The Purpose, Essence and Reason of Christian Liturgy

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The purpose, essence and reason of Christian liturgy

The first purpose of the worship of our church is external expression of inner faith, inner
respect of God by the community, its members and the entire church. As spiritual beings we
feel the need that what excites us from the inside and pervade us, thoughts and feelings, we
are expressing it in the external way by word and deed. Therefore, each stronger sense has its
external expressions, for example love, joy, stirring emotion, hatred, sadness, and briefly whole
external posture of man's is a natural symbolism of inner life.

This is true both in religion and religious feelings, the more so as these feelings are the deepest
in the soul, and they engulf the man with more power than others feelings. The man feels the
need to express his faith externally, his religious life, devotion, respect, praise and celebration,
and his gratitude to God. Hence, we see that people, since the foundation, offer sacrifice to
God as an expression of their feeling of gratitude, dependence and respect, and in the oldest
deserts of the pagan world we find the ruins of temples and altars as evidence for the truth of
the claims that wherever religious life is, there are outer expressions of this life, therefore,
forms of worship and religious practices, as required psychological expression of inner religious

Another purpose of worship of our church is maintenance, advancement and spreading the
Christian faith and life of believers, which is called a didactic purpose. What excites and
permeates man tends to be reflected in the external way, and vice versa, the external
expression of feelings is reflected in us and affects our interior, reviving and enhancing it.

When a Christian prays, praising and glorifying God, then his spirit is being absorbed into
observing the noblest qualities of God and watching them his faith in God becomes stronger,
the great and mighty. His piety and respect for God strengthens. When a Christian is expressing
in a prayer a sense of sinfulness and a desire to reconcile and unite with God ,, then intensifies
in himself more awareness about this sinfulness and desire. With Jesus Christ, he remembers to
worship the most sublime moments in the history of our faith, in which the spirit of Christian
faith and life achieved its purest and the highest development, and devout enthusiasm and true
devotion flourished. In this revelation and memory tells the spirit of history and the power of
examples with a peculiar and powerful voice. This becomes worship the living tradition of
devotion and constant preaching, affecting the faith and Christian life. At the very least it
strongly influences the faith and life of an individual, society gathered in one place to praise and
glorify God. The gathering, which separates us from everything earthly and introduces the
peace of mind that comes from God, more generally, the divine breath that spreads in God's
house, the whole atmosphere that surrounds us here, fulfills the soul with the special feelings.
Liturgy is the best institution to be carried out Christianity in the life of the nation, and only
piety brought into the soul through worship captures deep root in the soul of the nation,
without devotion the worship in the community would have certainly fallen. Therefore, our
community has always cherished worship.

III. A third purpose of worship of our church is the achievement of redemption and union of
man with God. The main condition for receiving redemption and the fruits of this redemption is
union with Jesus Christ. And this union with Jesus Christ is achieved first by faith, which is
formed in love, the Christian life full of virtues and prayer. By achieving this purpose we meet
the settlement our union with God, our sanctification and by uniting with God we become
participants in true life. So developing beneficial or sacramental purpose of worship from the
idea and essence of Christianity and redemption, it constitutes the main and basic idea, the
essence of Christian worship in its divine and objective work. Without this element, the worship
would be deprived of all mystical consecration, the most power and its own features and it
would not be Christian.

From so far said about the purpose of worship, the essence of our worship can be seen, which
is not only an institution ordained of Jesus Christ in order to express respect for God 'in spirit
and in truth' 'for publication of our devotion, for spreading the true Christian faith, but it is also
the real work established for eternity like the redemption of people and individuals throughout
the times; It is a way of union of man with God, a sacred mystical bond that unites heaven with

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