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Thomas de Castro

11 Ampere

Bread is a food most accessible to anyone compared to rice and other carbohydrate-
rich foods. Not only rich in carbohydrates but also other nutrients depending on the
components added during the bread making. Most bread undergoes the same process
however the uniqueness of each goes as the process differs slightly and so does the
ingredients. Bread making can be traced back in Egypt at 8000 BCE when yeast was not
used in bread. The process of bread making includes the hydration of flour,
fermentation of dough, spoofing of dough and baking of it variations on bread happens
as the process was differed and other ingredients were added to make bread. For
example the addition of bacteria during fermentation will result to a sourdough and
the substitution of flour to another alternative will give gluten-free bread. During the
fermentation process, yeast will convert the sugar into carbon dioxide doubling the
size of the dough later on until no more sugar is available. Preservatives such as
Calcium Propionate, Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate are added to stabilize
and prolong the shelf life of the bread. Enzymes are also added to reduce the time
making the bread. Because of the advancement in technology and discovery of new
raw materials, bread making has been taken to a new level compared to what it had
been before.


Beer is a popular drink known for its intoxicating effect similar to wines, beer in fact
is one of the three most liquid being drank by humans daily, water and tea for are the
other two. The production of beer is called brewing which involves also fermentation of
sugars mainly derived from cereal grain starches (wheat, rye, barley etc.). Brewing can
be traced back during the Sumerians (3900 BCE) where they worshipped Ninkasi their
God of Brewing. Key ingredients for (traditional) brewing include water, hops, malt and
yeast. Hops and malt may vary according to availability of the ingredient. Most beer is
flavored with hops which add bitterness and act as a natural preservative, other
flavoring include herbs and fruits to vary the taste. Beer making or known as brewing
includes mashing, boiling of mash, fermenting of mash, Filtering and packaging. Other
steps are added along the way to make ones beer unique than others. The
fermentation process in brewing causes a carbonation effect which though is removed
and replaced by another carbonation process that helps in prolonging shelf life,
fermentation also determines the alcohol content of your beer. Beer brewing has
evolved compared to what beer brewing is before thanks to modern technology and

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