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Is my measurement system acceptable? ‘According to AIAG guidelines, if your measurement cystem's variation is less than 10% of process's variation, them its acceptable. To evaluate your process varlation, compare the Total Gage RER- contribution in the 9sStudVar column (3sTolerance, %Process) in your output with the values in the rable. Percentage of process variation Less than 10% Between 10% and 30% Greater than 30% ‘Acceptability The measurement system is acceptable. ‘The measurement system is acceptable depending on the application, the cost of the measurement device, cost of repair, or other factors. ‘The measurement system is not acceptable and should be improved. Guidelines using variance components This table contains corresponding guidelines using variance components. To evaluate your variance components, compare the SContribution column in your output with the values in the table, Percentage of variance components. Less than 1% Between 1% and 6 Greater than 9% Acceptability The measurement system is acceptable, The measurement system is acceptable depending on the application, the cost of the measurement device, cost of repair, or other factors. The measurement system is not acceptable and should be improved. What are variance components? Variance components assess the amount of variation contributed by each source of measurement error, plus the contribution of part-to-part variability. The sum of the individual variance components equals the total variation. What is study variation? In gage RAR, study variation is the amount of variation caused by the measurement system and by the differences between parts. Components of variation chart The components of variation chart is a graphical summary of the results of a gage RAR study. The sources of variation that are represented in the graph are: Total Gage R&R ‘The variation due to the measurement system including multiple operators using the same gage. Repeatability ‘The variability in measurements obtained when the same part Is measured multiple times by the same operator. Reproducibility The variability in measurements obtained when the same part is measured by different operators. Part-to-Part variation The variability in measurements across different parts. R chart Use an R chart to determine whether operators measure parts consistently. A point that is higher than the upper control limit (UCL) indicates that the operator does nat measure parts consistently. The calculation of the UCL includes the number of measurements by an operator of a part, and partto-part variation. f the operators measure parts consistently, then the difference between the highest and lowest measurements is small, relative to the study variatian, and the points should be in control Gage R&R (Xbar/R) for Response Seer — = Some, = ar chart by operator ‘char by Operator Bu 2 2 vuci-a12s2 dus : ‘ 5 ow tao Xbar chart Use an Xbar chart to determine whether the measurement system is acceptable, Because the parts ‘chosen for a Gage R&R study should represent the entire range of possible parts this graph should ideally show lack-of-control, Lack-af-cantrol exits when many points are higher than the upper contral limit andfor lower than the lower control limit Gage RER (Xba) for Response a Seater we anarchy oper ae ; ; eae Gu I chart by Operator By Part chart Use the By Par char to deplay all the measurements taken inthe study, arranged by part. ideally, the ‘multiple measurements for each individual part vary 2s minimally as possible (the dots for one part wll bee clase together, and the averages vary enaugh that differences between parts are clear. ‘The By Part chart shows all the measurements that were taken in the study, arranged by ane factor. This gragh helps you visualize the aferences between factor levels. Gage RAR stucles traditionally arrange measurements by part and by operator. However, Gage R&R Study (Expanded) ets you graph other factors. Gage RAR (Xbar/R) for Response Soros = cd = BEER e By Operator chart Use the By Operator chart to display all the measurements taken in the study, arranged by operator. Ideally, the measurements for each operator vary an equal amount and the part averages vary as ‘minimally as possible. Gage R&R (Xba) for Response a Seamer mm Response by Operator Seer Operator*Part Interaction chart Use the Operator * Part interaction chart to display the average measurements taken by each operator ‘on each part in the study, arranged by part. ideally, the lines follow the same pattern and the part averages vary enough that differences between parts are cleer. Interaction plots display the interaction between two factors. An interaction occurs when the effect of. cone factor is dependent on 2 second factor. This plot is the graphi interaction term in the ANOVA table, Gage R&R (Xbar/R) for Response Sapte — = neaaer fe What is a gage run chart? cea mre bo nt 17 ‘gage run charts a plot of all your observations by operator and part number. The gage run charts. tone ofthe most helpful charts you can use to assess differences in measurements between different ‘operators and diferent parts. “The pt lets you see whether any patterns are evident inthe data. For example, you might see that lone operator consistently measures higher than the others or thatthe measurements on certain parts vary mare when compared to other parts. ‘The run chart contains the following elements: Plotted points ‘The indhidual measurement values. Different color/symbol combinations, which represent each ‘operator. Horizontal reference line (Mean) ‘The overall mean of the measurements ora value entered based on historical process knowledge. Vertical lines Dhicers that separate the measurements by part. What is the number of distinct categories? ‘The number of distinct categories is a metric that is used in gage RAR studies to identify a measurement system's ability to detect a difference in the measured characteristic (resolution). The number of distinct categories represents the number of non-overlapping confidence intervals thet will span the range of product variation. The number of distinct categories also represents the number of groups within your process data that your measurement system can discern, Minitab calculates the number of distinct categories by dividing the standard deviation for Parts by the standard deviation for Gage, then multiplies ky 1.41 (which is equal to V2). Minitab then truncates this value. When the value is less than 1, Minitab sets the number of distinct categories equal to 1. So the number of categories that are calculated depends on the ratio of the variability in the measured parts and the variability in the measurement system. Guidelines for the number of distinct categories ‘The Measurement Systems Analysis Manual published by the Automobile Industry Action Graup (AIAG) recommends that 5 or more categories indicates an acceptable measurement system. Usually, when the number of categories is less than 2, the measurement system is of no value for controlling the process, because one part cannot be distinguished from others, When the number of categories is 2, the data can be only be split into two groups, say high and low. When the number of categories is 3, the data can be split into 3 groups, say low, middle and high.

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