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November 27, 2016

Dustin Kroutil

Current events

Do you believe that after world war 2 that the nazis gave up and dissbanded?

Well as it is known that many nazi war criminals were able to escape the persecution of the

united states, but a small amount know that the escaped nazis never gave up on their belief in

the aryan race as the only race fit to survive. One good example would be of a man named otto

skorzeny who during world war 2 was an Austrian SS Obersturmbannfhrer or lieutenant

colonel who was the leader of operation greif, which was a plan to infiltrate enemy lines using

language, enemy uniforms and customs. During the very end of the war Skorzeny was involved

in the werwolf guerrilla movement which was an early form of modern terrorism that would

happen on enemy territory to scare and kill civilians of the enemy country. Skorzeny was

involved in eight different operations which is why he was heavily respected among the nazis

and promoted to be leader of the werwolfs. Skorzenys biggest operation which made him

famous among the nazis was liberation of Mussolini in which Skorzeny and several other

special agents to rescue the italian leader Mussolini who had been overthrown by his own

people. After the war was over the United States started to convict those who worked along side

the enemy and those who committed so type of inhuman act, Skorzeny was one of these people

who was brought to trial. Skorzeny was held as a POW for two years before being labeled a war

criminal, Skorzeny was committed to internment camp at darmstadt while waiting for his

conviction which one year later he escaped from with the help of three former SS officers.

Skorzeny then fled to egypt and started to train the egyptian army under the orders of Reinhard

After five years Skorzeny then moved to spain then to ireland only to go back to spain and in

1970 it was discovered that he had spine cancer which later killed him in 1975. Now while

Skorzeny was in egypt he also trained Arab soldiers in what is now modern terrorism as he was

training these men incase he would have to use them against some british troops that were

stationed in the Suez Canal. These same tactics are still being used as terrorist discovered this

training and s reinvented it to help their cause. Skorzeny is responsible for how modern terrorists

now currently fight which may not have been his plan at the time. It is believed that Skorzeny

still believed in the nazi cause and never stopped fighting. Skorzeny used nazi funds to help

create Die Spinne which was an secret organization that helped over 600 SS officers escape

persecution and sent them into the following countries, Spain, Argentina,Paraguay,Chile and

Bolivia. Now Skorzeny started to gain an enormous amount of influence in both europe and latin

america which was were he believed the Fourth Reich would start, Skorzeny also was the

founder and adviser of CEDADE which was a Spanish neo nazi group and founded the Paladin

group which Skorzeny believed was an international directorship of strategic assault that would

straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations and political warfare. Skorzeny

eventually was considered denazified by the German government which meant that Skorzeny

and other important nazi members were allowed to travel to other western countries by using a

special passport, Skorzeny traveled back and forth from Ireland and Spain. Even though

Skorzeny was able to travel to other western countries did not mean that anyone could forget

what he had done and who he was, as Skorzeny was only allowed in Ireland for six weeks and

was monitored by G2 or better know as the Directorate of Military Intelligence (Ireland).

Like i said before Skorzeny had two cancerous tumours develop on his spine but later had them

removed after surgery which left him paralyzed from the waist down, but after vowing to walk
again and months of physical therapy he did walk again only to die from lung cancer. During his

funeral which happened in madrid many old German soldiers and their wives arrived to pay their

respects and did not hesitate in using the nazi salute. All in all Otto Skorzeny was a persistent

military teacher and a leader who to the nazis was just as big as hitler.

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