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Capital punishment is a difficult and emotional topic for many. Although it has been
abolished in two thirds of the world's countries, it has a long history and is still used in many

Among its Pros It deters criminals from committing serious crimes: death penalty
discourages people from carrying out the worst crimes because nobody wants to lose
their life, therefore the death penalty is the best Even It deters prisoners who are already
serving life sentences in jail from committing more serious offenses.
Also. The death penalty can provide families of victims with some closure, which may help
them to deal with their suffering.
In addition The idea that it costs more to execute someone than imprison them for life is
simply not true.

SOME Cons are It is a cruel and unusual punishment, where basic standards of
human dignity are compromised or undermined. Also It continues the cycle of
violence. The pro argument is that killing people is wrong, therefore you should kill people
for doing it, which just doesnt make sense It is just an old-fashioned and ignorant
Furthermore The justice system is bound to make mistakes. In the case of people who
are wrongly imprisoned, they can be released from prison and given compensation, but a
wrongful execution can never righted. Finally A life spent in prison is a worse
punishment than an execution.
en conclusion Si se llegara a implementar un sistema como este en la actualidad,
probablemente disminuyan los agravios, y podamos obtener la anhelada seguridad ciudadana,
pero tambien se corre el riesgo de perder vidas inocentes por errores en el sistema de justicia.

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