around 15
minutes. Afterwards, we headed back to the dorm.


Before we began the activity, we were required to gather a few items

beforehand; our mineral water bottles, our caps, a notebook, a pen, and we were all
required to wear our wetshoes. Then, we set off on our first part of the Explorace.
Throughout this entire Explorace, we were required to find and list 10 different types
of herbs planted and 10 different types of animals reared in the Melaka Tropical
Fruit Farm.

The first checkpoint and activity was to help the fruit vendors of the Melaka
Tropical Fruit Farm sell their fruits to the public. However, since we were early, the
fruit store was still closed. Hence, the activity was cancelled. We then moved on to
the next checkpoint and activity, which was making the popular Malaysian drink teh
tarik and eating ulam with cencalok. One of our groupmates made the teh tarik
and we were allowed to taste it. After that, we ate two different types of ulam
dipped in cencalok. To some, it was a new experience.
The third checkpoint and activity was playing football in the paddy fields.
Before that, we were fed belacan powder sandwiched between two biscuits. We
were split into two teams, hence the match began. After a win of 4-2, the game
ended and we moved on to the next checkpoint.

Photo 2: Students having a football match in the paddy fields

The fourth checkpoint and activity was to search for 10 five cent coins in a
plate of living mealworms. We were not allowed to use our hands, but rather had to
use our mouths. The next checkpoint and activity was a game called Move me
where we transferred frogs from one bucket to another. We were then given a
mystery recipe drink which consisted of raw eggs mixed together. Each and every
member was required to drink the mystery drink. Our last checkpoint and activity
was visiting the ostriches. We were given dry corn to feed the ostriches with our
bare hands. This activity helped students get over their fear of animals.

Overall, we learned that we must be able to overcome our fears and be

brave in order to achieve a certain goal. It was a very thrilling and interesting


Before we went on the obstacle course, we played two games beforehand.

The first game was getting out of a tied knot, and the second game was a dam
game. The first part was jumping across tyres, followed by walking while balancing
across a beam. Then we were required to crawl under a wire fence. Next came the
shaking bridge. Fellow team members helped stabilise the bridge as other
members crossed. We then crossed a monkey bar over a water pit. Group
members who had difficulty in crossing the monkey bridge were supported by other
members who carried them on their shoulders across the water pit. Next was
jumping over two beams of different heights. For this, some group members helped
carry other members over the higher beam. Next was climbing the wall which was
helped by group members.

After that was the Tarzan swing. We were required to swing on a rope
across the water pit. Some group members helped catch the members as they
swung across the pit. We then crossed the swinging tyre set, where some members
helped steady any unstable group members. Lastly, we played a game where we
had to get members across a net without touching any of its edges. Various
methods such as carrying members through the net were carried out.

Photo 3: Teammates working on carrying fellow members through the net without
touching the edges

Our team ultimately failed, since we touched the net more than 10 times which was
the maximum number of times we were allowed to touch the net. However, the
entire obstacle course taught us the importance of working together to overcome
A zip-line or flying fox consists of a stainless steel wire, mounted on
an incline. It is designed to enable a user propelled by gravity to travel from the
top to the bottom of the inclined cable by holding on to, or attaching to, the freely
moving pulley. Zip-lines come in many forms, most often used as a means of
entertainment. They may be short and low, intended for child's play and found on
some playgrounds. Longer and higher rides are often used as a means of
accessing remote areas, such as a rainforest canopy.

Photo 3: Sliding down the flying fox

Before we rode on the flying fox, we were given a briefing on how to wear
the safety equipment properly. We were equipped with a harness and a helmet
before sliding down the zip line. Many of us who feared heights managed to
overcome our fears, hence making this a very memorable activity.

Photo 4: Mixing the three soil components together

For this activity, students were required to make a mixture of soil containing top
soil, organic fertilisers, and riverbank sand. We used chicken droppings as the organic
fertilisers. All three components were mixed together well. Each group member was
given 3 polybags to fill with the soil mixture. The group divided the workload among their
members; certain people arranged the polybags in rows of threes, others were in
charge of making rows and decks for the polybags. Some were even in charge of
decorating the area. The polybags were filled with the soil mixture until an inch was left.
We were then given two types of stem cuttings belonging to two different plants;
Cordyline terminalis Kunth (Common name: Jenjuang), and Salix babylonica spp.
(Common name: Janda Merana). The stem cuttings had groves which indicated which
side was meant to be facing up. We then dipped the bottom of the stem cutting in a
growth hormone powder before planting it in the polybags.

Before any activities began, we were given life jackets to put on. The life
jacket helps keep us afloat in the water for a long time. Life jackets are made out of
sponges. The more layers of sponges in the life jacket, the longer it can keep a
person afloat in water. A normal life jacket usually has 5 layers of sponges and can
help a person stay afloat in water for 5 hours. After putting on the life jackets, we
had a short warm up session to prevent any cramps once we enter the water. Upon
entering the water, we had the water confidence session which was held to help
students overcome their fear of the water. We were told to float and relax in the
water until we were comfortable with it.

Photo 5: All four teams lined up at the starting line before beginning the rafting race

After the water confidence session, we were split into four groups. Each
group was assigned a raft. The raft was made of bamboo, pipes, plastic barrels and
ropes. We were told to inspect the raft for any loose knots or leaks. We were then
told to tighten the knots. After inspection, we got onto the rafts and had a race
between the four groups. The team who managed to do a U-turn back towards the
riverbank, carry the raft back onto shore, dismantle the raft and keep all the
components neatly was labelled the winner. After the race, we were given some
more time to play in the water until it was time to go. This activity really helped
students overcome their fear of water and taught us the importance of working
together to overcome challenges.







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