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The simple past tense

The simple past tense in regular verbs is formed by adding ED to the

infinitive without TO :
ex. to work worked
verbs ending in E add - D only
ex. to love loved
there are no inflexions, i.e. the same form is used for all persons.

The simple past tense of irregular verbs must be learnt, but once this is done
there is no other difficulty, as irregular verbs (like regular verbs) have no
inflexions in the past tense.
Ex. to speak spoke

The interrogative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with DID

Ex. Did you work yesterday?
Did he go out last Monday?

The negative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with

Ex. They did not (didnt) work
We didnt tell him the truth

The simple past is the tense usually used for the relation of past events.
It is used for actions completed in the past at a definite time. It is therefore used:
For a past action when the time is given . Ex. I met him yesterday
When the time is asked about. Ex. When did you meet him?
When the action clearly took place at a definite time even though this time is
not mentioned. Ex. The train was ten minutes late.

The simple past tense is used for an action whose time is not given but which (1)
occupied a period of time now terminated, or (2) occurred in a period of time
now terminated. This may be expressed diagrammatically thus :
2 x....

Ex. of 1 : He worked in that bank for four years (but he does not work there now)
Ex. of 2 : My grandmother once saw Queen Victoria.

The simple past tense is also used for a past habit.

Ex. He always carried an umbrella.

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