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Word Meaning
lung phi
nasal cavity khoang mi
oral cavity khoang ming
pharynx hu
larynx thanh qun
trachea kh qun
windpipe kh qun
bronchus ph qun (t)
bronchi ph qun (nhiu)
bronchioles tiu ph qun
exchange trao i
particle ht
chin cm
epiglottis np thanh mn
flap np y
esophagus thc qun
hiccups nc
laryngitis vim thanh qun
infection s nhim trng
vocal cords dy thanh m
swell lm sng ln
excessive qu mc
shouting la ht
coughing ho
breathe (v) th
breath (n) hi th
vibrate rung

tend to khuynh hng
fairly tng i, kh
rigid cng
lobes thy (phi/no)
tertiary cp th 3
tert- three
alveolus ph nang (t)
alveoli ph nang (nhiu)
cluster cm/b
grape qu nho
stem cung
drops off =remove loi b
picks up =receive nhn
packed full, filled nht y
sponge bt bin
emphysema kh ph thng
stretch ko dui ra
inspiration s ht vo
inspire ht vo
inhalation s ht vo
inhale ht vo
diaphragm c honh
abdominal bng
thoracic ngc
expand n rng ra
contract co rt li
intercostal muscle c gian sn
rib cage khung xng sn
expiration s th ra
exhalation s th ra
expire th ra
regulation s iu chnh, iu ha
enable h tr, cho php, lm cho c th
dilate gin n, n rng
constrict tht li

rest ngh ngi
asthma hen/suyn
wheezing s th kh kh
allergen d nguyn, tc nhn gy d ng
dander lng ng vt
pollen phn hoa
oral spray xt ming
inhalant xng
stretch cng ra, dn ra
capillary mao mch
pulmonary thuc phi
ultimate final
oxygenate oxi ha
exchange trao i
simultaneously ng thi
diffusion s khuch tn
concentration ni tp trung, s tp trung
tempt gi , xi gic, khng khng
net movement s vn ng qua mng
bounce vn ng, nhy nht
chance tnh c
inflate phng ln
attract ht
detergent-like dng cht ty
line (*) lt
infant tr nh nhi
distress suy kit
syndrome hi chng
premature sm/ sinh non
preemies tr sinh non
take off cai nghin
play an active ng vai tr
airborne thuc kh quyn
mucous nhy nha (adj)
mucus dch nhy (n)

epithelial biu m
barrier hng ro, vt chng ngi
cilia lng mao
miniature nh
macrophage i thc bo
heat lm nng
moisten lm m
portion phn, phn chia
susceptible (to d mc phi
sinusitis vim xoang
pneumonia vim phi
pneumo- lung
influenza cm
cold cm
gradual t t
rapid nhanh
mild nh
moderate va phi
severe d di
stuffy ngt
sneezing ht hi

Word Meaning
urinary system h tit niu
urine nc tiu
urination s i tiu
urinate s i tiu
urinary bladder bng quang
excrete bi tit
ureter niu qun
urethra niu o
role vai tr
kidney thn
renal thuc thn
capsule bao
cortex v
medulla ty
pelvis chu, khung chu
aorta ng mch ch
glomerulus cu thn
glomeruli cu thn (plural)
afferent hng vo, hng tm
afferent arteriole tiu ng mch n
efferent hng ra, ly tm
efferent arteriole tiu ng mch i
renal tubule ng thn
collecting duct ng gp
determine quyt nh
adequate y
dehydration mt nc

renal failure suy thn
accumulate tch ly
diabetes i tho ng
chronic mn tnh
hypertension cao huyt p
filtrate dch lc
alter bin i
eventually cui cng
coil cun, xon
proximal gn u
convoluted =coil xon (adj)
proximal convoluted tubule PCT ng ln gn
loop quai
distal xa
distal convoluted tubule DCT ng ln xa
reabsorption ti hp thu
secretion bi tit
reclaim phc hi
diabetes mellitus i tho ng
mellitus sweat
extra thm, ph, d tha
laboratory phng th nghim
harmful gy hi
substance cht, vt cht
renal pelvis b thn
neutral trung ha
slightly acid acid nh
sterile v trng
dialysis thm tch
temporary tm thi
donate tng
transplant cy ghp
anemia thiu mu
influence affect nh hng
constant hng nh

trauma chn thng
hemorrhage xut huyt
diarrhea tiu chy
vomitting nn ma
adrenal gland tuyn thng thn
pituitary gland tuyn yn
anti-diuretichormon ADH hormon chng bi niu
intoxication nhim c
hangover nn nao, kh chu
nauseous nn ma
inhibit ngn chn, hn ch
consciousness thc
pass out bt tnh, ngt
propel y ti
posterior sau
calculus, calculi si
crystallize kt tinh
edge sc (hnh dng)
ultrasound sng siu m
muscular sac ti c
bladder bng quang
sphincter c tht
conscious c thc
incontinence tiu khng t ch
urinary track infection UTI nhim trng ng niu
instrument thit b y t
catheter ng thng

Word Meaning
reproductive system h sinh dc
ovary bung trng
uterus t cung
vagina m o
urethra niu o
penis dng vt
testis tinh hon
sperm tinh trng
spermatozoa tinh trng
scrotum bu
pouch ti nh
lie nm
seminiferous tubule ng sinh tinh
spermatocyte tinh bo
undergo tri qua
meiosis gim phn
identical ging y ht
spermatid tinh t
chromosome nhim sc th
genetic information thng tin di truyn
lumen khoang
immature sperm tinh trng non
epididymis mo tinh hon
mature trng thnh
ejaculate xut tinh
arousal ham mun tnh dc
bulbourethral gland tuyn hnh niu o

erect cng ln (iv)
enlarge to ln
upright thng ng
erectile cng (adj)
richly di do
dilate n, m rng ra
flaccid mm, nhn
loosly lng lo
slippery trn
lubricate bi trn, lm trn
alkaline tnh kim
neutralize trung ha
impotence lit dng
emtional anxiety cm xc lo u
achieve t c (tv)
path of sperm ng dn tinh
peak nh
peak of excitement cc khoi
prior trc
vas deferens ductus deferens ng dn tinh
peristaltic wave sng nhu ng
seminal vesicle ti tinh
clotting enzyme enzym lm ng c
coagulate ng c
deposit t ( u )
combination s phi hp
semen tinh dch
ejaculatory duct ng phng tinh
prostate gland tuyn tin lit
prostatic (thuc) tuyn tin lit
walnut qu c ch
milky thuc sa, nh sa
hypertrophy s n to

against chng li
pituitary gland tuyn yn
interstitial cell t bo k
metabolism s trao i cht
puberty tui dy th
teenage tui thiu nin (13-19)
facial lng
acne mn trng c
aldulthood tui trng thnh
steady vng chc
infertility v sinh
fertilize th tinh, lm th thai
ovum, ova egg trng
fertilization th tinh, th thai
union hp nht
individual c th
ovary bung trng (v), bu nhy (tv)
Fallopian tube ng dn trng
anus hu mn
oocyte non bo
pear-shaped hnh qu l
fist nm tay, qu m
nourish nui dng
fetus n bo thai
fetal adj thuc bo thai
cervix c t cung
canal ng
caesarean m m t cung ly thai
section ct
delivery s sinh
estimate c tnh
yeast nm men
experience kinh nghim, tng tri qua
itchiness nga ngy
fungus nm

negative reaction phn ng chng li
multiply nhn ln
somehow khng bit lm sao
immune system h thng min dch
operate hot ng
ovarian cycle chu k bung trng
menstrual (uterine) cycle chu k kinh nguyt
child-bearing years tui kinh nguyt
initial ban u
follicle nang
follicular cell t bo nang
polar body th cc
rupture v ra
ovulation s rng trng
corpus luteum th vng
corpus body
luteum yellow
embryo phi
exact chnh xc
vary bin i
endometrium ni mc t cung
endo- within
myometrium c t cung
proliferation s ny n, s tng nhanh
dominal vt tri, u th
implant cy vo, cm cht vo
embed || gn vo
disintegrate tan r, phn hy
endometriosis bnh lc ni mc t cung
premenstrual syndrome PMS triu chng tin kinh nguyt
menstrual cramps au bng hnh kinh
bloading fluid retention ph
retention s gi li, cm li
breast enlargement
irritabilitily tnh d b kch thch, d b cu

mechanism c ch
minor nh, khng quan trng
menopause thi k mn kinh
intercourse s giao cu (qhtd)
zygote hp t
obstacle vt chng ngi, tr ngi
encounter bt gp, chm trn
uphill adj ln dc
hollow rng
fertile c kh nng sinh sn
entrance i vo
ectopic lc v
pregnancy s mang thai
twin sinh i (adj), tr sinh i (n)
fraternal anh em
material vt cht
inheritance s k tha
inherit tha k (iv)
miscarriage s tht bi, s sy thai
forceps ci kp, ci cp thai
epidural gy t ngoi mng cng
induce bt u bng cch dng thuc
placenta nhau thai


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