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1. Online!
Unit objectives Anticipating difficulties
To identify and talk about If there is a positive environment between the members of the class then it is
activities using computers. more likely that the children will be happy to learn and study English. If there is
a hostile environment, the opposite may happen.
To sing a song and a chant.
To read and understand a story Teaching tip
and a cartoon. You could teach the children how to give each other compliments at the start of
every lesson. They practise by saying things like: I like your jumper, your smile,
Target language your hair cut, your new pencil, etc. This should promote a sense of well being
and empathy and the children should be happier to come to the class and
Vocabulary: share compliments.
chat with friends, listen to
music, look at websites, play
computer games, search the
internet, send emails, upload
photos, watch videos
What are you doing? Unit 1 Online!

Im chatting with you.

He/She isnt chatting online. watch
Our/Their schools got an Art emails videos

club. headphones


to music

look at
chat with

search the upload

internet photos


Cho chats with Chan and Chad plays

Chess with Chet,
EAN: 8431300161290 BEEP 6 Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2012

While Charlie, Chuck and Chelsea

Search the internet!

366825 _ 0001-0016.indd 1 18/06/12 16:31


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 45 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 1A
Students Book, page 5

Objectives Getting started

To learn the names of some Put the poster on the board. Write the question: What can you do when you go
computer skills. to a cyber caf? on the board. Ask for a volunteer to come to the front of the
class and choose an activity. Point to the question on the board and ask: What
To learn and sing a song.
can you do when you go to a cyber caf? The child looks at the poster, points
to an activity and then answers: search the internet. Ask for another volunteer
Target language to come to the poster and do the same. Continue until you have been through
Vocabulary: all of the computer verbs and all of the children have had a turn. Then put the
chat with friends, listen to music, flashcards on the board face down. The children take turns to come to the
look at websites, play computer front of the class and turn over a flashcard. Then they have to find the object
games, search the internet, send on the poster.
emails, upload photos, watch
videos 1 Listen and sing. 1.7
Say: Open your books at page 5. Ask the class to look at the picture and ask them
who and what they can see. Then tell them they are going to hear a song about
How often do you...?
things one can do on a computer. Play the CD and ask the class to listen. Play the
I chat with my friends.
CD again and ask the class to follow the song in the book with their fingers. Play
the CD again and encourage the children to join in singing. Join in yourself. Play
Materials it a few more times until they are more confident. Then, divide the class into four
CD groups and ask them to sing a verse of the song each.
Unit 1 poster
flashcards: online 2 Look and ask a friend.
Elicit possible replies to the questions so that the children have model answers
before they start: once/twice/three times + a day/a week/a month. Ask the
i-book activity children to look at the pictures in Activity 2. Then ask for volunteers to read out
the captions for the pictures. Divide the class into pairs and ask them to ask
i-poster each other the questions. Go around the class, correcting the children when
necessary. After the activity, check the childrens memories by asking them
about their partners: How often does (Lucia) search the internet? How often
i-flashcards does (David) listen to music?

Finishing off.
Play read my lips. Choose one of the computer activities. Mouth the words and
ask the class to guess the activity. Invite the first child to guess the words, to
come to the front to have the next turn.

Communicative activities
Teachers Resource Book, page 57


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 46 02/08/12 9:25

1 Online! LESSON 1

1 Listen and sing.


I love our computer, I love our computer,

I use it every day. I use it every night.
I search the internet, I like to watch videos,
For new games to play. And look at websites.
I upload photos, I listen to my music,
And I chat with my friends. Do my homework too.
I sometimes write an email, It helps me ...
Then I click on send. With everything
I want to do!

2 Look and ask a friend. How often do you...?

2 3

look at
websites upload search the
photos 4 internet


chat with

watch listen to
videos music

366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 5 30/05/12 15:30

Students develop Cultural and artistic competence by listening to and singing a song about
computers. This activity also helps them to learn terms related to the digital world.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 47 02/08/12 9:25

1 Online!
1 Read and complete, then write the letters.

A send listen search look upload watch

1 I search the internet every day. c

B 2 I watch videos once a week. d
3 I upload photos once a week. e
4 I send emails on Saturdays. b
C 5 I look at websites every day. f F
www. boo

6 I listen to music twice a week. a

2 Read and answer for you. Childs own answers

1 How often do you listen to music? I listen to music

2 How often do you chat with friends?

3 How often do you send emails?

3 Write the words and match with the pictures.

1 2
ch/ar/se he/t er/int/net
search the internet 4
st/li/en o/t sic/mu
listen to music 3
at/ch th/wi nds/ie/fr
3 4
chat with friends 2
ad/lo/up ot/ph/os
upload photos 1

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 5 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Autonomy and personal initiative by talking about how often they listen to music,
chat with friends or send emails.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 48 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 1B
Activity Book, page 5

Objectives Getting started

To learn the verbs of some Show the flashcards one at a time and ask the children, as a group, to name
computer skills. them. Then hold out the flashcards face down and ask a child to come to the
front, choose a card and name it. Repeat with other children. Then ask two
To match phrases with pictures.
children to come to the front. One chooses a flashcard and asks the other:
How often do you (listen to music)? The other child answers.
Target language
Vocabulary: 1 Read and complete, then write the letters.
chat with friends, listen to
Say: Open your Activity Books at page 5. Ask the children to look at the verbs
music, look at websites, play
at the top of the page and then ask them to look at the six pictures in Activity 1.
computer games, search the
Explain that each of the verbs corresponds to a picture and that they have to
internet, send emails, upload
write in the correct verb and the letter of the corresponding picture. When they
photos, watch videos
have finished, call out a number between 1 and 6 and ask the class to read out
Structures: their sentence and the letter for that number.
How often do you (chat with
friends)? 2 Read and answer for you.
I (search the internet) every day. Say: Look at Activity 2. Tell the children that they have to answer the three
questions truthfully. When they have finished, check the activity by asking the
Materials children to read out their answers.
CD 3 Write the words and match with the pictures.
Unit 1 poster
Tell the children to look at Activity 3. Tell them to look at the pictures and then
flashcards: online
decipher the anagrams. Then they match the words with the pictures. When
they have finished, ask for volunteers to read out their answers.
i-book activity
Finishing off
i-poster Hide a flashcard behind your back. The children take turns to guess what it is
by asking questions. Continue until the children have guessed all the words.
Then ask for volunteers to take over your role.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 49 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 2A
Students Book, page 6

Objectives Getting started
To listen to and read a simple Practise the Present Continuous. Put the poster on the board. Describe
dialogue about everyday one of the characters and ask what he/she is doing. Say: Shes wearing
activities. headphones. Whats she doing? SS: Shes watching videos. Continue with the
other characters in the poster. T: Shes got glasses and shes wearing a purple
To learn and practise the
T-shirt. SS: Shes looking at websites, etc. Then ask the children to take over
Present Continuous tense.
your role and ask their classmates.

Target language
3 Listen and read. 1.8
Say: Open your books at page 6. Ask for a volunteer to read out the sentences
chatting, listening to music,
at the top of the page. Ask the children to look at the picture, and say: Listen
sending emails, uploading
very carefully. Play the CD. The children listen. Play the CD again, and get the
photos; sitting, watching,
children to follow the dialogue with their fingers. Play the CD again, pausing at
various points and choosing volunteers to say the next line. Ask questions about
the dialogue: Whats Mark doing? Who is uploading photos? Is Kim wearing a
Whats he/she doing?
cap? Then tell the children to get into pairs and encourage them to role-play the
He/Shes (searching the
dialogue, taking turns to play each character. Finally choose pairs to come to the
front and act out for the rest of the class.
What are they doing?
Theyre (playing frisbee). 4 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?
Ask the children to look at the grammar box in Activity 4. Ask them to read the
Materials grammar box and to tick the sentence that is in the dialogue. When they have
CD finished, ask for a volunteer to read out the answer. (Theyre uploading photos.).
Unit 1 poster
5 Look at Kims birthday photos and ask a friend.
Say: Look at Activity 5. Ask for two volunteers to read out the dialogue. Then
i-book activity ask the children to look at the picture for sixty seconds. They then close their
books. Divide the class into teams and ask questions for points: Whats Alan
i-poster doing? Whats Kim wearing? What are Mark and Ben doing? etc.

Finishing off
Ask the children to look again at the dialogue in Activity 3. Divide the class
into pairs. They take turns to read out small parts of the dialogue which their
partner finds and then says what comes next. Child A: Friend 17, please tell
me... Child B: who you are. Go around the class, correcting the children
when necessary.


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3 Listen and read.
6 Read and say t

Bens at the after-school IT club. Hes chatting online with other students. But who is Friend 17?

Friend 17 : Hello Ben.

Ben12 : Hi! Who are you?
Friend 17 : Im Friend 17. Im your
invisible friend.
Ben12 : My invisible friend? But
who are you? Are you Mark?
Friend 17 : No, Im not. Look at Mark,
whats he doing?
Ben12 : Hes searching the
internet. Are you Kim and Tori?
Friend 17 : No, theyre uploading photos.
Ben12 : Are you Alan? Hes Friend 17 : Heres a clue. Im sitting
laughing a lot. behind you and Im wearing a cap.
Friend 17 : No, Alan isnt chatting Ben12 : Anita, its you!
online, hes watching a funny video. Friend 17 : Thats right, Im not
Ben12 : Friend 17, please tell me invisible now!
who you are.
Beep on Grammar, page 2.

4 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?

Present Continuous

he Im / Im not
is listening to music.
she Hes / He isnt
What you doing? Shes / She isnt uploading photos.
are we Were / We arent sending an email.
they Theyre / They arent

Look at Kims birthday photos and ask a friend.
Read about Am

It was my birthday yesterday. Im

uploading my birthday photos now.

What are Mark

and Ben doing?
Theyre playing
Whats Kim frisbee.
Shes wearing red trousers
and a yellow T-shirt.

366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 6 30/05/12 15:30

Students develop Competence in Learning to learn by reviewing sentences in the Present

Continuous tense.


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4 Complete the tables. 7 Write the quest

Present Continuous

2 she
What you doing?

1 are we
3 they

Im / Im not
Look and answ
Hes / He isnt
Shes / 4 She isnt listening 6 to music.
Were / We arent
Theyre / 5 They arent

Listen and write the letter.

1 Alex B
2 Sonia F
3 Inga C
4 Emil E
D E F 9 Look, read and

5 Ron D
6 Judy A

6 Look at Activity 5 and write about the children. Model answers

1 + Alex is uploading photos.

2 - Sonia isnt watching a video.
3 + Inga is listening to music.

4 - Emil isnt reading a book.

5 + Ron is eating spaghetti.

6 - Judy isnt searching the internet.

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 6 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Processing information and digital competence in the classroom by extracting
specific information from a short CD recording. Children listen to a dialogue and match the
corresponding letter with the correct name.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 52 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 2B
Activity Book, page 6

Objectives Getting started

To practise the Present Ask a volunteer to come to the front of the class and mime an action (not
Continuous. necessarily connected with computer activities). Ask: What is (David) doing?
SS: He is (reading a book). Continue with other volunteers, making sure the
Target language children differentiate between he and she.

Vocabulary: 4 Complete the tables.

chatting, listening to music,
Tell the children to open their Activity Books at page 6. Ask them to complete
sending emails, uploading
the tables with the correct part of the Present Continuous. Correct the activity
by going around the classroom, looking at the childrens work.
5 Listen and write the letter. 3.2
Whats he/she doing?
He/Shes (searching the Tell the children to look at Activity 5. Tell them to look at the six pictures on the
internet). right as they listen to the CD. Play the CD. The children listen. Play the CD again
She isnt (uploading photos). and this time the children write the correct letter next to the appropriate name.
Play the CD again so that they can check their answers. Correct the exercise by
asking the children to tell you what each child is doing.
6 Look at Activity 5 and write about the children.
Say: Look at Activity 6. Point out the plus and minus signs beside the sentences
and explain that they show which sentences are affirmative and which are
negative. Ask for two volunteers to read out the two sample sentences and then
tell the children to look at Activity 5 and write about the children. When they have
finished, ask for volunteers to read out their sentences.

Finishing off
Divide the class into pairs and tell the children to ask questions about the
characters in Activity 5. S1: Is Alex uploading photos? S2: Yes, he is. Is Sonia
watching a video? S1: No, she isnt.

Listen and write the letter. 3.2

Child: Whats Alex doing? Child: Fine and what about Emil? Whats Emil doing?
Man: Alex is listening to music and hes uploading Man: He isnt reading. Hes watching a video.
photos. Child: Good, and now Ron. Whats he doing?
Child: OK, and what about Sonia? Whats she doing? Man: Ron isnt looking at websites. Hes eating
Man: Sonia isnt listening to music. Shes reading a spaghetti and hes reading a book.
book. Oh, and shes drinking orange juice. Child: And now tell me about Judy, please. Whats she
Child: And now Inga. Whats she doing? doing?
Man: Ingas looking at websites and listening to music. Man: Shes sending emails and listening to music.

Reading and writing
Teachers Resource Book, page 89
Activity 1: The children read the letter and then answer the questions below.
Activity 2: The children pretend they are Thomas and write a reply to Edwards email in their notebooks.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 53 09/10/12 18:05

Lesson 3A
Students Book, page 7

Objectives Getting started
To read and learn about time Quickly revise the time: oclock, quarter past, half past, quarter to. Dictate
zones. sentences about computer routines and ask the children to write them in their
notebooks: I search the internet, I look at websites about music, I find the
To practise the Present
words of my favourite songs, I send emails, I chat with my friends. They then
re-write the sentences so that they are true for them, making sure to include
To practise using adverbs of in each sentence one of the adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, never
frequency. and every day. I search the internet every day, I usually look at websites about
To read and write about music, I often chat with my friends, etc.
computer activities.
6 Read and say the names. Find a mistake in each text.
Target language Say: Open your books at page 7. Ask the children to look at the pictures and
Vocabulary: to say what time it is in each one. Explain that they are going to read about
always, every day, never, often, characters doing different things in different parts of the world. Ask the children
sometimes, usually; in the to read about the four characters: Pam, Anton, Shen and Rosa. Ask them if
afternoon, in the evening, in the they have any questions about the texts and then ask for four volunteers to
morning read the texts out loud. Tell the children to look at the pictures again and say
which name goes with which picture. Then ask them to find a mistake in each
Structures: text. Ask the children to read out the incorrect sentence and to replace it with
Shes from New York. a correct one: Shes searching the internet for information about bees. No, she
Its 2 oclock. isnt. Shes searching the internet for information about butterflies. Hes in the
living room... No, hes in the kitchen... its 10 oclock at night... No, its 8 oclock
Materials at night... Shes watching a video about dinosaurs. No, shes watching a video
about butterflies.
Blank cards, some with True
and some with False written on Answers
1 Anton, 2 Pam, 3 Rosa, 4 Shen

i-book activity 7 Read about Amy and write about you.

Ask the children to look at Activity 7. Instruct them to read the text and tell
you if there is anything they dont understand. Then ask for volunteers to read
the text about Amy out loud. Ask some questions: When does Amy chat with
her friends? How often does she look at websites about music? etc. Write the
adverbs always, usually, often, sometimes, never and every day on the board and
tell the children to write about themselves and to include the adverbs. When they
have finished, ask for volunteers to read out their texts.

Finishing off
Extend Activity 6 by playing a game in teams. Give each team two cards
with True written on one and False on the other. Make statements about the
children in Activity 6 and give the teams five seconds to hold up one of the
cards. Say: Shens from Shanghai in China (False) and give the teams holding
up the False card a point. Continue with other statements: Antons looking at a
website about food (True), Its nine oclock at night in New York (False), etc.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 54 02/08/12 9:25

6 Read and say the names. Find a mistake in each text.

t who is Friend 17? The world is divided into 24 time zones. In each zone, the time is different. When its 9 oclock in the
morning in Spain, its 2 oclock in the morning in Mexico and 4 oclock in the afternoon in Japan.
Here are four children in different cities. Look and read about what theyre doing now.

1 2

3 4

ue. Im sitting
ing a cap.
t, Im not

Pam Shen
Shes from New York in the USA. Shes in her Hes from Beijing in China. Its 10 oclock at
IT class and its 9 oclock in the morning there. night and hes in his bedroom. Hes listening to
Her class is doing a project about insects. Shes music and sending an email to his cousin.
searching the internet for information about bees. Its her birthday tomorrow.
stening to music. Anton Rosa
ploading photos. Hes in the living room in his home in Moscow, Shes at the Science Museum in Valencia in
Russia. Its 5 oclock in the afternoon there. Hes Spain. Its 3 oclock in the afternoon there.
ending an email.
looking at a website about food. He likes cooking Shes watching a video about dinosaurs.
and he wants to find a recipe for chocolate cake. Its fascinating!

7 Read about Amy and write about you.

Computers and me
My favourite computer activity is
My favourite searching the internet. I look at
computer websites about music every day and
activities I find the words of my favourite pop
songs. I really like listening to music
1 search the on the computer too. I usually chat
internet online with friends in the evening and
Theyre playing 2 listen to music I play computer games once or twice a
frisbee. 3 chat online week. I sometimes upload photos, but I
4 play computer never send emails.
games By Amy
5 upload photos
wearing red trousers
a yellow T-shirt.

366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 7 30/05/12 15:30

Students develop Mathematical competence by learning that the world is divided into 24 time zones.
They read information about four children living in different countries.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 55 02/08/12 9:25

7 Write the questions in order.

1 are they What wearing ? 4 wearing Whats she ?

What are they wearing? Whats she wearing?

2 he eating Whats ? 5 they doing are What ?

Whats he eating? What are they doing?

3 doing she Whats ? 6 Whats doing he ?

Whats she doing? Whats he doing?

8 Look and answer the questions from Activity 7.

1 Theyre wearing jumpers.

2 Hes eating an apple.
3 Shes sending emails.
4 Shes wearing glasses.
5 They are listening to music.
6 Hes uploading photos.

9 Look, read and complete.

Computers and me
sister upload emails at watch stars computer

My favourite computer activity is looking at websites.

I like websites about science and space. I like learning about the
stars and planets. I really like playing
computer games too. I play with my friends and my
sister .
I sometimes send emails to my cousin. He lives in Argentina. I watch videos
once a week. I never upload photos, I havent got a camera!
By Rory

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 7 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Linguistic competence by writing questions in the correct order and completing
sentences with the correct words in a chat.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 56 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 3B
Activity Book, page 7

Objectives Getting started

To practise the Present Write the adverbs of frequency on the board: always, never, sometimes, usually.
Continuous. Write: my favourite, I like and I really like on the board. Place the flashcards
around the classroom. Ask a question using one: Do you like sending text
To complete a text using
messages? and ask a volunteer to go to the flashcard, hold it up, choose a
computer vocabulary.
phrase from the board and say: Yes, I (really like) (sending text messages) or
To practise using adverbs of No, I dont. I (never) (send text messages). Ask another volunteer to take over
frequency. your role of asking questions. Repeat several times with other volunteers.

Target language 7 Write the questions in order.

Vocabulary: Say: Open your books at page 7. Look at Activity 7. Ask the class to look at the
doing, wearing; always, never, questions, and explain that the order of the words is wrong. Tell them to write
sometimes, usually the words in the correct order to make a question. When they have finished ask
Structures: for volunteers to read out their questions.
What is he wearing?
8 Look and answer the questions from Activity 7.
What is she doing?
I like (listening to music). Tell the children to look at Activity 8. Tell them to look at the pictures and
I really like (uploading photos). then answer the questions from Activity 7. When they have finished, ask for
volunteers to read out their answers.
Materials 9 Look, read and complete.
flashcards: online Tell the children to look at the text Computers and me in Activity 9. Explain that
they have to complete the text using the words in the box. When they have
i-flashcards finished, ask for volunteers to read out their answers.

Finishing off
Play hangman with the children, using computer activities. Write lines on the
board representing each letter in the sentence:
_ ____ ________ _____ _____.
(I like websites about sport)
Divide the class into teams. The teams take turns to say letters. If a letter
appears in the sentence, write it on the corresponding line and give the team a
point for each time it appears.

Communicative activities
Teachers Resource Book, page 58


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 57 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 4A
Students Book, pages 8 and 9 Save our school! LESSON 4 LESSON 4

8 Read and listen to the story.

1.9 Look it up!

Jess and Paddy go to Riverdale School. Today Paddy and Jess are reading about Chinmaya Paddy
Schooland Jess are Jess andabout
reading Paddy are talking
Chinmaya to the stud
they are working in the computer room. Paddy is in Uttar Pradesh in India. There was an earthquake Chinmaya
in Uttar Pradesh in India. ThereSchool.
was an They tell them abou
a computer expert. He is writing a new computer yesterday. yesterday.
game. Its called Alien Alert! Jess is searching the
To enjoy a story. internet.

To read and listen for Oh no! Paddy,

look at this.
To practise the Present
Continuous and the Present
Its terrible! Their
classrooms are destroyed. They need money
1 to build them again. 2 2
Target language Jess has got an idea. After school, they visit Paddys
dad. He works for a big computer company. He likes
Im uploading your game
on our website now.
Jesss idea.
Vocabulary: Thanks Dad!
chat with friends, listen to Can we put Paddys new
game on your website?
music, look at websites, play
computer games, search the
internet, send emails, upload
photos, watch videos
Paddy and Jess are reading. Then we can help
build a new classroom. Now when people play the game,
A reporter comes
to the school. Alien Alert! is a big succ
3 they give money to the earthquake fund. 4 The earthquake fund now has4lots of m
They give money to the fund. 8

We dont play cricket. 366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 8 30/05/12 15:30

Materials Getting started

Ask the children what they can tell you about India. Ask them what the capital
city is, in what continent it is, etc. Ask them what kind of food they eat in India.
Ask them if they know any famous monuments.

8 Read and listen to the story. 1.9

Play the CD and tell the class to read and listen to the story. Check
comprehension with questions: Where do Jess and Paddy go to school? What
is Paddy doing in scene 1? What is Jess doing? Why do they need money in
Chinmaya school? Where does Paddys dad work? etc. Write the main parts
from the story on the board: narrator, Paddy, Jess, Paddys dad, Indian child,
reporter. Divide the class into groups of six and tell them to take a part each
and read the story. Follow up by asking the children: Do you like computer
games? Whats your favourite computer game? How often do you play it?
Do you play any other games?


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 58 02/08/12 9:25

LESSON 4 Taj Mahal Henna Curry Bindi Students develop and consolidate competence in
Look it up! Look it up! Knowledge and interaction with the physical world by
ss are Jess andabout
reading Paddy are talking
Chinmaya to the students at Jess and Paddy are talking to the students at
School Paddy and Jesss class are learning about Chinmaya
learning more about India.
sh in India. ThereSchool.
was an They tell them about the game.
earthquake Chinmaya School. They tell them about the game. School. Their school hasnt got a swimming pool,
but students can swim in the river.

The river looks We dont play cricket

amazing! at our school!
Thank you for helping!

2 5 6

One year later, Paddy and Jess are visiting Chinmaya

People are playing School. Thanks to Paddys computer game, the
your game all over school now has TWO new classrooms!
the world!

A reporter comes A reporter comes

to the school. Alien Alert! is a big success. to the school. Alien Alert! is a big success.
The earthquake fund now has4lots of money. The earthquake fund now has lots of money. 7 8

366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 9 30/05/12 15:30

Look it up.
Ask the children to open their Students Books and to look at the photos at the
top of page 9. Tell them they have to find out what each one shows and write a
sentence or two about each of the photos. For example:
The Taj Mahal is a white marble monument in India. It was built by an emperor.
They started building it around 1632 and completed it around 1653. Henna is a
plant used to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather and wool. Henna tattoos are
temporary tattoos. They are a South Asian tradition. Curry is a type of dish from
Southeast Asia. It can have meat or fish in it, or just vegetables, and usually
contains spices and chillies, making it hot. It is often served with rice. A bindi is
the name of the red dot many South Asian woman wear between their eyes. It is
for decoration and for protection.
When they have finished, get them to read out their sentences to the rest of the

Finishing off
Tell the class to open their books at the story pages and to hold the books on
their heads with the pages open like a hat. Read out a speech bubble or part of
a caption, say Go! and instruct the children to race to find which scene it is in.
Tell them to stand up when they find it. When most of the class are standing up,
elicit the scene number. Repeat with other speech bubbles or captions.


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Save our school!
10 Look at the story and number the sentences in order. 12 Unscramble an

2 Jess tells Paddys dad about her idea.

4 A reporter comes to the school.

5 Jess and Paddy visit India.

1 Jess reads about the earthquake.

3 Dad uploads Paddys game to the website.

11 Look at the story and match. 13 Read and write

Im uploading your game on our website now.

Its terrible! Their classrooms are destroyed.

Can we put Paddys new game on your website? 14 What do you th

Paddy 4
People are playing your game all over the world!

Thank you for helping!

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 8 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Interpersonal and civic competence by learning about helping, by reading
sentences from the story about the destruction in a school after an earthquake in India. My


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 60 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 4B
Activity Book, page 8

Objectives Getting started

To read for comprehension. Remember the story. Ask the class questions about the story. Then ask them
to open their Students Books at Lesson 4. Assign the parts to volunteers and
To practise the Present
read the story out loud.
Continuous and the Present
10 Look at the story and number the sentences in order.
Target language Ask the children to look at the sentences and to number them in the same
Vocabulary: order as they appear in the Students Book. Then write a sentence on the
chat with friends, listen to board: Jess and Paddy visit Japan. Ask the children to look at their Students
music, look at websites, play Books and say whether the sentence is True or False.
computer games, search the 11 Look at the story and match.
internet, send emails, upload
Ask the class to look at the pictures of the characters from the story. Tell them
photos, watch videos
to read the story again and find which of the sentences was said by which
Structures: character. Tell them to match the sentences to the characters. When they have
Paddy and Jess are reading. finished, ask for volunteers to tell you their answers.
They give money to the fund.
We dont play cricket.

Mystery Island
Teachers Resource Book, pages 123 128


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 61 02/08/12 9:25

12 Unscramble and complete the sentences.

1 There is an e a r t h q u a k e in India. eratqhua
2 They play c r i c k e t in Chinmaya school.
3 Paddy is a computer e x p e r t .

4 The Earthquake f u n d now has lots of money.


5 Alien Alert! is a big s u c c e s s .
6 They b u i l d two new classrooms. ssu

13 Read and write True or False.

1 Jess and Paddy play cricket at school. False

2 Paddy and Jess go to Riverside school. False
3 Paddys dad works for a computer company. True
4 Uttar Pradesh is in Pakistan. False
5 Chinmaya students swim in the river. True
6 Jess and Paddy visit India six months later. False

14 What do you think? Childs own answers

I think this story is . (ok / interesting /

inspiring /sad)

My favourite character is .

I (often / sometimes /
never) play computer games online.

I give this story stars.

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 9 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Autonomy and personal initiative by writing their own opinions about the text.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 62 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 4C
Activity Book, page 9

Objectives 12 Unscramble and complete the sentences.

Tell the children to look at the jumbled words on the right-hand side of the page.
To read for comprehension.
Explain that they have to re-arrange the words and complete the sentences.
To practise the Present When they have finished, tell them to correct the activity by checking their
Continuous and the Present sentences against the story. Ask for volunteers to read out their answers.
13 Read and write True or False
Target language Ask the children to look at Activity 13. Explain that they have to read the six
sentences, look at the story and say whether the sentences are True or False.
Vocabulary: When they have finished, ask for volunteers to read out the sentences and for
chat with friends, listen to
other volunteers to say True or False.
music, look at websites, play
computer games, search the 14 What do you think?
internet, send emails, upload
photos, watch videos Ask the children to look at Activity 14. Explain that they have to complete the
sentences to give their opinion about the story. When they have finished, ask for
Structures: volunteers to read out their texts.
Jess and Paddy play cricket at
Paddy is a computer expert. Finishing off
Play spot the mistakes. Tell the story again with mistakes. Ask the class to call
out Stop!, when they hear you make a mistake and invite them to tell you the
correct word or phrase.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 63 02/08/12 9:25

Lesson 5A
Students Book, page 10

Objectives Getting started
To compare two schools. Revise telling the time. Play run and write. Draw two clock faces without hands
on the board. Divide the class into two teams, invite a member of each team
To practise verbs with times.
to the front and give them both pens. Say a time and tell them to draw hands
To practise Wh- questions. on the clock to show that time. Give a point to the first child to draw the time
To sing a chant. correctly. Repeat with another time and then ask for another pair of volunteers.
Continue until all the children have had a turn. Then write the words What,
Where, When, Which and Who on the board. Ask the children some general
Target language questions about school: What time does school start? Where do we play sports?
Vocabulary: Have we got an IT club? Who is your headmaster? When does school finish?
chat with friends, listen to music,
look at websites, play computer 9 Look, read and say True or False.
games, search the internet, send
emails, upload photos, watch Say: Open your books at page 10 and look at the two noticeboards in Activity
videos 9. Ask the children to read the information about the two schools and then ask
them questions: Do they play cricket at Riverdale School? Which school has
Structures: an Art Club? What time does school start in Chinmaya School? When does it
Our school finishes at four. finish? Where is Chinmaya? etc. Then tell the children to read the six sentences
Their summer holidays are in under the posters and to decide whether they are True or False. Read out the
August. sentences and the children call out True or False.
Materials 1 False, 2 True, 3 False, 4 True, 5 False, 6 False
10 Listen and say the chant. 1.10
i-book activity Say: Look at Activity 10. Ask the children to look at the pictures, and play the
CD. Play it again and ask the children to follow it in their books. Then tell the
class to stand up, play the chant again and ask the children to sing along and
march on the spot. Then divide the class into two teams. Ask Team A to say the
first line, Team B to recite the second, and so on. Then reverse roles and repeat.

Finishing off
Ask the children to write a description of their school based on the language
and information on the page: Our school day starts at and finishes at Our
school has summer holidays in Our head teachers name is Our school
has got clubs for The children can also find information about a school in
another country and compare the schools (lots of UK primary schools have
websites with information about the school and photos).


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 64 02/08/12 9:25

9 Look, read and say True or False. 11 Listen and rea

Riverdale School C h i nm a y a S c ho o l
School day School day
9 oclock 4 oclock 8 oclock 2 oclock
School teams
School teams
Football Cricket
Gymnastics Athletics

Clubs Clubs
IT Summer holidays
holidays IT
Music Summer May / June
July / August

1 Our schools got an Art club. 2 Their school starts at 8 oclock.

3 Their summer holidays are in August. 4 Our schools got a football team.

5 Their school hasnt got an IT club. 6 Our summer holidays are in May.

Beep on Grammar, page 3.

10 Listen and say the chant. 1.10

Our school starts at nine oclock,

Their school starts at eight.
Our school is so far away,
I sometimes get there late.
Their schools got a river,
Our schools got a pool.
At their school they play cricket,
I think thats really cool!
Our schools got computers,
Their schools got some too.
Our school stops at four oclock,
Their school stops at two! 12 Listen and an

366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 10 30/05/12 15:31

Students develop Cultural and artistic competence by listening to and singing a chant about the
differences between two schools, one from Great Britain and the other from India.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 65 02/08/12 9:26

15 Look at Activity 9 in the Students Book and complete. 18 Look at Lesson
ve r d a S c h o o n m aya S c h o o l
Ri l Chi
Our school starts at nine oclock.

Their school holidays are in May and June.

Our school hasnt got a karate club. Our schools got a gymnastics team.

Our schools got a dance club. Their school finishes at two oclock.

Listen and circle.

Hello, were from Brazil!
1 2 3 Find the mistak
School day Sports teams
8 / 9 oclock to Swimming Students in our class
1 / 2 oclock. Gymnastics 20 / 25 / 30 / 35

4 5 6
Summer Clubs Languages
holidays IT English
June Art Spanish
August Music French
December Portuguese
Complete the t

17 Complete for your school. Childs own answers

1 There are girls and boys in our class.

2 At our school, we have lunch at .
3 At our school, we go home at .
4 Our summer holidays are in .

381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 10 06/07/12 14:56

Students develop Linguistic competence by completing sentences with information about two
schools using our and their.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 66 02/08/12 9:26

Lesson 5B
Activity Book, page 10

Objectives Getting started

To practise verbs with times. Practise telling the time. Ask for volunteers and ask them questions. T: (David),
what time do you have English on Monday? (Mara), what time do you have
To ask questions and talk
breakfast? What time does your school start?
about school.

15 Look at Activity 9 in the Students Book and complete.

Target language
Say: Open your Activity Books at page 10 and look at Activity 15. Explain to the
Vocabulary: children that they will find the information they need in Activity 9 in their Students
chat with friends, listen to music, Books. Then they complete the activity. When they have finished, ask for
look at websites, play computer volunteers to read out the sentences.
games, search the internet, send
emails, upload photos, watch 16 Listen and circle. 3.3
videos Say: Look at Activity 16. Tell the children to look at the words in the box. Explain
Structures: that they are going to listen to the CD and that they have to circle the words they
Our school stops at four. hear. Tell them to listen carefully, and play the CD. Play the CD again and the
Their summer holidays are in children circle the words. When they have finished, ask for six volunteers to read
August. out their answers. Encourage them to use complete sentences.
17 Complete for your school.
Materials Say: Look at Activity 17. Tell the children they are going to write a text similar to
CD the one they have just listened to in Activity 16, but this time they have to write
about their own school. When they have finished, ask for four volunteers to read
out their answers.

Finishing off
Ask the children to make a list of five times and school subjects. Tell them to write
sentences using starts or ends. Go around the class checking the childrens work.

Listen and circle. 3.3

Interviewer: Hello, where are you from? Girl: Yes, sixteen girls and fourteen boys.
Boy and Girl: Hi! Were from Brazil. Interviewer: When are your summer holidays?
Interviewer: Tell me about school in Brazil. What time Boy: Our summer holidays are in December.
do you start school? Interviewer: OK, next question. Are there any clubs at
Girl: At our school, we start at 8 oclock and we go your school?
home at 1 oclock. Girl: Our school has an Art club.
Interviewer: Ah yes, and what about sport? What are Interviewer: OK, and is there an IT club?
the sports teams at your school? Girl: No, there isnt. Theres an Art club, oh and theres a
Boy: At our school, theres a swimming team and dance club too.
theres a football team. Interviewer: What languages do you study?
Interviewer: Fine. How many students are there in your Boy: We study three languages: Portuguese, Spanish
class? and English.
Girl: There are 30 students in our class. Interviewer: OK, thank you children.
Interviewer: 30? Boy and Girl: Thank you, bye!

Teachers Resource Book, page 11 13


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 67 02/08/12 9:26

Lesson 6A
Students Book, page 11

Objectives Getting started
To listen and read about a Introduce the lesson by explaining that the children are going to read about
school and a child in Australia. a girl who lives in Australia. Find Australia on a map and ask the students to
tell you what they know about it: Whats the capital city? (Canberra); What
Target language languages do people speak (English is the official language, but there are also
speakers of Greek, Italian, Chinese and native Australian languages); Which
Vocabulary: animals live in Australia? (koala, kangaroo, duck-billed platypus, crocodile,
chat with friends, listen to emu, etc.). What are popular sports? (cricket, swimming, athletics, surfing);
music, look at websites, play When is summer in Australia? (November to February). Tell the children that
computer games, search the Australia is a big country. Explain that some children live a long way from the
internet, send emails, upload nearest town. Ask the children how they think Australian children study if they
photos, watch videos cant go to school. Elicit online studying as a solution. Then ask the children to
Structures: think of how one can study online. Ask them how the teacher can correct the
I live with my family. childrens work to prompt the answer: By email.
I study at an online school.
I do my schoolwork on the 11 Listen and read. 1.11
computer, etc.
Say: Open your books at page 11. Ask the children to look at the text as they
listen to the CD. Play the first paragraph of the CD and encourage the children
Materials to listen. Play the CD again and ask the children to follow it in their books. Ask
CD some comprehension questions: How old is Cora? Where does she live? Where
flashcards: online does she study? Do the same for the other paragraphs. Then ask for a volunteer
to choose one of the paragraphs and to read it out loud. The other children say
which paragraph it is. Repeat until you have read all five sections.
i-book activity
12 Listen and answer the questions. 1.12
i-flashcards Tell the children they are going to listen to eight questions about the texts.
Tell them to listen carefully and to write down their answers. Play the CD and
encourage the children to listen and look for the answers. Play the CD again and
ask the children to write down their answers. When they have finished, ask for
volunteers to read out their answers as you play the questions.

1 3 o clock, 2 6, 3 Yes, 4 Yes, 5 Yes, 6 No, 7 They have a barbecue and a disco.
8 April

Finishing off
Put the flashcards on the board. Ask the children to choose one of the
objects and to write a short text about how it can be used in education.
When they have finished, display the texts in the classroom.

Listen and answer the questions. 1.12

Narrator: Hello, here are some questions about 4 Has Cora got any friends?
Coras school. 5 Does Cora like detective novels?
1 What time does Cora finish her online lessons? 6 Is Cora in the IT club?
2 How many children are in Coras class? 7 What do Brian and the children do at Christmas?
3 Is Cora in the Art club? 8 Whens sports day?


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 68 02/08/12 9:26

11 Listen and read. 1.11

Hello, Im Cora and Im eleven

years old. Im from Australia and
I live with my family on a farm.
There isnt a school near the
farm. I stay at home every day
and study at an online school!


The internet
Every morning, I go to the school website and have a lesson with
my teacher. His names Brian and the lesson is 30 minutes long.
There are five other children in the class. We can see Brian on
our computers and we can talk to him and ask him questions.
Summer holidays
May / June
I study from 9 oclock to 3 oclock every day. Maths and Art are
my favourite subjects. I do my schoolwork on the computer and
send it to Brian by email. I sometimes send emails to the other
children in the class. Theyre my friends!
s got a football team.
Books and DVDs
holidays are in May. We read books and watch DVDs to learn about Maths, Science
and the other subjects. Our school has a library with lots of
different books. I send the librarian an email and she sends me the
books by post. I really like science fiction and detective novels.

School clubs
There are Music, Art and IT clubs at my school. Im in the Art
club. Every week, I paint a picture. I take a photo of the picture,
upload the photo and send it to my Art teacher.
Special days
Twice a year, Brian and all the children in my class meet in a big
city called Melbourne. At Christmas, we have a big barbecue and
a disco. In April, we have a sports day with swimming, athletics
and football matches.

12 Listen and answer the questions. 1.12


366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 11 30/05/12 15:31

Students develop and consolidate competence in Knowledge and interaction with the physical
world by learning more about different ways of studying, like a girl who lives on a farm in Australia
and studies at an online school.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 69 02/08/12 9:26

18 Look at Lesson 11 and answer T (True) or F (False).
n m aya S c h o o l

1 Cora lives in a town with her family. F

2 She can see her teacher on her computer. T
3 There are seven children in Coras class. F
4 She studies for eight hours every day. F
a gymnastics team. 5 She sometimes sends emails to other children. T
6 She doesnt like detective novels. F

shes at two oclock. 7 She paints a picture twice a week. F

8 Theres a sports day in April. T

19 Find the mistakes and correct.

1 Coras twelve years old. Cora's eleven years old .

2 The online lessons are forty minutes long. The online lessons are thirty minutes long.
3 Her favourite subjects are Maths and Science. Her favourite subjects are Maths and Art.
4 The librarian sends Cora DVDs by email. The librarian sends Cora books by post.
5 There are Music, Art and Spanish clubs at school. There are Music, Art and IT clubs at school.
6 At Christmas, theres a big barbecue and a concert. At Christmas, theres a big barbecue and a disco.

20 Complete the table. Childs own answers

Cora You
Start school at... 9 oclock
Number of
children in class 5
Teachers name Brian
Favourite subjects Maths, Art


381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 11 06/07/12 14:57

Students develop Competence in Learning to learn by answering True or False type questions.
Students also recognize untrue information and offer the correct version. These activities help them
activate long-term memory skills.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 70 02/08/12 9:26

Lesson 6B
Activity Book, page 11

Objectives Getting started

To listen and read about Tell the children to imagine that they have been given a dog and that they
a school and a student in have to learn how to look after it. Write the following words on the board: dog
Australia. biscuits, exercise, chocolate, fresh water, dog food, grooming (explain). Then
write the words: always, sometimes, usually and never next to them. Divide
Target language the class into pairs and ask them to put the correct adverb with each word.
(always: exercise, fresh water, dog food; sometimes: grooming, dog biscuits;
Vocabulary: never: chocolate). When they have finished, ask them to make sentences:
chat with friends, listen to I never give my dog chocolate.
music, look at websites, play
computer games, search the
internet, send emails, upload 18 Look at Activity 11 and answer T (True) or F (False).
photos, watch videos Say: Open your Activity Books at page 11. Look at Activity 18. Look at Activity 11 in
Structures: your Students Book and say whether the sentences about Cora are True or False.
I live with my family. When they have finished, ask for eight volunteers to read out the sentences. The
I study at an online school. rest of the class should call out True or False.
I do my schoolwork on the
19 Find the mistakes and correct.
Say: Look at Activity 19. Tell the children that they have to find the mistakes in the
sentences about Cora and correct them. Tell them to refer to their Students Books.
When they have finished, ask for volunteers to read out what they have written and
ask the rest of the class to correct them if necessary.

20 Complete the table.

Ask the children to look at the table in Activity 20. Then, explain that they have to
fill in the table with information about Cora and then fill it in with their own details.
When they have finished, ask for volunteers to give you their answers. Encourage
them to use complete sentences.

Finishing off
Ask the children to look at the sentences in Activity 19 and to write them
out again but to write about themselves. Explain that they can use either
affirmative or negative sentences: I am twelve years old. The librarian doesnt
send me DVDs by email. Go around the class checking the childrens work.

Communicative activities
Teachers Resource Book, page 59


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 71 02/08/12 9:26

Lesson 7A
Students Book, page 12

Objectives Getting started
To read and listen to a cartoon Put the poster on the board. Ask the children to tell you things about the
story. poster: There is a man listening to music and drinking coffee. Two children are
looking at websites. One boy is uploading photos, etc.
To say a tongue twister and
practise the ch sound.
To review the language of the 13 Read and listen. 1.13
unit. Tell the children to look at the Beep cartoon and remind them that Sally and
Finns dad is Professor Rubin. Ask them if they remember Doctor Kronik. Remind
them that Sally, Finn and Beep can travel through time. Play the CD and tell the
Target language students to read and listen to the cartoon. Read out half a caption or speech
Vocabulary: bubble and ask the students to complete it: Can you download? Look at
chat with friends, listen to their robot. Whats wrong with? Repeat with other sentences. Follow on by
music, look at websites, play asking the children to work in pairs or small groups and act out the story. Assign
computer games, search the roles: Beep, Sally, Finn, Narrator and children in the street.
internet, send emails, upload
photos, watch videos. 14 Listen and say a tongue twister. 1.14
Structures: Tell the children they are going to learn a tongue twister. Play the CD and
Can you download a map of encourage the children to repeat each line in the pauses. Put the poster on the
the city? board and show the children the tongue twister. Play the CD again and invite the
Beep is downloading a map of class to chant again. Then teach the children a clapping pattern to do in pairs
the city. along with the chant. The pairs face each other, clap hands as they say the line
and then clap hands with their partner at the end of each line. Do this very slowly
to begin with and faster as the children get more familiar with the chant and with
Materials clapping along.
Unit 1 poster Finishing off
Practise saying the tongue twister in different ways: slowly, quickly, in a deep
i-book activity voice, pretending to chew gum as you speak. Ask the children to make a list of
ch words in pairs: chocolate, cherries, cheese, Chinese, children, chair, chips,
chicken. Share words as a class and then ask the children to invent their own
i-poster tongue twisters or rhymes including some of the words. For example: I like
chocolate and cherries too, I like Chinese cheese, what about you?


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 72 02/08/12 9:26

The Adventures of Beep! LESSON 7

13 Read and listen. 1.13

Beep, Sally and Finn are in New London in the year

Whats that? I think its a
2114. Can you download a
I cant see computer.
Dr. Kronik. map of the city, Beep?
Where are
we now?

Uh... When
are we?
Beep is downloading a map of the city. Now Beep has got a map, he can
follow the Time Key.
Wow! Look at their
robot. Its really old! Dr. Kronik is in the
And look at square. Its this way!
their clothes!
Whats wrong
with our clothes?

Dr. Kronik is going into the museum.

Look, there he is! Come on! Lets run!
Oops, sorry! Quick! Hes escaping!

To be continued...

14 Listen and say a tongue twister.


Cho chats with Chan and Chad plays

Chess with Chet,
While Charlie, Chuck and Chelsea
Search the internet!


366578 _ 0005-0012.indd 12 04/06/12 8:23

Students develop Linguistic competence and comprehension by focusing on the pronunciation

of ch through a tongue twister. Accuracy and awareness are developed by children through the
repetition of the sound when chanting the text.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 73 02/08/12 9:26

1 Write the expressions and match. Find the mystery question.

chat look search Whats your send listen watch upload at favourite the
to with videos friends emails computer game internet websites music photos

G upload photos A
chat with friends F
look at websites G
search the internet B
E send emails C
listen to music D
watch videos E
Whats your favourite computer game ? Childs own answer

2 Write the dialogue in order. Look and write the childrens names.

Kim: doing Jack Whats ?

Whats Jack doing?
Mark: Hes sending emails.
Kim: Whats Cathy doing? Bob and Anna Cathy
Mark: websites looking at Shes
Shes looking at websites.
Kim: Bob What doing Anna are and ?
What are Bob and Anna doing?
Mark: Theyre watching videos. Jack

3 Look and write the missing letters: a, e, i, o, u.

Th i s i s o u r sch o o l. W e st a rt sch o o l a t n i n e
o cl o ck and w e g o h o m e at f o u r o cl o ck. O u r
sch o o ls g o t a l i br a ry a nd a n IT r o o m.
W e l i k e c o mp u t e rs, w e r e i n th e IT cl u b!


381219 _ 0005-0012.indd 12 06/07/12 14:57

Students develop Autonomy and personal initiative by writing a dialogue, putting the words in the
correct order.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 74 02/08/12 9:26

Lesson 7B
Activity Book Review, page 12

Objectives Getting started

To practise reading and writing Put the poster on the board. Point to a picture and ask a volunteer to tell you
skills. something about it. For example: Hes uploading photos. Continue until all the
children have had a turn to speak.
To revise the vocabulary from
the whole unit.
1 Write the expressions and match. Find the mystery question.
Target language Say: Open your Activity Books at page 12. Look at Activity 1. Tell the children they
Vocabulary: have to make up the computer activities using the words above and then match
chat with friends, listen to the phrases to the pictures. When they have finished there will be some words left
music, look at websites, play over to make the mystery question (What is your favourite computer game?). The
computer games, search the children write the phrases and match them to the correct picture. Go around the
internet, send emails, upload class correcting the childrens work and then when they have finished, ask them
photos, watch videos. what the mystery question is and tell them to answer it.
Structures: 2 Write the dialogue in order. Look and write the childrens names.
Whats Jack doing?
Say: Look at Activity 2. Tell the children to unscramble the words and write the
Hes (sending emails).
dialogue, and then to write the childrens names under the pictures. When they
have finished, ask for volunteers to read out their sentences and to say the
Materials childrens names.
Unit 1 poster
flashcards: online 3 Look and write the missing letters: a, e, i, o, u.
Ask the children to look at Activity 3 and explain that they have to put in the
correct vowel to complete the text. When they have finished, ask the children to
i-poster read out what they have written.

Picture dictionary 3.19

Ask the children to look at the Picture dictionary on page 69 of their Activity
Books. Hold up your two index fingers and signal to the class to do the same.
Say: Point to listen to music and watch videos. Encourage the class to quickly
point to the two pictures and check with the child next to them. Repeat with other
words from the page. Play the CD and ask the children to look at the pictures,
repeat the words and translate them below.

Finishing off
Put the flashcards around the room. Say one of the computer objects. Ask a
child to point to the correct flashcard and to name it. If they say it correctly,
then they choose the next object.

Teachers Resource Book, page 47
Activity 1: Tell the children to listen and to repeat each sound and each word that they hear.
Activity 2: The children have to listen and circle the word that they hear.
Activity 3: Tell the children to read the clues and complete the crossword.


366696 _ 0045-0076.indd 75 02/08/12 9:26


Objectives 1 What activities do the children do on the computer? Listen and tick. 1.15

To evaluate childrens The children listen to the CD and tick what activities the children do on the
understanding of target language computer.
from the unit.
2 Look at the pictures and say what the children are doing now.
Tell the children to look at the pictures and to write what the children are doing
Target language now using the Present Continuous.
Vocabulary: 3 Write Present Continuous questions in a using the words to help you.
chat with friends, listen to
Look at the pictures in Activity 2 again and give short answers in b.
music, look at websites, play
computer games, search the The children write questions on the a lines using the words to help them. Then
internet, send emails, upload they look at the pictures in Activity 2 and write short answers on the b lines.
photos, watch videos 4 Read and write our or their.
Structures: Tell the children to look at the sentences and then complete them using our or their.
Do you have a computer? 5 Now write about you.
Have you got an email
Tell the children to answer the questions about themselves.

Materials Unit 1 Test Unit 1 Test

CD Name: Class: Name: Class:

photocopies of Teachers
1 Archie / listen / music? a
1 Chats with Looks at websites Sends Listens Watches
3 1
friends for homework emails to music videos b
1.15 1.25

Resource Book, pages 101 102 2 Minnie / send / emails? a

3 Eric / eat / pizza? a

Minnie 4 David and Eric / chat / internet? a

Students develop Eric 5 Dana / use / computer? a

Competence in Learning

to Learn by participating in 1 We have English three times a week,

2 Two students didnt do

teachers name is Peter.

English homework.

an end of unit summative

3 The name of students book is Beep.

4 My sister and I are Scottish, but father is from England. 2

assessment procedure. Clear
1 2 3 4 5
2 5 David and Dana are in year 6. little brother Dale, is in year 3.

assessment criteria and 5

Do you have a computer?

constructive feedback on
Santillana Educacin S.L., 2012 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Santillana Educacin S.L., 2012 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Santillana Educacin S.L., 2012 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Have you got an email address? What is it?

mistakes and knowledge of 1 Archie

2 Minnie

teacher expectations before

Write 3 things that you use the computer for:
3 Eric 1

the test, play an important

4 Dana 2
5 David 3

role in learning to improve. 1

What activities do the children do on the computer? Listen and tick.
Look at the pictures and say what the children are doing now.
3 Write Present Continuous questions in a, using
the words to help you. Look at the pictures
Read and write our or their.
Now write about you.
101 102 in Activity 2 again and give short answers in b.

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Unit 1 Test. Activity 1. What activities do the children do on the computer? Listen and tick. 1.15

Interviewer: Archie, lets start with you. Do you have a Interviewer: Do you use a computer at the weekend
computer? Dana?
Archie: I do. I use it a lot. Every day I send emails to my Dana: Yes. On Saturdays and Sundays I chat with
friends and listen to music. friends and watch videos.
Interviewer: And you Minnie? Interviewer: What do you like doing on the computer
Minnie: Yes, weve got a computer at home. I send David?
emails to my friends and I watch videos at the weekend. David: I like chatting to friends and listening to music
Interviewer: What about you Eric? on the computer.
Eric: I dont have a computer. But I use the computer in Interviewer: OK, thanks everyone!
the library to help me with my homework.


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