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Psalm of Life

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me not, in a (52) ____________ numbers,

Life is but an empty (53) __________!
For the soul is (54)_________ that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is (55)___________!

And the (56)___________ is not its goal;
Dust thou (57)_________, to dust returnest,
Was not (58)___________of the soul.

Not (59)__________, and not sorrow,

Is our (60)_________ end or way;
But to act, that each (61) ________
Finds us (62) ________ than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is (63) ___________,

And our hearts, though (64)______ and brave,
Still, like (65)________ drums, are beating
Funeral marches to the (66) __________.

In the worlds broad field of (67)_________,

In the (68)___________ of Life,
Be not like (69)___________, driven cattle!
Be a (70)___________ in the strife!

Trust no (71)_________, howeer pleasant!

Let the dead Past (72) _________ its dead!
Act, act in the living (73____________!
Heart within, and (74)_________ oerhead!

Lives of great men all (75)__________ us

We can make our lives (76)___________,
And, departing, (77)__________ behind us
(78)______________ on the sands of time;

Footprints that perhaps another

Sailing over lifes (79) ___________ main
A forlorn and (80)_____________brother
Seeing shall take (81)____________ again

Let us then be up and (82) ____________

With the heart for any (83)____________
Still achieving, still (84)_______________
Learn to labor and to (85)__________

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