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august 20, 2010

Locally Owned & Operated STRATHMORE

Volume 2 issue 33

“Specializing in Country Properties”

Call Kevin Baldwin 403.561.0037
tina sCott
House of Real Estate Canyon Creek 403-901-5388
Independently owned and operated

Page 3
Helping those
in need
Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter

A month-long initiative designed to

help families in need with school sup-
plies kicked off Aug. 1 in Strathmore.
Local photographer The seventh annual Kitz 4 Kidz cam-
honoured paign, held at Value Drug Mart, began
as an initiative to help families in need
with school supplies.
Page 13 “It was recognized that there were
some kids at the start of the school year
that didn’t have the supplies they need-
ed to start the school year. We wanted
to give them the tools they needed to
do well in school,” said Gord Morck,
manager of Value Drug Mart in Strath-
Each year during the month of Au-
gust, people can wander through dif-
ferent Value Drug Mart locations gath-
ering school supplies to donate, while
Head shaving
shopping for their own back-to-school
for charity
needs. There is a bin located next to
the Kitz 4 Kidz sign, where people
can leave their donations. There are
Page 17 also two different kits available which
people can purchase for $5 that have
an assortment of pre-selected items for
those in a hurry or unsure what to pur-
“The idea was formed so that people
could donate and it could be given to
the schools anonymously,” said Morck.
Parents can inform their child’s teach-
er or principal they are in need of a
kit,then the teacher will request the
Strathmore hosts items from their school board.
annual ladies “It doesn’t identify the children who
triathlon are in need and it allows them to ex-
In previous years the campaign has
done well with over 22,000 kits sold
equaling over $110,000 in donations.
“We’ve done really well in the past,
been close to the top of the locations
for collections of donations,” said
Morck. One year, he said, there was
even a computer donated. This year
however, is sadly lacking in donations
so far. The bin is near empty and there Raising funds through ice cream
Contact Us Today! are concerns about having enough The eight annual Miracle Treat Day was held at the Strathmore Dairy Queen Aug. 12. Special guests were
supplies donated to fill the need. Many brought in to make blizzards for all the patrons. Proceeds from all Blizzards sold, balloons and the coin can-
403.934.5589 people are on vacation, especially with ister went to the Alberta Children’s Hospital. The local Dairy Queen raised $6,500 for the Children’s Hospital
September coming up fast, and Morck and $4,500 of that was from blizzard sales. Sgt. Brock Grolla confidently takes the blizzard challenge. Bliz-

Carey Stairs
zards are supposed to be held upside down for a few seconds to prove they won’t fall out or spill.
hopes more donations will come in be-
fore the end of the month.
Mario Prusina Photo

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Page 2 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

Monday - Friday
8 am to 7 pm
Saturday 9 am to 6 pm
Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

14 Spruce Park Drive, Strathmore • 403-934-3802

August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 3

Local photographer
Join our Facebook Page

Joyland Theatre
Charlie St. Cloud
makes his mark
Shannon LeClair picked as one of the top 37 photogra-
August 20 - 26
Zac Efron, Amanda Crew,
Donal Logue
Rating PG

Times Reporter phers picked out of 1,500 entries to be

in Photolife magazine as the top new 8:00 pm Nightly, closed Mondays
Many people have jobs they like but emerging photographers.
For Movie Listings 403-934-3057
just aren’t doing what they would love The contest wasn’t about judging an
or visit our websites:
to do. Most people would likely stay at individual photo; it was to showcase •
their current job anyway instead of tak- the vision and style of the photogra-
ing a risk and a leap into something pher. After images had been submit- 114 2nd Ave, Strathmore, AB
they love. Jeremy Goertz is one of the ted and reviewed, each photographer’s
rare few who, once realizing he wasn’t other work was reviewed. Jeremy Goertz is living the dream after he quit his
in love with his work, decided to take “These up-and-coming Canadian job and started investing his time in photography. We’ll Make You
the risk and it paid off. photographers expose the simple won- Recently Goertz was one of 37 photographers
“A lot of it had to do with, I turned ders of daily life, capture images found picked to be featured in Photolife magazine.
30 this year and I mean I had a really in their imaginations, mix ordinary ob- Shannon LeClair Photo
great job with really great people but I jects with the extraordinary and pique
didn’t love what I did and so I thought, our interest with intriguing subjects, dio lights etcetera,” said Goertz.
you know what life is short, if there’s compositions and colours. Demonstrat- “I’ve read my camera manual prob-
something you want to try, you may as ing a fearless and no-taboo approach to ably 20 times cover to cover and it
well go for it,” said Goertz. photography, the 2010 emerging sounds stupid but if I am having any Please call 403-934-9681
photographers re- issues it’s nice to know exactly what to to schedule your appointment
Goertz was recently
mind us of the im- do.” Dr. Elizabeth Robinson • Dr. Leanne Lesniak
portance of a true, He had submitted three images to
uncompromised NEW patIENtS WELcoME
the magazine in April. One day, about
photographic vi- two months before the magazine was #11 - 55 Wheatland trail, Strathmore
sion,” said Photo- printed, he received an email saying he
life magazine on was in the final and they needed the
August 3. full size file.
Goertz’s wife “I thought it was spam at first. I called
had studied saying I think I have a prank email and
photography at they said no (it’s not a prank),” said Go-
SAIT, and when ertz. His favourite photo subjects are
she stopped people and he prefers doing creative Q: What do I need to organize for my
for a while he portraitures, kind of like fashion with loved one’s funeral?
picked it up a theme. A: The family is responsible for deciding what
and taught “My idea is I’ll go out and shoot for they would like to incorporate into the service;
himself. like three hours and if I can get one music, tributes/eulogy, pallbearers, where
“Online is good picture out of 1,000 I’m happy.” the service is to be held, officiating clergy,
a huge re- Goertz shoots with a Canon EOS and obituaries, just to name a few. As far as
source and 5DMK2 and is always checking light- preparing for the actual service, your funeral
you can learn ing. He found the best way to learn is director will work hand in hand with the
anything you just to shoot, shoot and shoot some family to make sure all the details regarding
want know more. the church and/or hall, contacting the clergy,
I prob- “I guess my ultimate goal is to earn a arranging for a luncheon, preparing all of the
ably shoot living and support my family while do- paperwork both legal and funeral stationary,
500 to 1,000 ing something I love. That’s the whole musicians, transportation, arranging cemetery
pictures a goal. I’m not looking to get rich and plots or cremation particulars, and publishing
week, all of famous. If I can pay the bills and live obituaries have been taken care of.
them trying In general, the family is responsible for
a happy life and absolutely love what
making all of the decisions, while the funeral
different I’m doing, I don’t think you could paint
director ensures that those wishes are carried
stuff. Set- a better picture than that,” said Goertz.
out to the final detail.
ting up stu- He now has a job he loves to do ev-
eryday, and being picked as one of the
top photographers for Photolife maga-
Wheatland Funeral Home Ltd.
403.934.5666 I
Photolife zine is already helping him continue to
picked this work his dream. It’s led to a shoot with Please send questions to
photo out of Mode International, PocketWizard is
the three Goertz submitted to print in the magazine. looking to possibly sponsor him now, Answers to all questions will appear on the
Goertz prefers doing creative portraitures and working with people. and The Camera Store in Calgary may website on the Funeral FAQ Page.
Photo Contributed by Jeremy Goertz have him teaching some light seminars.

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Phone for Pricing! all Makes & Models Welcome.

Page 4 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

Fall Fair keeps fun in Gleichen

Shannon LeClair that Gleichen has been a town since “It was one of the things they used to do horses, will be pulling two logs with
Times Reporter 1910,” said Gleichen resident Doris Lind- in Gleichen years ago, so we brought it planks nailed across and some weight on
man. Gleichen was incorporated as a vil- back to put some fun back into people’s them.
The 26th annual Gleichen Fall Fair lage in the 1890’s and as a town in 1910. lives.” “This use to be a real big event many
takes place from August 20 to 22, with It dissolved to hamlet status under the ju- The beds aren’t being judged on time years ago, these type of horses used to
most of the fun and excitement taking risdiction of Wheatland County in 1998. or distance. There are five people per pull around machinery,” said Lindman.
place on Saturday the 21. The day will be Saturday will start with a pancake bed. One person lies in the bed dressed The car show will have the usual an-
filled with fun for the whole family from breakfast at 8 a.m. At 9 a.m. the official up in old-fashioned garb, or whatever tique cars, new cars and motorbikes.
morning until night. Gleichen is also cel- reopening of the campground will be they would like, and there are two peo- It will also have antique farm tractors
ebrating its 100th year as a town. taking place and both M.P Kevin So- ple at the back of the bed and two peo- brought in and there will be a hubcap
“It became a town on May 6 of 1910. rensen and MLA Arno Doerkson will be ple at the front of it. tossing contest. The people instead of
That’s what we’re celebrating, is the fact attending. Participants will have to maneuver judges decide the winners of most of the
The parade starts at 10 a.m. and peo- around pylons or other items instead of events. People are given a sheet to mark
ple can expect it to be as good as, if not going straight down the street and each what they think of cars in different cat-
better than, in the past. team will be collecting a poker hand. At egories, they also make comments about
“We’re hoping to have 75 (entries) or the end a judge will figure out who has the bed derby and other events taking
so like we did last year,” said Alice Booth, the best poker hand. place.
a councillor for Wheatland County and Gordon Stewart, president of the Glei- “That’s what we’re looking at is getting
an organizer of the parade. chen Agricultural Society, brought in the people involved to say what they
This will be the second year for the jousting this year, which takes place at like, because that’s what makes the fair,”
bed derby. Last year there were four en- 1:30 p.m. said Booth. The Ag grounds is where
tries and Booth said they are at six so far The Fall Fair has another added treat most of the activity will be, though the
strathmore this year.
“Years ago, for fun, people used to
this year to help commemorate its 100th
year as a town.
rodeo, which starts at 6 p.m. both Fri-
day and Saturday night, will be held at
vision clinic make up a bed and get somebody into “We’re doing heavy horse pulls, that’s the Wilsons grounds just outside of Glei-
the bed and four people would push it as close as we can get to our old history,” chen. For anyone who still has energy
optometrists and they would race to see who could said Lindman. The heavy horse pulls left at the end of the day, there will be a
get to the finish line first,” said Booth. take place at 3:30 p.m. The horses, draft dance at 9 p.m.
Adult & Children Eye Examinations
Contact Lenses
Quality Eyewear
Sunglasses Canadian Idol contestant starting new band
Shannon LeClair “I mainly tried out just to get a pro- Fleury wrote a few songs with one
Times Reporter fessional opinion on my voice. I never former band mate and when she met
thought I would make the top 10,” said a member of her back up band, Pistol
Amber Dawn Fleury entertained pa- Fleury. Noon, for the pancake breakfast, they
trons at the Co-op pancake breakfast She made it to eighth place before began writing songs together.
Dr. Garth Anderson • Dr. russell Doig
during Heritage Days on July 30. This she was eliminated from the show. “We’re planning to take these songs
Dr. Aaron Hesla • Dr. Kris Duguay Currently Fleury works as a paralegal into the studio probably in September,
was not the first time Fleury has per-
mon, tue, Wed & Fri 9 am - 5 pm formed before a crowd, though this in Calgary, but she hasn’t given up just to make a really good demo and
thur 7 am - 5 pm • (2nd) Wed 9 am - 8 pm
one was smaller than one of her pre- her musical dream even though she then hopefully shop the songs and see
321 - 3rd Street, Strathmore, Alberta vious gigs. Fleury was a contestant on did take a small hiatus. When she what kind of feedback we can gener-
Canadian Idol in 2005, during season was 13-years-old Fleury took part in a ate,” said Fleury.
403-934-5034 three. country music competition in Edmon- “It’s a tough industry to crack into
ton. She won the competition and the and it helps if you have money behind
prize was to record a CD and a music you as well, which I don’t. Any little bit
This Week’s video. that we want to

Featured Lotion
Fleury was 26 do we have to
when she was save up for it
on Canadian and that makes
Idol and said it it kind of hard.”
Made For Love Held every Friday was a great ex- Fluery is
Are you a daydreamer... a 3:00 - 6:30 pm perience. working on put-
hopeless romantic adrift in
Strathmore ag Grounds

“It’s just a re- ting a full time
a sweet place of doodles and
secret rendezvous, patiently ally great ex- band together.
waiting for your perfect love perience for She said she
affair to begin? Well, my singers who has the play-

beloved, your colour destiny are trying to ers and now
has arrived! This Paraben
expand their it’s just a mat-
Free, Hypoallergenic,
quadruple bronzing formula musical knowl- ter of getting
was sent from up above. edge and just together and
Skin that is in great shape will tan easier and will stay build their figuring things
tan longer. The indoor tanning lotions we offer are knowledge out. While she
specifically formulated for use with indoor tanning when it comes has always
equipment. The ingredients in these lotions work to the indus- had a country
to moisturize your skin and keep it in top form. Not try itself,” said background
all lotions are the same. Outdoor lotions that can be Fleury. Fluery has no-
purchased at the department store may have a purpose
She made a ticed she’s be-
somewhere, but not here. When it comes to cost, it’s
important to weigh the benefits - while you may pay lot of contacts Amber Dawn Fleury was a contestant during sea- gun gearing
more for the superior lotions here, you only need to use by being on son three of Canadian Idol. More recently Fleury towards classic
a fraction of what you would with the cheap stuff. Ask
us which lotion is best for your goals and your budget.
Granny Penny’s Workshop the show and
making it so far
performed at the Co-op pancake breakfast on July
30. Fleury and a friend have been writing some new
rock, and said
Sheryl Crow is
into the season. songs, and hope to take them into a studio in mid one artist she
Granny Penny’s Workshop was been in About a year to late September.
This message brought to you by
existence for some 13 years. Irv cuts and after season

Photo Contributed by Amber Dawn Fleury Suzi Rawn
polishes most of the stones that Penny uses three ended was one of
“The Hottest in her wire wrapping and silversmithing. Fleury, Ashley Leitao and Casey LeB- Fleury’s closest friends on the show.
Tanning Place in Town!” She also does heavy beaded necklaces and lanc, who were also on the show, were Rawn made it to the top four before be-
Vitamin D Sunbeds • Tanning • Infrared Sauna earrings. All are locally made using sterling approached by the piano player on the ing cut, and Fleury said they still keep
silver and 14K gold filled wire and findings. show. The piano player was a producer in touch occasionally.
510 Hwy 1, Strathmore - Country Lane Mall
Custom orders are available. and has his own studio and thought Canadian Idol has been cancelled for
They will be giving away a $20.00 gift the girls would work as a trio. In 2006 the past two years due to the economy,
certificate for us at their table. all three girls moved to Ontario to re- but even if it were to come back Fleu-
Strathmore Farmers Market will be cord and promote their CD. ry won’t take part again. She doesn’t
giving away two $25.00 gift certificates “Unfortunately about a year after think after making it to the top 10 she
We feature:
for redemption at the market. that the group disbanded just due to would be able to. Anyone who has
personal reasons. Since then we’ve just missed hearing her voice will have to
Make Farm Fresh Fridays at the Strathmore
kind of gone our separate ways,” said wait until her CD is released or catch
Farmers Market the Friday thing to do.
Fleury. her at her next gig.
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 5

Times correction
In the ‘Looking for the best candidates’ article
in the Aug. 13 issue of the Strathmore Times,
Barry Munchrath should have been introduced
as an organizer of the group seeking out
new candidates. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may have caused. If you
would like to join the group to help find strong
elected town officials, please e-mail
Munchrath at

Denture Clinic
Terry Grant Denturist
• Complete / Partial Dentures

• Same Day Relines & Repair

• Custom Mouthguards
United Way takes part in parade • Custom Night Guards
Strathmore Area United Way participated in the Heritage Day Parade on July 31. Step One Housing and Healthy Families helped prepare
and took part in the festivities. Strathmore Area United Way will be running a fundraising campaign in October to raise funds in order to • Natural Teeth Whitening
further support the community. One hundred per cent of funds raised will be re-invested in the community. If you are an employer and would
like to run a workplace fundraising campaign, please contact (403) 934-5335. If you would like to donate you can pick up your pledge form
from the WFCSS offices or call (403) 934-5335.
Photo Contributed by Stacey Holzwarth

Bypass will significantly affect the town 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore
Shannon LeClair Both towns have roughly the same size presented to Ouellette who said, “We
Times Reporter Canadian Tire store. could divide the town in half, make it
“I found it very interesting that Lloyd- free flow through town with a couple of
It seems as though someone is always minster is doing much better than Veg- overpasses over it. Then there would be
talking about the realignment lately and reville and that has a lot to do with the two service roads, with an overpass at
about how it has affected other towns. bypass,” said Ventura. each end, and then nobody would have
One thing no one has heard is exactly Ventura said about 25 to 30 per cent to come to the town anyway,” in an in-
how Vegreville and other towns have of his business is from people driv- terview on July 23.
been affected. Paul Ventura is the own- ing by and stopping into the store. He Ventura said Lloydminster is thriving
er of Canadian Tire and his first store
as a Canadian Tire dealer was the Veg-
employs between 60 to 75 people and
wants to continue growing business
because an overpass was put in and
people can see all of the businesses and
ChInESE buffET
(Previously Happy Land Restaurant)
reville location in 2000. Vegreville has a here, but said the bypass will hurt the it is convenient for them to stop.
town big time. Because Vegreville was bypassed, it DInE In • TAkE OuT • fREE DElIvERY
highway bypass, which was implement-
ed years ago. “Yes, they say it’s 10 to 15 years out, is semi inconvenient for people to stop, 1014 Westridge Road, Strathmore
“It was not as far away from Highway but as a business owner, and looking at and there is only a sign for the town, 403-934-9963
16 as the proposed bypass for Strath- all the other businesses in town, you’re people are not able to actually see any All You Can Eat over 40 Items!
more but it still had a significant effect not going to invest in other businesses of the businesses from the highway. lunch $9.99 • happy hour $7.99 • Dinner $13.99
on the town,” said Ventura. coming into town when they see a by- According to Ventura, Vegreville could
Ventura was in Vegreville for a year pass on the horizon,” said Ventura. have been a thriving community in
and a half, he has talked to a lot of In an August 13 interview the Minister Alberta but taking the highway going mOnDAY nIghT SpECIAl
people and when they did the bypass it of Transportation Luke Ouellette said through it, killed the town. Every Monday 4 pm - 9 pm
killed the town. his office was now looking at keeping “I see the ill effects of that by looking 15% Off with coupon (Dine-in only)
“Basically it prevented businesses the bypass close to the town so people at two businesses, in my case two Cana-
from growing and expanding including would be able to see the highway busi- dian Tire businesses, where one is thriv-
the Canadian Tire there,” said Ventura. nesses. ing and one is struggling because of the SEnIORS nIghT SpECIAl
Every Tuesday 4 pm - 9 pm
“I do know that the bypass in Veg- “Visible and convenient are two dif- fact there is no traffic,” said Ventura.
reville significantly hurt the town and ferent things. I don’t think it’d be a big As any business owner knows, traffic $9.99/person (Dine-in only)
significantly hurt a lot of the businesses issue as long as people can still get here is what keeps a business going whether
including gas stations, restaurants, that conveniently,” said Ventura. it’s vehicular or foot traffic. kIDS nIghT SpECIAl
Every Sunday 4 pm - 9 pm
sort of thing.” Ventura would like to see an over- “I’m very passionate about this be-
pass put into place if anything has to cause I’ve seen first hand what it did to
$2.99/kid (Dine-in only)
In Lloydminster there was an over-
pass implemented instead of a bypass. be done. The option of an overpass was Vegreville,” said Ventura.
Page 6 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010 best of


Debbie Murray
403.325.0372 •

4 cups peeled and sliced peaches ¾ cup brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tbsp. flour
  1 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder
  ½ tsp. baking soda 3 tbsp brown sugar
4 tbsp butter, cut into small pieces 2/3 cup buttermilk
Melissa David Melissa David 1 tbsp brown sugar for topping
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB Generously butter a 1 1/2-quart shallow baking dish. Place the sliced
403-923-8983 403-923-8983 peaches in the dish and sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, and flour. Mix gently and spread evenly again. Bake for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile combine all dry ingredients for cobbler crust in a bowl.
Cut in the butter with a pastry cutter or your fingers, to make the texture
  like coarse crumbs. Add buttermilk and stir to form soft dough.
Remove fruit from oven and drop rounded spoonfuls of dough on top.
  Sprinkle with last tablespoon of brown sugar and return to oven.
Bake until fruit is bubbly and crust topping is golden brown,
Melissa David Melissa David about 20 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream.
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer

Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB Do you have a

403-923-8983 403-923-8983 special recipe you
would like to share?
Please submit to the Strathmore Times
by Friday noon.
  Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or
 

Melissa David Melissa David StRatHmoRe daiRy queeN &
Dog Groomer Dog Groomer touRiSt iNfoRmatioN ceNtRe
Fun Located on the North Side of Highway #1
Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB
403-923-8983 403-923-8983 at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore • 403-934-5661

quAlITY Dog groomIng
What are the benefits
 
of the Week! Question of having my shaved
 Grace’s of the Week
into a lion cut?
Quality Dog
If you have a longhaired
David cat, there may very well come a time
grooming Melissa David
Dog Groomer
“Tiny & Melissa
whenDog you consider
Groomer giving her a shave, whether to help keep her
“Your Dog’s Health
& Happiness is
Chance” cool in the summer or to make her easier to groom in general.
Strathmore, AB
our Priority”
got back AAB
just Strathmore,
lion cut is where every part of the cat is shaved down except for
Pick Up & Delivery from the the head and mane, the front legs, back feet, and tip of the tail.
within Strathmore beauty salon. It is very time consuming to keep your long haired cat mat free.
town limits. A lion cut prevents mats, cuts down on hairballs and shedding.
References available.  Some older
cats can be poor groomers and this cut helps them
Day, Evening &
Weekend  maintain their
cleanliness. Don’t hesitate to ask your groomer
Appointments Send your pet pictures to Tracey at if a lion cut may be beneficial to your cat this summer.
Your pet could be the “Pet of the Week!”
quality.grooming@ Melissa David Melissa David Dog Groomer Melissa David DogDog Groomer • 403-923-8983

Strathmore, AB Strathmore, AB
403-923-8983 403-923-8983
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 7

Looking for talent

Aspen Crossing Theatre will be holding auditions for its
2010-2011 Dinner Theatre season on August 29 from 2-5
p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Those wishing to audition may come to
one of the two audition times and should bring a resume
and photo, as well as have prepared one monologue.
The audition will include some scene-work, improvisa-
tion skills are essential and accents are an asset. The cast-
ing will be for six shows during the season, so a variety of
actors will be needed. Shows are evenings and weekends,
but there is one weekday matinee show during the Christ-
mas season, requiring older actors, both male and female
who will be available during the afternoon.
All shows will be performed at Aspen Crossing in Moss-
leigh. Questions can be directed to Gail Whiteford at Gail-

Making wishes come true

The Harleys and Hotrods Charity Poker Run raised $13,500 this year for the Children’s Wish Foundation. Doug Klem-
mensen, left, and Caroline Mongrain, right, presented the cheque to Megan Innes, middle, at the Children’s Wish office
in Calgary. The money raised will go towards putting a smile on a child’s face.
Shannon LeClair Photo

Government of Canada to Crack Down

on Human Smuggling Operations
Public Safety Minister Preparing Preventative Measures for Future
Kevin Sorenson office of our compassionate treatment ties during the three month op-
of refugees. I agree with calls eration. Passengers are being
Member of Parliament Kevin for our government to follow processed by Canada Border
Sorenson is pleased that Pub- through on our commitment to Services Agency officials under
lic Safety Minister Vic Toews prevent these incidents from re- Canadian law.
is preparing measures to crack peating in the future.” “As we deal with this current
down on human smuggling Canadian security and pub- situation under Canadian law,
operations and prevent further lic health officials are provid- Minister Toews has his Depart-
abuses of Canada’s generosity ing updates on the processing mental officials examining all
towards refugees. under Canadian law of those available options to strengthen
Sorenson says, “I agree with who were found aboard the our laws in order to address this
the high level of concern and ship which is suspected to be unacceptable abuse of interna-
outrage expressed by my con- part of a large human smug- tional law and Canadian gener-
stituents over the recent landing gling operation. The passengers osity. Human smuggling is a de-
of the foreign vessel MV Sun were found to be in better than spicable crime and any attempts
Sea with 490 refugee claimants expected condition after hav- to abuse Canada’s generosity for
on Canada’s west coast. Clearly, ing had access to food, water financial gain are utterly unac-
the intent is to take advantage and elaborate sanitation facili- ceptable,” Sorenson concludes.

RCMP Briefs
A. Here is a monthly review of July 31, 2010 there were 13 report- back Staff Sargent GOLLAN who
Crime Statistics for the Gleichen/ ed Criminal Code traffic offences has returned from a long overseas
Siksika area reported to police. mission.
1. Person crimes, which in- 4. There were 41 reported pro- C. Once again the Gleichen
clude assaults, sex assaults, utter vincial liquor offences in the month RCMP detachment fielded a team
threats, and robbery etc., From of July. for the Gleichen Canada Day soft-
July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010 there 5. Crime prevention and other ball tournament. The event this year
were 58 person related crimes re- assistance provided to the gen- was successful with good weather,
ported. eral public. These activities include plenty of food, and some friendly
2. Property Crimes including abandoned vehicles, suspicious but competitive softball matches.
thefts, vandalism, theft of mo- persons, animal calls, etc. In the D. Once again we are approach-
tor vehicles, possession of stolen month of July, 2010 there were 77 ing the Pow Wow season which is
property, and break and enters etc. calls of this nature. a very busy time of year for the de-
July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010 there B. In the last few months Glei- tachment and Siksika Nation. Glei-
were 92 reported property related chen detachment had experienced chen RCMP and the organizers of
crimes reported. some significant staff changes with the Pow Wow have been working
3. Criminal code traffic offences, summer transfer season. Two more together to make plans for security
which include impaired driving, members are scheduled to transfer including scheduling detachment

dangerous driving, and drive while out in the next few months both will membership to maximize coverage
prohibited. From July 1, 2010 to be missed. As well we welcome during this large and busy event.


Mario Prusina
Publisher / Editor
Shannon LeClair
Rose Hamrlik
Tracey Rogers
Office Manager
Jody Schneider
Fully Developed,
Contributors - Doug Taylor, Wendi Tashlikowich gorgeous yard
202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589 C3436055
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen,
Hussar, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
Debbie Murray
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve FREE MaRkEt Evaluations
the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close
to its original form as possible. 403.325.0372 •
Page 8 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

Be Smart: Stay School-Bus Safe

School buses are essential modes of the opposite direction of traffic to be
transportation, taking thousands of stu- aware of on-coming traffic.
dents to and from school every day. * Don’t fool around at the bus stop.
While school bus accidents are rare, rid- Accidents can happen when individu-

Classes begin September 1, 2010

ers should still practice safety aboard als are unaware of their surroundings or
and around the bus. distracted.
In the early days of education, stu- * Stand at the bus stop in a safe loca-
Golden Hills School Division #75 dents were educated in local schools tion. Do not enter the street.
within walking distance. If they needed * Arrive at the bus stop early so there
435A Highway #1, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1J4 to travel, it was by horse-drawn wag- is no need to rush and be distracted.
Phone 934-5121 Fax 934-5125 • 1-800-320-3739 on. As the nation’s roadways began to * Wait for the school bus to come to
evolve, so did the methods of getting a complete stop and for other traffic to children to school. Eventually school halt before approaching the bus.
buses became the norm. * Promptly take a seat, and remain
BoArD oF TruSTeeS SuPerinTenDenT’S oFFice In addition to safety procedures re- seated throughout the entire ride.
Mr. ron Kenworthy - chair (Ward #4) Superintendent of Schools - Dianne McBeth garding ridership, school buses are built * Do not distract the bus driver with
Mrs. Joyce Bazant (Ward #6) Associate Superintendent - ed Holt with certain standards in mind. Mirrors, loud yelling, music, etc.
Mrs. Shirley Buyer (Ward #3) Associate Superintendent - Dr. Kandace Jordan lights, braking systems and the like are * Don’t throw anything around the
Ms. Karen Harries (Ward #4) Secretary Treasurer - Tahra Sabir regulated to provide the utmost safety bus.
Mr. Barry Kletke (Ward #1) Transportation Supervisor - Direct inquiries to passengers. While catastrophic acci- * Keep the aisle clear to avoid tripping
Mr. Larry Maerz (Ward #2) to Ken Maclean at 1-877- 442-4340
dents involving school buses are very hazards.
Mrs. Barbara rangen (Ward #6) Division Principal & Technology Services
Mr. Bob McKay (Ward #7) - Bevan Daverne
rare, buses are built to handle much * Follow the driver’s instructions in
more than the occasional run-ins with the event of an emergency.
Vision Inspiring confident, connected, caring citizens of the world passenger cars and light trucks. * Remain seated until the bus has
Maintaining school bus safety is a stopped at a particular drop-off location.
Mission Engaging all learners in achieving their highest levels of academic and
team effort. Students need to do their * When exiting the bus, take three
personal competence within a caring, innovative environment
part while riding the bus. Here are the steps away from the bus so that visibil-
school PrinciPal Phone no. safety precautions that should be fol- ity of the driver is improved.
Acme School Gary Semotiuk 403-546-3845 lowed. * Watch for traffic when crossing the
Brentwood elementary School Laurie Huntley 403-934-5013 * Walk to the bus stop, don’t run. street. Always cross in front of the bus.
carbon School Shirley elliott 403-572-3401 * Always use caution when crossing * If something is forgotten on the bus,
carseland elementary School Jeff Grimsdale 403-934-4161 roadways. don’t try to run back and retrieve it. The
central Bow Valley School ellen McLane 403-734-3969
* Walk on the sidewalk whenever pos- driver may not expect a student to be
crowther Memorial Junior High ivan Wright 403-934-4646
Dr. elliott School Shawn campbell 403-546-3863 sible. If no sidewalk is present, walk in returning to the bus.
Drumheller composite School curtis LaPierre 403-823-5171
Greentree elementary School chris connell 403-823-5244
Hussar School Karen Smith 403-787-3781
Prairie christian Academy randy Wood 403-443-4210 (elementary)
403-443-4220 (Jr./Sr.)
rockyford School Karen Smith 403-533-3802
Standard School Karen Smith 403-644-3791
Strathmore High School Gary reagan 403-934-3135
Three Hills School Lloyd Boody 403-443-5335
Trinity Lutheran christian Academy Harold Warr 403-361-9631
Trochu Valley School Deb Barkman 403-442-3872
Westmount elementary School Wayne Funk 403-934-3041
Wheatland elementary School Kevin Lane 403-934-3318
Strathmore Storefront School roger nelson 403-934-9479
Drumheller outreach School curtis LaPierre 403-823-6237
Trochu Valley outreach Program Shirley elliott 403-442-2023
Sequoia outreach School Denise Peterson 403-734-0190
Golden Hills Learning Academy Bevan Daverne 403-934-5179
Hutterite education Bevan Daverne 403-934-5121
Hutterite Schools: Britestone, crawling Valley, Glenrose, Green Acres,
Hines, Huxley, Mountainview, new Springvale, Poplar row,
rising Sun, rosebud creek, rosebud river, Sayre,
Three Hills, Towers, Twin creeks,
Valleyview, Wintering Hills

School System Calendar

2010 2011
August 30, 31 Professional Development & January 31 Professional Development Day
School organizing Days (Semester Break)
September 1 First Day of School for Students February 11 School closure
September 6 Labour Day Weekend February 21 Family Day Holiday
September 24 School closure February 24, 25 Teachers’ convention
october 8 Professional Development Day March 18 School closure
october 11 Thanksgiving Holiday March 21 Day in Lieu of Parent/
october 29 School closure Teacher interviews
november 11 remembrance Day April 22 – May 1 Spring Break
november 12 School closure (in Lieu of Parent/ (inclusive)
Teacher interviews) May 6 Professional Development Day
november 26 School closure May 20 School closure
December 20 - christmas Break May 23 Victoria Day Holiday
January 2, 2011 June 10 School closure
(inclusive) June 29 Last Day of School
June 30 Professional Development &
School closing Day
Schools provide students and parents with site dates for examinations, interviews and special events.
Golden Hills looks forward to engaging all learners for an
enjoyable and productive school year.
Dianne McBeth - Superintendent of Schools 132 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore 403-934-3122
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 9

Cyber Safety for

Kids of All Ages
With the first decade sites require passwords to es. Online safety does not just involve
of the 21st century now a gain full access. E-mail ac- protecting oneself from physical harm
thing of the past, historians counts, social networking but also financial harm. Online viruses
can look back on the last sites, online banking, and can destroy even the most expensive
10 years and begin reflect- even online retailers require computers, so it’s important for com-
ing on the decade’s most a password. Kids and adults puter users to exercise careful control
memorable moments. alike should always keep when visiting Web sites. Oftentimes,
Historians can also begin these passwords secret and a virus will surface through a pop-up
looking at what changed in change them regularly. Do window or spam e-mail, so it’s best for
the last 10 years, and which not use the same password adults and kids alike to avoid clicking
trends made the biggest im- for every Web site. If any- on any pop-up windows or opening
pact. Perhaps nothing made thing seems out of the ordi- any e-mails from mailers they don’t
a greater impact than the nary or if you feel security recognize.
Internet. Though prevalent might have been breached,
at the end of the 20th cen- immediately contact the
Even toddlers know how to go online, a fact that
tury, the Internet became Web site and change the
only highlights the importance parents must
even more so during the password. place on cyber safety.
first decade of the 21st cen- * Do not share personal
tury, changing nearly every information. Today’s kids
facet of society along the are growing up in an en-
way. vironment that’s seemingly “Let the truth of Christ and knowledge of God’s creation be
While the Internet made less private than ever be- experienced by and manifest in the students, staff, parents and
things easier in many ways, fore. Social networking Web
it’s made things more dif- sites have made it common- supporters of our Catholic School Community.” Vision of the Board
ficult in more subtle ways place to share information
as well. Take, for example, easily and without much
kids and the Internet. While discretion. However, this
computers were once a has the potential to be very
place for kids to play games dangerous for younger and
and write papers for school, older kids alike. Younger The top-performing school jurisdiction as measured by Alberta Education’s Accountability
nowadays the household kids could be unknow- Report Card and winner in 13 categories at the 2009 Minister’s Education Leadership
computer is a means to ingly making themselves Recognition Awards Celebration.
reaching a whole new accessible to online preda-
world, one that isn’t always tors, while older kids, even Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools provides authentic Catholic education to approximately
so safe for kids. That real- those in college, should be 615 students in Strathmore in two traditional schools, as well as 2000 students provincially,
ity highlights the impor- made aware that prospec- nationally and internationally through The Centre for Learning@Home.
tance parents must place tive employers have begun
on safeguarding their kids to visit social networking SACRED HEART ACADEMY
from the ills of the Internet. sites to research an ap-
Fortunately, there are sev- plicant’s background. The
ECS to Grade 6 403.901.1544/1545
eral steps parents can take more that’s shared online, HOLY CROSS COLLEGiATE
to keep kids of all ages safe the less privacy a user has.
from whatever or whoever So it’s best to exercise dis- Grades 7 to 12 403.901.2050
might be lurking online. cretion whenever sharing THE CENTRE FOR LEARNiNG@HOME
* Establish a list of Web information online.
sites that are on and off * Do not arrange to meet Grades 1 to 12 403.938.4119
limits. Parents must talk anyone you have met on- Including:
to kids about the nature line. Though older kids
of the Internet, and how might feel they have enough • St. Paul’s Academy On-line Virtual Education
some Web sites are geared wits about them to avoid • Okotoks Home Schooling/Education
toward adults and some are falling victim to an online • Blended Programs
more kid-friendly. When predator, it’s precisely that • Summer School
having this discussion, ask attitude of invincibility that
kids why they might go on- online predators count on. • International Education
line, and from there parents Younger and older kids
and children can begin to should never meet an on- Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools provides authentic Catholic education to students in
establish a list of Web sites line acquaintance without traditional schools in Okotoks, High River, Canmore, Brooks, Drumheller, Oyen and Strathmore
that are acceptable, and first discussing it with their and Online Schooling and Blended Programs to students all over Alberta and around the world
those that are off limits. parents. Simply because through The Centre for Learning@Home.
Parents can even safeguard someone says they’re some- Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools
access to Web sites outside thing online doesn’t mean 46 Elma Street West
the realm of what they’ve they are, and many a hor-
Okotoks, AB T1S 1J7
deemed acceptable by es- ror story has resulted from
tablishing passwords to get online predators taking Phone: 403.938.2659 or toll free 1.800.737.9383
on certain sites. advantage of trusting kids,
* Don’t share passwords young and old, and even
and change them regularly. adults. CLASSES RESUME FOR THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR ON MONDAY, AUGUST 30TH, 2010
Nowadays, more and more * Beware of online virus-
Page 10 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

Strathmore & area


feature property - call la shaun feature property - call sheila

"The Sign of

call robert & taMara immaCUlaTe home

403-934-5533 call ron aCreage loverS feature property - call nonie
Mls c3402736 $239,900 17.5 acres with power and
drilled well. Also has dugout,
• Well Maintained corrals, and shop/barn.
Bi-Level Highway access. 20 minutes
• 3+1 Bedrooms 2 Baths to city. Priced to sell $295,000
• Huge Deck and Yard Call Ron Kaechele
• Very Affordable! 403-934-1097
Mls c3414942
speargrass open house don'T miSS oUT on ThiS one!
Mls c3432806

sunday., aug 22 1-5pm

Villas, homes & lots.
aBSolUTely BeaUTifUl home BaCKing onTo Canal $409,900
This gorgeous fully loaded 1799 sq ft home is just what you are looking
call robert & taMara
why renT
call ron $149,000
for hoUSe & loT $287,900
for! Fully developed 2 storey features 4 bedrooms, huge master with • Renovated Nice Home on Huge Lot VAULTED CEILINGS- OPEN DESIGN
new & owned - come Join us! spacious 5 pc ensuite and walkin closet, 3 more bathrooms, den, dining
kitchen. New Chain link fence DOUBLE GARAGE
room, Large kitchen and eating area open to a beautiful living area with Single garage. Needs some
This Villa is fully finished and totally up graded digital fireplace and laundry room. Fully developed basement with • Oversized double 3 LARGE BEDROOMS- 2 BATHROOMS
minor finishing work.
backs to the 12th hole with awesome view! Priced bedroom, family room with 3 sided fireplace, office area and wetbar with garage. • Huge yard Call Ron Kaechele UPGRADED FINISH
fridge and bathroom. Airconditioning, underground sprinklers, storage
at $374,900 with builders bonus to purchaser! shed and SO MUCH MORE! Mls c3409357 plus hot tub room! Mls c3423293 403-934-1097 FENCED- LANDSCAPED- IMMACULATE

call la shaun BeaUTifUl villa in call sheila CUTe & Cozy home in feature property - call robert & taMara call ron call nonie
SpeargraSS 3 aCreS $489,000 $249,900

weSTparK village
$359,900! . newer laminate Beautiful Five Bedroom ADULT LIVING - MAIN
Backing to the 12th hole upgraded flooring, siding, lighting Country Home FLOOR- 2 BEDROOMS
home! Hardwood, tile, and up and insulation 3 acres, landscaped, fenced. 2 BATHROOMS
graded carpet! Awesome walnut
cabinets granite countertops
. new deck Double garage KITCHEN WITH EATING
. storage shed BAR- DEN- LARGE LIVING
throughout, corner fireplace and Call Ron Kaechele
more! Open concept,full walkout . 2 bedrooms, may be RM WITH FIREPLACE
Mls c3408273 converted back to 3 403-934-1097
and double attached garage! Mls c3404923 PARKING

call la shaun fUlly developed call sheila looKing for a faBUloUS call ron affordaBle Condo call nonie
home in Calgary?!
BUngalow $269,900 $163,900
Perfect family home with 3+2
. Backing onto
Bowness Park
modified Bi-level $377,700 Beautiful two bedroom
bedrooms, 3 baths, large country
kitchen and more! This bungalow . 1600 sq ft fully • Walk-Up Basement with 9' Ceilings condo. Five appliances,
is close to schools and amenties! developed • Huge Master Suite with Amazing Full En-Suite fireplace, balconey.
Awesome back yard with mature . spectacular View! Two parking stalls
trees and totally fenced with
Double detached oversize . Built in 2002 • Vaulted Ceilings/3 Bdrm/Tile/Hardwood... Call Ron Kaechele
Mls c3431108 garage and more! Mls c3419876 . $825,000 Must See Mls c3407637 403-934-1097

call la shaun Small Town call robert & taMara CamBridge gem call ron

13 BeaUTifUl
affordaBle living
$359,900 aCreS
Perfect starter or
retirement home. this
free marKeT • Fully Developed 1270
sq Ft Bungalow
Extensively renovated home
Red barn, steel quonset, 5 ACRES-1875 SQ FT HOME-ORIGINAL
home has 2 bedrooms 1 • Backing onto 2 wells. Great horse setup @
bath on large lot 50x120, Greenspace riding arena. $414,900 OWNERS - 40'X60' HEATED SHOP WITH
fenced with driveway and Call Ron Kaechele PLUMBING- 14'DOOR
mature trees. east of • Huge Master Suite
Mls c3424240 In-Floor Heat Mls c3435972 403-934-1097 CROSS FENCED - MINUTES FROM TOWN
Mls c3416750 Strathmore 40 mins.

call la shaun 3 aCreS home call sheila call robert & taMara $134,900 call ron call nonie
1 aCre jUST for yoU! 27 aCreS $449,900

garage Kennel
$544,800 $37,000 • 1,455 sq ft Raw land ready to develop OVER 2600 SQ FT OF LUXURY
3 acres easy commute all pavement to of living space! into country acreage. GRANITE/HARDWOOD/ TILE
property -5 bedrooms ,3 full baths, Quiet and peaceful • Newer appliances. Paved access STAINLESS APPLIANCES
2 with jetted tubs -over 2200 sq feet with
fully developed basement with Serviceberry • 3 large bedrooms. Gas revenue 4 BEDROOMS- MEDIA RM
-over size garage, shed, & dog kennel
-landscaped to perfection with over
creek flowing • Lots of natural light.
Good building sites 3 BATHROOMS
100 trees - and sooo much more, right beside. Cal Ron Kaechele CUSTOM BUILT- CUSTOM
Mls c3428407 call for showing! Mls c3436632 Mls c3412616 8 Backs onto canal. Mls c3436129 403-934-1097 DESIGNED

call la shaun Simply BeaUTifUl fUlly feature property - call robert & taMara feature property - call robert & taMara call nonie
developed $349,900 $282,000
This home has it all and shows
amazing! With 4 large
bedrooms 3 full baths living

Call US firST
room, office/reading room and
large family room. Over size RM DINING AREA - KITCHEN
double detached heated WITH GOLF COURSE VIEW
garage, storage shed with sky FULL WALKOUT BASEMENT
Mls c3431185 light and room for RV parking! VAULTS/ SOFT CORNER

call la shaun Mls c3421178 call nonie call nonie

Brand new
Mls c3425605
$159,900 $324,900
aBe fehr Condo new price! $282,500! Calling all renTerS/ RENTING??
2 bedrooms 1.5 baths
open concept, 6 Parkwood Bungalow. Nearly inveSTorS! WHY??
appliances One parking 1500sq ft, 3 Large Bedrooms. 3 Bedrooms Plus Developed Down LARGE LIVING RM
stall. Walking distance FLOORS- GRANITE
Mls c3430003 to everything! Double Detached Garage Great Location! $169,900 FRONTS ONTO PARK HEATED GARAGE

call la shaun maTUre weSTmoUnT call robert & taMara Keoma aCreage call robert & taMara all ThiS for feature property - call nonie call nonie

BUngalow $259,900 $649,900
Very well maintained home with
Under 120K
original hardwood floors and • Fully finished • Single Detached WOW!! BACKING ONTO PARK
neutral decor shows 10+ 3 nice bungalow 5 BEDROOMS- MAIN FLOOR
Garage. • 2 Large
size bedrooms 2 full baths, a full FAMILY RM - OPEN KITCHEN
basement with loads of room. • Large heated and Bedrooms/2 Baths WITH EATING BAR- 2
Oversize heated detached garage/ insulated shop • Backing Onto Canal FIREPLACES - 4 BATHROOMS-
shop all on large landscaped yard
with room for RV. Walking distance
• Mountain views • Walking Distance to HARDWOOD FLOORS- MAIN
Mls c3431108 to everything! Mls c3434308 • Close to amenities Downtown FLOOR LAUNDRY

call la shaun BeST priCe in call robert & taMara call robert & taMara call nonie
Cozy BUngalow greaT priCe $239,900
One level condo with
$139,900 $99,900! $377,900 DOUBLE ATTACHED GARAGE
• 3 lots and Good Well • 3 Bedrooms and A DEFINITE MUST SEE..FULLY DEVELOPED
2 bedrooms, one bath. 3 BEDROOMS- OPEN KITCHEN
• Commuting Distance very clean. • Great location WITH ISLAND
Open concept with to Calgary OPEN DESIGN- 4 BEDROOMS- DEN- MEDIA RM
bright windows. close to park and VAULTED CEILINGS - SKYLIGHT
5 appliances and
• 2 or 3 Bedrooms and
Heated Workshop FAMILY RM ...CLOSE TO
Mls c3430083 window coverings! • Backing onto greenspace. IMMACULATE - PICTURE PERFECT SCHOOLS & PARKS

call robert & taMara call robert & taMara call nonie call nonie
UnBelievaBle $324,900 $269,900
we Can help
1816 Sq fT for $154,900! aCreage! 3 BEDROOMS DYNAMIC OPEN DESIGN

yoU find
• Just Inside Strathmore Town Limits 2 BATHROOMS CATHEDRAL CEILINGS
• 4 Bedrooms 2 Full Baths • Oversized • 6000 sq ft of Developed Living Space LARGE FRONT FOYER
Heated Garage • Newer Fence and • 5 Full Baths/6 LARGE Bedrooms LIVING RM WITH FIREPLACE

yoUr dream home!

• 2 4-Car Garages/Regulation Size
Windows • Lots of Mature Trees Volley Ball Pit • 3.76 Acres/Football ISLAND - VAULTED CEILINGS FAMILY RM
Mls c3433647 Mls c3439312 Uprights/Prepped for Tennis Court! 2 YRS NEW WELL TREED LOT

call robert & taMara

call sheila wow whaT a hUge
loT BaCKing onTo
call robert & taMara $184,900 call nonie
$159,900 call nonie
BowneSS parK
greaT loCaTion loCaTion, loCaTion, loCaTion! 3 BEDROOM HOME BE THE FIRST OWNERS
• Many upgrades
. Buy this 100x200ft lot have been completed • 5.91 acres with mountain views WITH FIREPLACE INCREDIBLE DESIGN
with older home • 3 bedrooms plus
• Minutes to Chestemere OVERSIZED DOUBLE
a family room DETACHED GARAGE
. Has potential for
• Fully landscaped lots of trees • Gentle slope accomodates walkout ...5 WELL TREED
• Oversized single
Mls c3423155 . $750,000 Mls c3436680 detached garage • Services in and ready to hook up LOTS FLOOR- FIREPLACE

call sheila CUSTom BUilT raiSed call robert & taMara greaT home call robert & taMara parK SeTTing call nonie
$229,900 call nonie

BUngalow $434,900! $267,000 $369,900
Fully finished Totally upgrades ADULT LIVING ...WON'T LAST
• Fully Developed 3+2 MAIN FLOOR
with hardwood, granite, and • 3+2 Bedrooms 4 BEDROOM- 3 BATHROOMS
more. 3+2 bedrooms, Bedrooms 2 BEDROOM- 2 BATHROOM
3 full baths in floor heat,
• Fully Developed • Vaulted Ceilings and Loads
high efficiency heating! of Windows LARGE LIVING RM KITCHEN WITH PANTRY
Landscaped and fenced with • Fresh Paint and • Covered Verandah... WITH FIREPLACE
view of country side! & ISLAND
Mls c3440756 Mls c3427826 New Carpets Mls c3432875 enjoy your PARK!
Awesome family home!

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 11

Robert Keith La Shaun Sheila Nicole Tamara Steve

Desjardins Garrioch Andrews Bassen Cordes Desjardins Grajczyk
403-934-5533 403-333-8411 403-850-4593 403-361-0390 403-901-5855 403-934-5533 403-934-5533

"The Sign of experience"

Strathmore & area
24 Hr. real estate Hot line
403-660-7213 403-934-5533
A portion of the proceeds earned from each transaction by Aztec and our team of professionals will be donated to local charities. A local Real Estate Company giving back to the community that has supported us throughout the years.

call tracy handyman feature property - call shauna call lorna commercial call lorna one screaming call lorna
special rare find!
suBdivision hot deal only $630,000
4 Bdrms...Wood
Burning Fireplace...
potential $489,000
12.4 treed acres.
New Solar Windows... 66.11 acres Heated shop - 1915 - 2 1/2 storey
Newer Furnace... Can be rezoned overhead doors. historical home.
Oversized Dbl commercial west Bungalow. 10 acres. Stained glass,
Garagew/220wiring of Strathmore West on Glenmore. custom design.

feature property - call tracy room for everyone in glenWood call lorna call lorna university call lorna Buy yourself
$299,900 11.9 acres a home &
1573 sq.ft, fully finished bungalow
$288,000 Duplex - Doverglen.
Zoning industrial 3200 sq ft
6 bedroms, 2 full baths Suite up & down. commercial building.
Gorgeous main floor family room West of All applainces. Fully Last use a pub.
Strathmore Living at rear.
75'x110' beautifully treed lot fenced. $259,721. Priced at $249,900

call shauna upgraded condo call lorna for the call lorna call lorna
West of
character home With class $195,000
reduced $339,900 just listed $125,000 strathmore
1270 square foot 2 storey located in a quiet 3 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths 3.36 acres.
community on a quiet street. New windows
Granite countertops,
House & 100 ft lot in Rockyford. Drilled well, trees,
glass tile backsplash
new siding and new flooring plus an oversized New flooring & plumbing fixtures MAIN FLOOR LAUNDRY Lots of trees. pond, power.
heated 2 car garage! $219,000 Located across from park
FRONT ATT GARAGE Possession immediate! $269,900.

call shauna 20 acres near call lorna call lorna its all here! call lorna astonishing
strathmore $289,900 47 acres $354,900 aspen creeK!
Buying or selling
Hard to find 20 acres $284,000. Double
of raw land Loads of oak.
Adjacent to front attached
call us first Less than 10 minutes
South of Strathmore
Irrigatation access
Subdivision potential
5 bdrms, 3 baths.
Cambridge Glen
garage. 2 bedrooms,
2 baths. Only 4 years
Perfect building site or great investment. location. old bilevel.

feature property - call shauna call shauna call lorna call lorna $419,900 call lorna $319,800
Beautiful lyalta slashed!
acreage $575,000 4.77 acres near Well kept bilevel.
Custom built home on
Tons of friendly people!
Langdon. Huge country
2.99 acres
1 mile from Lakes of Guest Suite! Great second 1400 sq ft kitchen. Fireplace.
Muirfield Golf Course floor location! bungalow. Double Walkout to
Heated double attached SW deck with views. & single garage. backyard. heated
garage, 64'x40' shop Newly decorated. Mountain views. dbl 24x24 garage.
call shauna gorgeous acreage call lorna call lorna hay horse feature property - call lorna
price reduction
- $650,000 lovers!
country charm $379,900 1728 sq.ft. walkout
noW $139,900
3 acres south of Eagle Lake bungalow on 5 acres Beautiful offset, 3 9.65 acres. Minutes to
Immaculate bungalow Located South of bedrooms, 2 full Langdon. 10 minutes to
Langdon Calgary. Riding arena
3+1 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths Double attached garage baths, soccer with lighting.
Fenced & cross fenced for horses 28'x40' heated shop field at rear. 5 stall barn ++

call shauna ranch estates call shauna crystal ridge call lorna chestermere call lorna spacious split! you may never see this again!
$89,900 condo - $169,900 Beauty! $319,900 Executive 1915 2 1/2 storey home. Multi color

Gated adult living 2 bedroom condo with
panoramic view. Looks $624,900 Dynamic open plan. hardwoods. 4 bedrooms on second floor. 2
community. 3 bdrms, 4 bdrms, 3 baths.
2 full baths. onto environmental 1845 sq ft, spiral bedrooms or bonus area on third. 12.4 treed
preserve. staircase to lower, Heated double
Open concept. beautiful acres in park like setting. Irrigation,
Large deck to Oak throughout fully dev. lower. garage. Fully fenced
relax on. Corner fireplace It's custom! & landscaped. good well and so much to offer!

call shauna ranch estates call lorna laKe vieWs!! feature property - call lorna call lorna
luxury living
Brand neW BungaloW
Gorgeous 1739 sq ft of Buying or selling COFFEE WHILE WATCHING
THE GEESE AND DUCKS $624,900 chestermere $349,900
outstanding custom mailot home
call us first
upgraded living.
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths.
FULLY DEVELOPED LOWER. Over 1400 sq ft. View of the country.
24'x10' covered deck
Single detached garage.
Spiral staircase. Elevator. Hardwoods.
Fully dev. lower level. Located in
call shauna country charm call lorna call lorna Brand neW Rainbow Falls, Chestermere. call lorna
- $379,900
just listed! $249,000 $356,000 1845 sq ft of luxury! 2 storey

sold sold
3 acres south
1420 sq ft
of Eagle Lake
By the lake, bungalow, Granite countertops. Great Hillview
Immaculate bungalow location. Backs on
3+1 bdrms, 1 1/2 baths 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, Pacific Ash hardwoods. green space.
Fenced & cross fenced 2 baths,
for horses attached single garage hardwoods And so much more! Priced at $324,900

call shauna call lorna call lorna

buying or
gardener's paradise 40+ living foreclosure
in rocKyford $249,900 $249,900

$179,900 Well kept bungalow.
Upgraded home across 1200+ sq ft
Front attached bungalow,
from park
garage. fully developed
2+2 bdrms, 2 full baths

Original hardwood floors 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. lower,
Single detached garage Green space at side. good condition

call shauna custom Built call lorna for the

WalKout - $429,900 snoWBirds!
let us find you
Immaculate 1420 sq.ft. A BEAUTIFUL GATED
walkout bungalow COMMUNITY

your dream home call us first

2+2 bdrms, 3 full baths OVERSIZED SINGLE
Fully finished GARAGE
Infloor heat & JUST LIKE NEW IN AND
underground sprinklers OUT. $149,500

w w w. a z t e c r e a l e s t a t e. c a
Page 12 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

F inal P hase Phase 1

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a Fresh beginning at the Cascades of rainbow Falls

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Visit our 4 new showhomes at 101 rainbOw Falls manOr

directions: east on 17th ave se to Chestermere, south on rainbow road, left onto rainbow Falls drive, left to rainbow Falls manor, and follow the signs.
Only 15-20 minutes FrOm dOwntOwn Calgary

Contact Bernie Perry 403.689.1274

August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 13

99 ¢
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Did you know Five Pin Bowling was invented by Canadian, cor programs
ISnet world
Thomas F. Ryan back in 1908?
Did you know the hottest planet in the solar system is Venus,
with an estimated surface temperature of 864 F or 462 C. 921B wheatland trail
charity Well, it won’t take long to bake a pan of
chocolate chip cookies there! 403-934-9387
Behind the Golden Hills School division- South side of Hwy#1

Geraldine Grant and Val Heck had their heads shaved outside of Sobeys to raise money for
cancer and diabetes. Grant was doing it for cancer but said diabetes is every bit as deadly as
cancer. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a penny you donate or $1,000. It could be the penny that finds
the cure,” said Grant. Marshall Billings, an employee at Sobeys decided to get his head shaved
with the women. “Anything I can give back to support a cause is good for me,” said Billings.
Back left- Yvonne Horne from Sweeney Todd’s, Marshall Billings, front left- Geraldine Grant, Val
Heck. The group posed after everyone had finished getting their heads shaved.
Shannon LeClair Photo

Fun Country Riders

Nora Maidman remainder of the events. Our thanks go
Fun Country Riders to Rob Charette for judging the Show
classes and thanks to all the riders and
The Fun Country Riders held a well at- volunteers who tried despite the weather!
tended Show and Gymkana on August 8 The next Show and Gymkana is sched-
at the Strathmore Rodeo grounds. Unfor- uled for Sunday, August 22 at the Strath-
tunately the weather did not co-operate more Rodeo Grounds. For information
for long enough and only the first Gym- call Bea at 936-5398 or Norma at 934-
kana event (Barrels) was completed be- 1267 or visit our website at
fore the downpour of rain cancelled the
Pleasure, Equitation: 1. Hailey Pleasure: 1. Sara Jones 2. Ann Wilson
Barrels: 1. Hailey 2. Jordan 3. Montana Lamb 3. Mary Ann Potter
Equitation: 1. Sara Jones 2. Misty Wright
BANTAM: 3. Dawn Carlson
Pleasure, Cavaletti: 1. Autumn Desjardins Cavaletti: 1. Ann Wilson 2. Sara Jones
2. Hannah Carlson 3. Madeline Lamb 3. Mary Ann Potter
Equitation: 1. Hannah Carlson Barrels: 1. Kerri Ross 2. Norma Nelson
2. Autumn Desjardins 3. Jes Wright 3. Joanne Hermanson
Barrels: 1. Martina Vergouwen
2. Autumn Desjardins 3. Chase Boisjoli SENIOR OPEN:
Pleasure: 1. Joanne Hermanson
PEE WEE: 2. Katrina Janzen 3. Karen Carlson
Pleasure, Equitation, Cavaletti: 1. Carlie Wells Equitation: 1. Karen Carlson
2. Katie Edelman 3. Hannah Carlson 2. Joanne Hermanson 3. Katrina Janzen
Barrels: 1. Hayze Stevens 2. Taylor Boisjoli Cavaletti: 1. Joanne Hermanson
3. Destiny Stevens 2. Karen Carlson 3. Katrina Janzen
Barrels: 1. Joanne Hermanson
JUNIOR: 2. Lindsey Nelson 3. Jacquie Piper
Pleasure, Cavaletti: 1. Dawn Carlson
2. Breanne Grey CLASSIC SENIOR:
Equitation: 1. Breanne Grey 2. Dawn Carlson Pleasure: 1. Lesley Gregory
Barrels: 1. Dawn Carlson 2. Maggie Littau 3. JoAnn Wilson
2. Jacqueline Carlson 3. Nichole Martin Equitation: 1. Lesley Gregory
2. JoAnn Wilson 3. Maggie Littau
YOUNG HORSE: Cavaletti: 1. Lesley Gregory
Pleasure, Equitation: 1. Courtney O’Keefe 2. Angela Atkinson 3. JoAnn Wilson
2. Dawn Carlson Barrels: 1. Angela Atkinson 2. Gerry Wilson
Barrels: 1. Kerri Ross 2. Courtney O’Keefe 3. JoAnn Wilson

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Page 14 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

What’s What’s happening is a free weekly community calendar.

if you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this
weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.

Royal Canadian Legion Strathmore Homeschool Familes. KIDERGY Play Group Mark Your Calendars
For information regarding hall Any Strathmore and Area familes Meet every Friday from 9:30 - 11:30
rentals, darts and crib, please call that are homeschooling are invited am at the Hope Covenant Church. for these Upcoming
403.934.5119 to join our Yahoo Group.
$1 per child, (snack is included).
Contact Tammy at 403-934-5887
Special Events....
Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 morehsfams for more info.
meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Summer of Rock
Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Free Tree for all New Born Babies August 20-22, Strathmore, RR240
at 7 pm. New Members welcome. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of Attention all infants – remind your & #1 Hwy East. 403-934-6765
Call Greg 403-888-6155. each Month. Featuring guest parents to register your birth so a or 403-901-1100.
speakers. For more information tree can be planted commemorat- All
MOPS (Mother’s Of Preschoolers) call 403-934-4055. ing your birth in the Chinook Credit
meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays Union Birth Forest in Strathmore. profit to the Kids Cancer Care
9:30am – 11:30am at the Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 Registration Forms are available at Foundation of Alberta.
Strathmore Alliance Church. meets the first Monday of each the Town office, Chinook Credit
Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen Union and Health Unit. Gleichen Fall Fair
For more information call Jennifer at at 403-901-6038. (A Communities in Bloom Project) on Aug. 21st. Start time @ 8 am.
403-934-5799 or visit www.mops. Website: Lions Pancake Breakfast Bench
org Wild Rose Career & Show and Trade Tables. Show and
Healing Rooms, open for prayer Employment Services
Strathmore Photography Club. Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at the - Free drop-in JOB-FINDING CLUB,
Shine, Parade and Bed Races.
Photographers of all ages and skill Harvest Healing Centre at 115A- every Tuesday from 9 to noon. Gleichen Fall Fair Special Events
levels are welcome. For more 3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. A Career Counsellor will share 8- Show and Shine
information and meeting dates call Everyone is Welcome. tips and tools to assist in your job 10- Parade
Gaylene at 403-901-2760 or email search. 1- Bed Races
- Strathmore FASD Please call 403-934-6488 or drop 1:30 Jousting by the Knights of the
Parent Support Group by 101, 331-3rd. Avenue.
Strathmore District Health The FASD Support group for Strath- Bring your lunch and join us for a
Red Neck Renaissance
Services Auxiliary Meetings are more area will be taking a break for Small Business Brown Bag 2:30 Hearts of the West
held the fourth Monday of the the summer. We look forward to presentation at Community Futures 3- Heavy Horse Pulls
month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July seeing everyone again Sept. 21st , Wild Rose on Tuesday and Thurs-
& August). Lower level Conference 9:30 am @ the Strathmore United day from Noon to 1 pm. Weekly 8th Annual Charity
Room at the Strathmore Hospital. Church. For more info call Pam Topics. Golf Tournament
New members welcome. @652-4776. Have a wonderful
For more info please call summer everyone!. The Community Crisis Shelter for Families of Spinal Muscular
403-934-4436 has several Board Member Atrophy Canada. 18 Hole Texas
Strathmore Regional Victim vacancies and is recruiting Scramble August 21st, 2:00pm.
Strathmore & District Chamber Services Society individuals who would like to apply Shotgun Start Strathmore Golf
of Commerce needs community members to be for Board Membership.
meets the third Monday of the
Club. For info please call
Advocates (volunteers). Training is Interested individuals can call
month @ 7:00 p.m. All members provided. Contact Victim Services Karen Pease at 403-934-6634. 403-934-2299.
welcome. through the RCMP Detachment at
Check web page for meeting 403-934-6552 Strathmore Parent Seniors 50+ Happy Gang
location. For more information and Tot Playgroup, Beef on a Bun August 24th at
call 403-901-3175 or Strathmore Country Gardens Club meets every Thursday at 5:30. Members $6.00; non-mem-
www.strathmoredistrictchamber. Meetings at least once per month. 9:15 - 11:15 am. in the Strathmore bers $8.00. Pre-pay by August
com. Tours, guest speakers, workshops United Church Basement.
and much more included in a For more information call Lisa at 20th. For further info call Eric at
Come Fly With Us membership. $20 single, 403-934-4874 or Ali at 403-901-1596.
903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. $30 family. Strathmorecountry 403-934-2089.
Meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the or visit our Strathmore Girl Guides,
blue building and Quonset on the website Strathmore Youth Exceptional Sept. 2010 Registration
Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome clubs/CountryGGC/ Service Award Society Registration for Girls age 5 – 17,
between 12 & 19 years. - If you would like to recognize a Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Path-
Call Joanna Howard at 403-983- Strathmore Caregiver youth who has demonstrated an act
5796 for more information. Support Group of courage, citizenship and finders, & Rangers, Thursday
This is an opportunity for community contribution, September 2nd 3:30 – 7:30 at the
Meals on Wheels caregivers to find support and call 403-901-4254 Civic Centre (REVS).
is available in Strathmore. For benefit from interaction with others Volunteer Women – Leaders and
information or to obtain this service in a similar situation. For more Strathmore United Church Helpers needed, come join the
please contact Wheatland FCSS at information or to register call Kidzone Sunday School resumes fun! More Info – Call Yvonne 403
403-934-5335. Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176. September 12. Registration forms
available online at: http://suchurch. 934 4238.
Sunday School for All Ages: The Hope Bridges Society
Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Board meetings held the third Family Fun, Adults &
Christian Education opportunities Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Children’s Wish Foundation Kids 10 Years & Up
for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday at #3-236-3rd. Avenue. Please visit Join Strathmore’s Planning Come on out & learn to Dance.
Mornings. All are Welcome! For our website at committee now for fall fundraisers. It is fun for all ages.
more information please call Margo or contact us at info@hopebridges. Volunteers NEEDED!
Modern Square Dance.
Sevick 403-901-2044 or call the ca. Call Claudia at 403-934-3900
Church Office at 403-934-2374. (days), or 403-934-5966 (evening). Sept. 11 / 2010 (SAT)
Strathmore Full Gospel Church Pre Register 6 PM.
Strathmore Lions Club We’re a Pentecostal Bible based Lessons 7 - 9 PM at Strathmore
meets the first and third Thursday family church that has something United Church. More Info
at the Strathmore Civic Centre for all ages. Call 934-2225 or visit Call 403-934-2873.

at 6:45 pm.

STRATHMORE Get your ad here!
Call rose 403-934-5589.
august 20, 2010

Pearl McAuley, Rockyford
Janice Lassen, Rosebud

Marian Cook, Strathmore

el, Strathmore
Loretta Van Buss

athmore &
Barb Praeker, Str
s, Str ath more
Robin Jone

nne Pakula,
Mother daughter team: Brea
Leduc & Gail Froehlich, Lan


Swim, Schneider
Photos Karen Harris,

bike, run
The Westmount School Gang, cheering each other on - Jill Rossi, Marie Van Driel, Janice Sumner, Strathmore
Jamie Fairbairn, Tracy Gillis
Photo Contributed by Janice Sumner

Life changing through Strathmore

Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
Chris Glydon, Strathmore

Participants ranged from ages 16 to

63. This year a relay was introduced,
Shannon LeClair This year on August 15, five staff mem-
Times Reporter bers from Westmount Elementary took which had a 10-year-old swimming in
part in the triathlon. Sumner said the Empowerment is what it’s all about, it. Jabs said the relay was exciting be-
Being extremely fit and in superb amount of support they gave each other at least according to Deanne Jabs, race cause all of the relay participants went
shape is not a necessity to have taken was wonderful. She also gushed about director for the Strathmore Women’s head to head. For those doing the tri-
part in the Strathmore Women’s Triath- Deanne and what the experience has Triathlon. On August 15, 370 women athlon, there were different groups
lon as Janice Sumner learned. Last year done for her. gathered together to take part in the who went at different times. When
Sumner and her friend Marie Van Driel “I just can’t speak highly enough of eighth annual triathlon. one swimmer exited the pool another
went to the triathlon workshop because Deanne, I went to her at the banquet and “Its not really a race, we call it more would jump in so that it was a contin-
they wanted to sign up for the 2010 tri- told her she has truly changed my life.” of an empowering event, because it’s uous feed. The route changed a little
athlon because entries were done for Marian Cook also took part in the tri- really empowering to finish a triath- this year to incorporate some of the
2009. Sumner said there were approxi- athlon and found it to be a great experi- lon,” said Jabs. new bike paths.
mately 20 women at the workshop and ence. “It’s to encourage women, because “The reason I put this event on, is
they were going around the room telling “It was a great event, well organized women are often intimidated by events because my life has totally changed
the others how many triathlons they had and a great experience. Special thanks that have a lot of men. It’s nice to have from triathlon and I want everybody to
done. needs to be extended to all the volun- a women’s only environment, where have that feeling. It’s very empowering
“It got to me and I was like ‘I’m here teers and that “special little person” on they are not intimidated by competi- and very gratifying,” said Jabs. She and
because I’m a wannabe, I wannabe like the run route who was respectfully ask- tive men.” her volunteers do not participate in
you guys,” said Sumner. ing the participants if they wanted to The women’s triathlon is not a com- the Strathmore triathlon, but she said
Deanne Jabs, the race director, told be sprayed with water. What a fantastic petitive event according to Jabs; the she does take part in others.
her she didn’t have to be a wannabe any- treat,” said Cook. main goal is crossing the finish line. For over half of the participants, this
more and that she and Van Driel would Since competing in her first triathlon, The women were mainly from Cal- was their first triathlon. Jabs said some
be able to take part in the 2009 triathlon Sumner has taken part in every one she gary and surrounding Towns, with one women may train all year but many are
after all. Both women had only a week possibly can. It’s something she plans to woman coming in from Winnipeg to at home with kids or busy with work,
to prepare, and the workshop taught continue doing as long as she can, and take part. and they fit in workouts and training
them what to do and not do during the she compared the anticipation of this “We started it here because this is a where they can.
events. year’s triathlon to Christmas. beautiful location, a great biking area “We have yet to have someone who
“It was truly one of the most empow- “For me it was like Christmas day, I and its nice to have it in a small com- couldn’t finish. Most people finish and
ering experiences of my life. It was such had been looking forward to it since last munity,” said Jabs. go ‘wow I did it’. Most people surprise
an amazing experience,” said Sumner. year. I knew last year I was going to reg- The triathlon started with a 500m themselves that they can actually do
Since last year’s triathlon Sumner and ister for this year. And it was, it was like swim, then a 20-kilometre bike ride it,” said Jabs.
Van Driel have continued to train for this Christmas, it was just fun from the min- followed by a five-kilometre run. Some Water and sports drinks were pro-
years events. ute I woke up. I’m kind of sad because of the women walk the five kilometres vided to participants to help keep
“We’ve done boot camp three times a that was what I was looking forward to instead of running. them hydrated and after the last wom-
week and all kinds of things and we’ve most this summer and now it’s over,” “You don’t want to have people en crossed the line there was a ban-
become pretty fit because neither of us said Sumner. swimming last just in case someone quet. In the past all the women who
was very fit a year ago,” said Sumner. She managed to shave 15 minutes off drowns after being tired from biking took part were given a flower finisher
“I’ve had to work pretty hard because of her time from last year, finishing in an and running,” said Jabs. “No one has medal. This year Jabs provided all of
things just aren’t as easy when you’re 40. hour and 45 minutes. She said it doesn’t ever drowned, but you just look at the women with the medal in the form
I wish I’d discovered this when I was 20. matter if you’re an ironman competitor something like a swim (first) and bik- of a charm, so they can wear them in-
But better to discover it late than not at or a beginner; the Strathmore Women’s ing is the next highest risk of the three stead of tucking a medal away into a
all.” Triathlon fits everybody. and then the run.” drawer.
Page 16 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

Brand New Subdivision
19 Lots for Sale
Village of Standard has 19 residential lots for sale. Standard
is located 50 minutes from Calgary, 20 minutes from Strath-
more, and 40 minutes from Drumheller. The Village is nestled
between wheat fields and the Chimney Hills, close to golfing,
theatre/choir, and fishing pastimes. Standard is a clean,
peaceful village providing it’s community with a K-12 school,
playschool for 3 and 4 year olds, a Co-op grocery, hardware,
They’re all STARS
and liquor store, bank, church, convenience store, gas STARS volleyball camp ran from August 9 to 13. The weather kept some kids indoors but for the kids who were reg-
station and three garages, bar & café as well as an up- istered, they still had a chance to get out of the house and be active. Pat Fule runs the Strathmore volleyball camp.
dated arena, curling club, Lions and Lionettes, 4H, baseball Shannon LeClair Photos
diamonds, soccer fields, and two playgrounds.
Price reduced to $60,000 for the first four lots to
sell before October 15, 2010.
All services are to the property line and streets are paved.
Age is not a factor
Standard is small town living at its best. Shannon play hockey when to score a goal a
For more information please contact the village office at LeClair he was younger target must be hit.
Times Reporter but quit back in The age range for

1962. His doctor the players is from
Every Tuesday and some of his 60-years-old to
and Thursday af- friends are a little 80 and they try to
ternoon a group amazed he is still keep it competitive
STRATHMORE of seniors strap able to hit the ice. without risking
on their pad- “I’m just an old any injuries. Some
ding, lace up their guy learning from of the players may
If you live in the area skates and hit the the young guys. not be as strong at
(Wheatland County, Strathmore ice. Pete Greene I can’t skate fast skating, while oth-
plays at the Fam- enough, that’s a ers may have mi-
& Langdon) and are not receiving your ily Centre twice a primary issue. I’m nor puck handling
FREE Strathmore Times week for an hour average on the
other stuff,” said
capabilities but the
team doesn’t let it
in Pensioners Puck
Newspaper Hockey. Greene is Greene. deter them.
80-years-old and There are no “We try to bal-
in your mail box please has been playing goalies in his game. ance it out. We
Pete Greene, 80, has been playing Pensioners
give us a call 403.934.5589 for the past five or Instead there are want to keep it as
Puck Hockey for the past five to six years. He six years after his two targets placed competitive as we
can be seen on the ice at the Family Centre in the net. One can,” said Greene.
friend Al Brown
every Tuesday and Thursday, where he plays is high and the For Greene it’s
talked him into it.
for an hour.
Shannon LeClair Photo Greene used to other is low and about getting in
some good exer-
cise while spend-

www. ing time with peo-

ple he likes.
“I enjoy the guys
mostly and it’s nice

to see if I can stand

up longer than the

time I did before.”

Not many people
would strap on
skates at his age
august 26, 29 & September 1 but Greene plans
to continue playing
7:30 - 9:00 pm September 3 - 6 as long as he can.
We should all hope
that at 80-years-old
Black & Gold Game we too can still hit
the ice, or do what-
monday September 6 - 2:00 pm ever it is we have
always loved to do.

For more information and Get your

registration forms go to Classified Ads in the
or email times!
Call Tracey
The Tradition Begins 403-934-5589
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 17

Going pro

coming events for sale tenders

Shannon LeClair Obituaries 2002 Dutchmen D-lite 12’
tent trailer sleep’s 8. Queen
Times Reporter on one side, double on other
jones, Ray & Nina Newell side and one pull out dinette.
Chinook Credit Union
Jordan Arbuthnott recently went to the Robert (Bob) David will be celebrating their In/out stove. Pocket awing
is accepting
50th Wedding
with screen room attach-
National High School Finals Rodeo in Oct. 25, 1930 - Aug. 15, 2010 quotes for
ment. Price: $7,500.00. Fern
Gillette, Wyoming. Arbuthnott has been
a part of the Alberta Finals for the High Bob Jones passed away August 15, 2010,
on August 22, 2010 at the
or Stephen Joyce at 734-
2950. snow
School Rodeo, but this was the first year
he had a chance to go to the Nationals.
at the Strathmore Hospital. He will be
lovingly remembered by his wife Valerie, his
Rockyford Community Center
beginning at 3 pm. 2004 Pontiac Grand Am removal
daughter Shirley, his sons Alan (Bonnie) and Beef on a bun at 5 pm. GT Sedan. EXTREMELY LOW for their parking lot.
He was there from July 18-24. There
Dean (Jackie), his sister Janet (Patrick), his Everyone welcome. KM’S, excellent condition. Duties will include
were only three other teens in the prov- No gifts please. Fully loaded w/sun roof &
grandchildren Brandee, Ryan (Tanya), Jesse, cleaning parking lot
ince who were picked to go. Arbuthnott comes with remote engine
Brett and Riley, his niece Amy and nephew starter. Very clean inside and and snow removal
was the only one in the area who had
Cory, and his dog Bear. He was predeceased out, never been smoked in. from site as needed.
been picked to go show off his bull rid-
ing skills. by his mother Alice (1986) and father Norman Only 30,500 km. Call (403)
Fax quotes to
(1958). Bob was born in Risca, South Wales, 901-5472.
“It was pretty exciting there,” said Ar-
and immigrated with his wife and daughter
buthnott. Unfortunately he was bucked 1994 SILVER MUSTANG GT.
off of his two bulls, but that didn’t dim to Canada in 1957. He proudly served in WHEATLAND CONSERVATION 5.0 litres. Excellent condition.
the trip for him. the Royal Canadian Air Force from 1957 AND WILDLIFE ASSOCIATION 119,000 km. PS, PB, PW,
to 1980. At Bob’s request, there will be no auto, air/cruise, dual air bags,
“It was worth it,” said Arbuthnott. Get your
The experience alone was exciting and
funeral service. In lieu of flowers, donations HuNTER TRAININg cold air intake/magnaflow
dual exhaust. $5500. FIRM. Classified
can be made in Bob’s memory directly to
though this young bull rider can’t go Call 403-934-4599.
the Calgary Humane Society (4455 - 110 Ads in the
back next year, he plans to keep rid-
Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta T2C 2T7). To Exercise equipment; Uni- times!
ing. Because he recently graduated high
send condolences, please visit www. Sept. 11, 12 & 18, 2010 versal fitness exercise bike.
school, he no longer applies for the high Call Tracey WHEATLAND $25/per person Programmable monitor, plus
school rodeo circuit but plans to use the (Require 10 students for classes) pulse, time, speed, distance 403-934-5589
FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of
experience gained from it in the future. & calories program. $200.00.
arrangements. 403-934-5666.
“I want to do it as a career. Hopeful- Call Darrell Body Flux Ab Inversion Table. garage sales
ly everything goes well throughout the Ideal for people with back
winter and everything,” said Arbuthnott. thank yous 403-934-7360 days pain. DVD & owners manual 238 Strathmore Lakes

He plans to continue practicing and 403-934-6428 evenings included. Folds for easy stor-
age. $100.00, Call 403-934-
Bend. Friday, August 20th
from 3 pm - 8 pm and Satur-
riding and would like to join the pro 4844. day August 21st from 9 am -
rodeo circuit next year if he’s able. This notices 3 pm. Please NO early birds.
Misc. household items.
year at Heritage Days, local Mark Johan- Full size Technics Elec-
We would like to thank our daughters tric Organ. Double key-
sen won the bull riding event, and next Town of board, w/bench, music books Yard Sale, 117 Strathaven
year Arbuthnott may be that local. Candace, Amanda and grandson Kaeylm for STraThmore Where Quality of Life is A Way of Life & earphones. Excellent Heights. Sunday August
putting on a beautiful
22nd, 10:00am – 6:00pm.

SURPRISE 25th Anniversary Party. condition. $1200 o.b.o. Call
403-934-4844 Some antiques & furniture.
To all those that helped them set up
and keep it a secret!
To all our families ands friends that shared this
special occasion with us.
Thank You and Love you all,
Randy & Donna Bissett
The Town of Strathmore is presently seeking
volunteers to serve on the following boards: This Week’s garage sales
Centennial Day Committee Having a
5 positions – 11 month term GaraGe Sale?
Kinsmen Lake Committee Give us a call or
2 positions – one year terms
email Tracey at
Time Capsule Committee
4 positions - 11 month term
Names Advisory Board
2 postions - two year term

Volunteer applications are available

at the Town of Strathmore from
8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays.
Enjoying Please forward your application or inquiries to:
help wanted
Carole Engel
help wanted
the game Director of Community Services
Town of Strathmore 680 Westchester Road
The Bowslo league held their annual ball tourna- Strathmore, Alberta
ment at Lyalta August 14 and 15. The league is T1P 1J1
from Calgary and for the past two years have Ph: 403-934-3133 • Fax: 403-901-1476
gone to Lyalta for a weekend of camping and Deadline for submitting applications
ball. There were eight teams taking part in the is 4:00 pm on August 23, 2010.
weekend and each team thought up a new
name for the event. Custom feedlot & farming
Shannon LeClair Photos operation looking
Get your Classified Ads for full-time employees
in the strathmore times!
Competitive wages including O.T
Call the Strathmore Times and other Benefits.
403.934.5589 Valid driver’s licence and a good
attitude a must. High school
diploma an asset.

Get your Send resumes to:

namaka farms inC.

www. Classified Ads in! Highway #1 Box 2409, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
Locally Owned & Operated
Fax (403) 934-6133

Wheatland Trail

Call Tracey 403-934-5589 or

Defense CoaCh
Locally Owned & Operated

email Hitting over 11,500
households weekly!

Canal Blvd
Hitting over 11,500
Contact Orchard Park Drive Contact Rose for all advertising needs!
STRATHMORE 403.934.5589 • Fax 403.934.5546 Canal Garden Email:
households weekly!

The Tradition Begins 202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore STRATHMORE

TIMES 202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore
Contact Rose for all advertising needs!
403.934.5589 • Fax 403.934.5546
Page 18 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010

help wanted help wanted help wanted rentals Get your house for sale
Driver/Laborers re- A beautiful 2 bdrm condo Classified Spacious 16 x 72 Mobile
full time Hope Community Playschool quired. Must have class 3/ + den, bright & spacious, Ads in the Home with 12 x 22 addition.
Reception/Office Assistant Positions Available
Air. Contact Craig at 403- freshly painted w/ fireplace. 2 x 6 construction, 3 bed-
533-3838. 5 appliances, minutes from times! rooms, 1.5 baths. To be moved.
required in a busy Strathmore Office. schools and hospital. Mas- $25,000. Call 403 934-6429.
Seeking a Director with strong leadership & Call Tracey
TODDLE INN DAYCARE, one ter bdrm with ensuite. Fully 403-934-5589
Starting immediately, some computer people skills who is able to represent the
playschool ministry.
vacancy available for Child developed bsmt with 4 piece rentals
experience an asset. must have Care Worker. Duties include bath. 2 parking stalls in front.
Also looking for a teacher who is creative &
positive attitude and be able to provide
excellent customer service. enthusiastic, teaching experience are an asset.
supervising children and pro-
gram planning as well as light
N/S, N/P. Available September
1. $1400/mth + utilities. Call
Home for rent
We are in need of a ta who is adaptable cleaning duties. Job require- 403-901-0851. Available September 1, 2010
Send resume to Strathmore Vision Clinic, and great with kids. ments; criminal record check, Located in beautiful Cambridge Glen,
1st aid and must hold a child- 3 Bdrm bungalow in Strath- this 1190sq.ft bungalow includes fridge, stove,
321 - 3rd Street, Call Karen Galandy (403)934-5132 or care professional certificate. more. 25’ x 28’ garage, new dishwasher, washer & dryer, central vacuum,
Strathmore, Alberta t1P 1m4 Christin Dewald (403)934-9237 $13.00/hr. Drop off resumes deck with hot tub. All appli- 8 person Hot tub, double attached garage,
at the day care, 309 2nd Ave. ances included. N/S, pets underground irrigation with south facing
Strathmore. negotiable. $1500/mth + utili- backyard onto green space with walking paths,
ties. Available September 1.
playground and close proximity to schools,
Cleaning Staff, Part-Time Call 403-983-6900.
for toy clean-up at local play-
hospital, and numerous recreation facilities.
school. Approx. 10 hours/ 2 BDRM. CONDO/APT. includes $1600 per month +utilities, $2000 D.D on a 1 year lease.
month (possibly more in Sept. W/D, DW, gas F/P, 2 parking Call Craig @ 403-804-5958 to view.
and May). Most work to be stalls. N/S, N/P. Avail. immed.
done on-site, but some fab-
ric toys will have to be taken
$900/mo. & util. & DD. Call
mobile homes
home for laundering. $15/
hr. Fax resume to (403) 734- CHINOOK III. 2 BDRM. $900/ For Sale
3800. mo. 1 bdrm. $800/mo. DD re- 14x70 mobile home
quired. Heat & water included.
Looking for FT/PT em- No pets. Call Jane 403-934-
ployees, supervisors. 6896.
Day & night shifts. Flexible
hours, great benefit package. 2 BDRM. BASEMENT SUITE. 5
Front house & back house. appliances. $800/mo. & SD.
Drop resume off at Boston Avail. Sept 1/10. No pets. Call
Pizza. 403-934-6896.
must be moved by october 15th
c/w 16x20 and 8x16 additions,
Get your reasonable offers considered.
Classified Ads in!
for lease 403-936-5797
Warehouse For rent
real estate
bay for Downtown
huxted lease in commercial
WHEATLAND COUNTY Get your spruce
waste disposal & Port-a-Potties

Classified Feature Properties

Class 1 or
WAsTE TrANsfEr park approx 1000 sq Tina Scott 403-901-5388
Ads in the
3 drivers
to work in
siTE OpErATOr times! 3040 sq. ft.
ft ideal for retail.
terms negotiable.
Specializing In Country Properties
drumheller. Wheatland County is currently seeking a casual For details, secure building.
Drivers abstract
part-time Waste Transfer Site Operator. The primary Call Tracey please call call (403)
function of a Waster Transfer Site Operator is to 403-934-5589 403-934-4601 934-6605 to view.
assist County ratepayers with the proper disposal
Please email of waste material. Must have a reliable vehicle to
resumes to travel to work sites & good customer relation skills. real estate
For more information see our website or contact: Parklane Place $279,900
Bonnie Knox, Tel: (403) 934-3321 Rare condo opportunity.
Classified Ad Today!

Fax: (403) 934-4889.

Backing onto the canal and 1 block to
downtown. Two bed. Two bath.
Call the Strathmore Times

Kori-Lynn Stepaniuk Attached garage. Immediate possession.
Mortgage Specialist

Submit applications by email, fax or mail to:

Strathmore & Area “Constantly
Book Your

Wheatland County
Personnel Committee-Waste Transfer Site Operator Tel: 403.333.6070 Fax: 403.901.0738 Selling More
Real Estate”
Hwy 1, RR1,
Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6 Call for an appontment today! Canyon Creek (Strathmore)
firSt in mortgageS
The successful applicant will be required to submit
to a criminal records check and may be subject to
pre-employment drug testing.

We thank all applicants for their interest,

however, only those selected for an interview C3440482 C3401776 homes of the week
will be contacted.
totaLLy uPgraded
Former Aquilla Show Home. 1389 sq
ft finished up & down. Large master
& ensuite. 4 bedrooms with walk-
out basement. Double attached

MLs C3417669
garage & fenced. $395,600.

Various Positions
141 acres, on 564
$89,500 stunning 2 storey
Aquilla Show Home backing ont
1 mile east of 817! Hidden Valley golf course. Open concept 4 bed-

available C3425427
room home, gormet maple kitchen,
hardwood, granite and so much
C3440329 more. Have to see it to believe it!
MLs C3408529
Totally developed, landscaped, also
Send resumes to: sound & air conditioning. Price reduced to $675,000. beautifuL aquiLLa

CustoM buiLt hoMe
or fax 403.934.4540 backing onto canal in Aspen. This

$359,900 $329,900 MLs C3427986

1600 sq ft home with 3 bedrooms,
open concept features tons of up-
grades. New paint in main areas.
Hillview, 3 bedrooms 1182 Killdeer Close, Beautifully landscaped yard. Priced to sell!

2 bathrooms! Didsbury, ab $377,700.

Debbie Peter Holmgren RealtOR
Cell: 403-512-5551
Murray WarD Fax: 403-934-6409

www. 403.325.0372

Residential One
Real estate
August 20, 2010 • Strathmore Times • Page 19

classifieds Professional Directory

real estate real estate furnace & duct power cleaner

You are
WIndoW ClEanIng
by Roy Chester
to join us! Furnace Replacement • Repairs & Maintenance Power Washing • Window Cleaning
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general contractors real estate
f Golf
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Gift Certificate Phone emelia Holmgren Jim
Various refresh !
ments 403-512-5551 for info & directions Buckle
will be served Speargrass - 5 minutes Se of Carseland
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117 Orchard Way, Strathmore
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Residential • Light Industrial • Commercial New & Used Equipment • Sales & Service
#103, 3608 17th Avenue SE Email:
Calgary, Alberta T2A 0R9 Specializing in:
co-alta Holdings 15 Spruce Lane, Strathmore
O 403.901.1137 Bus: 403-934-3727
403.273.5242 • Painting C 403.880.3299 Fax: 403-934-3849
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Call Today for a FREE ESTIMATE Serving Strathmore, Drumheller & Areas call us fiRst!
403-620-1970 403.934.5605
403-934-5139 • fax 403-901-6265
403-629-9010 10B Bayside Place, Strathmore, AB
Page 20 • Strathmore Times • August 20, 2010


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* Price and payments based on 2.25% for 84 months with 0 down biweekly. All rebates to dealer. GST not included. **Payments based on bi-weekly payments. GST not included. † Some exclusions apply, see dealer for details. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown.

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