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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Manifold Analysis by Topologically Constrained

Isometric Embedding
Guy Rosman, Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein and Ron Kimmel

Abstract We present a new algorithm for nonlinear dimension- and the connectivity matrix A = (aij ), where aij = 1 if
ality reduction that consistently uses global information, and that zi and zj are neighbors and zero otherwise. Hereinafter, we
enables understanding the intrinsic geometry of non-convex mani- write M referring to both the discrete and the continuous
folds. Compared to methods that consider only local information, our
method appears to be more robust to noise. Unlike most methods that manifold. NLDR algorithms usually approximate local (short)
incorporate global information, the proposed approach automatically distances on the data manifold by the Euclidean distances in
handles non-convexity of the data manifold. We demonstrate the the embedding space, (zi , zj ) = zi zj 2 , for i, j such
performance of our algorithm and compare it to state-of-the-art that aij = 1. The geodesic distances are approximated as
methods on synthetic as well as real data. graph distances, which can be expressed as a sum of local
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Keywords Dimensionality reduction, manifold learning, multidi- distances. The NLDR problem can be formulated as nding
mensional scaling, geodesic distance, boundary detection. a set of coordinates {x1 , ..., xN } = 1 ({z1 , ..., zN }) in Rm
that describe the data.
I. I NTRODUCTION Most NLDR methods minimize criteria that consider the

N ONLINEAR dimensionality reduction (NLDR) algo- relationship of each point and its nearest neighbors. For
rithms explain a given data set of high dimensionality, example, the locally linear embedding (LLE) algorithm [8]
in terms of a small number of variables or coordinates. Such attempts to express each point as a linear combination of
methods are used in various pattern recognition problems, its neighbors. The deviation of each point from this linear
including pathology tissue analysis [1], motion understanding combination is summed over the manifold and used as a
[2], lip reading [3], speech recognition [4], enhancement of penalty function. The coordinates that minimize the penalty
MRI images [5], and face recognition [6]. are then computed by solving an eigenvalue problem.
Most NLDR algorithms map the data to a coordinate system The Laplacian eigenmaps algorithm [9] uses as intrinsic co-
of given dimensionality that represents the given data while ordinate functions the minimal eigenfunctions of the Laplace-
minimizing some error measure. Unlike classical dimension- Beltrami operator. This is done by constructing the Laplacian
ality reduction methods such as principal component analysis matrix of the proximity graph, nding its smallest m non-
(PCA) [7], the map is non-linear. zero eigenvectors and using them as the coordinates of the
The data is usually assumed to arise from a manifold M, data points. Diffusion maps have been recently proposed as
embedded into a high-dimensional Euclidean space RM . The an extension of Laplacian eigenmaps, able to compensate for
manifold M is assumed to have a low intrinsic dimension non-uniform sampling of the manifold [1].
m (m  M ), i.e., it has a parametrization in a subset C The Hessian eigenmaps algorithm [10], computes coordi-
of Rm , represented by the smooth bijective map : C nate functions that minimize the Frobenius norm of the Hes-
Rm M. The geodesic distances : M M R, dened sian, summed over the manifold. The algorithm expresses, for
as the lengths of the shortest paths on M (called geodesics), each coordinate function, the sum of the quadratic components
represent the intrinsic structure of the data. The goal of NLDR at each point. The minimization result in an eigenvalue prob-
is, given M, to recover the parametrization in Rm . lem, whose minimal vectors provide the desired coordinate
The intrinsic dimension m is usually assumed to be known vectors, similarly to Laplacian eigenmaps.
a priori. We denote the data samples by zi , i I a point on The semidenite embedding algorithm [11], takes a different
M, where I is a set of continuous indices. approach, trying to maximize the variance of the data set in
In the discrete setting, the data is represented as a graph its new coordinates, while preserving short distances. This is
whose vertices z1 , ..., zN are nite samples of the manifold, done by solving a semidenite programming (SDP) problem,
while preservation of local distances imposed as constraints.
Manuscript received September 10, 2006; revised October 1, 2006. Solving the resulting SDP problem, however, still involves
G. Rosman is with the department of Computer Science, Tech-
nion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (email: ros- high computational cost. Attempts to lower the complexity have been made in [12].
A. M. Bronstein is with the department of Computer Science, Tech- Unlike local methods, the Isomap algorithm [13], [27] , tries
nion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (email: to preserve a global invariant the geodesic distances on the
M. M. Bronstein is with the department of Computer Science, data manifold. While the geodesics may change dramatically
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (email: even in case of small noise, for well-sampled manifolds, their
R. Kimmel is with the department of Computer Science, Technion Israel lengths (i.e., the geodesic distances) hardly change even in the
Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (email: presence of high level of noise. This property may be useful

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International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008
in analysis of noisy data, in which local methods often fail. et al. [16] proved that the graph distances converge to the true
A multidimensional scaling (MDS) algorithm is used to nd geodesic distances, i.e., that the discretization is consistent.
a set of coordinates whose Euclidean distances approximate The Isomap algorithm assumes that the parametrization C
the geodesic distances. The least squares MDS (LSMDS) of M is a convex subset of Rm , and relies on the isometry
algorithm, for example, minimizes the stress [14], assumption to nd the map from M to the metric space (C, dC )
 by means of MDS (the stress in the solution will be zero).
X = argmin
wij (dij (X) ij ) , MDS can be used because dC = dRm |C due to the convexity
XRN m i<j
assumption. In the case when C is non-convex, this is not
Here X = (xij ) is an N m matrix whose rows are the necessarily true, as there may exist pairs of points for which
coordinate vectors in the low-dimensional Euclidean space dC
= dRm |C . We call such pairs inconsistent. An example of
Rm , ij = (zi , zj ) and dij (X) = xi xj 2 is the Euclidean such a pair is shown in Figure 1. We denote the set of all
distance between points xi and xj in Rm . consistent pairs by
The underlying assumption of Isomap is that M is isometric P = {(i, j) : dC (xi , xj ) = dRm |C (xi , xj )} I I.
to C Rm with the induced metric dC , that is, (zi , zj ) =
dRm (xi , xj ) for all i, j = 1, ..., N . If C is convex, the restricted In the TCIE algorithm, steps 2 and 3 are used to nd a
metric dRm |C coincides with the induced metric dC and Isomap subset P P of pairs of points that will be consistently
succeeds recovering the parametrization of M. Otherwise, C used in the MDS problem, using criteria (1) and (2), rst
proposed in [17] for matching of partially-missing shapes. In
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

has no longer Euclidean geometry and MDS cannot be used.

The assumption of convexity of C appears to be too re- the following propositions justifying the two criteria, we rely
strictive, as many data manifolds have complicated topology upon the following properties of isometries: (i) an isometry is a
which violates this assumption. Donoho and Grimes [15] smooth map, copying boundaries to boundaries and interiors to
showed examples of data in which is C is non convex, and interiors; and (ii) the distance to boundary is preserved under
pointed out that Isomap fails in such cases. Here, we suggest isometry, i.e., (zi , M) = dC (xi , C). Both propositions
a solution based on removing pairs of points inconsistent tacitly assume the continuous case.
with the convexity assumption. Our approach, hereinafter re- Let M be a compact manifold with boundary M, isomet-
ferred to as the topologically constrained isometric embedding rically parameterized on (C Rm , dC ). Then,
(TCIE), allows handling data manifolds of arbitrary topology. Proposition 1: P1 = {(i, j) : c(zi , zj ) M = } P .
An algorithm for detecting and removing the inconsistent Proof: Let (i, j) P1 . To prove the proposition, it is
distances is described in Section II. Numerical implementation sufcient to show that the pair of points (i, j) is consistent,
details appear in Section III. Results on synthetic and real-life i.e., (i, j) P . Let cM (z1 , z2 ) be the geodesic connecting zi
data are shown in Section IV. and zj in M, and let cC (x1 , x2 ) be its image under 1 in C.
Since c(zi , zj )M = and due to property (i), cC (xi , xj )
Assume that (i, j) is inconsistent. This implies that
dC (xi , xj ) > dRm (xi , xj ), i.e., that the geodesic cC (xi , xj )
1 Compute the N N matrix of geodesic distances is not a straight line. Therefore, there exits a point x
= (ij ). cC (xi , xj ), in whose proximity cC (xi , xj ) is not a straight
2 Detect the boundary points M of the data manifold. line. Since cC (xi , xj ) int(C), there exists a ball B (x) with
3 Detect a subset of consistent distances according to the Euclidean metric dRm around x of radius  > 0. Let us
the following criterion, take two points on the segment of the geodesic within the
ball, x , x cC (xi , xj ) B (x). The geodesic cC (x , x )
P1 = {(i, j) : c(zi , zj ) M = }, (1) coincides with the segment of cC (xi , xj ) between x , x . Yet,
or this segment is not a straight line, therefore we can shorten
the geodesic by replacing this segment with cRm (x , x ),
P2 = {(i, j) : (zi , zj ) (zj , M) + (zi , M)}, in contradiction to the fact that cC (x1 , x2 ) is a geodesic.
(2) Therefore, (i, j) P .
where (z, M) = inf z M (z, z ) denotes the Proposition 2: P2 = {(i, j) : (zi , zj ) (zj , M) +
distance from z to the boundary. (zi , M)} P .
4 Minimize the weighted stress, Proof: Let (i, j) P2 . We have to show that (i, j) P .
 According to properties (i) and (ii) shown above we have
X = argmin
wij (dij (X) ij ) ,
XRN m i<j dC (xi , xj ) = (zi , zj )
with wij = 1 for all (i, j) P and zero otherwise. (zj , M) + (zi , M)
The obtained points x1 , ..., xN are the desired = dC (xi , C) + dC (xj , C). (3)
representation of M in Rm .
Assume that (i, j) is inconsistent. This implies that the
Omitting steps 2 and 3 and setting wij = 1, we obtain the geodesic connecting xi and xj in Rm is not entirely contained
Isomap as a particular case of the TCIE algorithm. Bernstein in C (we assume without loss of generality that the geodesic

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(10) 2008 3535
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1 for i = 1, ..., N do
2 Find the set N (i) of the K nearest neighbors of
the point i.
3 Apply MDS to the K K matrix
K = (klN (i) ) and obtain a set of local
coordinates x1 , ..., xK Rm .
xj xi ,xk xi 
4 for j, k N (i) such that x x  x x  1
j i k i
Fig. 1. Example of two inconsistent points z1 , z2 M, and the geodesic 5 Mark the pair (j, k) as valid.
x xi ,vl 
connecting them. Also shown are the two images of these points under the
6 if |x : x x  1| a |N (i)| for all
isometry 1 , a geodesic connecting them in C, and the line connecting them i
in Rm . l = 1, ..., m 1 then
7 Label the pair (j, k) as satisfied.
(here vl denotes the lth vector of an
orthonormal basis of the subspace of Rm
originating from xi to xj intersects the boundary C at points orthogonal to xj xk ).
x and x ). Consequently, 8 end
9 end
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

10 if the ratio of satisfied to valid pairs is

smaller than threshold b then
dC (xi , xj ) > dRm |C (xi , xj ) 11 Label point i as boundary.
dC (xi , x ) + dC (xj , x ) 12 end
dC (xi , C) + dC (xj , C), (4) 13 end

The second method tries to explore the direction of the

normal to the boundary. Moving along the normal direction,
which contradicts inequality (3). Therefore, (i, j) P . the density of sampling points should drop to zero. We can
check along each direction from the point i to one of its
neighbors j. Assuming approximately uniform density of the
We note this proof holds even if C is a subset of a generic points, one such neighboring point j should produce a vector
metric space. The metric dC would have to be replaced with pointing close to the normal direction. This method is more
the metric induced from that space, but the Euclidean MDS suitable for manifolds of higher intrinsic dimension.
procedure would not be able to give us the correct mapping. 1 for i = 1, ..., N do
This would require the use of non-Euclidean embedding, e.g. 2 Find the set N (i) of the K nearest neighbors of
as in [17]. the point i.
3 Apply MDS to the K K matrix
K = (klN (i) ) and obtain a set of local
coordinates x1 , ..., xK Rm .
4 for j = 1, ..., K do
|{xRm :xi xj ,xxi >0}|
5 if |{xRm :xi xj ,xxi 0}| a then
7 end
8 end
9 end
A. Detection of boundary points 10 if the number of candidate points is larger than
b then
11 Label point i as boundary.
Detection of boundary points on discrete manifolds has 12 end
been studied extensively (see for example [18], [19]). We
compared two boundary detection methods, based on studying Once the boundary points are detected, the subset of con-
the properties of the coordinates of nearest neighbors of each sistent distances P is found according to criterion (2) and the
point, reconstructed from local distances using classical MDS. matrix of weights W.
The rst method assumes the point and its two opposite
neighbors are a part of a curve along the boundary. It then
B. SMACOF algorithm
tries to nd points that are placed outside of this boundary on
both sides of it, violating the conjecture. The algorithm goes The minimization of the weighted stress is carried out using
as follows: an iterative optimization algorithm with the SMACOF iteration

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008
[14], D. Multiresolution optimization

X(k+1) = V B(X(k) )X(k) , Another way to accelerate the solution of the MDS problem
is using multiresolution (MR) methods [20]. The main idea is
where V denotes matrix pseudoinverse, subsequently approximating the solution by solving the MDS
 problem at different resolution levels. At each level, we work
w  ij i =

j with a grid consisting of points with indices L L1
vij =
k =i vik i = j, ... 0 = {1, ..., N }, such that |l | = Nl . At the lth level,
the data is represented as an Nl Nl matrix l , obtained by
and B(X) is an N N matrix dependent of X with elements, extracting the rows and columns of 0 = , corresponding
1 to the indices l . The solution X of the MDS problem on
dS (si , sj )dij (X) i
= j and dij (X)
= 0 the lth level is transferred to the l next level l 1 using an
bij (X) = 0 i
= j and dij (X) = 0 interpolation operator P l1 , which can be represented as an
k =i bik i = j. Nl1 Nl matrix.
The SMACOF iteration produces a monotonous non-
increasing sequence of stress values, and can be shown to be 1 Construct the hierarchy of grids 0 , ..., L and
equivalent to a scaled steepest descent iteration with constant interpolation operators P10 , ..., PLL1 .
step size [20].
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

2 Start with some initial XL at the coarsest grid, and
l = L.
3 while l 0 do
C. Vector extrapolation
4 Solve the lth level MDS problem
To speed up the convergence of the SMACOF iterations, we 
employ vector extrapolation. These methods use a sequence of Xl = argmin wij (dij (Xl ) ij )2
Xl RNl m i,jl
solutions at subsequent iterations of the optimization algorithm
and extrapolate the limit solution of the sequence. While these using SMACOF iterations initialized with Xl .
algorithms were derived assuming a linear iterative scheme, in 5 Interpolate the solution to the next resolution
practice, they work well also for nonlinear schemes, like some (0)
level, Xl1 = Pll1 (Xl )
processes in computational uid dynamics [21]. For further
6 l l 1
details, we refer the reader to [22], [23], [24].
7 end
The main idea of vector extrapolation is, given a sequence
of solutions X(k) from iterations k = 0, 1, ..., to approximate
the limit limk X(k) , which must coincide with the optimal We use a modication of the farthest point sampling (FPS)
solution X . The extrapolation X is constructed as an afne [25] strategy to construct the grids, in which we add more
combination of previous iterates, points from the boundaries, to allow correct interpolation of
the ne grid using the coarse grid elements. We use linear

X = j X(k+j) ; j = 1. interpolation with weights determined using a least squares
j=0 j=0 tting problem with regularization made to ensure all available
nearest neighbors are used.
The coefcients j are determined in different ways. In the The multiresolution scheme can be combined with vector
reduced rank extrapolation (RRE) method, j are obtained by extrapolation by employing MPE or RRE methods at each
the solution of the minimization problem, resolution level. In our experiments we used the RRE method,
although in practice, for the SMACOF algorithm, both the

MPE and the RRE algorithms gave comparable results, giving
min  j X(k+j) , s.t. j = 1,
0 ,..,K
j=0 j=0
us a three-fold speedup. A comparison of the convergence with
and without vector extrapolation and multiresolution methods
where X(k) = X(k+1) X(k) . In the minimal polynomial is shown in Figure 2. The stress values shown are taken from
extrapolation (MPE) method, the problem shown in Figure 4.
j = K , j = 0, 1, ..., K,
i=0 ci E. Initialization
where ci arise from the solution of the minimization problem, Since the stress function is non-convex, convex optimization
method may converge to local minima. In order to avoid

min  cj X(k+j) , cK = 1, local convergence, we initialized the LSMDS problem by
c0 ,..,cK1
classical scaling result [26]. Although such an initialization
does not guarantee global convergence in theory, in practice,
which in turn can be formulated as a linear system [24]. we converge to the global minimum.

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International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Time (sec)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

10 MR
Normalized Stress


10 Locally linear Laplacian Hessian LLE
embedding eigenmaps

0.5 1 1.5 2
Complexity (MFLOPs) x 10
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Fig. 2. Convergence (in terms of stress value) of basic SMACOF (dotted),

SMACOF with RRE acceleration (dash-dotted), SMACOF with multiscale
Diffusion maps Isomap TCIE
(solid) and SMACOF with both RRE and multiscale (dashed), in terms of CPU
time and MFLOPS. CPU time is approximated. Convergence was stopped at
the same relative change of stress value.

Fig. 4. Left to right top to bottom: Embedding of the Swiss roll (without
noise), produced by LLE, Laplacian eigenmaps, Hessian LLE, diffusion maps,
Isomap, and our algorithm. Detected boundary points are shown as red pluses.

Original Swiss-roll = 0.05

Fig. 3. Left: Swiss hole surface without noise. Right: A Swiss hole
contaminated with additive Gaussian noise with = 0.015 and = 0.05,
and the spiral surface. The detected boundary points are shown in red.


We applied the proposed algorithm on several synthetic
Locally linear Laplacian Hessian LLE
examples, as well as image analysis problems. In the rst
embedding eigenmaps
experiment, we worked with the Swiss roll surface with a
rectangular hole (Swiss hole) sampled at 1200 points. The
data was contaminated by Gaussian noise of different variance
(Figure 3). We analyzed this manifold using our algorithm
and compared the result to other local methods (see results in
Figures 4,5). The TCIE algorithm demonstrates a very good
robustness to noise.
In the second experiment, we generated a set of images
of two discs, one stationary and the other moving. A small
amount of additive white Gaussian noise was added to the
images (Figure 6). The data manifold can be parameterized Diffusion maps Isomap TCIE
according to the location of the center of the moving disc,
as shown in Figure 6 (see [15]). The results are shown
in Figure 7. While Isomap and our algorithm manage to
recover a meaningful parametrization, other methods produce Fig. 5. Left to right top to bottom: Embedding of a 2D manifold contaminated
results signicantly different from the ideal parametrization. by additive Gaussian noise with = 0.05, as produced by LLE, Laplacian
eigenmaps, Hessian LLE, diffusion maps, Isomap, and our algorithm. Detected
Compared to Isomap, the TCIE algorithm tends to less distort boundary points are shown as red pluses.
and expand the hole.

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Fig. 6. Left: An example of the discs images. Coordinates of darker discs

center parameterize for the image manifold. Right: The parameterization
manifold. The detected boundary points are shown in red.

Locally linear Laplacian Hessian LLE

embedding eigenmaps

Fig. 8. The intrinsic coordinates of the image manifold of the eyes area with
International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

different gaze directions, as mapped by our algorithm.

and evaluate their performances to other applications.

Diffusion maps Isomap TCIE
We would like to thank Prof. Avram Sidi for his advice
regarding vector extrapolation algorithms. We would also
Fig. 7. Left to right top to bottom: Analysis of the disc images produced by like to thank the respective owners of the code of various
LLE, Laplacian eigenmaps, Hessian LLE, diffusion maps, Isomap, and our nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods demonstrated in
algorithm. Detected boundary points are shown as red pluses.
this publication.

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