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Student Name: Elix Oliva Cerrito

Date: 9/9/2017

Portfolio Artifact Description: Map of You Using drawing tools from Inspiration 9 software

to create a concept map of what makes me as a person and a glimpse of my background.

What you learned: In this project I learned a few more things than I had not expected to. I

learned to move around in the new software we all downloaded. It was fairly easy and hard at the

same time but I overcame it and was able to just go along and fill in the blanks of my past events.
It was a good way to end this weeks projects with something nice and refreshing. Overall this

was a fun project and I would do it all over again with my students in the near future.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)S Addressed: Standard

#3c Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to

create collections of artifacts that demonstrates meaningful connections or conclusions.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Introducing a project like this in any grade

probably higher than the eighth grade would it fit best. Simply because I feel like they would

take it personally and have a good time doing it with the help of their family if it comes to it. A

similar project like this would either making a family tree or a concept map based on the goals

they have for themselves in the near future. A fairly easy, fun, and good project to give to the

future students we will all have.

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