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Subject: Behind My Success...

- 3
Hello Mumbai

Mumbai - The financial hub of India welcomed me after my studies. Mumbai single handedly handles
25% of the domestic and 38% of the international air passenger traffic in the country. The literacy rate
here is 85.6% compared to India's overall literacy of 65.4%. Mumbai pays nearly 35% of India's total
income tax. The Indian representative of International Cinema, The Bollywood resides in Mumbai. In one
word Mumbai is considered to be the unofficial capital of India. And I joined the flow of Mumbai hunting
for a job.

My parents stay in Andheri west near Lokhandwala in the quarters provided by the bank. From the first
day I landed in Mumbai several questions crept in my mind. Where to go? What to do? How to do? Whom
to ask? And you this is not an easy task.

The first thing I did when I came to Mumbai is that I ensured that there is a net connection to the PC in my
home. There are two advantages if I have a net connection in home. One I can send resumes to the
companies, check my mail sitting in the house instead of going out and getting lost in Mumbai. Second
and the most important one is that I can be in touch with Rani. I can have a chat with her whenever I

We used to chat during night so that it can be feasible for her as she lives in US.

rani17981: So, Mr.Potter how is Mumbai?

clickharrypotter: Its great. But I did not like the climate. Its so sultry here.

She never called me by my name. She always calls me Mr.Potter.

rani17981: And any news on your job hunt?

clickharrypotter: Nope, not yet. Yesterday only I have sent resumes to all the companies. I booked my
resume in some jobsites. I am also preparing for GATE.
rani17981: Hmmm... Thats good. All the best.
clickharrypotter: Thanks.
rani17981: So Mr.Potter, Get a job soon, find a girl. I will come to India to attend your marriage.

Rani always used to tease me on the name of marriage. She knows my reply and she makes fun of my

clickharrypotter: You started it again. I told you before and I repeat it. Its not easy to get a girl for me.
Mine will be a Love marriage.
rani17981: Ha Ha Ha... Love marriage. OK My dear Potter, tell me what kind of girl do you want. I will try
to find her wherever she is.
clickharrypotter: You will never find her. Only I can find her. Love is something which cannot happen by
the recommendation of others or by seeing some specific characters in a person. You can say many
reasons why you hate or dislike a person but there is no reason why one likes or love someone. So only I
can find my Lucky girl.
rani17981: I dont believe. If one can have reasons for hating someone, how can there be no reason for
loving someone.
clickharrypotter: Listen, Pure Love is unconditional. If U say some reasons for loving someone, Its not
pure Love. For example If I Love someone because she has beautiful eyes, she has beautiful hair..etc.
Do I stop loving her if after some days the beauty is lost. No. That is not pure Love. Love is some related
to heart. Its pure and unconditional. So, I repeat, only I can find her and no one else.
rani17981: Hmmm... I still dont understand it. I think Love is very complex to understand and please
leave me I dont want to deal with complex things.
clickharrypotter: Who started this?
rani17981: OK.. Sorry baba. What happened to your hobby?
clickharrypotter: I dont have time for photography now. I need to prepare for my GATE examination. But
still I have sent my entry to Mumbai Press Club. They are going to arrange an exhibition with some of the
good photos.
rani17981: Thats cool. All the best.
clickharrypotter: Thanks.

She always used to support me in continuing my hobby. Being a fashion designer she has keen interest
in photography.

Love - It always used to be my favorite topic. I always liked great Love stories. I decided in my college
days that mine would be a Love marriage. I will wait whole my life until I find someone who can get a
place in my heart. The time came soon within a month.

I can never forget the days I stayed in Mumbai during my life. Mumbai gifted me with the person for whom
I was looking for. I saw her when I went to take a test. She is Haritha... Haritha Mittal.

To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 4
The Group Discussion
There are some incidents in life which you can nevr forget. Those are the most memorable moments of
life. The group discussion that was held in Hexaware Technologies is one of them.

I have sent my resume to various companies. Being a fresher, I did not get many calls for test or
interview. The first call for the test and interview came from Hexaware Technologies Ltd. I remember it for
two reasons. First - It was my first attempt for a job in my life. Second and the most important one, it
introduced Haritha Mittal to me.

The test and interview was at Vashi, Navi Mumbai. I dont know where it is and how to reach there. That
was the first time I stepped out of my house into the vast city of Mumbai. The distance between Andheri
and Vashi is simply too much. Please dont ask me how I reached there. It will become a big book to
describe that adventure.

There were around 500 people waiting to attend the test. Later on I found that the count is some what
close to 700. We had an aptitude or analytical or whatever it is, some entrance exam to test your skills
you never know that they exist in you. After a torture of one hour, I completed the test. The results came
after two hours. I was surprised to hear that I cleared the test. Of course mine is the last number in the

Next comes the group discussion, and next the technical interview and finally the HR gets a chance to
destroy your brain completely if at all anything is left out after all these aptilical (aptitude and analytical
combined) tests and interviews.

Its my first group discussion. We were given a topic. It goes like this. A plane crashes in the jungle and
only few people survive the accident along with the captain of the plane. Among them, there are people
with different occupations say hunter, policeman, social worker... blah ..blah ... blah. Everyone is expert in
some or the other profession and everyone wants to lead the team to the nearest village of which they
know nothing. Now the question is - What must captain do and whom he must support? Put forth your
argument with appropriate reasons.

I did not understand whether I was applying for a position of Software Engineer or for a commando in
some remote jungle. Surprisingly there is no Software Engineer among them. If there had been a
software Engineer, I would have supported him. I looked at the faces of others. Everyone looked as
confused as I am.

One girl who sat opposite to me started her argument. I did not listen what she said but I read some
where that you should try to gain upper hand in group discussions to get more points. I stood and shouted
at the top of my voice. "I object". I shouted as if I was arguing a case in a court. Everyone looked at me.
But the jolt that I caused did not affect the girl. She also stood and started arguing with me at the top of
her voice. After sometime we two were the only people participating in the discussion literally shouting at
each other on the top of our voices. After 20 minutes the discussion was taken off by the organizer.

I was not selected. I was a bit disappointed as I thought that I did well at group discussion outperforming
everyone. Neither did the girl who argued with me was selected.

She is Haritha Mittal. That was my first meeting with her. Our introduction started with shouting against
each other in a group discussion.

After a few days, I got another mail from a different company to attend the test and interview. The drama
started again. I cleared the test. But this time I was not the last person. You know, I am improving. While I
was waiting for the group discussion to start, I saw Haritha. I felt sorry for what I did last time. I went to
"Hi... I said expecting an unexpected reply from her.
"Hi... She said. "So, you are back again"
"Actually, I want to say sorry to you for what has happened last time."
"Its OK... I am also sorry. I lost my temper and was shouting at you like anything"
"By the way I am Avinash"
"I am Haritha, Haritha Mittal"

Thats a great relief for me. Thank god she did not shout at me again.

"So, cleared the test? Ready for another fight?" She said laughing.
"Yup.. Waiting for the fight to start"

We spent sometime there discussing what would be the topic this time. After half an hour we were called
inside. Fortunately we were in two different groups. Remembering my previous experience in group
discussion, this time I sat silently and gave the chance to yell at each other to other people. And obviously
I was not selected.

After the group discussion I met Haritha. She has cleared the group discussion. She would be attending
the Technical and HR Interview the next day. Thus the story of me and Haritha began and this is just only
the beginning.

To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 5
The Sudden Surprise

After the first two tests, I did not attend any test/interview which involved a group discussion. I could not
handle that torture. Now I concentrated more on preparing for GATE examination. I used to get up early
in the morning at 10:30 AM, go for driving classes, play video games, have a good nap in the afternoon,
Watch TV in the evening, sit before the net, chat with Rani and go to bed at around 1:00 AM.

Rani always used to advise me to study hard for GATE. I used to tell her that I am doing my best.
Unfortunately I could not get much time for studies because of the busy schedule. I did not tell Rani about
the group discussion. I dont want to get embarrassed by telling her about it. I did not meet Haritha after
our last encounter. But there is a surprise element hidden in everybody's life.

I used to go to four wheeler driving classes near to our house. One day the driver took me to the
Lokhandwala. He stopped before an apartment. He told me that a new comer would be joining us from
that day. To my surprise it's Haritha. She stepped in to the car and was surprised to see me.

"Hi... How are you?" I said.

"Hi... How come you here?" She asked me with surprise.
"My house near to this Place" I said pointing the road leading to my house.
"Thats cool.."
"What about your Interview? Did you get selected?"
"Nope" She said. "They want a B.Tech graduate. But I am only a B.Com graduate. So I could not able to
get it. What about you?"
"I did not try any other company after that. I am preparing for GATE"
"Wow... Thats great. One of my friends is also preparing for it. Best of Luck"
"No need for Luck. You know I am studying day and night for it. I think I can clear the exam easily" I said
taking pride in my voice.
"Thats really great. Anyway All the Best and take care of your health. Dont study too much and spoil
your health"
"Its OK. Actually I have no other work to do than to study. I have no friends here. So I never come out of
my house"
"So, you are not from Mumbai?"
"No.. I am Avinash from Hyderabad"
"OK... Avinash. Don't worry. We can be friends. If you feel bored of your studies anytime, you can come
over here"
"Thanks a lot" I said. At last I got a friend in Mumbai.

From that day onwards, I changed my schedule. Every evening I used to meet Haritha. We used to spend
time walking through the Lokhandwala market. While I used to say that I was studying day and night
sleeping for only two or three hours, she used to advise me to take some rest.

"I think you need to take a break. Studying continuously for hours is not good for health"

Sitting in the house and watching movies or playing video games over the PC continuously is not good for
health. But If I say this to Haritha she will definitely kill me on the spot.

"But my GATE examination is coming closer... I need to work hard for it" I said trying to sound genuine.
"Nothing goes wrong if you take a break for a day. I am planning to take you to Mumbai Darshan"
"Mumbai Darshan? I am not going to come. I am not going to travel in those crowded locals" I said trying
to escape even a single chance of traveling in those crowded Mumbai Locals.
"Wait.. Wait.. We will be traveling by bus. We will start early in the morning tomorrow and will be back in
the evening"
"OK." I said. I dont want to miss this opportunity.
We planned to meet the next day morning. We boarded the bus early in the morning at 7:00 AM and
started off towards the great Mumbai city. We saw Boot house, Hanging gardens, Kamla Nehru Park,
Nariman Point, Gateway of India, Stock Exchange, Chowpati beach, Race Course, Nehru Planetarium,
Haji Ali, mahalakshmi Temple, Film City etc. We visited the houses of various prominent film stars. As it
was Tuesday Siddhivinayak Temple was crowded heavily and so we skipped it. She brought some
chapatis and bread from her house. In the evening we got off at Juhu beach.

I can never forget that day I spent with Haritha. The Ice-cream at Juhu beach, the chat at Chowpati, the
beautiful view of the city from Nariman Point, the walk into the sea at Haji Ali and especially the moments
I spent with Haritha. I am slowly getting emotionally attached towards her.
Subject: Behind My Success... - 6
Joggers Park

After Mumbai Darshan, Haritha and I became good friends. I never told Rani about Haritha. She would
tease me if I told her that I am going out with a girl. She always waits for an opportunity to tease me in
these matters. I never hide anything near Rani. She is my best pal from my college days. We used to chat
once or twice a week.

One day she told me that she is coming to India.

clickharrypotter: That's good news. When are you coming?

rani17981: I did not plan yet. But I will let you know once I am ready with my plans.
clickharrypotter: Thats great.
rani17981: So how is your hobby going on?
clickharrypotter: As I told you already, I have sent my entry to Mumbai Press Club and am waiting for the
rani17981: Thats good. Do you remember the promise that you made to me?
clickharrypotter: Yes. I remember. But that is not in my hands. I am trying my best.
Rani always encouraged me to continue my hobby. She is the person who understood me completely
and helped me in every sense

rani17981: All the best and did you find your girl?
clickharrypotter: Nope.
rani17981: So... Can I try for you?
clickharrypotter: Its not that easy to impress me.

I dont know why she always keeps me asking the same question again and again.

On the other side Haritha always used to encourage me to concentrate on my studies. I never told
Haritha about my hobby. I always boasted at her that I was preparing for GATE and giving my best to it.
She helped me a lot in increasing my aptilical skills. Haritha is a great personality. She is very spiritual
and courageous. Though she came from a rich family, she never showed it. She always used to be
simple. She does not want to depend on anyone. She takes her career seriously. She is great... simply

She gets up early in the morning at 5:00 AM and goes for jogging unlike me who like sleeping till 10:00
AM. Then she goes for yoga classes. After that, driving classes and then she would be busy with her
preparations for CAT. Her aim is to get a seat in IIM. She is a great hard worker.

"Why dont you come to jogging early in the morning?" She asked me one day.
"Actually, I wake up a bit late" I said.
"Try to wake up early in the morning"
"Early in the morning... Me?? No way"
"Why? Tomorrow you are coming to jogging with me. That's it. See you tomorrow"

I did not understand what to do. I never woke up at 5:00 AM in my life except to watch Cricket matches in
Australia. The matches in Australia start early in the morning.

Next day I woke up at 5:30 AM with great difficulty. My parents were shocked. As I reached the joggers
park its 6:00 AM. Haritha already completed her jogging.

"You are late" She said.

"I am sorry. You know its very difficult to get up early in the morning" I said yawning.
"Its difficult in the beginning. But once you get used to it, you will feel great"
"Hmmm... But I think I need sometime to get used to it"
"See how many people are coming early in the morning. You can also try..."
"I dont know whether I can do it or not"
"You will do it. You will do it for me. I am sorry I did not tell you..." She said waving her hand to one of her
"What?" I said. I did not understand what she is talking about.
"Actually, I made a bet with my friend Shreya"
"Bet??? What bet?"
"She always comes with her boy friend to jogging and she challenged me that I dont have any friends
and I always come alone. So, I thought that I can prove to her that I also have one boy friend"
"You should have told me before. I would have come at 4:00 AM"
"I dont want to trouble you about this. I just asked you casually"
"Its OK.. Where is your friend?"
"She has already left. I lost the bet. You came a bit late"
I felt vary sad.
"Dont worry. Its OK" She said trying not to disappoint me.

But I felt really bad. From that day I woke up at 5:00 AM early in the morning everyday. I thought that I
should never disappoint her. I even started preparing for GATE seriously. Behind the success of every
man's life there is a woman behind him. I think its true. I completely changed myself from a lazy and
careless person to a person with a goal in his life. She brought change in my life. I seriously started liking

To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 7
September 17th
Its been Five months since I came to Mumbai. I could not make any friends in Mumbai except Haritha.
Its been Four months since I met Haritha the first time in Mumbai. We became good friends. We used to
meet daily in the morning at Joggers Park and in the evening. Now I could not imagine a day without
spending time with Haritha. She is the only friend I can look to in this vast city of Mumbai. She is my best
and the only friend in Mumbai.

I continued my job hunt sitting in the home sending my Resume to more and more companies. One day I
got a call from Infosys. Thank god they dont have group discussion or interview in their recruitment
process. There is only one entrance exam which includes some aptilical questions. I appeared for the test
and I felt confident about the result. After the test they told me that they will let me know about the result
in a day or two. I was very confident about the result. I thought that no one could stop me now. I did not
tell this to Haritha. I wanted to give her a surprise after I got selected for Infosys.

One day in the morning Haritha called me and told me that she is planning for a movie that day. She
asked me to come to Fame Adlabs theatre by 11:00 AM in the morning. Fame Adlabs is a multiplex
theatre with all the amenities in it. I reached the theatre by 10:45 AM. She was already waiting for me.
She was looking really gorgeous that day. She was wearing a new sari. That's the first time I saw her in a
sari. She was looking great. I could not turn my eyes from her.

"You look simply great today" I said.

"Hey Thanks...
"What is the matter?"
"Today is September 17th. Its my Birthday"
"Wow... Many many Happy Returns of the day" I said. "So you are giving me a treat"
"Yes.. Lets go. Its already 11:00"
"Why did not you tell me that its your Birthday? I would have planned your Birthday in a great way"
"Great way???"
"Yes... I would have planned your treat in Taj Hotel which is at Gate Way of India"
"OK.. Dont worry. We will plan that on your birthday and you can give your treat in Taj"
"He He.. Leave it. Taj is too far from here. This is also fine"
"Now... Just shut up and come"

I took her to a near by shop to buy her a Birthday gift. There were various gift items in the shop. I did not
understand what to select. I asked her to choose anything among the articles present there.

"Why are you trying to impress me? No formalities. Come on let's go". But I did not listen.
I brought her a small key chain with a beautiful globe attached to it.
"Its really beautiful. Thanks a lot" She said smiling.

We went inside. There was a small on the spot dance competition going inside the Multiplex for couples.
Three or four couples were trying their Luck.

"Come on..." Haritha said. "Lets try our Luck"

"Ha Ha Ha... You dont know something. I am very poor at dancing"
"See those people. All are students like you. See how they are dancing..."
"But I am not a student anymore" I said winking at her.
"You will again become a student once you clear the GATE exam" She said.
"Of course... Of Course" I said.
"Now... Hold my hand and just repeat what I do" She said grabbing my hand and dragging me on to the
dance floor.
I took her hand in mine. She put one of her hands on my shoulder and we started dancing. That was a
great experience. I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were bright. She was smiling. Her steps were tapping
perfectly to the music on the floor and my heart beating perfectly to her tunes. Those were simply the
greatest moments I cannot describe. I am a pathetic dancer. But she was dancing beautifully. We danced
for ten minutes. We did not get selected because of my poor dancing.

After that we went to the movie. But I did not see the movie. I dont know what happened to me but I am
no longer the same Avinash who came to Mumbai in search of a job. I came to Mumbai hunting for a job.
But Mumbai gifted me with girl of my life. It took five months for me to recognize it. I am in Love. I wanted
to stand on the top of a building in Mumbai and shout to the world...


To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 8
The magic of Love
Love is the most fascinating, most wonderful and the strangest thing in the world. It gives a new meaning
to your life. It turns your life into a new dimension. It makes your world focus on a single person. It
enhances the soft corner in your heart. It makes you determined to do anything for the ones whom you
Love whatever may be the cost. It makes you feel that you exist no longer for yourself but for the person
whom you Love. It increases the responsibility in you. It makes you a complete person in every aspect.

People say that Love is blind. Yes... Love is blind because once you are in Love you no longer see the
world with your eyes. You see the world through the eyes of the person you Love. You feel the joy, the
pain, the happiness, the sorrow and every moment of the person you Love in your eyes. Your eyes no
longer reflect your heart. They reflect the state of the person you Love. They speak the language of your
loved ones. They carry the tears of them to see happiness in their eyes.

Love is the strangest thing in the world. It makes you a Hero for your loved ones. It turns a coward to
brave so that he can win the world for his Love. It turns the bravest to cowards making them too cautious,
fearsome and always praying for the good of their loved ones.



I am in Love with her. True Love happens only to a privileged few. I am Lucky to be in love, to feel it and
to appreciate each and every moment of it. I feel like I am in clouds. I feel that I am the luckiest person in
the world. I feel like god. I feel like giving anything or everything for the sake of her.

I became more positive in my approach. I no longer feel sad for not getting a job or failing a test or
interview. I no longer become angry at small things. I developed more and more patience. I started liking
each and every moment of my life. Suddenly everything in the world looked beautiful. I see her face in the
face of every happy person. I see her name everywhere. I felt that Haritha is the most beautiful name and
she the most beautiful person in the world.

Every moment, every hour, every minute and every second I think of her. I want to be with her every
moment. I want to take care of her. I go to jogging just because she wanted me to come there. Everyday I
wake up at 4:00 AM and go to the joggers park and wait for her. I am the first person to be in the park
everyday in the morning. I always do some or the other thing wrong during driving classes to extend them
so that I can spend more time with her during the classes. I prepare for GATE exam just because she
feels happy if I succeed in GATE. I always ask more and more questions to her during her evening walk
just to hear her talking to me. I do awkward things just to make her laugh. I always do things wrong just to
give her a chance to correct me.

One day Haritha asked me...

"You look different now a days..."


"Yes.. You have changed a lot. You are completely different from what I have seen you on the first day"

"Oh... I see"

"Yes..Many changes in you"

"May I know the changes that you see in me?"

"You look handsome now a days. Your short temper has been reduced. You are becoming more and
more confident of yourself. You are developing more and more positive attitude and..." She said looking
at me "...and many more changes. What happened to you?"


"Nothing...??? You are lying. There is something"

"Nope... absolutely nothing. In fact I still feel that I am the same old Avinash"

"Hmm... If you dont want to tell. Dont tell but I will find out one day the secret behind your changes"

I did not tell her that I love her. I did not have the courage. What if she does not accept it? What if it
effects our friendship? What if she refused to talk to me after that? Many questions rose in my mind and
made me helpless. I dont want to lose her because of my silliness.

Often the word "I Love You" is misunderstood by many. It does not mean that you want someone or you
want them also to love you in return. It is just a means to let them know that you are there for them and
you care for them. Love demands sacrifice. It only knows how to give but never to take. Its a gift of god.
But unfortunately for some or other reason it is misinterpreted easily. So I did not want misunderstandings
or misinterpretations crop up between us. I waited for a right time to express it.

To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 9
I Love You
I never told Rani about Haritha. She would tease me if I told her that I am going out with a girl and I am in
Love with her. She always waits for an opportunity to tease me in these matters. I thought that this is not
the right time to tell this news to Rani.

But, when good times come, everything good happens in your life. The entry that I have sent to Mumbai
Press won a consolation prize. That's my first recognition as a photographer by a reputed organization. I
felt very happy. I was on cloud nine. I need to tell Rani about the news. She is the one who encouraged
me to continue my hobby.

clickharrypotter: I have two good news to tell you.

rani17981: Two good news...???
clickharrypotter: I appeared for entrance exam of Infosys and I did pretty well.
rani17981: Thats great.
clickharrypotter: Yes..They dont have any other hurdles. Just pass the test and you will be in Infosys.
rani17981: When are the results going to come?
clickharrypotter: In a week...
rani17981: What is the other Good News?
clickharrypotter: I was blessed with the first success in my hobby.
rani17981: Please stop the suspense and tell me what happened.
clickharrypotter: I got a consolation prize for the entry that I have sent to Mumbai Press Club.
rani17981: Thats amazing
clickharrypotter: Yes... I never expected it. Though its a consolation prize, its very valuable to me.
rani17981: I know. Photography has always been more than a hobby to you. I wish that you win more and
more prizes and reach greater heights in this field
clickharrypotter: Thanks a lot. When you come to India, I am going to give you a big party.
rani17981: Hey.. Thanks.
clickharrypotter: Dont mention. Today I got this success because of you.

Yes. It is just because of her. She is my best friend I can look to at any moment. She always consoled me
whenever I was in depressed state. She helped me a lot in continuing my hobby. Without her I would
have left the photography long back. I dont know what would have happened in my life without her.

rain17981: Because of me? What I did?

clickharrypotter: You always encouraged me to continue my hobby. Without your support I would have
never gained this success. I would have left my hobby if there was no one to support me. Its you who
supported me. Its simply because of you.
rani17981: Dont get too emotional...
clickharrypotter: Its not being emotional. I am saying truth. You are my lucky mascot. You are my Lucky
girl. You are my best friend. You are simply great.
rani17981: Potter...
clickharrypotter: You are really my lucky girl. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that I am
talking too much. But you dont know how I feel. You dont know what photography means to me. I owe
you so much. You are my best friend and you are everything to me.
rani17981: Potter, Do you know what you have said just now...
clickharrypotter: Whatever I said, every single word came from my heart. Why? What happened? Did I
say anything wrong?
rani17981: You will not understand.

I did not understand why Rani became so emotional that day. I dont know why girls become emotional
too easily. Haritha went to Calcutta to attend a function in her relatives house. So I could not share my
joy with her. She would be back in a week. By that time the results of Infosys test will be declared and I
will end up with a job in Infosys. She would be delighted to here this. I thought of telling about Haritha to
Rani. She will be very happy to here this. She will tease me, she will make fun of me but I always liked

After two days I met Rani again in chatting.

rani17981: Today I want to say some good News to you.

clickharrypotter: I also wanted to tell you some good News.
rani17981: Then, Potter Its your turn first
clickharrypotter: No, Ladies first... Its your turn
rani17981: OK...I am thinking of how to say it
clickharrypotter: Why to think so much? Just say..
rani17981: OK... I was thinking of what you said in the last chat since two days. You said that I am your
lucky girl.
clickharrypotter: Yes. You are always my lucky girl
rani17981: Thank you. Thanks for choosing me your lucky girl, the girl of your life. I LOVE YOU. I Love
you Mr.Potter.
clickharrypotter: Rani...
rani17981: Yes, Mr.Potter. I am in Love with you. I am coming to India next week. We will meet. We are in
Love and we are going to see each other for the first time. Its thrilling. I am excited. I cannot control this
excitement. What do you say Potter?

My mind became blank at once. I felt as if my heart has stopped. I never expected this. I felt as if the
whole world is collapsing on me. What am I going to do now?

To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 10

Love vs Friendship

The message from Rani has struck me hard. From the time she told me that she loves me, there were many
questions ringing in my mind trying to find some answer. Rani is in Love with me. I am in Love with Haritha.
What am I going to do now? What should I tell Rani? What if I accept the proposal of Rani? What if I say NO?
How will be the reaction of Rani? I don't have answer to any of the questions. This is the most complex situation
in my life.

Rani - She is my Best friend. We were friends from my college days. She is the one who understood me well
and supported me in every mode of my life. She encouraged my hobby. She is only reason and hope because
of whom I am still continuing my hobby. The prize I won at Mumbai Press Club is simply because of her. She is
my Lucky girl. Without her I would have left my hobby long back. I could not imagine my life without
photography and I could not imagine my life without Rani. Though I did not see her until now, she has a special
place in my life.

Haritha - She came as a surprise into my life and became a part of my life. She is the one girl who I always
dreamt of. She is the one who brought a difference in my life. She is the one who turned me from a lazy and
reckless person to a person with a goal. She taught me the value of time. She is my guide, mentor and
everything to me. She is my only friend in this vast city of Mumbai. Above all she is the one whom I Love. I dont
know what she thinks of me but I Love her more than anyone in this entire world.

Haritha and Rani both are like two eyes to me who showed me the right path in my life. If I need to chose only
one eye among the two, how can I chose one? One is my best friend and the other is whom I Love. Now I need
to choose between friendship and Love.

Friendship means sharing. You share your happiness, worries, dreams, memories, good times, bad times...
everything with each other. Love is not about sharing. Love is always giving your best and expecting nothing in
return. Friendship is a mutual trust on one another. Love is making sure that others trust you. Friendship is
knowing that you will always be there when in need. Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side.
Friendship is a team game where both can win. Love is a game in which you make sure that your partner
always wins. Friendship has a place in one's heart whereas Love has a place in one's soul. As someone said
Friendship can survive without Love but Love cannot survive without Frienship.

Friendship and Love - Both are important to me. I did not sleep for two days. Finally one day I sat down and
wrote a mail to Rani.

Hi Rani...
You have always been my best friend. I always looked to you for inspiration. I achieved my first success
because of you. You always have a special place in my life. But I never thought you as the girl of my life.

There is an invisible line between Love and Friendship. The line may be invisible but it surely separates Love
and Friendship. I have always seen you as a good friend. I am sorry if I made you feel at any point of time that I
crossed that line. I can only see you as a good friend.

I am very sorry to disappoint you. I dont want to simply say that I also Love you just because you have
proposed to me. I want to be honest with you. I dont want to betray you by telling lies. Truth and honesty are
the foundations of Love. So even if I lie to you saying that I Love you, it will never be pure Love. I dont want to
happen it that way. I know that I have hurt you but I am really sorry for it.
I hope you understand.
I did not tell Rani about Haritha. Haritha is not the reason for not accepting the proposal of Rani. My answer
would be the same even If I had not met Haritha. She never came between me and Rani. Its just that I saw
Rani only as a friend. Two days passed by. I did not get any reply from Rani. I waited. I know it is not easy for
her to come back immediately.

The results of Infosys came in my favor. I was selected. I will be going Bangalore in a week for training.
Meanwhile Haritha is back from Calcutta. I am very eager to tell the news to Haritha.

"Hi... How was the Calcutta trip?" I asked her the next day.

"Calcutta trip was great" She said.

She is not as usual as she used to be. She looked different.

"Any special news from the city of Eden Gardens?" I asked.

"My marriage has been fixed" She said with a deep voice.

. To be continued
Subject: Behind My Success... - 11

The Unexpected Shock

"My marriage has been fixed" said Haritha after a deep sigh.

For a second I thought that she was joking. But she was not joking. I did not understand what to say. I was in a
shock. After a few minutes I said with a low voice Congrats"

"But I am not happy" She said. "I dont want to marry"

"What?" I said. "You dont want to marry?"

"Yes... I dont want to marry" She said without any hesitation.

"But... Why?"

"Sorry I cannot tell you. But I have my own reasons"

I did not ask her what the reasons were. But she was not happy. She was not jovial as she used to be.

"So, did you tell that you are not happy in your house?"


"What did they say?"

"Nothing. They gave me sometime to decide" She said.

I told her about my Infosys result the next day. She felt very happy.

"That's great. When are you going for training?" She said congratulating me.

"Bangalore, Day after tomorrow"

Mr.Software Engineer - I suddenly remembered Rani calling me Mr.Potter. I did not tell Rani that I have been
selected as a Software Engineer. My reply might have disturbed her. I felt very sad. What if Rani never contacts
me again? What if she completely stops writing to me? The thought struck me hard.

At the same time, I felt that the time has come to leave Haritha in Mumbai and go to Bangalore. I never
expressed my love to Haritha. And this is not the right time to tell her as she is disturbed with her marriage
plans going against her. But If I leave her, I dont know when I will meet her again. The result of Infosys no
longer seemed good news. I dont know how those two days have passed. Finally the day I need to leave
Haritha and Mumbai arrived. I dont want to leave Mumbai. But I have no option. Before leaving to Bangalore I
met Haritha. She brought her pal book and asked me to sign it.

"All the Best and take care of your health" She said.


"I am going to Delhi tomorrow evening for an interview. I will mail you after I come back to Mumbai"

"Which interview? You did not tell me"

"You were busy with your preparations to Bangalore. So I did not get a chance to tell you. I will be leaving by
train tomorrow evening. I will be back after two days"

"OK... I wrote my mail ID in your pal book. Mail me when you are back" I said handing over her pal book back to


I reached Bangalore after the next day.

Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka which is also known as Garden city, is considered as Silicon Valley of India.
Bangalore today is Asia's fastest growing cosmopolitan city. It stands high with the head quarters of Indian
software giants like Infosys and Wipro. It is also India Headquarters for UN Technology in Education Initiative.
Blessed with a salubrious climate, gardens & parks, natural lakes, architectural landmarks, shopping malls,
business opportunities, Bangalore is the ideal gateway to India and beyond.

There are as many as 200 people in our batch who got selected in Infosys. We were given accommodation in
the hotel on a sharing basis with two people in a room. I was very excited. At last I got a job in one of the India's
Software Giant. But something in my heart felt bad. I did not receive any reply from Rani after my last mail to
her. I thought of mailing her. But when I went to cyber cafe, I saw a mail from Rani.

Hi Potter,

I am sorry if I have disturbed you. But I am lucky to have a friend like you. You gave your reply honestly. I want
to talk to you. I want to tell you some thing which I never told you until now. We can chat tomorrow evening if
you are free at that time. Waiting for you...



I felt very happy. I did not understand what she wanted to tell me. I eagerly waited for the next day. But that day
turned out to be the worst day of my life. The next day morning Newspaper brought an unexpected shock...


Twenty people were killed and around 100 more injured when a train from Mumbai to Delhi met with an
accident. The names of the people who were killed are Rajesh Mathur(32), Manish Kulkarni(26), Prabhakar
Shetty(52), Haritha Mittal(21)...
Subject: Behind My Success... - 12

Welcome to Harini

The news in the paper came as a big blow. My mind became blank. I lied down there holding the paper.
Haritha... My Haritha is no longer there. She was killed in a train accident. My eyes which always dreamt of her
were filled with tears. I felt as if I have lost everything in the world. I felt as if my soul has left me.

The girl for whom I waited all these years left me forever pushing me into a long and unending wait. She came
as a light in my life and now she is gone throwing me into darkness. The girl who inspired and turned me into a
responsible person from a lazy and careless guy left turning me lifeless. The girl who showed me the way left
me closing all the ways.

I dont know how much time I was lying on the floor holding the paper in the hands and weeping. When I got up,
its evening. I did not know what to do. My heart is still weeping but I didnt have any water left in me to cry. I
read somewhere that history remembers only tragic love stories. Damn with History, I dont want my Love story
to get a place in History. 'Please get her back to me' I prayed to god. I came out of the house and started
walking on the M.G Road. I walked... simply walked without caring where I was going or why.

She came into my life only just before four months but left me with memories more than enough for an entire
life. I never told that I love her. I regretted it at this moment. When she was around I never got an opportunity to
express my Love. But when she is no longer there in this world I wanted her back. I want to hold her hand in
mine and say to her how much I Love her. Why did I leave Mumbai? Why did I get this job? Why did I come to
Bangalore leaving Haritha alone in Mumbai? More I thought of it the more I felt depressed.

There is no one in Bangalore to share my agony. I dont want to share this with anyone as no one will
understand me. Suddenly I remembered Rani. She said that she wanted to have a chat with me. But I dont
want to talk with anyone. But I could see no other person in this world who can console me or understand me. I
went into a cyber caf nearby and logged into Yahoo messenger in invisible mode. I saw Rani online. She has
sent two messages inquiring whether I am online or not. I was not in a mood to chat with her. Instead I wrote a
mail to her. That's my last mail to her.

Hi Rani,

I am sorry I could not come to chat with you. I have hidden something from you. I am in Love with Haritha Mittal.
Now if you ask me who she is, I cannot say about her in a single mail. I can only say that I Love her very much.
She is my life. She is my inspiration. She is everything to me. I dont know whether she loves me or not but I
Love her more than my life. I cannot live without her.

But now she is no longer in this world. She was killed in a train accident yesterday. Now I no longer have the
desire to live. I lost my heart and soul. I hope that you understand. I am very lucky to find a friend like you. I am
going back to Mumbai tomorrow and I might never return to Bangalore. This might be the last mail from me. I
just mailed you to thank you for all the support you have given me. I am sorry if I have hurt you at anytime
during our friendship.



Avinsah (Potter)

I returned back to the room. I packed the luggage and left for Mumbai. I want to feel the presence of Haritha. I
want to go to Joggers Park again and wait for her. I want to sit on the benches near the Lokhandwala market
and chat with her endlessly. I want to feel her presence each and every moment. I returned to Mumbai leaving
Bangalore, leaving the job and leaving everything.

At those moments of depression a miracle happened. Harini entered in my life. My life would have ended there
if she had not come. A new Love story started after she came. She came as surprise and she became my
better half. After that, I forgot all my worries. I got success at every corner of my life. Without her I could not
imagine what would have happened to me. She became my philosopher, guide, friend and everything to me.
She encouraged my hobby. It is with her help that I climbed step by step in photography and now won the
award as the best photographer at International Photography Awards. She is the person behind my success.
She is the won who truly deserves all the laurels and appreciations coming my way. I always owe my success
to her.

Truth is stranger than fiction. This holds true to my Love story. I am Avinash Chakravarthy, this is the story
behind my success and Harini is the person behind it.
Harinis Story

I am Harini as Avinash calls me that way. I am his wife and I am proud to be so. According to me he is the best
photographer in the world. He says that he got his success and awards because of me but its not true. He has
a great talent in photography. He just needed some backup and I am fortunate to provide him the necessary
support. Avinash is a great personality and I am very lucky to be his girl.

I first met Avinash in a chat on yahoo messenger. My yahoo ID is rani17981. I saw his yahoo ID clickharrypotter
and I found the ID interesting. Whenever I tried to chat with anyone I was always asked the question regarding
ASL - Age, Sex and Location. And he was the first person to chat with me without asking the question "ASL
Please? This made me to develop friendship with Avinash. I always called him Potter and I liked it that way.
The friendship that started that day with a small chat has grown slowly and steadily and he became my best

I realized that he has a great liking for photography. He needed some support or someone to encourage his
hobby. He was in a dilemma whether to continue his hobby or not. I dont know why but I felt that he can
become a successful photographer. So I encouraged him. I told him to continue his hobby. I tried to develop
some confidence in him. We used to chat for hours daily. But we never saw each other. He never sent me his
photograph or me to him. I took a promise from him that I would first see his photo only in a newspaper taking
some award.

I used to tease him on his views on Love. He always used to give me big lectures on it. He used to say that he
would find his girl one day. I liked his views and his ideas on Love. I always thought that he can become a
perfect lover. Slowly I got emotionally attached to him. I asked him many times whether he found his girl or not.
I tried to get a place in his heart. I always waited for a right moment to express my Love towards him.

One day he came up with the news that he has won a prize for his photograph in an exhibition conducted by
Mumbai Press Club. I felt very happy to him. I know how much the award means to him. But that day he said
something which made me feel that he loves me. He said that I am his lucky girl. I felt as if I am the luckiest
person in the world. The next day I told him that I Love him. But I was wrong. After a couple of days I received a
mail from him saying that he does not love me. He always looked at me as a friend. I felt very sad. I thought that
I should never mail him or contact. But after few days I realized how wrong I am.

He said that Truth and honesty are the foundations of Love. But I was never honest to him. I always told lies. I
told lies from the beginning of our chat. I mailed to Potter that I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to say the truth. I
told that 17981 in rani17981 meant a part of my SSN whereas it meant my Birthday - September 17th 1981. I
told him that I live in USA whereas I live in Mumbai. I told him that I am Rani whereas I am Haritha, Haritha

Coming to the other side of my story, I first met Avinash when I went to appear for a test to Hexaware
Technologies Ltd. Later I met him near my house during my driving classes. I never thought that he is the same
person with whom I chat daily. He told me that he was preparing for GATE. He was new to Mumbai and does
not have any friends. We became good friends. I encouraged him to prepare for GATE. He never told me about
Rani or me never to him about Potter.

I was in Calcutta to attend my relative's marriage when I proposed my love to Potter. But he said that he always
looked me as a friend. I felt very sad. But when Avinash asked me the reason for it when I came back to
Mumbai, I lied to him saying that my marriage has been fixed. I did not want Avinsah to know about it. Neither
Avinash nor I knew at that time we both were dealing with each other. After a few days I got a call from Delhi to
attend an interview. I made my preparations to go to Delhi. Avinash left to Bangalore as he got selected for
Infosys. I did not attend the interview at Delhi as I got another good offer in Mumbai.

I have decided to tell Potter all the lies I have told him. I mailed him to come to chat the next day. But the next
day was really a bad day. The train which I was supposed to travel met with an accident and my name cam in
the paper declaring that I am no more. The newspaper got my name from the reservation charts. I was also
shocked to see the mail from Potter. Only then I realized that my Potter is same as Avinsah. I did not believe it.
Its the greatest surprise I ever had. But I immediately understood the pain Avinsahs was going through.

The next day Avinsash returned to Mumbai. I met him. He was surprised to see me. He wept like a baby seeing
me and holding my hand. Then I told him about Rani.

"How do you know Rani?" he asked.

"Because... I am rani17981"


"Yes... Unbelievable... but true. As rani17981 I told you lies. I realized that you are Mr.Potter only after I saw the
mail you have sent me yesterday" I said explaining him everything.

That's the most beautiful day of our life. We danced together. We laughed at each other for our foolishness.
Tears of happiness flowed through our eyes. It was like entire happiness in the world has come to us to
celebrate the joy with us. After a year we got married and settled in Bangalore. This is our story.

He calls me Harini, a combination of Haritha and Rani and I like it that way. This is our story. Ooops.. I am
getting late for the press conference. Meet you later. Bye, take care and dont forget to tell us if you have any
Love story

The End

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