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Current events


Dustin Kroutil

As the battle for mosul is being fought, isis has had a hard time defending the city and have

turned to a last ditch effort using kids a soldiers and suicide bombers. These kids are called the

caliphate cubs, they are under constant strict training as soldiers or suicide bombers. They take

kids as the can be easily brainwashed and turned into soldiers. Those not wanting to participate

in training drills have been killed, these kids see many atrocities everyday as some execute

civilians or spies as others just watch these executions.Their recruiting methods are to ether

abduct them or have families give their kids away for money. These kids then start training as

they learn how to fight and use live guns as well as drive, some of the lucky ones even work as

guards for isis bases. They wont disobey their officers commands as they are just kids and can

be easily manipulated. The purpose of such a group it to use all the resources you have while

trying to save your best men and destroy the number of the enemy's forces. Now as american

citizen i dont have to worry about being recruited to be a cub. Although if i was recruited then i

would play along with them and them plan my escape with important intel. I do understand that i

would be a little kid and i might follow their orders as i would be young. But even then i might

be able to escape depending on what job i am assigned, as a suicide bomber job would get me

killed fast but as a soldier this would give me an chance to devise a plan to escape.

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