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7 Places in Klaten Mandatory Visited, Places Beautiful - Klaten is a regency were included in

the province of Central Java. Klaten has a wide range of potential sites of natural, artificial
travel, family travel to religious tourism. At present, air travel has become a staple for some
communities in Indonesia. With a trip then all the fatigue and boredom through the world of
work can be a little relieved. Therefore, on holidays or Sundays is almost in the various
locations where travel is always full of visitors. Visitors who come not only local tourists
from locals but also from various surrounding City.

Klaten district located between two great cultural centers of the Kingdom of Surakarta and
Yogyakarta Sultanate. It causes in the district of Klaten are still thick with the indigenous
culture, which is still largely conserved as nyadran celebration, apeman, Kupatan etc. In
addition to nature and cultural tourism, tourist spot which is not less important in Klaten
district is religious tourism. The religious tourism travel means that cater hearts of people
who believe to a place can bring blessing. The place is usually a tomb of famous figures in
the past. There are two tombs are very popular in the District namely Sunan Bayat Klaten in
District Bayat and the Tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig in Jatinom.
Here we'll discuss 7 among the tourist attractions in the district of Klaten very beautiful so it
is a pity if it were not visited.

Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple could be said a travel temat is already global. This tourist spot visited by
many foreign tourists. Location Temple Pranbanan is in the border district of Klaten and
Yogyakarta province. Thus, in this paper we include in the list of seven sites in Klaten that
must be visited. We never talked about the tourist attractions Prambanan. So if you want to
know more about Prambanan temple you can see on our posts following:
The beauty of Prambanan Temple Tourism
Legend Jonggrang

Warung Floating Rowo Jombor / Jimbung

It seems not many in Indonesia that makes Warung floating on the water. It was precisely in
the Klaten district Rowo Jombor . Here lined up dozens of floating point which provides a
wide variety of dishes made from freshwater fish, from catfish, tilapia, Gurameh etc. To
enjoy these free floating stalls, but of course you have to buy food in this shop. Based on our
experience, the cuisine there are riches really. Even some who accompanied with
entertainment in the form of dangdut orchestra on certain days. Oh yes Location Floating
point Rowo Jombor / Jimbung is located in the village of Bayat Klaten Jombor Krakitan or
approximately 6 km to the south of the town of Klaten.

Sugar Museum Central Java

Sugar Museum Central Java more known to the public as a museum or a museum gondang
winangoen Sugar Sugar Klaten. That's because the museum is located in the Sugar gondang
winangoen PTPN IX. Location Museum Sugar Central Java is located in Jalan Raya
Yogyakarta - Solo Km. 25, Klaten - Central Java. Because of the museum, then this place is
deposited assorted historical objects that are related to the sugar industry and its development.
Among the antiquities kolesi of Central Java Sugar Museum is a milling machine tools
unused, locomotive transporting sugarcane ancient times, mockups sugar factory, the
different types of cane etc. In addition to the museum, in Gondang Baru sugar factory
complex also contained agrotourism offer exciting family attractions as well as a rest area and
a coffee Banaran Cafe. For those of you who were passing on the road Yogya Solo can stop
by here just unwind and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

Bannerman baths Cokro Tulung

Clark Tulung bath is a bath located in the village Cokro Tuung District of Klaten district. In
this bath there is a pond with a source of water comes from ground water pristine. This
creates its own freshness when bathing in this bath. Location pennant Tulug Clark is visited
on the eve of the month of Ramadan. That's because in Klaten there is a tradition that before
fasting in Ramadan then we recommended meakukan "Padusan". Padusan activity was
basically purify our minds and bodies in welcoming the fasting month full of blessings. Even
when you can enjoy a dish padusan dangdut orchestra which is usually provided by the

Swimming Pool Galuh Tirto Nirmolo

Swimming Pool Galuh Tirto Nirmolo the pool facilities are provided by Hotel Galuh
Prambanan at Jl. Manisrenggo, KM 1, Tlogo Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java 57454.
However, this place has been developed by the management to the public as an exciting
family attractions. You and your family can enjoy a swim in this place with a diverse variety
of water games. At this location can be regarded as a mini waterboom, so many people who
come to this location.

Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Ki Ageng Gribig Jatinom

Ki Ageng Gribig spreader is a scholar of Islam in Klaten are still descendants of King
Brawijaya of Majapahit Kingdom. This tomb will be visited on a Friday evening and Friday
kliwon legi. Also in this location there is a unique tradition of dividing apem held on Friday,
around the 15th month in the Javanese calendar Sapar, located near the tomb of Ki Ageng
Gribig. This event dsebut with Yes qowiyu.

Religious Tourism to Sunan Tembayat

Sunan Tembayat located in District Bayat, Klaten regency. Sunan Tembayat is a cleric who
spread Islam in Klaten. Sunan Tembayat originally named the Duke in Semarang
Pandanaran. Duke Pandanaran moved to Bayat as planned to study Islam to Sunan Kalijaga.
Still remember the origins of Salatiga? Yes Sunan Tembayat a part of this story.

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