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Derivation of Formula for Calculation of Turns per Volts of Transformer

For designing a transformer, we need certain number of turns on each side for a
specific rating transformer. Voltages on each side have direct relation with number
of turns. So, we are interested in finding voltage per turn and for designing, turns
per voltage. This is obtained from basic voltage equation of transformer:

This equation is derived from basic equations. Here, we are going to derive this.
As we know that emf induced is given by rate of change of flux:

RMS value is linked with with peak value i.e. . So, putting this we get:

Taking derivative w.r.t t of above equation

r Maximum flux linkage

And we know that

This is total emf induced. But we are interested in voltage per turn. So, dividing
both sides by total number of turns (N).

We are also interested in finding turns per volts So,

Design Parameters
For designing a transformer, we need:

1. Power rating
2. Voltage levels (primary and secondary)
3. Currents on both sides
4. Primary and secondary coils wire diameter/size
5. Iron Core area
6. Numbers of turns (primary and secondary)

We are going to design a 50 VA step down transformer of 230V to 12V. Necessary

calculations along with formulae are given below in details:
As we are going to design small transformer (of small power rating) so we are
neglecting core and copper losses as they doesnt matters in small transformers
and seriously considered in designing power transformers (high power rating


1. Core Calculations:
Calculate area of core (central limb) by using following formula:

Ai= area of core

F= operating frequency
Bm= magnetic flux
Te= turns per volts
(for derivation of this formula Click Here)
So, we know the frequency of the power system. We need magnetic flux and turns
per volts. For designing a small transformer magnetic flux is averagely taken as 1
to 1.2.
By putting values we will get the area of core.
Current density of copper wire is taken as 2.2 A / mm2 to 2.4 A/ mm2
So, putting values
F= 50 hz
Bm = 1.2 wb/m2
Te = 4 (turns per volts)

As, we are going to design a practical transformer so we must consider the core
available in market. The standard Bobbins available in market practically is 1x1,
1.25x1.5, 1.5x1.5 and so on. We took nearest core area available to our
calculation. We took bobbin of 2.25 inch2 (1.5x1.5) or 0.00145161 meter
square. We have the core area. We can calculate turns per volts using this area by
Putting f=50 hz; Bm = 1.2 wb/(m^2); Ai=

0.001451 m^2, we got:

So, Turns per volts are 2.6 Turns per volts.

Primary Winding Calculations

Primary voltage = Vp = 230 V

Primary current = I1= VA / Vp = 50 / 230 = 0.218

Let transformer we are going to design is 95 % efficient so,

I1 = VA/ (efficiency x Vp) = 0.23A
Primary Current = 0.23 Amp (approx.)

Number of Turns:

Total number of turns = turns per volts x primary side voltage

= 2.6 x 230
N1 = 600 turns (approximately)
Size of Conductor:
As we know that

As, for copper the current density is taken as 2.3 A per mm square So, for area of
copper conductor

From the standard American wire gauge table, we can choose wire of the same
thickness. It can be seen that it comes out that required primary side wire is of 27
gauge which can conduct required current. (for AWG table Click here)
Selection of wire can also be done by calculating primary current and by cross
match the standard table of copper wire according to their current handling

Secondary Winding Calculations

Secondary voltage = Vs = 12 V

Secondary current = Is = VA/ Vs = 50 / 12 = 4.2 Amp (approx.)

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From the standard copper wire, table it can be seen that wire of this thickness is of
15 gauge. So for secondary winding we need 15 gauge wire.
Secondary Wire =15 AWG

Number of Turns:
Number of secondary turns = turns per volts x secondary volts
N2 = 2.6 x 12 = 32 turns (approx.)

Weight Estimation of Windings

For weight calculations, following steps will be followed:

1. Approximate length of copper wire = perimeter of bobbin x number of turns

2. Cross sectional Area of copper conductor
3. Volume = Approximate length x Cross sectional area
4. Mass = density of copper x Volume

Density of copper = 8960 kg/ m3

Primary side:

Perimeter of bobbin = (1.75 x 4) = 7 inch = 0.1778 m


Length of one turn = 0.1778 m

Total length of all turns of primary = L1

L1 = (length of one turn) x(total number of turns of primary)

L1 = 0.1778 x 600
L1 = 106 m (approx.)

area of primary conductor = 0.1 mm2
= (0.1 x 10 ^ -6) m2
Volume of copper wire = area x length
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And density of copper = 8960 kg/ m3

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So we need approx. 100 grams of 27 gauge wire.

Secondary winding weight:

Perimeter of bobbin = (1.75 x 4) = 7 inch = 0.1778 m


Length of one turn = 0.1778 m

Total length of all turns of Secondary

= L2 = length of one turn x total number of turns of secondary

L2 = 0.1778 x 32

L2 = 6 m (approx.)
area of primary conductor = 1.83 mm2 = (1.83 x 10 ^ -6) m2

Volume of copper wire = area x length

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So, we need approx. 100 grams of 15 gauge wire.

So, from above calculations we can summarize in following table:
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Table 1:
Calculation for primary side
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2: Design Summary for Secondary of transformer design
Procedure and Instructions:
It is easiest to wind a transformer and following the easiest steps and instructions
written below:

1. Prepare the Bobbin:

Figure 1: Prepare Bobbin

1. Take the bobbin and if you want to use winding machine, prepare it on the machine
with suitable placement. Otherwise just check if it is cleans and clear.
2. Place insulation paper to its perimeter just to make symmetric. Or else no need of
insulation paper at first layer.

2. Primary Windings:
1. Take the copper wire of primary side for winding.
2. Leaving a little portion 6-8 inches, start the winding around the bobbin perimeter. (As
shown in figure 2)
3. Make turns of those wires by rotating the bobbin on winding machine. If you are
doing it by hand you have to do some work but it is not such problem in small
4. Each turn must be tight and very adjacent to previous turn leaving approximate no
space between them. Neither has it gone overlap on previous. (figure 3)
Figure 3: tighten the

Figure 2: Starting Primary Winding

5. When you are done with the first layer, i.e. the complete bobbin space is filled, now
move towards second layer.
6. Write number of turns and number of layer on insulation paper after each layer just
as milestone.
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Figure 3: One Complete Layer

7. For second layer, place a piece (cut to inner size of bobbin) over first layer. This will
serve as insulation between two layers (although wire is insulated) also it will
differentiate two layers rather making jumble turns.
8. Now, for second layer start winding the wire from the same side as the first
(previous) layer was ended in the same direction but this time toward the starting point
of previous layer.
9. Complete the layers until you reach the calculated wire turns for primary. Place end
point of primary winding at the same side as starting to make easy recognition of
primary side. (Figure 4 Point 1) (You must count after each turn to make exact
calculated number of turns). (figure 4 point 2)
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Figure 4: Complete Primary Layer

3. Secondary Windings:
1. When you done with primary, place insulation paper and start winding secondary
side wire over it. You can start winding secondary from either starting or ending side of
primary (figure 5 point 1).
2. Do the winding same as primary and make layers if necessary. Now you are done
with the winding. At this time it is just two coils wound on one another. (figure 5)
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Figure 5: Start of Secondary Winding

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Figure 6: Complete Winding

3. In Figure 6 the Complete winding of Primary and Secondary. at tag 1 the two sides of
primary side and tag 2 shows secondary side of transformer
4. At this time it is just two coils with out core. for complete transformer we have to
place the iron core.
4. Iron Core:
1. Its time to place core to the transformer. Take two E of laminated iron strips and
insert inside the bobbin.(figure 7) Take another two E and place inside but from
opposite side as previous. (figure 8)
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Figure 7: Two laminated E Strips of Iron Core

Figure 8: Two more strips in opposite as

2. Fill the whole place to its mouth leaving no place even for air by doing the same i.e.
two E strips from alternate sides. Fill as many as you can do it forcefully.
3. Now, take two I strips and place between two same direction E s spaces. Fill all the
gaps in same manner as E strips were filled having no space.
4. Use hammer so that the strips sits in proper symmetrical form leaving no space
behind and start looking like a single unit of core.

Type of Transformer Value of K

3- Shell Type 1.3

3- Core Type 0.6~0.7

3- Core Type (Distribution) 0.45

1- Shell Type 1~1.2

1- Core Type 0.75~0.85

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