Question Bank Eee

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Unit 2:

1) A shunt generator running at 1000 r.p.m. has generated e.m.f. as 200 V. If the speed
increases to 1200 r.p.m., the generated e.m.f. will be nearly
(a) 150 V (b) 175 V
(c) 240 V (d) 290 V
2) The armature of D.C. generator is laminated to
(a) reduce the bulk
(b) provide the bulk
(c) insulate the core
(d) reduce eddy current loss
3) The resistance of armature winding depends on
(a) length of conductor
(b) cross-sectional area of the conductor
(c) number of conductors
(d) all of the above
4) The field coils of D.C. generator are usually made of
(a) mica (b) copper
(c) cast iron (d) carbon
5) In a commutator
(a) copper is harder than mica
(b) mica and copper are equally hard
(c) mica is harder than copper
(d) none of the above
6) In lap winding, the number of brushes is always
(a) double the number of poles
(b) same as the number of poles
(c) half the number of poles
(d) two
7) In a four-pole D.C. machine
(a) all the four poles are north poles
(b) alternate poles are north and south
(c) all the four poles are south poles
(d) two north poles follow two south poles
8) Brushes of D.C. machines are made of
(a) carbon (b) soft copper
(c) hard copper (d) all of above
9) The insulating material used between the commutator segments is normally
(a) graphite (b) paper
(c) mica (d) insulating varnish

10)In D.C. generators, the brushes on commutator remain in contact with conductors
(a) lie under south pole
(b) lie under north pole
(c) lie under interpolar region
(d) are farthest from the poles
11)In case of D.C. machine winding, number of commutator segments is equal to
(a) number of armature coils
(b) number of armature coil sides
(c) number of armature conductors
(d) number of armature turns
12)Magnetic field in a D.C. generator is produced by
(a) electromagnets
(b) permanent magnets
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
13)The number of brushes in a commutator depends on
(a) speed of armature
(b) type of winding
(c) voltage
(d) amount of current to be collected
14)The e.m.f. generated by a shunt wound D.C. generator isE. Now while pole flux
remains constant, if the speed of the generator is doubled, the e.m.f. generated will
(a) E/2 (b) 2E
(c) slightly less than E (d) E

15)A shunt generator running at 1000 r.p.m. has generated e.m.f. as 200 V. If the speed
increases to 1200 r.p.m., the generated e.m.f. will be nearly
(a) 150 V (b) 175 V
(c) 240 V (d) 290 V
16)The e.m.f. induced in the armature of a shunt generator is 600 V. The armature
resistance is 0.1 ohm. If the armature current is 200 A, the terminal voltage will be
(a) 640 V (b) 620 V
(c) 600 V (d) 580 V
17)Which of the following generators will be preferred if they are required to be run in
parallel ?
(a) Shunt generators
(b) Series generators
(c) Compound generators
(d) None of the above
18)A D.C. generator works on the principle of
(a) Lenz's law
(b) Ohm's law
(c) Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction
(d) none of the above
19)Starters are used with D.C. motors because
(a) these motors have high starting torque
(b) these motors are not self-starting
(c) back e.m.f. of these motors is zero initially
(d) to restrict armature current as there is no back e.m.f. while starting
20)In D.C. shunt motors as load is reduced
(a) the speed will increase abruptly
(b) the speed will increase in proportion to reduction in load
(c) the speed will remain almost/constant
(d) the speed will reduce
21)A D.C. series motor is that which
(a) has its field winding consisting of thick wire and less turns
(b) has a poor torque
(c) can be started easily without load
(d) has almost constant speed
22)For starting a D.C. motor a starter is required because
(a) it limits the speed of the motor
(b) it limits the starting current to a safe value
(c) it starts the motor
(d) none of the above
23)In a D.C. shunt motor, speed is
(a) independent of armature current
(b) directly proportional to the armature current
(c) proportional to the square of the current
(d) inversely proportional to the armature current
24)What will happen if the back e.m.f. of a D.C. motor vanishes suddenly?
(a) The motor will stop
(b) The motor will continue to run
(c) The armature may burn
(d) The motor will run noisy
25)Which of the following law/rule can be used to determine the direction of rotation
of D.C. motor ?
(a) Lenz's law (b) Faraday's law
(c) Coloumb's law (d) Fleming's left-hand rule
26)In a D.C. series motor, if the armature current is reduced by 50%, the torque of the
motor will be equal to
(a) 100% of the previous value
(b) 50% of the previous value
(c) 25% of the previous value
(d) none of the above
27)The mechanical power developed by a shunt motor will be maximum when the ratio
of back e.m.f. to applied voltage is
(a) 4.0 (b) 2.0
(c) 1.0 (d) 0.5
28)The condition for maximum power in case of D.C. motor is
(a) back e.m.f. = 2 x supply voltage
(b) back e.m.f. = 1/2x supply voltage
(c) supply voltage = 1/2 x back e.m.f.
(d) supply voltage = back e.m.f.
29)The speed of a D.C. motor can be varied by varying
(a) field current
(b) applied voltage
(c) resistance in series with armature
(d) any of the above

30)Which of the following loss in a D.C. generator is dissipated in the form of heat?
(a) Mechanical loss (b) Core loss
(c) Copper loss (d) All of the above
31)Which of the following does not change in a transformer ?
(a) Current (b) Voltage
(c) Frequency (d) All of the above
32)In a transformer the energy is conveyed from primary to secondary
(a) through cooling coil (b) through air
(c) by the flux (d) none of the above
33)A transformer core is laminated to
(a) reduce hysteresis loss
(b) reduce eddy current losses
(c) reduce copper losses
(d) reduce all above losses
34)A transformer transforms
(a) voltage (b) current
(c) power (d) frequency
35)Primary winding of a transformer
(a) is always a low voltage winding
(b) is always a high voltage winding
(c) could either be a low voltage or high voltage winding
(d) none of the above
36)Which winding in a transformer has more number of turns ?
(a) Low voltage winding
(b) High voltage winding
(c) Primary winding
(d) Secondary winding
37)In a given transformer for given applied voltage, losses which remain constant
irrespective of load changes are
(a) friction and windage losses
(b) copper losses
(c) hysteresis and eddy current losses
(d) none of the above
38)The transformer ratings are usually expressed in terms of
(a) volts (b) amperes
(c) kW (d) kVA
39)An ideal transformer is one which has
(a) no losses and magnetic leakage
(b) interleaved primary and secondary windings
(c) a common core for its primary and secondary windings
(d) core of stainless steel and winding of pure copper metal
(e) none of the above
40)In an actual transformer the iron loss remains practically constant from noload to
fullload because
(a) value of transformation ratio remains constant
(b) permeability of transformer core remains constant
(c) core flux remains practically constant
(d) primary voltage remains constant

41)An ideal transformer will have maximum efficiency at a load such that
(a) copper loss = iron loss
(b) copper loss < iron loss
c) copper loss > iron loss
(d) none of the above
42)Losses which occur in rotating electric machines and do not occur in trans formers
(a) friction and windage losses
(b) magnetic losses
(c) hysteresis and eddy current losses
(d) copper losses

1.c 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.c 11.a 12.a 13.d
14.b 15.c 16.d 17.a 18.c 19.d 20.c 21.a 22.b 23.a 24.c 25.d
26.c 27.d 28.b 29.d 30.d 31.c 32.c 33.b 34.c 35.c 36.b 37.c
38.a 39.a 40.c 41.a 42.a

Unit 3
1. A rotor of a synchronous motor is
(a) salient pole type
(b) nonsalient-pole type
(c) identical to that of a dc motor
2. Small synchronous motors are started by
(a) Pony motor
(b) damper winding
(c) variable frequency source
(d) none
3. A synchronous motor runs at speeds ranging from
(a) 1800 to 3600 r.p.m
(b) 3600 to 6000 r.p.m
(c) 150 to 1800 r.p.m
(d) None
4. When the synchronous motor runs at synchronous speed ,the voltage induced
in the damper winding is
(a) Maximum
(b) Minimum
(c) Zero
(d) None
5. For a given load, the armature current of a synchronous motor will be
minimum for _______ power factor
(a) Unity
(b) 0.8 leading
(c) 0.8 lagging
(d) None
6. If the mechanical angle between the stator and the rotor poles poles
increases, then, stator current
(a) Is decreased
(b) Remains unchanged
(c) Is increased
(d) None
7. Regarding skewing of motor bars in a squirrel cage induction motor which
statement is false?
(a) It prevents cogging
(b) It increases starting torque
(c) It produces more uniform torque
(d) It reduces motor hum during its operation
8. In a 3-induction motor the relative speed of the stator flux with respect to
is zero.
(a) Stator winding
(b) Rotor
(c) Rotor flux
(d) Space
9. The efficiency and power factors of a squirrel cage induction motor increases
in proportion to its
(a) Speed
(b) Mechanical load
(c) Voltage
(d) Rotor torque
10. The direction of rotation of field in a 3 induction motor depends upon
(a) Number of poles
(b) Magnitude of supply voltage
(c) Supply frequency
(d) Phase sequence of supply voltage
11. The no. of stator poles produce in the rotating magnetic field of 3 induction
motor having 3 slots per pole per phase is.
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 2
(d) 12
12. The relation among synchronous speed (Ns), rotor speed (N) and slip(s)
(a) N=(s-1)Ns
(b) N=(1-s)Ns
(c) N=(1+s)Ns
(d) N=sNs
13. If a 3-phase induction motor is running at a slip s(in decimal), then
approximate efficiency of the motor is.
(a) S2
(b) 1+s
(c) S-1
(d) 1-s
14. Most of single-phase induction motors are.machines.
(a) 2-pole
(b) 6-pole
(c) 8-pole
(d) 4-pole
15. A 4-pole , 50Hz induction motor operates at 5% slip. The frequency of e.m.f
induced in the rotor will be..
(a) 25Hz
(b) 50 Hz
(c) 2.5 Hz
(d) None of the above
16. If Im and Is are the currents in the main and starting windings respectively
and is the angle between I m and Is ,then motor torque T is given by..
(a) T ImIscos
(b) T ImIssin
(c) T ImIs
(d) None
17. A 3- induction motor is
(a) Essentially a constant speed motor
(b) A variable speed motor
(c) Very costly
(d) Not easily maintainable
18. 3-phase wound rotor motors are also called .. motors
(a) Synchronous
(b) Slip ring
(c) Series
(d) Commutator
19. The stator of 3- induction motor produces.. magnetic field
(a) Steady
(b) Rotating
(c) Alternating
(d) None
20. For the same rating ,the efficiency of a single phase induction motor is.. that
of 3-phase induction motor
(a) Less than
(b) The same as
(c) More than
(d) None
21. The rotor winding of a 3 phase wound rotor induction motor is
(a) star
(b) delta
(c) partly star and partly delta
(d) none
22. In a synchronous motor, damper winding is provided in order to
(a) Stabilize rotor motion
(b) Suppress rotor oscillations
(c) Develop necessary starting torque
(d) Both b and c
23. In a synchronous motor , the magnitude of stator back e.m.f E b depends on
(a) Speed of the motor
(b) Load on the motor
(c) Both the speed and rotor flux
(d) D.c. excitation only
24. An electric motor in which both the rotor and stator rotates with the same
speed is called a/an motor
(a) D.c.
(b) Charge
(c) Synchronous
(d) Universal
25. The direction of rotation of a synchronous motor can be reversed by reversing
(a) Current to the field winding
(b) Supply phase sequence
(c) Polarity of rotor poles
(d) None of the above
26. The angle between the synchronously rotating stator flux and rotor poles of a
synchronous motor is called.. angle.
(a) Synchronizing
(b) Torque
(c) Power factor
(d) Slip
27. If load angle of a 4-pole synchronous motor is 80(elect),its value in mechanical
degrees is
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 0.5
(d) 0.25
28. The maximum value of torque angle a in a synchronous motor is ..degrees
(a) 45
(b) 90
(c) Between 45 and 90
(d) Below 60
29. If the field of a synchronous motor is under excited , the power factor will be
(a) Lagging
(b) Leading
(c) Unity
(d) More than unity
30. The v-curves of a synchronous motor show relationship between
(a) Excitation current and back emf
(b) Field current and p.f.
(c) Dc field current and ac armature current
(d) Armature current and supply voltage
31. The rotor of a synchronous motor is
(a) Salient pole type
(b) Non salient pole type
(c) Identical to that of a dc motor
(d) None
32. Small synchronous motors are started by.
(a) Pony motor
(b) Damper winding
(c) Variable frequency source
(d) None
33. An under excited synchronous motor behaves as
(a) An inductor
(b) A capacitor
(c) A resistor
(d) None
34. A synchronous motor runs at only one speed because it..
(a) Has no losses
(b) Is a doubly fed machine
(c) Has a damper winding
(d) None
35. The speed of a synchronous motor can be changed by varying .
(a) mechanical load
(b) field excitation
(c) supply frequency
(d) none
36. The reactance of the rotor circuit of a 3 phase induction motor is maximum at
(a) No load
(b) Full load
(c) Half full load
(d) starting
37. The rotor current in a 3 phase induction motor is. Slip.
(a) Inversely proportional to
(b) Directly proportional to
(c) Independent of
(d) None
38. The starting of a 3 phase induction motor is .. supply voltage.
(a) Independent of
(b) Directly proportional to
(c) Directly proportional to square of
(d) None
39. For higher efficiencies of 3 phase induction motor, the slip should be..
(a) Large
(b) Very large
(c) As small as possible
(d) 1
40. If the supply voltage of a 3 phase induction motor is increased two times
,then, torque is.
(a) Increased two times
(b) Decreased two times
(c) Increased four times
(d) Decreased four times
41. The magnetizing current drawn by a 3 phase induction motor is about .of
full load stator current.
(a) 5%
(b) 10 to 15 %
(c) 15 to 20 %
(d) 30 to 50%
42. The maximum voltage is induced in the rotor of a 3 phase induction motor
when it
(a) Runs at no load
(b) Runs at full load
(c) Is blocked
(d) None
43. An induction motor is preferred to a dc motor because it
(a) Provides high starting torque
(b) Provides fine speed control
(c) Has simple and rugged construction
(d) None
44. In a 3 phase induction motor is,the rotor speed is ..the synchronous speed.
(a) Greater than
(b) Smaller than
(c) Equal to
(d) None
45. The air gap between stator and rotor of a 3 phase induction motor ranges
(a) 2cm to 4cm
(b) 0.4mm to 4mm
(c) 1cm to 2 cm
(d) 4 cm to 6 cm
46. When the rotor of a 3 phase induction motor is blocked, the slip is..
(a) Zero
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.1
(d) 1
47. A single phase induction motor employs.. rotor.
(a) Squirrel cage
(b) Wound
(c) Either squirrel cage or wound
(d) None
48. For the same rating, the size of a single phase induction motor is about
that of the corresponding 3 phase induction motor .
(a) 3 times
(b) The same as
(c) 1.5 times
(d) 0.33 times
49. In a single phase induction motor ,speed sensitive centrifugal switch is
connected in winding.
(a) Parallel with main
(b) Series with main
(c) Series with starting
(d) Parallel with starting
50. The resistance split phase induction motor has .. starting torque.
(a) High
(b) Moderate
(c) Very low
(d) None

51. The single phase series motor can operate on..

(a) Ac only
(b) Dc only
(c) Both ac and dc
(d) None
52. The direction of rotation of shaded pole motor depends on .
(a) Supply frequency
(b) Number of poles on the stator
(c) Which half of the pole is shaded
(d) Supply voltage
53. A resistance split phase induction motor is used for
(a) Low inertia loads
(b) High inertia loads
(c) Very high inertia loads
(d) None
54. The advantage of wound rotor motor is that.
(a) It is inexpensive
(b) It requires less maintenance
(c) External resistance can be inserted in the rotor circuit
(d) None
55. The torque characteristic of a 3 phase induction motor is similar to that of
(a) Dc series motor
(b) Dc shunt motor
(c) Dc differentially compounded motor
(d) Dc cumulatively compounded motor

1.a 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.b 10.d
11.b 12.b 13.d 14.d 15.c 16.b 17.a 18.b 19.b 20.a
21.a 22.d 23.d 24.c 25.b 26.b 27.a 28.b 29.a 30.c
31.a 32.b 33.a 34.b 35.c 36.d 37.b 38.c 39.c 40.c
41.d 42.c 43.c 44.b 45.b 46.d 47.a 48.c 49.c 50.b
51.c 52.c 53.a 54.c 55.b

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