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W e l l i n g t o n

C l a s s i c a l
A s s o c i a t i o n

Simon Perris
Victoria University of Wellington

Classical Scholarship and Mori Oral

Traditions: The Curious Case of Agathe

Agathe Thornton (1910-2006) is a rare bird indeed: a classicist at Otago University, she
published three books on Greek and Roman epic; in retirement, however, she learned te reo
Mori and published three books on Mori oral tradition. My talk will address Thornton's
remarkable career, her application of classical methods to Mori manuscripts, and what
lessons might be drawn from all this about classics, biculturalism, and Mori tradition.

Date: Tuesday 17 October

Time: 8pm
Venue: Hugh Mackenzie LT 104 (HM LT104)

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