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Student Name: Elix Oliva Cerrito

Date: 9/7/2017

Portfolio Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting and Story Using drawing tools to create a 2-

D image of a creature with an image as its base.

What you learned: In this project it was fairly easy, the only struggle was that I was being too

nice and not wanting to over exaggerate on someones face and especially being my instructor.

Overall I learned not to hold back and learned how to master new painting techniques. These

techniques are fun to use and I learned that mistakes are fine because I have to be creative and

not hold back. I learned how to use newer programs to paint that I have never used before I tried

this painting program this friend of mine has and it worked fine. I learned that this is a good

project to let loose and just go along with it.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)S Addressed: Standard

#6a Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of

their creation or communication.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This particular project is good in a way to use

different painting programs. Fits perfectly in any subject where maybe there is a lot to be done

and this project in particular can be the final assignment to end the school year and let the

students take a break of all the work they have done. This project alone would be fine as it is but

another way to do this project would maybe have the city view of their city and let them paint or

add anything to the black and white canvas and use all the new skills they have learned all year.

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