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Rustom A.


BSED 3103

I recall the story of a young little three haired boy named San Mao, the main character in my
favorite cartoon network when I was a child. A based real story which started in a young monk
boy who has an admirable attributes. He has a good and rich family in the town but the
dramatic change come in his early life, he lost his family and live by the people who adopted
him. He suffered severely from his new family, doing all kind of works without considering the
health condition of this poor boy. The boy oppressed by this merciless family in the most
aspects of his life until he quit working for them and decided to live independently in the street,
looking for food, work, and shelter to sustain his pathetic life. The opportunity was moving
against him but he still resist in life and never capitulated the life even he slept in the street with
slay dogs and garbage, looking for food in dirty places and without permanent place, merely
enough as a beggar. He found some friends with the same condition and contrary, his enemies
who wildly compete with him in the rule of life in the street. But the story was not only flow in
this way, He felt a fortunate feeling when he help someone by returning the wallet, the rich
owner thanks him and quickly decided to adopt him for he do not has a child and he agreed so
much. After the long chapters of his life, finally he entered in the new beginning and innovation
door of life, he live happily with his new lovable, kind and very rich family, and this how the
story ends.

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