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Time: 2.30 hours Answer the f Bangladesh Power Development Board Recruitment Examination for Assistant Engineers. pl ERIN lowing questions in English ic serie down the name and population of the SAARC countries. How the Traffic Jam of Dhaka City can be solved? Mention your suggestions. Ae) Wrrite short notes on (any two): i, Sueu Canal ii, Load shedding iii, Green house effect (a Write down the full meaning of the following abbreviations. aot ’. ¢ i, OPEC ii, CNG iii. SALT iv. UNICEF ve NASA (& Name the capital ofthe following countries i. Myanmar ii, Lebanon iii, Portugal iv. Morocco ‘What is the difference between inverter and rectifier? Draw a full wave bridge rectifier? mide works both as rectifier and inverter and draw the block Giagram of fs WOPRTRE pririciple? eaoge voltage or current amplifier? Justify What is the main theory of operation of a transformer? Is a DC transformer possible? Give reasons for your answer? Why transformer rating is shown in KVA? What are the conditions of parallel operation of transformers? A single phase transformer has 400 primary turns and 1900 secondary tums. If the primary winding be connected to a $0 Hz system and if the peak value of flux densit in the core 0.976 wb/m? and considering the cross sectional area of the core is 60 cm’ then find out i) Induced voltage in the primary end. ii) Induced voltage in the secondary windings. ” What are the differences between switch, isolator and breaker? Name four types of circuit breakers used in power system. Draw a schematic diagram of a 132/33 KV double bus substation having two incoming, four outgoing feeders and a bus coupler. What do you mean by fault MVA? What is percentage reactance of a power system? Show that the %X=(KVA)*X/[10*(KV})] Lof2 PTO Bangladesh Power Development Board Seuia? he Kecruntment Examination for Assistant Engines Time : 2:30 hours uli Marks : 100) ELECTUCAL Ausiver any six quystions in English (Question No.1 is compulsory) 1. Describe the ‘economical and social aspect of Bangabandhu Bridge. ‘eL—Nfenuon the reasons nd remedies of System Loss m1 Power Sector. @&) Inthe lst World Cup Fuot Bal Who get the Galden oot? » Same the etadium where the final osme was playe iu) Who vas the reteree in the final mm (2) Name the location, country & date of revent Nuclear explosions. Mention world bodies’ 5, 5 3 reaction (SC your assessment on the Private Power Generation Policy now under implementation in 5 angladesh 2 ta} Lascuss diutievent protections provided in the Generator against various abmormal conditions. ¥ fb What ave primary and back-up protections” Why back up protection is not a good subsite 6 Yet” What is scuuenee nenvork? Discuss al three types of sequence newwurk. 9 (} A Sphere wansmission line operating at 10 KV and having a resistance of 1 ohm and 6 ieavtanve of 4 ohms. is von stion bus-bars through a $ MIVA step- The hurhars are supplied by a 10 MVA or having 10% reactance, Caleulats the short shi, KVA to aymmentcal fault bet phase tn occurs ’ 5) Siihs lond and of transmission fino ya he migA Voltage terminal of the tsmsiurmer. 4. (a) Make a comparison between 3 - phase induction and synchronous motors. 3 ° 3 sist sure fuse of 1250 WW and votation loss of 10600 W. Tt draivs 3 uy iuad line urea uf ant af 0.09 fog), When motor opersies at a slip of 3% ealeulste (i) Inpun line nd pf. Gi) dectro magnetic torque developed i N-M (illy output and efficiency a = 5. on any three of the follwing 1s a} wwlay (b) instrument transformers (c) Brushless excitations system. fet) Pustipuil amples fe) D.C. transttinsion 6. Discuss SF, circuit Isreaker. & 230KV -bus bar sysiem showing the following. 7 wo Generaton (150 MW} each connccted though one 15.75/230 KV taxsformers a Two | "30/122 KV En is PI's. ‘ te is of tap changieg of F Describe the lor in a wansformer a1 4 Demve the relation benweon the losivs “er 4 sranstormer, a6 Bangladesh Power Development Board Seen Time : 2:30 hours ‘uid Maris “snstwgaany sik gusstions in English (Question No.1 is compulsory) i Mey Deserve the econonpcal aspect oF Chunagong Hill Tract Pease Treaty, “Maation the reasons"and remedies of Low Voitage Problem in Power Sector. Ze) Bangladesh will take part ina World Cup competition in near future : What is the Name of the game ? Wien & where the game will be ployed ? some other countries and ageiizies have imposzd sanctions on Iudia and cisar expiosion, Describe its impact on Bangladesh. ve your assessment on the Pris Power Generation Policy now under implementation in Bangladesh, State working principles of an Altemator mentioning its major components, ‘ake vomparison among Squirrel Cag; won for each, D.C. & Slipring met siving atleast one couditivus of syneiuoaization. Explain the meaning of synchronizing of an b the huts. @) {b} Deserbe paraile! operation of transfor Explain percentage impedance and vector group of transformers waling the vondiuons. formers ers mn (2) Hustea ay Tr any three of the following t amment (ii) Auto (iii) Dis tribution, Grounding Namie the vanous types of circuil breakers. ‘Deserts tead-asid and Nicksl-cadmiura oateries and battery charging sysi2a, 6 (©) Describe how a power line carrier communication works and what are its essential S components (a) What ace the differences betwen a current traneformer and potentia! transformer. ib) Draw phase diagram of a potential iransiurmer and discuss ihe causes of ratio error and phase angle error. (a) State the benefits which are derived from the application of shunt capacitor on the 9 load end of a circuit supplying a load of lagging power factor. : ib) Draw a consparison between shunt capacitor and synchrouous condensor insespect of 6 their app! ower sstem, notes on any three of the following 1s (@ (0) Directional over cument relay 7 @) “Lighaiae seeskess Relay o a ee BANGLADESH POWER DEVELOPMENT BOARD tA Y RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION OF ASSTT. ENGINEER-1999% 4 : Electrical Engineering Time : 2:30 hours Fe Full Marks - 100 Answer any six questions in English (Question no. 1 is compulsory). 1. (@Y White in short, the implications of Bangabandhu Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge 5 1 the evonomical especis of Bangladesh, (“Mention the reasons and remedies of Low voltage problem in Power sector. 5 yc) Recently Bangladesh has become champion in a football tournament. (i) What is the name of the tournament ? 2 Gi) When and where the tournament was played ? 3 \d) Recently membership of Pekistan has been suspended by an International Organization (i) What is the name of the Organization ? 2 (ii) Why the membership was suspended ? 3 \oY Give your suggestions, how BPDB can improve its efficiency and thereby render § better service to its consumers. 2. (a) Name the different components of computer Hardwares with their functions. 5 (b) Name some of the computer softwares and describe uses of any three of them. 5 (©) What is meant by E-mail, Intemet, LAN, WAN Systems used in Computer 5 network system. 3. (a) Explain percentage impedance an Vecior group of power transformers 8 (b) Describe parallel operation of Transformers stating the conditions. a 4. (a) Deseribe SF6 Circuit breaker. 7 (9) Draw ¢ 230 k.v. two bus-bar system showing the following 8 G) Two Generators (150 MW) each connected through 19.75/230 K.V. transformers. i (ii) 4 out going lines (iii) Two 230/132 K.V. Transformers. (iv) Bus PT’S (v) CT’S (vi) Lightning arrestors (vii) Isolators. 5. (a) ‘Why C.Tand PT are used ? 2 (©) What do you mean by the knee point voltage of C.T ? 2 (c) Draw the vector diagram of a C.T. 9 (4) What would happen, if you keep open the secondry of a loaded C.T..2Explain....2-—— 6. (a) working principles of an Alternator mentioning its major components. . () State the conditions of synchronization. Explain the meaning of synchronising of 8 an Altemator with the bus. White short notes on any three of the following = 4s (2) Y2K problem. (b) SCADA System. (¢) Directional overcurrent relay (2) Reverse Power Relay. (@) Transducer. BANGLADESH POWER DEVEORMENT BOARD Tame :2 S0hours RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION FO ASSIST INT ENGINEDR #9996) Full Marks :100 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ‘Anwer any six’ questions (Question No. 8 is compulsory’) 1.(@)_ Make comparison bet ween Synchronous and Induction Motors. 10 (b) _Brumarate and explain xi least !wo applications of a Synchronous motor 3 agro e the disadvantages of low Power factor and what are the ways to 7 correct i (b) A tactory takes the followine balanesd load fiom a 440 2 3-Phase, SOHz supply ed a) alighting loadcf20KW- ~~~ ~ “ b) a continuous motor load of 30 KVA at 0.5 PE lagging ¢) an intermittant welding load of 30 KVA at 0.5 PF lagging Calculate the KVA rating of the capacitor bank required to improve the power factor of loads (a) and (b) together 10 unity. What is the new overall PFif after correction has been applied, the welding load is switched on. 3.(a) | What are the ditference between a current Transformer and a Potential 5 ‘Transformer ? (o). Draw phasor diagram of a potential wansformer and discuss the causes of ratio 10 ¢ ertor and phase angle error. 4.(a) Explain the principles of operation of a three - phase power transformer 3; (bo) Assuming that nwo transformer having unequal ratios of transformation are 4 connected is paralled, indicate how the total load divides between them (©. What siiould vc the KVA sating of euch rausionmer is a V-V bank when the three- 8 phase balanced, load is 40 KVA ? if « third similar transformer is connected for operation in A\—Z. , what is the rated capacity ? What percentage increase is Fating is effected is this way ? iS _ive a rich sferent kards of generation in BPDB system, 10 : tand side Management, How can we reduce generation shortfall by 5 adoptins-sucl management ? a 6, “White short notes on any three of the following : _naouet a)” Transmission Line Protection 4 ™ b) Reverse Power Relay 3 ¢) “SF6 Cirevit Breaker . I a 6) Gas Turbine Power Plant 3 ©). Ripple Factor is respact of rectifier output, 3 7.(a) State the benefits which are derived from the application of shunt capacitor on the 9 load end of a circuit supplying a load of lagging power facier, (®) _ Draw a comparison between shunt capacitor and synchronous condenser in 6 respect of their application power system, 82) Write short essay on " Private: sector participation in Power Generation in 5 Bangladesh” s ps asia of system loss in an Bleciricity utility and how to prevent it ? 5 Write short note on * Jamuna Molt porpase Bridge Project" 5 2) What do you meaz by "SoRware" and "Hard Ware" in a computer. s (ii) What is" Bio Gas" ? What are it's constitunents ? What isa" galaxy" ? State the relstive position ofthe Sua, the earth and the 5 moon in galaxy and their motion,

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