Syllabus For Written Test: Questions: Total 50 or 100 Subject: 38 or 80 or 75 GK: 12 or 20 or 25

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Syllabus for Written Test

Note: Negative marking is there.

Questions: Total 50 or 100

Subject: 38 or 80 or 75
GK: 12 or 20 or 25

Subject..From Intermediate to Master level

GK..Islamiat, Pak studies, Current affair,
Everyday Science.

pakistan studies
general knowledge
current affairs
Your Subject (Islamic Studies)

SPSC Islamic studies Past Paper Mcqs 25th June, 2013

1. Musa bin Nusayr conquered parts of Africa.
2. Muhammad means the praised one.
3. Name Ahmed was proposed by Bibi Amna.
4. Grave of Hazrat Abu Ayyub is in Istanbul.
5. Qumus was captured by Hazrat Ali in Khyber.
6. Holy Prophet offered Shukrana nafl after fath e Makkah in the house of Umme Hani.
7. King of Egypt Jarih bin Mati.
8. Alp Arsalan is related with the Saljuk.
9. Yazeed II was son of Abdul Malik.
10. Hammurabi laws were Babilonian.
11. Saba lived in Yeman
12. Sura al-Nasr was revealed after Fath e Makkah.
13. King of Habshah accted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Jaffer.
14. Yarmuk is in Syria.
15. Title of hazrat Ali was Abu Turab.
16. Mukhtar al Sakfi was settled in Kufa.
17. Hazrat Ameer Muawiah was founder of Ummayads.
18. Suffah was the first Abbasid caliph.
19. Tarikh al khulafa is written by Jalal uddin Suyuti.
20. Shaddad was king of Bani Aad.
21. Abbasid's rule started in 132nd Hijri.
22. Deposition of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed in Syria.
23. Imam un naas is Hazrat Ibraheem.
24. Coco cola brand of USA.
25. Byzentine empire was Roman Empire head courter was in Istanbol.
26. Nehru report was against the Muslims. Separate electorates and joint electorates were
to make their position in Punjab and Bengal provinces..
27. White Blood cause Liquima cancer.
28. War of Ajnadain was fought won by Hazrat Khalid?
29. Which coin was issued by Abbasids?Abdul Malik issued Dharham.
30. Hazrat Talha and Zubair died in jang e jamal.
31. Gas is expected highly to be explored.
32. Stars shine because? Stars Twinkles because of The movement of air (sometimes called
turbulence) in the atmosphere of Earth causes the starlight to get slightly bent as it travels
from the distant.
33. Successor of Mamun was al-Mutasim.
34. Federal form of government was granted in which round table conference?Federal form
of government was granted in 2nd round table conference.
35. Increase of temprature, decrease of gas/liquide intensity.
36. With whose death glory of Abbasids ended?
37. Hazrat Abu Sufyan lost his eye in which battle?
38. Fattimid dynasty was started by?
39. Eastern most part of Arabia?
40. Liaqat-Desai pact, year? 1945
41. Who made Mautazila state religion.
42. Satyagarah was offered by?
43. Zenith of Ottoman empire during Salim I?
44. Charter of Madina, year? 622 AD
45. Who was arrested by Muslims at Mar ul Zuhran? Akram bin abu jahal
46. Caliph after Muawiah II was ibn e Zubar? Marwan bin Hakam

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